The next poster wants to heat their Vacpack to be more powerful, like in SK!
Hit and Miss
Probably Beatrix will be scared. And you repeated this guess 3 times.
The next poster wants the artwork of Beatrix. (Y'know, see how the controlled character in Slime Rancher looks like)
The next poster wants to heat their Vacpack to be more powerful, like in SK!
The next poster wants Slime Rancher to be free when it gets greenlit.
I was going to wait for specific requirements to be met before stopping but that's getting boring so I'll stop right now.
The next poster likes Etalyx's Slime Rancher videos. (Just reply "miss" if you haven't seen them)
Just reply "miss" if you haven't seen them
Anyways, I think the next poster is gonna make a post about Slime rancher,
But, then the next poster actually not make a post about Slime rancher.
If you didn't get what I said then say Miss. I probably don't either.
The next poster understood Blazecat-Percival's statement:
"Anyways, I think the next poster is gonna make a post about Slime rancher,
But, then the next poster actually not make a post about Slime rancher."
To relate to Slime Rancher while not talking about Slime Rancher. Logic.
The next poster knows that Beatrix LeBeau has her own Twitter before I posted in forums and reddit about this.
(Don't cheat from my reddit and forum posts!)
The next poster has played a full game of Slime Rancher until you've done the most you could do, and started a new game.
Miss. I failed the first time, made a second save, found two gold slimes in the first hour, now I manage a pen of Rocky Phosphor Largos.
The next poster noticed that I had been M.I.A from the forums recently.
The next person thinks Inquisitive-Ego is DeltaStorm. (If not, who are you?)
I am Professor-Ego, I semi-retired Knight Elite who mainly just posts on the forums, though I'm logging in to SK as we speak. I enjoy Awsomenauts, Coldplay and short walks to the refrigerator. Spiral HQ currently has me stationed in some backwater of New Zealand with little to do but play video games and wait for the time when God gently shoves us off to some other part of the world with more people (my dad has moved 42 times in the 42 years he's been alive)... Yes that's a lot of information but you did ask.
The next poster went away from home for an extended period of time during this holiday season (It's summer down here, we went to the northernmost tip of the North Island)
Miss. Nah.
The next poster says as least 10 swears every day.
the average is about 5
the next poster didnt miss me while I was away from this thread
I'm sorry.
The next poster thinks it's too late to say sorry......eheheheh
im fully aware that no one here likes me
well lets make the mood a bit more funny, like laughing at stupidity:
the next poster has not seen "cactus body slam"
The next poster has seen my 'pretty-good-cough-cough' Fanfic... That's all I got.
so you have seen it, what do you think?
the next poster knows the airspeed velocity of a swallow (african or european)
Saw that the other day actually, so I should, but still I say N(o)I!
The next poster has finished all mandatory education imposed on them by the government (whichever government that happens to be)
The next poster likes odd numbers more than even numbers.
I kinda have to, I was (no joke) born on Friday the 13th on an odd year
the next poster is actually going to participate in Katastrophe this year.
Hit. If 15 minutes of playing and quitting That Mold and Black Magic counts.
The next poster has had a good look at XCOM 2 and thinks its good.
I want it really bad, but I'm poor and I'm spending my meager amount of spare cash on Dungeons and Dragons books.
The next poster participated in the Division Beta.
Miss ;P
The next poster actually was going to buy Slime Rancher until they realized they could survive a few more weeks with the pre-alpha version until they can be bothered to dredge up the cash
I use odor-eliminating foot powder, thank you. My feet no longer smell.
The next poster didn't get a Book of Dark Rituals
Meh. I mean miss.
The next poster has been asked for free stuff ingame.
Who hasn't? Ever since I ceased rage begging years ago (one too many mails from angry vanguards) beggars seem to be magnetised to me. :P
The next poster knows which Elder Scrolls game is the best (and no, I don't mean personal opinion, there is one that is legitimately better than all of the other ones in all fields except one)
Not really a fan.
The next poster regularly uses parmesan cheese in his/her meals.
Hit. Spaghetti, Pizza, Pasta. No wait I don't like spaghetti.
The next poster says something like "Ow." when they get incapacitated in SK.
The next poster finds Roarmulus Twins cuter than Snarbolax
If I say RT are cuter does it increase the drop rate of elite orbs?
The next poster is not Blaze.
Miss. Heh...
The next poster is at least 1 year old.
The next poster participates in LD once in a while.
I do in fact, to everyone's annoyance because I'm only Knight-Elite
The next poster should be doing something else important right now.
The next poster has eaten a chocolate chip croissant before.
Miss. I wanna try one :'c
The next poster is afraid of reptiles.
no idea what that is, so miss
the next poster knows how to use the HTML tags on this forum
Hit. A little. (Gosh corn it, upodog didn't work)
The next poster owns more Elemental weapons than they own Piercing/Shadow/Normal weapons.
The next poster's profile is an explosion block
Oh comon, you were waiting for me
The next poster's profile picture is NOT a Knight
The next poster has trouble listening to an insufferable person for an extended period of time.
I have trouble listening to anyone other than myself for more than about a minute.
The next poster has trouble Gn1D43R that.
I am missing out?
The next poster knows the meaning of 42 (in the context of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, warning PG13 book/TV show/Radio Program if you do look it up)
The next poster is eating pepperoni pizza while typing their reply.
not sure what a vacpack is supposed to be in that context but its definitely not in SK
the next poster has not realized (yet, knowing after you read this does not count) that im the one buying almost all the frosty wind-up keys on the AH...