Or someone who is actually a programmer could come in and tell you that sucks.
That sucks.
But seriously game programming (and especially multiplayer) doesn't do things synchronously like that - because it is incredibly slow. We try to limit IF statements as much as possible because every check is costly and the code has to run these checks every frame - not just once at startup.
If I were to guess the guardian shield is currently a part of the regular shield class (talking about object oriented classes here) - OOO would have to separate the guardian shield completely out by either duplicating the class or subclassing the current shield. Then they would have to program the shield to not take ticks (possibly taking snippets from trojan shield mechanics if compatible) - this would then have to be tested thoroughly because it is a "major" mechanic change that could mess up the shield taking damage from legitimate sources. Then they would have to go through the LD code and make sure all references to the guardian shield points to the new class (class switching, player spawning, etc...)
____FOR ALL player.LD Auto-Target======False - Disable
The End.