expect one in a few days
also NJ, dont feel proud about that one hack tat was available >.>
i am very indeed upset though that this has set me back to 2.5 bil :(
but nothing 1 month can take care of
- The non pay to play non hacker
CE market

My guild founder gave away all of her possessions and quit the game over this whole debacle.
Was very sad to see her go; she was a good friend and leader :(

Alt-Maxcass, you are not the player who caused the market fluctuation yesterday--we have confirmed that. Please don't continue to attempt to deceive people. Also, as mentioned, the bug was patched yesterday to prevent it from happening again.

So did Pawn and Rommil quit for good over this?:/ I really don't hope so, such great guys, they contributed so much.

Nah, they're taking a break for a couple months and then deciding whether they truly want to quit or not after that.

That's good. I think they will cool down by that time. This thing will clear over.

Yes it is over.
But we shall never forget this terrible day,for this day we have lost Two great players.
It will never be the same without them. =\

I don't mean to antagonize, but I really am tired about players who make a big deal about whatever Three Rings does and then act like they can throw their weight around because they're big names. There's a lot of people who have been part of the game since closed beta who don't threaten to quit or get themselves banned because they think their veteran status will make a point. It's a little embarrassing.

I'm just curious. It would be okay for us to know, now that it's patched, right?
I know it involved standing in one place and getting lots of crowns, but that doesn't tell where are how to start it.
(Sorry if this is something you can't say. I understand if that's the case.)

I would agree if their motivations were selfish. But as far as I can tell, they were/are attempting to use their perceived influence for the good of the game (as they see it). I think Pawn's words specifically were poorly chosen, but surely you can understand why. Hundreds of millions of cr being distributed basically for free in minutes to the lucky few is kind of a big deal.
@Autofire, why bother asking? They will not tell you.
Alright. I made a picture for the event. Too bad no one had a picture of the market actually reaching 10 million or whatever it was it got to.
(Updated picture below.)
Pft. Fine. Be right back.
Aaaand here we go.

I think Wuvvums has the right idea here. You see this in pretty much ever longer-lived online community: there's some sort of incident that occurs, some feelings get hurt, and one or two long-term members wind up leaving over it. It may seem like a huge tragedy at first, but the fact of the matter is...no one's irreplaceable, even if they made great contributions in the past. The rest of the community may mourn their loss at first, but eventually a few new people will come along who have really cool stuff to offer themselves, and everyone will realize that life goes on. I don't wish for anyone who's been involved with this game for a long time to leave like this, but if they decide to do so, it doesn't mean that SK automatically dies because of it.
(And honestly, I'm still scratching my head over why an incident that affected the involved parties only tangentially at best would drive them to quit, but hey, it takes all types I guess.)

Hey guys.
I don't want to start a rumour, or something but... I'm a gambler. I spend millions and millions at Punch everyday. And since the "crazy market" happened, it seems that the average of maxes/very high UVs has been reduced. Do you think that OOO may have reduced the chance of those to prevent something with the "illegal money"? Or did I lose all my luck?
I'm interested by what you guys are thinking.

Lets all remember this...and all other tragedy....

I stole your luck, because I've been getting crafting UVs like crazy since last week.

I am so depressed that I missed watching this T_T (if you were wondering yes I am the-rawrcake, "teh" is just my separate mist craft alt / forum poster starting soon)
At this point its significantly too late to call a rolback. I'm sure everything will be fine and they won't let something like this slip past their...
*Tricorn hats given to players during promotional event. Hats not removed when system is fixed to give out laurels*