I'm sorry, but if you have a bone to pick with a game I'd pick SMNC over this.
Why I would take that game is another story and overall not part of this thread, so I'm going to re-butte most of your arguments. I'm not gonna lie; some are true, but that doesn't necessarily mean it makes the game god-awfully bad, or at least nowhere as bad as SMNC... god I hate that game.
Nevertheless, here it is.
1) Yes, so 90% of LD is filled with Skolver clones. While I agree it's extremely cheap and not really skillful -not to mention the amount of clones in each team can make or break the game for them, it's legitimate. Everything they did from getting a Snarble Barb to a Full Skolver Set with 2 Penta-Heart/True Love Trinkets and a BTB -with a couple of good UVs on everything if they have the resources- is 100% legit. Yes, they may have spent easily more than a hundred dollars/euros for most, if not all of this, but they did it without cheating. It isn't given to anyone to spend so much for so little In Real Life, but it's there, OOO made it so everyone can makes the most out of it.
Also they may look like Gods, but they aren't. Not too far from it, but not too close either. Alot of these clones just go and mash the first strike; the dumber ones even do the full combo. Despite the decent AoE the FF/BTB has going for the first hit, most don't know how to avoid hits by themselves and rely heavily -and I mean HEAVILY- on the Striker Dash in order to do so. This leaves them VERY vulnerable and even more predictable when they wasted all their dash fuel. The only thing any Striker has to go for is his Dash. Make them waste all their fuel and they'll be no more than Recons without any Cloak left, or Guardians with their Shield broken. Play conservatively when they're blazing through the field, then go all-out when they're walking regularly. Be careful the better ones actually try to conserve as much Dash as possible, though.
As for T1 LD and the Hammer. I'm gonna say this real clear. In every game involving fighting another player via Multiplayer is going to have a better weapon than every other, and then there's the one that just rapes everything in sight with no regard for balancing. It's in TF2. It's in CS. It's also in SK. I understand your pain, but you must understand that even for an OP weapon there is a strategy against it. Learn it.
Finally, for Blast Network. It's sad to see it being so underplayed yes, but if you look closely there are plenty of people who still play it and have mastered all there is about it.
2) Repetition is an aspect of every RPG that has ever existed. Grinding and Farming are the main reasons why Repetition in RPG exists, yet you cannot not have grinding and farming in an RPG. Here's a basic rule of thumb in an RPG: You cannot complete everything in an RPG in one straight shot like you can in Super Mario Bros, or Sonic The Hedgehog. It takes time, and some of that time will be used in Grinding and Farming so it makes your run through the game much easier.
3) Speaking of RPGs. Do you remember the times where you accidentally over-leveled too much to the point you could kill anything really easily? Well it's the same here, but in a more different way. The only reason why Fiends are hard is because there aren't a lot of 5* weapons that can kill them in one fell swoop and/or lock them down as they can do nothing against it. You want wolvers to be mildly challenging? Try T3 wolvers with 3* weapons on the last few floors of the Clockworks, it'll be much less easy, even with piercing weapons.
4) I'm gonna try to point this out quickly. SK is NOT Pay2Win. Pay to Win means you have to Pay in order to reach Endgame. This is Pay2Rush; in other words, Pay to reach Endgame FASTER than normal. This means this is nothing like Pay2Win; you CAN win without paying ONE cent. Yes, the Energy System has its flaws, with mist replenishing slightly slower than it should -In My Opinion- and a market entirely controlled by the Community -which can lead to ridiculously high CE Prices- but even then Repetition comes back into mind. Would you replay the best place to grind for Crowns all the time if you were given the opportunity? No. You'd get bored eventually and leave it for newt time. In a way, the Energy System depicts that same mindset, albeit more limited.
Phew. There, I'm done.
"please keep the text walls to a bare minimum"
I was going to do that yesterday, but since you asked so nicely I will instead do this.