Wow..............................and you guys thought I was a troll or jerk.
This game is bad.
Dear Papaya
"@Jarfour By not caring about its mechanics and inner-workings XD"
"If you thought your argument carried weight before..."
Dear Spagetti,
Well, considering LoL is an e-sport, lockdown could as well be one, if it was actually a bit more balanced.
Also if trinkets and UVs weren't allowed in it.
your friend,
Having fun spending your mother's credit card? I hope you starve to death.
It doesn't take much common sense to see that p2pers that spend money on CE for crafting rarely gets to sell it. And why would anyone buy more CE than it's needed for crafting... And again, the idea is to remove the guys who buy energy for crafting out of the demand part of the economy.
Costumers love to have better deals with the money. If they do it well, by like, halving the crafting costs or perhaps increasing the energy per pack permanently, more people would buy energy for that. How do you think Valve is so successful?
I'm saying that p2skip grinding and p2costume is fine. But... you have the point of p2skip grinding becoming p2w. Which proves my point back in the 1st page.
And you think it's not possible to be entirely costume based? No-one ever tried to do that really under the fear or delusion all mmos need to have some sort of scheme, but I could bet the mmo Vindicuts could even live out of eevie's undies. All it takes are costumes that make f2pers royal jelly. And some fan service if possible.
Don't get me wrong, I could have chosen reddit instead, but I think most /v/irgins are smarter when it comes to vidya. Then again...
Care to elaborate?
It will take more than heart pendants and UVs removal to be any competitive, but it's a start.
No. Blaming the players from being lazy instead of complaining the game being a grindfest is not the way to go. Videogames are supposed to be fun, not a chore.
seems your mum didn't allow you to use her credit card :O)
and seems credit card is the only payment method :O)
@forumchat 10/10
Why aren't you forums banned yet? Your posts are malicious and more offensive then anyone here.
I highly recommend you re-read the terms of service.
Don't be such a baby and tell me if I'm wrong with what I said about the game being bad for the reasons I said earlier.
"It doesn't take much common sense to see that p2pers that spend money on CE for crafting rarely gets to sell it. And why would anyone buy more CE than it's needed for crafting..."
Again, where is your proof that this is so? Last I checked, CE packages came in set amounts that are higher than crafting a 5*, so the player will always have more CE than what he needs. Whether he chooses to sell it or use it for runs/LD bribes is up to him, but to say that the CE NEVER gets sold is just silly. Also, there is an advantage to buying a larger CE pack, but I'll let you try and figure that one out yourself.
"I'm saying that p2skip grinding and p2costume is fine. But... you have the point of p2skip grinding becoming p2w. Which proves my point back in the 1st page." are fine with p2skip grinding and p2costume, and you agree on p2skip grinding being similar, if not the same as, to p2w, so then why are you still attempting to argue your point that p2w is bad when you just said you're fine with it?
"And you think it's not possible to be entirely costume based? No-one ever tried to do that really under the fear or delusion all mmos need to have some sort of scheme, but I could bet the mmo Vindicuts could even live out of eevie's undies. All it takes are costumes that make f2pers royal jelly. And some fan service if possible."
You're using a prediction to back your statement? Err, ok...
"Don't be such a baby and tell me if I'm wrong with what I said about the game being bad for the reasons I said earlier."
Hmm, CLEARLY the past 5 pages of posts did not address this.
oooh, you're talking about CE from CASH! But if that's so, then never mind what I said. And well, you said it yourself. SPARE CE. They no longer need it and then sell it. Doesn't stop me from being right.
there's a point where p2rush is p2w. And that's when the grinding is terribad. Like in this case. You have to be stupid to think i'd be fine with such unfairness, when more supporting it.
If you think that's not a good enough example, go see f2p team fortress now. Surely the player's obsession with hats is not making any profit for valve.
They didn't. If it did somewhere, you can tell me where.
Well, I agree that PvP is garbage. All the other stuff I got used to. Easiness is compensated by lag
This thread has degenerated too far into abusive language territory. Fair warning was given about that earlier, as well as in the forum rules.
"It will reduce severally for f2pers, but not as much to p2pers. The energy p2pers buy for crafting never gets to enter the market after all."
And how do you even know if this is true? Did you go around surveying paying players if they sold their extra CE for CR when they finished crafting? Considering that you're so against paying players in general, I wouldn't think so.
"And if that's a new problem, just make the energy packs more worth it. Either cut the energy costs in half for 3*+ or increase the value of a pack. Anything long-term to make CE more bang for the buck."
A good suggestion, but do know that even a small change in the value of a CE pack can be a huge impact on OOO's income. And, like all businesses, they take that very seriously. There is a reason why they came up with the prices of the CE packs that we see now.
"The only advantages they should have are merely cosmetic and time wise. Any other sort of advantage that allow to be better at the game than a f2per who only relies on skill is pig disgusting."
You are contradicting yourself here. By saying that P2Pers should only have advantages cosmetically and TIME WISE, you are actually supporting the notion that P2Pers should have an advantage in terms of everything. Think about it: by paying, a player saves time by getting to end-game content faster and hence, will have better equipments/UVs than an F2P - doesn't that constitute as p2w?
You have an opinion that this is pig disgusting, but as I said, in the end it's still a business, all MMOs out there have some way of 'forcing' players to pay because it all boils down to money, some with more extreme methods than others. If it was as drastic and downright disgusting as you make it out to be, it wouldn't have continued since the introduction of MMOs till now. You are deluding yourself if you think making cosmetics the only cash items will support a game company in the long run.
"And perhaps you should ask yourself here if p2w is really a good thing or even acceptable. I dare you."
...So, you link me to a 4chan forum and expect me to take the things they say there seriously? Really? 4CHAN? Could you have chosen a more ridiculous forum?