Jill thrusts his small nail towards Skittles!
A new kind of roleplaying game
((For now, we can just leave 'em. There's a whole lot to cover, and Zhaver or Sonosuke might decide to come back.
And how about this music? Is that the mood you wanted?))
--Tency's Mind--
"Princess, your time has come..."
"Oh no." Tency sat up (in her dream, anyway), and proceeded to freak out. "I'm dead. I'm totally dead. That was a tutorial for status effects or running away or whatever, and we botched it and now we're dead." Tency gritted her teeth. "Well, I don't feel any burning, so that's good news..."
"The time has come... to make your choice."
"My choice? Is this some kind of plot exposition?" Tency looked around where she was. Maybe she wasn't dead, because she'd never heard of a mysterious greenish void afterlife. "Also. Is this a dream?"
"To make your-" The mysterious voice stopped. "Well, of course it's a dream. What do you think? You'd KNOW if you were dead. Trust me on this one. That minigun knocked you out cold, just like anything that reduces your HP to 0."
"OK, OK. So, what choice?"
"Ahem... you know, that question really ruined the dramatic tension."
Tency shrugged. "Meh. You'd want to know if you were dead or not, right?"
"Touche." The mysterious voice continued. "Love... and duty... collide..."
"Right. Thanks for letting me know." Tency reached for a pad of paper before realizing she was in a dream (a remarkably LUCID dream, but still a dream) and anything she wrote would be absolutely pointless because it was a dream.
"Can the golden vision... reach its height..."
"What?" Tency shook her head. "What does that even mean?"
The voice sighed. "Well, if I told you, it'd spoil the story... the weird eerily prophetic dream is over, anyway. Wake up. You're at full HP and SP."
"Okay. See you later, piece of my subconscious."
--Sherfield, Inn-- ((Yep, I'm givin' the town a name))
Tency woke up, just in time to hear the innkeeper talk.
"Protagonists? Now THAT'S meta. Thank you, innkeep." Tency reached for her wallet.
Tency followed the rest of the party down. "So. A rich guy took out that minigun-wielding... uh... thing. Where do you think he went?"
"Where, indeed..."
Some long-haired pretty boy with a ridiculous coat and what looked to be some sort of sheath for some ridiculous and entirely unrealistic sword was staring off into the distance.
"The bane of the anachronistic foe ventured into Specterwood. I know not what he was in search of." The pretty boy, in a brilliantly calculated move that would garner at least twenty-eight fangirls that would completely ignore every other aspect about his character, scratched the back of his head.
Tency honestly didn't know how to react. He was as likely to be a hero as a villain. Tency wanted to avoid being horribly killed in fanart due to rejecting him out of hand, but she also wanted to avoid being horribly killed in fanart due to appearing to have romantic interest in him. (Both, Tency knew, were very likely.) So she tried something... more neutral. "Then we'd better go find him. Thanks for the information."
"Of course... but it's dangerous to go alone, correct?" The guy opened his eyes, perhaps staring at the camera as he did so. "I, Galen, shall accompany the three of you to Specterwood."
Oh, a party member! Okay, that was good. "All right, we'll be glad to have your aid." Tency stood up. "Well then, Ailill, Galen, Julie. Let us be off!"
((The rich guy may or may not actually be in Specterwood, since he's your character. Long story that I can't spoil yet.))
-Cat Temple-
"More anti-petrifying tears!" Eta filled a small side canteen with them. "Thanks, these'll come in handy."
"All right, let's get going." Upsilon floated forward, doing a quick search of the area beyond the door. Eta and Theta followed him.
((Not really what exactly I'm looking for in the RPG arc... I might use this or this or maybe even this unless you have something better, I'm probably going to use the first one and use the third one for an encounter theme somewhere, while the second will be used for an endgame boss (not a final boss, despite the fact that the name of the song is "Final Battle"), idk.
Though now that you mention that series I might use this for when Henry says "TO ARMS!" Actually, I'll probably use the third theme I said I might use for the RPG arc.
--Sherfield, Inn--
They hit Tency with rockets, not a machine gun.))
"No mam," said the Innkeeper when Tency reached for her wallet, "This is the first inn in the game, so staying here is free."
"Well, I'm sure that being horribly killed in fanart is better than some of the, other, fanart," Ailill shivered, "Wait, I forgot I'm not supposed to read that, oops. I'm going to go save before we go though." Ailill walked off and touched some random floating crystal that everyone else seemed to ignore.
"I see this is your first time using a Save Crystal," said the crystal, "In order to use one of these save crystals, please insert 9,999,999 sil. Just kidding obviously. Before the saving begins, let me tell you about the history of my Save Crystal Chain. One day I blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah..." Ailill kept mashing the A button to get past all this dialogue. "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Would you like me to repeat all that? YES/NO"
Ailill, still mashing the A button, accidentally selected YES.
"I see this is your first time using a Save Crystal..." said the crystal.
"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" yelled Ailill. Ailill went through all that dialogue again, this time making sure to select NO.
"Finally," said Ailill. Ailill went back to where his party was. "Lets go now TO SPECTERWOOD!" he said, "By the way, does anybody know if they learn white magic later down the line?"
"I don't think I do..." said Julie.
--Meanwhile, in a secret lab far away--
"You go hire them and I will instruct them, got it?" said A.P.I.D. (Automatic Planet Improvement Device). A.P.I.D. was basically a giant smiley face on a giant monitor.
"Could you please remind why?" said some scientist who I don't have a name for yet. He's important in the story despite the fact I haven't given him a name yet.
A.P.I.D. sighed, "Our goal is for to eliminate all wars and improve this planet. Unfortunately though they are in the way of our objective, so we will have to eliminate them. If we don't kill them then they will continue to get in the way of our goals. We shall do said eliminating by every once in a while sending some boss minion who's their level when we have tons of minions much higher leveled then them."
--Cat Temple--
"Hey! I found something!" said Alex. In this room, there was some strange object in the middle. Alex reached for it.
"Don't touch that! It's booby-trapped!" said Dakota. It was too late as Alex had already token it. A few moments passed and nothing happened. "No it's not," said Alex. He looked at it. "Hey, what does this button do?" Alex impulsively pressed the button causing a blue lightning to come out of it and zap everyone, causing them to teleport to somewhere in the universe. ((Doctorspacebar can say where it leads.))
Just then, the King of Evil came into the room where they previously were. "I probably shouldn't have left that there, now I don't have one of them anymore. At least I can still use that Fawful guy's thing though."
--Carly's Room--
The nail hit!
Skittles held his tail up. Indoor lightning randomly struck his tail out of nowhere, he then pointed his tail towards the group, and unleashed the lightning on them all. Henry and Orange were hit, Henry flinched. Galax can decide what happened to Jill.
"Where'd you get the lightning bro?" asked Orange, hitting Skittles with his screw.
"Nowhere," said Skittles.
--Sherfield, Inn--
"Fanart?" Galen asked. "What, then, is fanart?"
"N-nothing." Tency pointed out the door, her nerves on edge at the very thought of... the "other" fanart.
--The World Map--
Tency walked the small distance to Specterwood without anything in particular happening. (Come on. It'd be annoying to have to fight another random encounter.)
The roots on the ground twisted and turned, forming a treacherous, uneven path. A haze that smelled faintly of decay covered the ground.
"Here we are." Galen stared at the ground for a moment. "...And I believe the one we seek has gone to the north."
"Hoy!" A bard, on his way out the other end, pointed at the road to the north. "Are you lot goin' that way?"
Tency nodded. "We are. What's down that road?"
"Ooh, some right dangerous ghosts, that's what." The bard looked off into the gloom. "Be ready to run away if ya start to have any trouble, 'cause once a ghost thinks it has ye beat, it'll use Stopflee and Stopwarp to keep ya from gettin' away. An' be sure to use Fire and Healing if ya got 'em. Good luck t'ya!"
The bard trotted off, out of Specterwood. Galen shrugged. "Hmph. The bard knows his foe."
"That makes sense. He probably knows a few songs about ghosts."
"Right." Galen began walking forward into Specterwood. Tency followed him, wondering if perhaps that bard would play a role in the plot...
--Cat Temple--
"All right, free crap!" Eta rolled forward and immediately found herself teleporting... again. But where was she going...
--Adamant Asteroid, Station II--
"Yaaaaagh!" Eta found herself flying out of whatever weird teleporter thingamajig just hit them, into...
...a space station?
Yep, it was a space station. The hallways were tiled white and lit well with bion light panels, with uberglass windows allowing a glimpse of outer space. Theta, Upsilon, and the others were in the room, too.
"...Whoa." Upsilon looked around at the room. "Check this place out."
"I wonder if they have any spare rockets?" Eta stowed her weapons, but kept them available. "What lives here, though?"
"BigsisIthinkIknowthisone." Theta stared at one of the walls. "ThisistheAdamantAsteroidwhichisahugeasteroidintheouterbelt. There'sahugeminingoperationwheretheOrionCompanyextractsextremelyraremetalfromtheasteroid."
Upsilon shook his head. "All I caught was 'Asteroid' and 'Orion Company.' Eta?"
"That's pretty much it. This is an Orion Company mining station."
--Back in the Cat Temple--
"GRRRRR!" Hivemind threw a temper tantrum, his bugs scattering to avoid his feet. "I was THIS close to SWARMING those little FREAKS!"
"Sir, we should probably-"
The mercenary commander stopped talking when Hivemind (and by extension, about five thousand cybernetic insects) turned and glared at him. "I KNOW WHAT TO DO, you SIM-PLE-TON! Yes, all I need to do is trace the teleport, yes indeed. Then I can just have one of those Carriers give me a lift, they know what I'll do if they don't... heh heh heh heh HAAAAAA!"
((I'll use this as the boss theme, maybe, probably.
If I don't I'll probably just loop the first few minutes.))
((Make sure to let me know a post before a boss fight happens.))
"Most likely if you think that," said Ailill, despite the fact that he's not supposed to respond to that.
"Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me princess, but it's not my fault if you're the one who made me say that," said Ailill.
"There's a princess here?" asked Julie.
"Not at all," said Ailill, despite the fact that Tency exists.
"WILL YOU QUIT THAT?" demanded Ailill.
Ailill started walking around looking for random treasure chests lying randomly in the woods.
--Adamant Asteroid, Station II--
((Ailill is not actually at the Adamant Asteroid or anywhere near it for that matter, he's still in Specterwood looking for random treasure chests. I just did this for fun.
No space potatoes actually live on the Adamant Asteroid, unless you want them to.))
"Some space potatoes live here, duh," said Ailill.
"Yeah, obviously sp- wait, what? What's a space potato?" asked Alex.
Alex waited a little.
"So now what?" he asked.
--Back in the Cat Temple--
Some random space potatoes appeared out of nowhere for no reason.
((Please excuse my terrible Fawful speech >.<
EDIT: I feel it's so terrible that I completely removed it.
I kinda feel like getting rid of them and putting in original characters so I don't have to worry about stuff like that.))
"...this conversation is odd." Galen shook his head. "Very odd."
"Yeah, you may want to get used to that." Tency shrugged. "This entire story is odd. Anyway, we'd best get go grab that treasure chest over by the-"
And before they knew it, the party was caught in an encounter against two KnightGhosts and a SpiderGhost!
GALEN attacked KnightGhost 1!
2 hits! KnightGhost 1 took 25 damage.
SPIDERGHOST attacked Galen!
Galen took 8 damage.
KnightGhost 1 took 29 damage.
KnightGhost 2 took 32 damage.
SpiderGhost took 28 damage.
--Adamant Asteroid, Station II--
"Space potatoes?" Eta shook her head. "No, no potatoes that I know of. Just miners and facility staff. Looks kinda cushy for a mining station, though. It's got full oxygen circulation, and the lighting is really nice."
"Guess a happy miner is a productive miner." Upsilon looked around. "Now, we just showed up out of nowhere, meaning we'll get some guards checking up on us... right... about..."
Ten guards came around the corner of the hallway, tentatively staring at the odd group before them.
"...now. Evening, gentlemen." Upsilon studied the guards in case they fired; each was holding a heavy blaster of some kind, as well as a pistol sidearm.
"...Evening." The lead guard said, "So who are you guys and why'd- okay, scratch that, HOW'D you get in here?"
"Funnystoryyouseewewereinthisundergroundtempleandsomekindofteleportationvortexoccuredplacingusrighthere." Theta spoke even faster than she normally did, though, and the guards couldn't keep up.
"...Come again?"
"Un... der... ground..." Theta shook her head. "...Sis?"
"Okay, okay. See, we were in this underground temple. Looked like something out of Indiana Jones. Someone hit a switch, and all of a sudden KABOOM, TELEPORT, and here we are."
Upsilon nodded. "Truth is weirder than fiction."
"Meh. Well, you aren't shooting at us, so that's a good start."
I 'M thinking about roleplaying in this thread but don't feel like reading 34 page of forum post, so could someone a tyni resumé? Like:
Overworld: There a guy and a princess trying to kill a monster the size of car.
((I don't know anymore, I'll probably just take music from games despite saying I wouldn't.
@Popo Let's see,
Right now in Specterwood there a guy (Galen) and a princess (Tency) and a girl (Julie) and another guy (Ailill) trying to kill a bunch of ghosts the size of ghosts (Two KnightGhost and a SpiderGhost). (Yes, I made that sound just like your example on purpose)
In Carly's Room two mice (Henry and Jill) and a hamster (Orange) are fighting a snake, though you could probably
In Kurduhm everyone is waiting for Zhaver, despite the fact that's it's obvious he's not coming back.
At the Adamant Asteroid the protagonists (Eta, Theta, Upsilon, Alex, and Dakota.) had just teleported there earlier from some temple and now they're encountering some friendly guards.
Your Gremlin from a really long time ago is still in that empty and barren plain you put him in.
I've been working on a character chart but it's very incomplete at the moment and only has characters from the RPG arc so far, though I plan on putting all the characters from whatever arc the adamant asteroid would be in after I post this (but without the descriptions of them, I'll do those later.)))
((SpiderGhost, SpiderGhost, does whatever a spider can.))
JULIE examined KnightGhost 2!
AILILL attacked SpiderGhost
SpiderGhost took [insert] damage!
Nothing else to do here.
"You don't say?" said Ailill.
--Adamant Asteroid, Station II--
"Well then, now what?" asked Alex.
"Excuse me, but you have something I want," said someone. This someone stepped out of some randomly placed shadows (I'm saying this because I assume the place is well illuminated by how nice the lighting is and wouldn't have any shadows to hide in) behind the guards along with a living cabbage, strawberry, and turnip. How they weren't noticed by the guards before is a complete mystery, probably because they weren't here until they went past the randomly placed shadows. The someone was a official looking woman in a black tuxedo.
This theme also appeared to be playing.
"Who are you to tell me what to do?" said Alex.
"You may call me one of the most feared space pirates in the universe, now where is it?" said Madeline (A.K.A. The someone), one of the most feared space pirates in the universe.
"I would expect 'one of the most feared space pirates in the universe' to look more... pirate-y," said Alex, "Where's what anyway?"
"The item which teleported you here."
"I'm sorry, I think I lost it when we teleported here."
"Did you check your inventory?"
"Wait, here it is," Alex pulled out the thing they used to teleport here.
"Now hand it over."
"Why should I?"
"Because I have a fleet of ships parked right outside this facility ready to fire at any moment."
"Wait, couldn't I just teleport us out of here using this?"
"Do you know how to use it?" said Madeline. Alex looked at the thing and saw a bunch of weird letters or numbers or something in some language he couldn't understand. "She has a point," said Dakota.
"Do YOU?" asked Alex.
"As a matter of fact, I just used one to get here earlier," Madeline.
"Wait, if you used one why do you need ours?"
"Quit asking questions and give it to me already."
Alex turned towards the others, "Hmm, I think we should take a group vote on this."
"I'm neutral on this whole ordeal," said Dakota.
((Whoops. I goofed up and forgot to post.
I SHOULD be able to post tomorrow as soon as I get my brain back in order.))
((Ailill's weakness would change if he ever walked into DDO. FREAKIN' WIND PHYSICS, AAARGHGRRRGHGRAAARGH))
26/58 HP
Weak against Fire
Weak against Healing
Slightly Weak against Lightning
Absorbs Poison
Cannot be Instantly Killed
SpiderGhost took 19 damage!
SpiderGhost is down!
KnightGhost 1 attacks!
Ailill took [insert] damage.
KnightGhost 2 attacks!
Galen took 14 damage.
Tency uses FLAME 1!
KnightGhost 1 took 30 damage.
KnightGhost 2 took 29 damage.
KnightGhost 1 and KnightGhost 2 are down!
The party wins the battle!
The party gained 10 XP.
25 G apparently popped out of the ether! (Seriously, how does a ghost drop money?)
"And don't come back!" Tency points toward where the ghosts used to be. "Now, let's see what's in that treasure chest."
The path, initially, was quite short and straightforward; a few treasure chests were nearby. One, on the left and slightly obscured by a tree (from an unrealistically isometric perspective, anyway) contained a Rock Axe, and the other, which Tency spotted on the path, had a strange key item...
"A Ghostly Key." Tency looked at the slightly spooky key. "I suppose it opens a ghostly door?"
"Perhaps we shall see..." Galen pointed further into the woods. "The signs show that the one we're looking for... lurks beyond the forest."
Shortly ahead was a ghost NPC which, of course, couldn't be attacked until the party walked up and hit "examine"...
--Adamant Asteroid, Station II--
Eta, Theta and Upsilon realized that this lady was probably going to attack the Adamant Asteroid, resulting in...
Laughter? Yes, they all started laughing. Even Theta. "Pfffft! Man, that's rich! The Orion Company is too much for Death's Arm to handle. What kind of firepower have YOU got?"
"A supposedly feared pirate shows up with floating veggies to fight machine guns and laser cannons? Yeah, that's gonna work."
The guards kept their weapons up. "Guard Tango 45 Charlie to Base. Do we have any trespassers in this airspace?"
"And don't you have a more menacing pirate name?" Eta questioned. "Really? MADELINE? Not 'Bloody Maddie' or 'Mad Maddie' or 'Mad the Razor Blade' or something like that?"
((I'm gonna need a description of Madeline's fleet, mostly to determine how the base is responding.))
((Makes as much sense as the fact that random animals carry money around.))
((I'm assuming that's a boss there))
Ailill took 11 damage!
"Well now that that's over, we can go fight that boss or whatever," said Ailill.
"I've detected a dangerous foe up ahead, I advise you buy some things in preparation," advised someone. Ailill turned towards this someone who was in fact, the demon merchant. "What are you doing here?' Ailill asked.
"I'm here because there's a boss fight ahead, now what are YOU doing here?"
"Looking for some rich guy who killed some overpowered enemy as part of a scripted event."
"Well I hope you find this rich guy, say, for only 1000000 [insert whatever the currency is now] I can help you find them."
"I'm not that rich! Why would you offer me something so expensive so early in the game?"
"Well sorry then, now, what would you like to buy?"
The shop menu opened up which showed tonics for 50 whatever the currency is each now along with upgrades to their current armor and weapons for about 200 whatever the currency is now each.
JULIE equipped Rock Axe!
That's all this meanwhile was for, I could have probably merged it with the Specterwood section but I didn't for some reason...
--Adamant Asteroid, Station II--
((The fleet's main purpose is to serve as a distraction, and thus there are few but they are very heavily armored and have energy shields (with an added mirror module which makes all light based attacks bounce off of it). It does have a bit of firepower though, missiles and some guns, and its crew is made up of EMP proof robots.))
"Why should I tell YOU about my fire power?" Madeline said. "And I suppose next you'll be asking why I don't say arr every two seconds," she then mumbled under her breath.
((Ah, RPGs. We still love you.
Forgot the money was called "sil" here. Anyway, I guess Ailill has a sword and armor available.))
"Huh." Tency looked at the shop. Galen's upgrades... weren't there? "Sir Galen. Why are there no upgrades for your equipment?"
"I know not." Galen let out a sigh.
"Hmm, that's odd... hey, I can't change your equipment, either. Be careful, Galen."
Galen nodded. "Of course..."
"Right." Tency looked at her pouch. "Hmm. 500 Sil. So that's enough for two items... perhaps one for me, and one for Ailill? Julie just got a Rock Axe... but do I get the RoseScepter for extra firepower, or the RoseCirclet for the magic defense?"
"It is up to you."
--Adamant Asteroid, Station II--
"Yeah, there's some autonomous fleet. Mostly defensive. They've ignored radio attempts." This was the response the guards got.
"How big?"
"They're small. Built like tanks, but their weapons arrays are laughable."
"Right. Defer to command."
"So what's the verdict?" Upsilon, and Eta, Theta, and (unless she has mind-reading powers) Madeline couldn't hear the team's response.
"Apparently her fleet isn't so much threatening as it is annoying." The guards kept their guns aimed at Madeline and her vegetable minions.
"Huh. So Upsilon could just mow YOU guys down with missiles and we could focus on your fleet." Eta shook her head. "No, you really oughta hold your fire, because we will wipe the floor with you. Now, about the pirate name." Eta shrugged. "I wasn't going for the 'Yarr, I be a pirate' feel so much as the 'The Dread Pirate is upon you, quake in fear, fools' kinda thing. I mean, think about it! 'Mad the Razor Blade!' Nobody would mess with someone named 'Mad the Razor Blade!'"
((In case you implied that Galen would die or leave the party somehow so that there would be room for the Demon Merchant, I have no plans for him to ever join the party.
This post is pretty lazy. considering how short it is))
"I'll take the armor considering my class mainly focuses on tanking," said Ailill, "Also you should probably get
--Adamant Asteroid, Station II--
((Whoops, forgot to mention one of them has an anything launcher, which can launch anything that's loaded into it.))
"Wipe the floor with me?" Madeline was laughing now, "I forgot this is the past I am in."
What am I saying? There is no secret potato vault of potato.
((I am not killing off Galen to allow the Demon Merchant into the party. Besides, the party fits five people. Like Final Fantasy IV.))
"Right." Tency handed the Adventu- WHOOPS I MEAN the merchant 450 Sil. "Here's 450 Sil, we'll take the BronzeMail, the RoseScepter, and one Tonic."
After the trade was completed, Tency walked off toward the ghost. "OK, let's examine this and get ready to-"
"I'm sorry?" Tency shook her head.
"Oh, did they kill you?"
"End all life? That doesn't sound good."
"How do we recognize these..." Galen said, "Conspirators?"
"Um..." Tency was already getting very creeped out ('cause, y'know, ghosts), but at least there was a clear goal of some kind. "All right. We'll keep our eyes open."
The ghost floated off the side of the screen.
"Okay. So if he was telling the truth, we need to kill these conspirators. And if he's lying, well, he'll try to stab us in the back, at which point we torch him. Galen, watch yourself."
"Of course..."
--Adamant Asteroid, Station II--
"Whoa, whoa, back up." Upsilon stared at the thing Alex had picked up. "The past? You can travel through time?"
"And maybe she uses that thing to do it..." Eta kept her ray pistol trained on Madeline. "Upsilon, do you know how many lives this could save?"
"Wait, wait." Eta asked, "So, how did you travel to the past? Did you use the thingy?"
Oh, and also OVERCLOCKED!
So, I create a little bit of land and build my OVC base. (The place is named Overclock Industries later in roleplay)
I look for any threats...
Nothing. But Energyload (my other knight) accidentally fired the BO0MB (bomb made from the most powerful mineral in the galaxy - Clockonium) hitting the asteroid.
Took 1000000000 damage! Asteroid is destroyed!
I prepare my defense system. (Modified Cryotechs Mk4 to auto target the possible threat, the Cryotechs are very big).
Next post under me is a threat to my base and is blasted by my Cryotechs.
Let the battle begin!
((Sorry for the large gap between posts.))
--Kurduhm, Library Wreckage--
((Lets just say that during the time between the last post here and this post, some stuff happened, and now Dejna is awake and such.))
"What's that?" asked Haisae, pointing towards a strange portal. Of course, he didn't know that the portal was caused by the breaking of a pearl that was in the library when it was wrecked.
"The Conspiracy? Is that the Illuminati?" asked Ailill, equipping the BronzeMail, "Why am I even making that joke?"
"What's the Illuminati?" asked Julie.
"A bunch of lies," said Ailill. Ailill began searching around for the I̶l̶l̶u̶m̶i̶n̶a̶t̶i Consipiracy.
--Adamant Asteroid, Station II--
"Now why should I tell you that?" said Madeline, "Now, this conversation has been going on for too long, hand it over NOW."
"So, umm, should I hand it over?" said Alex turning towards his group.
"YES," said Madeline.
--Near the OVC Base--
"[RIDECTID] [RIDECTID] [RIDECTID]," yelled Casipi. She was currently on a collision course with some planet with what looked like a base. She didn't know what this planet was, though then again, she had no experience with flying a spaceship before. As a matter of fact, the only reason she managed to get the spaceship flying in the first place is because she started hitting random buttons and happened to press the right buttons to launch into space.
But now she was on this planet.
And she didn't know what to do.
Casipi got out of the ship which had crashed near the base, but then some Cryotech blasters started shooting at her. Quickly she ran behind the crashed ship to avoid the blasts. "Whet thi [RIDECTID]?!?" she said. She decided she should wait there until they stopped shooting at her, before attempting to convince whoever was at the base that she was not a threat.
To stop the CryoBarrage.exe program, enter password.
CryoBarrage.exe ended.
Looks like this one wasn't a threat.
But we must to know where it came from and why. Oh, and recreate this spaceship.
I say to Energyload: Get this being to OVC Base. We will ask a few questions.
I will bring this spaceship and recreate in Assembly Line. (If possible we will move this project to Assembly Hangar)
EDIT: The reason why I stopped the barrage was that this spaceship was too small to fit the laser gun or even recon module.
OVC performed scans of this spaceship.
After many attempts, silences and phoning Matikclocker, Energyload finally got the character report.
Energyload's Report
Name: Hicati Casipi
Race: Troll
Gender: Female
What OVC knows: Crashed near OVC, spaceship Traveller class
Also known as: The witch of something (We dont know actually Hicati)
Meanwhile... Matikclocker finished the spaceship.
"Behold, the first spaceship in OVC Industries, the XP-579 "GunTheR", also know as Gunther, or Gunty! We modified the spaceship to include lasers, proton exhaust module and is designed for three people!
From now on we can collect asteroid scraps without using the BO0MB! And we can attack other worlds, for example in RPG arc!
Our first mission: I saw the uncommon station on an asteroid. It is named the Adamant Asteroid. We must to take a look at the station and collect more info. If possible, we will use the lasers."
Warping to Adamant Asteroid...
((Just going to start bumping this until Doctorspacebar posts.))
I want the story to go on... >_> I AM HUNGRY FOR NEW ADVENTURES!!!
I think that Doctorspacebar would be more likely to post if I was the one bumping this, because if he was looking at the arcade he would know that I must have recently posted a response to him.
Also you don't need to bump it so often.
((I noticed, I just had a LOT of crap to finish.
Should have a post up soon- tomorrow at the latest.))
"The Illuminati? This isn't Assassin's Creed."
"And you know this... how?"
Tency shrugged. "Have you seen anyone jump down from a wall and kill someone?"
"...Point taken."
"Right." Tency led the way. "It'll probably be a while before we get another random enco-"
"-spoke too soon."
DEADGHOST emerged!
"EUGH!" Tency flinched, visibly repulsed by the hideous deformed spectral blob drooling at the party. "What was the designer THINKING?!"
--Adamant Asteroid, Station II--
"Wait." Upsilon suddenly changed tactics. "If you're from the future, and you take this thing, that affects your past. Right?"
"Yeah!" Eta nodded. "Because as it stands now, we get away with this thing. But if we DON'T get away with this thing, who knows what could happen?"
"You could not be born."
One of the guards piped in, "Or end up born in an empire so bad you wish you could die. They've got those. No, really!"
Theta was still trying to wrap her head around the time shenanigans. Then she realized something. None of that made sense! If Madeline changed the past, the future would be changing already... or would it? "Bigsisthisisveryconfusingcanwejustleave?"
Eta winked at her little sister before continuing. "Oh yes, that could happen, you know."
Theta tried to get Alex to follow her down the hall as quietly as she could, without alerting Madeline to the plan. This mostly consisted of poking Alex in the leg and then quietly rolling down the hall.
Doctorspacebar you forgot about my OVC Industries story arc (And cow arc). Did you see the discussion thread about this game?
I am warping using Gunther (XP-576 GunTheR) to Adamant Asteroid.
((Doctorspacebar doesn't have to participate in absolutely everything, though I would think he would have some employees or something of Adamant Asteroid acknowledge the warp, though I think he might of thought you meant you were teleporting into the place by warp. He'll probably not do anything about it now until you do something at the Adamant Asteroid, though he'll probably do something anyway considering I'm posting this.
I assume that you're meaning to take Energyload and Hicati with you to Adamant Asteroid. I'm fine with you taking Hicati there, just to let you know.
Also there is no cow arc.
EDIT: Was expecting Doctorspacebar to respond to my attempt at Kurduhm revival, but, alright.))
"Wait, why is it called a DEADGHOST? Aren't ghosts already dead? I'm going to fix that." asked Ailill, "Am I reading the wrong lines? Because it feels like I was just reading Tency's lines. If it were my lines then it would contain fourth wall breaking, although her lines also include fourth wall breaking, sooooo..."
Julie attacked DEADGHOST
"Julie! You forgot to change it to SPOOKYSCARYGHOST on your turn," said Ailill.
"What?" asked Julie.
--Near the OVC Base--
Hicati noticed that the firing suddenly stopped. She looked over the ship to see some weird alien thing was coming towards her, it appeared that it wanted her to follow it to the base, so she did. Somehow it knew about her (probably because it read the character chart, but Hicati has no idea that even exists).
--OVC Base--
Hicati decided to start exploring the base a little, when Matikclocker decided to warp them to the Adamant Asteroid (Well, I assume that you're warping Matikclocker, Energyload, and Hicati).
--Adamant Asteroid, Station II--
"Yeah, um, you could go back in time and accidentally kill a, um, gopher, which causes, um, the multiverse to never be made," said Alex, quietly backing away.
When all of a sudden, another Alex appeared out of nowhere in the same place that the group originally appeared in. So you don't get confused I'll be calling this Alex Other Alex.
"Umm, is this the past or something?" asked Other Alex.
"I dunno, you tell me," said Alex.
"Did the others escape yet?" asked Other Alex.
"You realize I can hear you two, right? And by rolling down the hall you're saying you want this place to be destroyed." said Madeline.
"[REDACTED]" said Other Alex.
Madeline whispered some things through some device, probably used for communications.
--Meanwhile, outside--
The ship with the anylauncher (or whatever it was called) fired a random bag. It landed on the Adamant Asteroid.
((Yeah, I teleport Energyload and Hicati to Adamant Asteroid.))
The random bag contained the Gunther crew. They walked until they saw a space station. MatikClocker activated TURBO to deliver the rest of the platoon to the entrance.
"I figured out where are the people" - said Energyload.
So we entered the station, finding some people talking about something. Two of the guys were the same.
Matikclocker activated CommCatch and he heard something like "time machine", "two of Alex" and "this place must be destroyed".
CommCatch didn't work correctly because a jammer was here installed, so we thought that somebody used the time machine to get two of Alex to destroy both of them. Energyload performed scans of random person which would destroy two Alex...
Name: Madeline
Race: Unknown
What do we know: Might destroy the Adamant Asteroid because of time travel.
Matikclocker's printed message: THREAT DETECTED!
If Madeline wants to kill everyone then we need to prevent it! Hicati, grab the bag. Energyload, you bait Madeline. Hicati, when this woman gets to Energyload, then you grab Madeline in a bag. Take to spaceship and I will return to OVC, then I will punish Madeline. Using the disruptors, asking risky and mad questions and the best of the best... Cryotech Barrage! You scout further! Oh, and if they would start shooting at you all, then call me, I will take you from the asteroid.
While the threat trap was setting up, Matikclocker felt a strange feeling that somebody will join his platoon soon. "Is this it? Maybe we will produce additional worker when we return, but we need the blueprints." But first, doing the big squash! (Trapping threats)
EDIT: Hicati and Matikclocker will return to base. We need to explain the base to Hicati!
EDIT #2: We are about to kidnap Madeline. That's because Matikclocker thought she is targeting our base and wants to destroy the Clockonium Reactor. Energyload will stay here, but after a while I will take her because as I say, "We never leave the knights on the battlefield!"
Because I have nothing else to do right now.
DEADGHOST took 20 damage.
DEADGHOST took 28 damage.
DEADGHOST used Spooky Noise!
Ailill's attack fell!
Julie's attack fell!
Tency's attack fell!
Galen's attack fell!
Galen attacks!
DEADGHOST took 15 damage.
Tency casts FLAME 1!
DEADGHOST took 74 damage.
Tency mumbled something under her breath about status moves, then shouted, "Keep attacking! It'll probably run out of HP soon enough!"
Adamant Asteroid, Station II
The guards prepared to fire. Eta saw her chance- while Madeline was using the... thing... she shouted, "Yarr, landlubber!"
And then promptly aimed a grapnel at the device. "I be needin' yer loot! Yarrrrgh!"
Upsilon used this chance to float up toward the ceiling, keeping an eye on Madeline's... vegetables? Theta rolled backward while preparing her launcher. "Bigsiswhydidyouhavetodothat..."
Adamant Asteroid, IT Sector D
"...What? It's four in the morning..."
"Just letting you know, we've got an unidentified warp on the exterior. What should we do?"
"Meh, attempt to make contact. And keep your headphone filters ON this time, it might be another of those [DATA EXPUNGED] Cthuloids..."
"Sir, they're not really THAT tough to get rid of..."
The Commander snapped, "Not really that tough?! You have to make them swallow a nuke just to be able to damage them! You know what'd be nice... a giant robot. That could punch out Cthuloids."
"Do they have those?"
"Meh, I don't know! They can make one! Anyway, try to establish contact, and if you hear something that sounds like an octopus speaking German with a bad Australian accent, notify the Henderson Department."
"Understood, sir."
The Adamant Asteroid IT Sector D attempted to contact Matikclocker's group via radio. "Hello, welcome to Adamant Asteroid. We didn't get your ID, who is this?"
Here is the Isoran BattleBot MatikOverclocker v5 M-OVC-2002. I came here because:
1. I want to look around this station.
2. Do'ya know Madeline? I want to meet her.
3. I am not a Cthulhoid. I dont know if this even exists!
We have some presents, but information about this is reserved.
With me is Isoran knight and another battle bot, EnergyOverload v2 0VR-1D, shortly called Energyload, and the yellow-blooded troll Hicati Casipi. Where is the Station 2 of this Asteroid? We want to look around this one.
Crazee Pi please come and continue the story!
Where did I say the bag contained the Gunther crew?
I'm guessing you thought I was talking about Gunther when I said a ship fired out a bag, but I was talking about a different ship from a group of five ships that belong to Madeline and were awaiting her command to fire the bag. I'm just going to pretend that they came out of a different bag.))
"What happens to ghosts when they die anyway?" said Ailill, "Do they become the ghosts of a ghost and try to kill us again forever?"
Julie attacked DEADGHOST!
--Adamant Asteroid, Station II--
Madeline pulled the communications device away just before the grapnel could reach it. "Well then, I gave you a chance and you threw it away, I guess this asteroid is going to explode," said Madeline. Madeline started talking into the device again. "I'm afraid you're likely going to be exploding with it, considering you still haven't given it to me," Madeline looked around a bit, "What would that accomplish though, you might ask. Well, our machines would be out of the hands of the wrong." Madeline turned towards the fruit and two vegetables. "Engage war mode," she said.
Immediately the strawberry pulled out a giant death scythe, the cabbage pulled out a mini-gun, and the turnip wielded brass knuckles.
Other Alex immediately started pressing the button he had been pressing previously to go to these places, but nothing happened. Every time he pressed it an alien voice said something he couldn't understand. "Why is this not working?!?" he asked.
"Because nobody ever switched that one out of demo mode," answered Madeline.
"Well how do I switch is out?"
"You'll have to give me it in order for me to tell you."
--Adamant Asteroid, wherever--
"Yieh, okey, I wull try," said Hicati.
Before she would start on that though, she decided to get her (insert fancy name for laptop here) out and attempt to troll Madeline first.
--Adamant Asteroid, outside--
A small group of space pirates got out of the random bag (the one that the Gunther crew didn't get out of) and started planting EMP proof bombs on the Adamant Asteroid.
((I'm not going to go into too much detail about them right now))
--Kurduhm, Library Wreckage--
You there Doctorspacebar?
Matikclocker said, "Hicati, you are always ready for everything! Trolling is like taunting, Madeline will be embarrassed! Ok, I will target her and we will have some fun in OVC base! With mad questions!"
I say to Energyload: "Energyload, when we grab Madeline, you infiltrate the group she was in. We will take you later."
Matikclocker, thinking about plans against Madeline, gets OVERCLOCKED. "System OVERCLOCKED!"
((You don't really have to bump all that often.
Plus you can bump by editing your previous post, as long as it's the last post in the thread at the time.))
((Life being what it is.))
DEADGHOST took 13 damage.
Critical Hit! DEADGHOST took 39 damage.
DEADGHOST fades away!
Ailill's party won the fight!
The party gained 12 xp!
20 Sil once again appeared from nowhere!
"Whew. All right, hopefully there aren't too many more encounters."
Tency took a step forward, and turned to the left as if she knew there was an NPC standing there. And yes, it was a ghost, with a red cape. "Okay, guys. Let's get ready for a miniboss fight."
~Adamant Asteroid, Station II~
Something in Eta's head snapped. Her usual sarcasm left her. This Madeline idiot was going to threaten thousands of human lives at once, all in the name of petty theft, while pretending she could take on every defense system in the belt (which she couldn't) and still had the gall to claim she was in the right. That finally got under Eta's skin. Eta's eyes began to glow a bright red.
...Wow. Upsilon was more than a little afraid of Eta... though he could understand her sentiment. What was this lady's deal? Barging in where she wasn't invited, claiming to know so much more than everybody else present, and demanding something that wasn't hers for no reason at all? Who could think of her as anything but an annoyance?
((This post most certainly does not contain any of my opinion towards Mary S- ahem, I mean Madeline. No sirree.))
~Adamant Asteroid, Wherever the bombs are ((Oh yeah, by the way, a bomb on the ASTEROID ITSELF is going to do absolutely nothing))~
"Grorgh Rargh Grrgh."
A Giant Green Space Worm, smelling the explosives, burrowed out of the rock and started eating them, oblivious to the ones planting them. No, really! They eat bombs. They even eat nukes. Did you know that? Well, you learn something every day.
Regardless of whether this was successful, the surface monitors picked up the Space Worm's disturbance, and traced the source. Any remaining bombs were about to be spotted, but really, they weren't a threat at all. Honestly, what was Madeline thinking?
Matikclocker was shocked by some sonic boom, so he activated CommCatch. This time a jammer wasn't turned on, so Matikclocker heared everything clearly.
Someone screamed very bad things to someone else. That must be another person, Madeline could make this person mad!
Energyload performed scan of the angry person, and the results...
Name: Eta
Race: Unknown
Gender: Female
What OVC knows: Enraged by Madeline, insulted and not respected.
Matikclocker's message: We need to calm Eta down!
Matikclocker sent a comlink short message. On it was written "Incoming friendly battle-bots!". This is to keep Eta from going angry further, and to trick Madeline. (We said in message we are friendly, but we plan kidnapping for questions about her OVC Industries domination plan)
"Yes lets," said Ailill, "There's nothing else for me to say since that Doctor guy didn't actually make you start the fight, soooo..."
Ailill walked up to the ghost and pressed the interact key.
--Adamant Asteroid, wherever--
Hicati searched for a signal near the location of Madeline with her mind. When she found one she started typing a message to it. The conversation was soon ended as she found out that she had the wrong person. She then found the right signal and started typing a message to that, only to get a message from an auto-responder:
"I am sorry, but Madeline is busy at the moment. If you are trying to commit an act of war or make a peace treaty, please wait."
"Gush dern et!" said Hicati. Hicati decided she should try to send a message some other way...
--Adamant Asteroid, Station II--
"Well, I'm sorry but if you wanted me to sue you or do a trade or something, you should have stolen that either earlier or later."
Meanwhile, a gun floated away from generic guard #351's hand who is in no way significant to the plot whatsoever.
--Adamant Asteroid, wherever the bombs are--
((I was thinking that the Adamant Asteroid was a nickname for a space station floating around an asteroid belt, sorry. Just pretend that they're on the station or whatever.))
"Cripes!" shouted a robotic space pirate. Some worm was eating their bombs now. He hadn't been informed of this before, it could be a problem. The robotic space pirate raised his gun, but didn't shoot. He had an idea. "Hand me the bag," he said to a shady space pirate. The shady space pirate handed him the bag. The robotic space pirate then jumped into the bag to look for something (the bag is magic). He later came out of the bag with GEL BOMBS, or explosives that are pretty much explosive jelly with some EMP proof machinery inside for remote explosions. He slipped the gel into a nearby turret (I assume there are turrets) so that the giant green space worm would have to destroy the turrets first in order to reach the gel bombs.
--Kurduhm, Fish Market--
((I forgot, is the Inkling in the fish market or the vault?))
A strange Blob fell from the sky! De Blob got up after they hit the ground revealing they looked like this.
"Blast!" said Matikclocker.
"Dear..." said Energyload.
"Madeline tricked us this time. But at any time we can rush attack and grab Madeline right away! By the way, who are you typing to before you realized you found a wrong signal?" said Matikclocker.
"Can your TrollFace (Hicati's laptop) make a map to Madeline area?" said Energyload.
Possible options:
"Full force, no mercy, no escape! Even under heavy fire!" said Matikclocker as a hand extends out of him.
- Wait for Madeline to have time
- Rush the attack and grab Madeline right away
- Use Arminator to grab threat (Madeline) and save us time
- CommCatch message to Madeline
- [DANGER!] Hack IT Station D and send a message to Station 2
- Change the kidnapping plan
Chosen option: Grab Madeline with Arminator & CommCatch message
"Energyload! If you see something suspicious except for Madeline, use Tesla Power to defeat him."
"I will use AutoTarget to locate Madeline and grab it. Oh, and commit this act of war! Against her. Nobody else."
*steps forward*
*pulls 180*
*walks away*
Wanna join roleplay, Sono-Forum?
I am preparing a plan to shred one of the characters, so if you want then join and together we can destroy it!
/closes door behind Sonosukes so they can't get out
But Sonosukes, you promised you would get back to Kurduhm a long time ago. Please don't lie to me like that. ;_______________;
No, I won't go back there.
*jiggles door*
Let me out!
I'll let you know that I had my clone go and put a broom on the other side, so even if you did manage to get out the door would still struggle to open under the broom.
*pulls out bazooka*
--Dimension Warp, RP Tower--
Sirens blared throughout the massive building known simply as RP Tower as an explosion shook the western wing.
"Warning. A security breach has occured in RP Sector 89295
(cookie to whoever gets it), West Wing. I repeat. A security breach has occured in RP Sector 89295, West Wing."
Sono-Forum nearly trips over Pipipipipi as he runs out the room and down the hall.
Sono-Forum bumps into Matikclocker, which is mad that he will not be able to shoot down Kurduhm (or something).
"Please return to that Kurduhm guy so I can gun him when I will end my mission on Adamant Asteroid!" said Matikclocker.
Suddenly four Mega SMGs appear on Clocker's hands, ready to shoot.
((No power playing. I couldn't have bumped into you if you were still in the room with Pi. And you can't control a character that isn't your's, like what you did when you said Sono bumped into Matick.
Also, Kurduhm is a place, not a person.))
Ah! I hoped Kurduhm was a guy, I hoped that because Crazee Pi said something about "Kurduhm revival"
I didn't power play. By the way...
Matikclocker started chasing Sono with this crazy weapon and shot out his legs so he can't walk anymore (unless Sono can walk with arms).
((I have an idea. We will make Dimension Warp Arc, where players can choose to which arc they want to go.))
((I'm sorry all my posts are coming so late.
I think Zhaver is officially gone now, what should we do about Kueduhm and such?))
((I kind of feel I should have used different music as the boss theme. Oh well, I guess I was mostly experimenting. Any other music in mind we could use?
Of course we could always go back to using FF6 music.
I wonder when we'll be getting a forth party member.))
??? lost 22 MP.
"Wait, how do we even KNOW about miniguns if they aren't invented yet?" said Ailill.
??? fired some rockets at Tency.
Tency took [insert] damage.
Tency died!
"Well, since this the 'you lose, good day sir,' type of battle, I'm just going to nap here until it's over," said Ailill, who then went to sleep.
"Umm, help?" said Julie.
"My colossus will destroy this floating island..." mumbled Ailill in his sleep.
Julie attacked!
??? took 1 damage!
??? (somehow) summoned a sandstorm!
Julie was blinded!
Julie attacked!
Julie missed ???!
??? fired a giant laser!
Julie took 9999 damage!
Not much else was able to be seen after ??? fired the giant laser due to the sandstorm, but then a crash sound was heard.
"I'm trying to sleep here!" said Ailill.
??? was defeated!
"Wait, what?" said Ailill, "Well that means somebody else must have came and defeated them, are you still there person who defeated that guy?"
No response.
The party blacked out...
--Town, Inn--
"Huh? What happened?" asked Ailill waking up. He looked around and saw Julie still asleep and Tency, well Doctorspacebar can decide if shes awake or asleep or whatever.
"Somebody found ye unconscious and brought ye here," said the innkeeper.
"Who were they?" asked Ailill.
"Some rich guy, said he did it cuz protagonwhats are his main source of income," said the innkeeper.
"Who?" asked Ailill.
"Ah, it doesn't matter," said the Innkeeper.
"I think I'll just go wait in the lobby of this Inn for the rest of my party," said Ailill, who then went next to the entrance to wait for the rest of the party. Alex decided that this rich guy was probably the person who defeated ???. Julie soon woke up and joined Ailill in the lobby.
--Cat Temple--
"I've been petrified for 40 years?" said Dakota, "As for weak points, have you tried shooting a rocket in it's mouth when it uses it's petrifying breath yet? Of course you have, you don't need me to point that out."
K.A.T. opened his mouth to start spewing more petrifying breath when Upsilon fired that rocket and it went right into it's mouth. The rocket exploded and K.A.T. started crying and fell to the ground. The doors opened letting them go onwards.
Alex started down the hallway to the next room while flying to avoid triggering any traps. Dakota followed carefully.
--Carly's Room--
((Could somebody give me some battle music for whenever Henry says "TO ARMS," because that's going to be a thing whenever there's a boss battle.))
"All right, lets go!" said Henry. Henry led the others down towards where Skittles was. "Do you know about these weird things?" asked Henry.
"What things?" asked Skittles.
"Paper things with ghost things on them."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive, definitely positive."
"Are you suuuuuure?"
"Are you not suuuuuure?"
"Stop asking already, I TOLD YOU I DON'T KNOW!"
"Fine fine, could you at least let us through the hole?"
"Because, ummm, reasons I guess..."
"Sounds pretty fishy to me bro," said Orange.
"Hmm, you're right, are you absolutely positively SURE you don't know about those things," said Henry.
"YES!" yelled Skittles.
"Fine fine, is there any way we can get past you?" asked Henry.
"No, I shall not let you pass!"
"Then I guess we'll have to fight you... TO ARMS!"
Henry thrust his thumbtack towards Skittles. Orange tossed the small nail he bought to Jill so Jill would have a weapon. Orange then attempted to hit Skittles with his . but Skittles dodged. Skittles lunged at Henry but Henry got out of the way in time.