/finds P1p1p1p1p1 and kills him with a hammer I got at Kill-P1p1p1p1p1-for-Fun-Inc
I open Kill-Pop0ixd-for-Fun-Inc
/finds P1p1p1p1p1 and kills him with a hammer I got at Kill-P1p1p1p1p1-for-Fun-Inc
I open Kill-Pop0ixd-for-Fun-Inc
I finnallu fin Pop0ixd and kill him. Die clone. DIE.
I open Stop-Whit-Your-People-Name-Wrtied-Whit Number-Just-Like-Pop0ixd-Inc.-Inc.
I dunno why everyone wants to kill you Pop0ixd. I mean, you are damn awesome. It is a goddamn awesome Inc.
I open Kill-Everyone-Who-Defies-Devilites-Inc.
I commit suicide.
I open Eat-A-Snarby-Steak.
I revive popoixd only to stab and shoot him with a valiance.
I open chapeaus-on-the-AH-that-are-colors-other-than-violet,-blue,-or-purple-INC.
we sell chapeaus in every color but blue, violet, and purple.
I open Gammer-In.c Where we Gammer.
your hostess is a b!tch!
I open chezburger cooperative where we DO NOT LOOK AT FUNNY CAT PICTURES.
also, does my character picture show up? because I can't see it.
I open asdf-inc, where everything we sell is absoulutly random, like our mine turtles in aisle 11, or our punches in the face in the face in aisle 9
I said I like train in aisle 9 and a train punched me in the face.
I open P1p1p1p1p1-And-P0p01xd-Big-Store-Inc.
I don't get it
I open a secret store, I'm not telling you what it sells
Nobody wants to buy from you because you don't tell them what you sell
I open Pineapple Inc. We steal ideas from others and sell them to our customers. Right now I'm selling Pipipipipi's ideas for 1000 cr each. Save 3000 cr on all of his ideas until November 5th. Also, if you buy two of Isekuubes ideas you'll get a third for free.
your store explodes before you finish building it
I still got the secret store
it totally does NOT sell bananas, if it did, our store would be flooded with minions
I throw a banana in your store.
Pineapple INC. now releases their new product: Minion Repellent
The banana industry goes up ad I earn tons of money.
I open ignore-the-other-poster-who-does-useless-stuff-mart
I put up Other Posters That Do Useless stuff on all bulletin boards and walls for confusion.
Pineapple INC. has devoloped a new material. Transparent Unshatterum. Pinapple INC. will rebuild the fourth wall with it. It's also great for spaceships.
We now also sell DO NOT LOOK AT FUNNY CAT PICTURES ideas for only 2000cr
Nobody cares about Pineapple-INC anymore, also, nothing can repair the forth wall.
I open Riots-R-Us, we sell you stuff for riots
/watches 1284712937 people come in and buy stuff for riots, they all riot Pineapple-INC and one of them steals Ankung's rights to Pineapple-INC so now he/she is going to have to make a diffrent store.
I open Apple-Mart, which sells pears for some reason.
Apple-Mart sold me an iPhone
I open CookieVille, which sells everything but nails.
I click CookieVille and get anouther CookieVille, then I click it again and get anouther CookieVille, then I...
Rocktown 3, which sells better rocks than Rocktown 2
Rocktown 3 sold me a pillow.
I open Wolvers-R-Us, a store that sell kats because we don't want them.
I sue you because I made Wolvers-R-Us first and get all your money and kats
I reopen my Wolvers-R-Us
I open Steal-the-rights Inc. (We steal your rights!)
I steal your rights to Wolvers-R-Us and Pineapple Inc. Then I sue you and get all your money (you kan keep kats).
I slap you in the face.
I open Store, a store that only does nothing
Clefairy used Double Slap! Super effective! Hit over 9000 times!
I open GottaSpiralKnights! which gives you everything SpiralKnights related, and no, we do not give away Golden Trojans and such.
I hurl a Golden Trojan at GottaSpiralKnights.
I open Rant-About-SEGA, wher we show our hate for Sonic 06, Shasow the Hedgehog, Sonic Chronicles, Sonic and the Secret Rings, and Sonic X.
And I don't know anything wether he is one or not, because the store explodes by over crowd-ation. Get a bigger store next time!
Recieves slap from Sonosuke. Ouch.
I open Superevilmarket. Where we secretly create a portal to the void that's going to suck up everything in the world and make the world EXPLODE!
(What? No this broadcast is live, you can't just come in here and tell me I'm wrong! [insert muffled voices here] [insert crashing noises here] [insert screams here] [insert gopher repellent being used on a funny little man here] Ok, ok, I get it! But stop interrupting my broadcasts next time!)
Ok, after some discussion with the team here, We've come to the conclusion that the world won't explode, it will implode. Just like explodingg, but in the other direction. So: Where we secretly create a portal to the void that's going to suck up everything in the world and make the world IMPLODE! Wait.
(Hello? Yes. Ok boss. What? You can't tell me I'm fired. Why? Listen, I'm not giving away any secret information here. Wait, DIA devilites outside your office? You can't blame it on me! No, it was YOUR idea to have superEVILmarket printed in large letters all over your building. Was that the comercial devilites? Hey! I'm one of them! But it was your idea with the slogan: "We're evil. Please arrest us. And don't look in the cellar, there's nothing of importance there." Are you telling me it was my idea? Are you crazy? Where did you tell me to go? Yeah it's probably warm there. Hello?....Hello? Are you still there?)
Hey! Is this broadcast still on? Oh thank you! You ruined everything!
OPEN UP! This is DIA! You're under arrest!
Recieves double slap.
Ouch.Ouch.Ouch.Ouch.Ouch.Ouc_______h. Ouch.Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
That hurt...
Hey, is this still running? Turn. It. Off.
You made your customers get under stuff.
I open ASIA R US, everything a anime nerd would need.
Y u no have nothing SAO!!!!!! *kills Gearsolider
I open Rocktown 4, whichs sells better rocks than Rocktown 3.
these rocks are lame, except for the fact I can throw them at Ankung who never really stole my rights to Wolvers-R-Us or to PineappleInc from that other guy.
I open Rocktown 5, which sells rocks better then rocktown 4
Title continues^Again^Title continues
I could chain this forever.
You don't have the big, heavy model.
I open CreativeNames, which sells more creative names. First thing that happens is that CreativeNames changes their name to Happy Fruits Corporaition.
I think get over it Mart is a LOVELY idea. I send flowers to everyone and treat them to expensive dinners. I open a taco place, called Emberlight- a town of taco eaters
you are right, you are a n00b
I open Devilites-R-Us, we sell devilites for adoption
*grabs Popoixd and Ankung and puts them on sale for Devilites-R-Us*
Hey im not sellable !
I open Wolver-R-Us.
*put Pi in the store.*
I couldn't find 3.14 anywhere.
I open Erasers, where we sell pencils with erasers,regular erasers, magic erasers that eraser any being you wish to disappear, and erasers for hippies.
I buy a mgic eareser and erase you shop.
I open Peancil. Where we sell pancake, pencil and PANCIL :D
I sue you for making a Wolvers-R-Us, and escaping your ce-, er, land of happyness
*puts Popoixd in a cage which only I have the key and sells him/her to the next poster if not Popoixd*
I sue pipipipipi for not looking after popoixd.
I open a shop called AHAKADA (lol) and they sell anything touhou related aka this song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp3EY0z_GJ4 number one right now.
I sue you for sueing me for no reason, and gain all your money
also, I hope you enjoy your new pet
I give Ankung away to the next poster if he/she is not Ankung
Ankung nearly stabbed me to death, so I gave him to Toys-R-Us. And I still couldn't get over my grandmother's death.
I open AKAHADA 2, where we sell everything Touhou and more including this song.
I sue all of you for sueing to much and not oppening store enough.
I open Open-Store-Because-It's-The-Thing-Of-This-Game.
I hate Open-it-store-because-it's-the-thing-of-this-game. The staff is really unfriendly and the prices are outrageous. I open Assasin Mart because my taco stor is doing really well. We sell, swords, crossbows, cool eyepatches, ominous laser sights, tuxedos and night vision goggles. We also sell delightful skull shaped air fresheners. :p
You stuff is made of plastic.
I open Le-Boom, a store that- *explosion is heard* ... doesn't exist anymore.
What are you still doing here?
/stands in the rubble dazed and confused.
In my confusion an idea comes to mind, a celery store. Lot's and lots of celery.
I open Celeryworld for all your celery needs. I stock celery swords and celery stirrers. Chopped celery, diced celery and celery powder stock the shelves. Cases of whole celery fill the center of the floor.
/calls the foam hat maker.
Yes, may I please have 500 celery hats for my employees to wear for our grand opening.
Yes, this weekend.
I'll pick them up Friday, thanks.
Your celery tastes rubarb.
I can't open a store because I'm locked into Toys-R-Us. Therefore my store's Toys-R-us.
I lock you out of Toy-R-Us
I open Protect-The-Poor-Little-Devellite. Where you can protect us, develite, from having bad hing happen to them.
A crazed badger killed all your devilites in the dead of nights. I open Spiral HQ: Your SK headquarters for gear, friends, food and fun!
Seems like I'm still alive.
Your friends are of bad moral fiber, and they cost too much to feed.
Pineapple Inc. is back with a new product, SPONGES! We also sell grated orange rhubarb. On fire!
Pineapple inc is of questionable sources. Also it smells like Ankung crap!
I open Evil Mart. Your evil headquarters for:
Practise Nemeses
Base Defences
Volcano Lairs
Very useful.
I open Kill-P1p1p1p1p1-for-Fun-Inc.