The Big Bad Wolf eats your helpers.
I open Jessecho-Trap, where we sell robot parts and we're totally not trying to get Jessecho to a direct 1v1 vs. Matikclocker. Trust us.
The Big Bad Wolf eats your helpers.
I open Jessecho-Trap, where we sell robot parts and we're totally not trying to get Jessecho to a direct 1v1 vs. Matikclocker. Trust us.
There is no reason why you should be fighting Jessecho right nowand they keep kicking me out because I'm not Jessecho.
I open ^ < v remover, where we remove anything bought at the ^ < v store.
The employees removed my fingers because they point upwards, to the left and downwards.
I open Alphy's, where *suddenly falls asleep*
The store was barely half finished because all the workers were sleeping.
I open the Gene Casino, where you give us money, and we give you a random mutation. You could become an unspeakable abomination, or you could be the next step in human evolution. Could be nice!
Also, we happen to be right next door to a bar. I swear, that was a coincidence, I swear.
I gave 1 dolar and I got a gene that made my nose so big I couldn't breathe.
I reopen Alphy's, where we sell stuff like computers, machines and MTT-brand items. You can even buy a companion Mettaton for your home!
Everybody was still asleep from the last time, so I stole everything. Great store, would recommend.
Also nobody said you were Jessecho.
I open Cheeseart, where we sell famous paintings but made out of cheese.
These paintings caused people who ate them to melt down.
I reopen Alphy's again, where you can buy computers, MTT-brand stuff and Mettaton companions. Also, we kicked out those sleepy employees and replaced them with more active and friendly employees who never sleep in work.
All the employees were actually thieves, so they stole everything. Great store, would recommend.
I know what those mean. You were saying you weren't Jessecho as if somebody was saying you were.
I open Rocktown ∞+, which sells better rocks than Rocktown ∞.
Rocktown ∞+ didn't sell a working galaxy rock. 4/10. Closed down due to criticism online.
I open Adoption 4 You, which sells Wolvers, Snarbolaxes, Mewkats, Dust Bunnies, Chameleons, Royal Mini Jellies, Love Puppies, and Sparkys for adoption.
Wolver Set: Wolver Pet, Wolver Food, Bowl, Bed, Water, and Collar: $250
Snarbolax Set: Snarbolax Pet, Snarbolax Food, Bowl, Bed, Water, and Collar: $250
Mewkat Set: Mewkat Pet, Mewkat Food, Bowl, Bed, Water, and Collar: $200
Dust Bunnies: $65
Chameleons: $65
Royal Mini Jellies: $50
Love Puppy Set: Love Puppy Pet, Love Puppy Food, Bowl, Bed, Water, and Collar: $275
Sparky Set: Sparky Pet, Gun Puppy Food, Bowl, Bed, Water, and Collar: $275
**** WARNING ****
Adoption 4 You is not responsible for any Injuries, or Deaths. Adoption 4 You is copyrighted so If you decide to buy a pet from any of our 2 stores, and then sell, you will be hunted down, and stored in the basement where the Shadow Kats are held. We are not responisble for any Injuries by or from the Shadow Kats, Sparkys, Royal Mini Jellies, Mewkats, Snarbolaxes, Chameleons, Dust Bunnies, and Wolvers. If you happen to buy a pet from any of our 2 stores, there are no refunds. And if you would like you can buy a DVD to learn how to tame your pet, that'll be an extra $50. If you come in one of our 2 stores thinking we sell Seraphynxes, Drakons, and Maskerwraiths YOU ARE WRONG. We do not sell any amateur pets.
Thank You,
King of Snarbolaxes, Kordani
People sue you for not selling battle sprites.
I reopen once more Alphy's, where, you knoe, you can buy computers, MTT stuff and Mettatons.
Also, we fired those thief employees and replaced them with active, friendly employees that never steal and aren't weak. We also have guards to make sure nobody steals, even if distracted.
Alas, somebody managed to steal everything in your store. This is because 'somebody' is technically not 'nobody', so, yo' guards were so stupid they let 'somebody' steal everything.
I open a store called Choco~Top. In this shop, we sell foods covered by chocolate.
^ A bunch of androids, along with the company Android and the user The-Radiation-Out-Of-People sue you for stealing people's phones, giving them body parts, thus requiring you to VICIOUSLY MURDER BABY ROBOTS, and bargaining them off to villains like Doctor Doofensmhirtz. The United Nations send you for life to an ultramax prison guarded by not only normal guards, but Overwatch, Batman, and Superman.
< I open Helpers-R-Us, where you can buy a helper. Fighting beetles, fake users with anything radiation related in their name, not wearing shoe-like objects that are shaped like your feet, not obeying the curveball, and being annoying is not allowed
The things it has are:
Slime - Jelly Cubes (delicious, and you do not even have to kill the little guy), Toxoils (Herex is our provider), and Rock Jellies (a knight's best slime)
Beast - Wolvers, Duskers, Vog Cubs, Skunks, Voltails, Grizzly Bears, Arcane Salamanders (a mage's best friend), and various species of Fox
Fiend - Trojans and Greavers (a warlock's best friend)
Undead - Carnavons (WARNING: can do Curse) and highly adaptable Ghosts of various shapes, sizes, and colors.
Items - Evo Catalysts, Steak, Bones, Insects, Grass, Dark Coffee (safe for humanoid consumption, thanks to our Devilite workers!), and other items to aid in the care, training, repair, and feeding of any pets you get!
Other - Pikachus, Minions, Minecraft Blazes, Living Snowmen, Fennekins, Froakies, Chespins, Charmanders, and Pigees
V must say NOTHING MEAN about ANYTHING in my store AT ALL. Disobeying this curveball will cause the Big Bad Wolf to eat your store.