Item: Wolver cap (2*)
Level: Red Carpet Runaround, that area with treasure that you use a key to access
Treasure Box, forget colour
Confirming Treasure Box Equipment Drops

item: jelly helm
Where: Depth 14 in an arena at the end of the level(top left box)
when: 10 minutes ago

Wyvren Scale helm.
T2 RJP Red Carpter runaround, just before the lift.
Green Box.

Crystal Bomb, depth 15 (I think, the treasure room at Red Carpet Runaround). Can't remember exact date, but I think it was some time in December or November.

Yesterday, in a red treasure box, immediately after defeating Jelly King.

got a jelly shield in a treasure vault level yesterday

I got a Super Slime Slasher (/disappointed) in a Green Treasure Box in a Tier 1 Treasure Vault on 1/20/12 (yesterday).

friend of mine found a Rock jelly armour in the ruby knight gate arena 3rd reward area before RJP

Crystal Bomb, Treasure Vault, Depth 25 (Poison Stratum)

Recently while I was doing a FSC run in the sprite room(depth 25) the bit on the left you throw water and 5 boxes and 1 heart box is usually there. I found a cold iron carver in one of the boxes. For some reason I wasn't surprised because a lot of my friends find cold iron carvers during Lord Vanaduke runs. Unfortunately I don't remember the theme,I think it was poison though

Tier 3 Arena before Basil (not sure exactly what depth) today I got a Boosted Plate shield in a green box.
Earlier this week, I got a spiral plate helm (lol) in a depth 22 danger room from a green box.
Since I'm posting already, I don't have dates but I've found these myself in the past since the steam release:
Chroma Mask (depth 17 Blight Blvd at the elevator)
Wolver Coat (After Snarby)
3 X Magnus pistols in various tier 2 levels (not in danger rooms)
Heavy Demo Suit (tier 3 danger room in a gremlin themed level before basil)
Wyven Scale Mail (90% certain this was after one of the tier two bosses)
Rock Salt Bomb (After RJ)
Force Buckler (somewhere in tier 1, not danger room)
Saw a Teammate find a Kamarin in the beginning of a tier 3 Clockwork Tunnels level in a green box in the small room with boxes before the party button. Pretty sure it was before the terminal.
Hope that adds a bit more data to the list.

Item: Vile Striker (4*)
Depth: 21
Level/Mission: The Vile Machine, depth 21
Box color: Green
Item: Rock Jelly Helm (4*)
Depth: 20
Level: Blast Furnace (I'm fairly certain there were fiends judging by the blue background, though, so it might be a mix of both!)
Box color: Also do not remember
Thanks Mere for helping me remember where we found the Rock Jelly Helm :D

That Rock Jelly Helm has been found on depth 20. I don't remember what level was it exactly, but it was Blast Furnace. I got a screenshot.
Of course when I'm soloing, and there's nobody who could "randomly" get the item, I don't have findings above 2*. Speaking of which, recently I've found:
Item: Force Buckler (1*)
Depth: 20
Level: don't remember but it was Power Complex
Box color: Don't remember
Item: Cold Snap (1*)
Depth: 10
Level: Cooling Chamber - Mechanized Mile
Box color: Green

I got a drop while soloing Royal Jelly Palace today. Red Carpet Runaround at the final Treasure Box area: Cautery Sword. Yippee skpipee.

Tier: 1
Treasure vault
Depth ?
??? coloured box
Item:Super Slime Slasher(1*)
Members in party:1(solo)
Tier: 2
Mission:Built to destroy:Abandoned assembly
At the end of the level,the boxes and minerals before the elevator.
Red coloured box
Item:Pummel Gun(1*)
Time: February,?,2012
Members in party:1(solo)
Tier: 2
Some arena(Flame lash I think)
At the end of the second area.
??? coloured box
Item:Boosted plate helm(Or heavy,can't remember since I didn't get it)
Members in party:2 or 4

A couple of memorable ones recently.
Firestorm Citadel, chests at end of D27 (Red Boxes*)
Fiery Atomizer
Skelly Suit
There was one more, but I can't remember what it was for the life of me. Probably a Slime Slasher or something equally useless.
*I think they were red boxes. Both were unboxed offscreen, so I can't say for sure.

Friend and I found a Fiery Vaporizer (2* lol) after a danger room.
Location was in a Depth 21 Blast Furnace/Mech Mile in the current Golden Serpent gate.

Umm, well, I'm not sure about the whole drop thing related to the lvl, but i was doing a mission which i think was beast or jelly themed (most likely jelly) and i got a prismatech mkll. don't see no connection there. :L

At depth 12, in a Ice-Wolvers Den, a green item box yielded a Cryotech Alchemer Mk II.

Teammate just found a Strike Needle in the last room of the RJP before the Royal Jelly.
Box it was found in was one of the ones opened with the 4th key in red carpet runaround before the battle at the end.
This was on the mission RJP, not the arcade one, so that'd be depth 14 (I guess?)
(Nice find!)

I found a Brandish from a Treasure Box in a Cooling Chamber's Haunted Passage at Depth 11.

Item: Super Slime Slasher (1*)
Depth: 17
Level: Royal Jelly Palace - Battle Royale
Box color: I don't remember

2 mores
Item: Nightblade (3*)
Depth: 25
Level: Firestorm Citadel - Charred Court
Box Color: red
Item: owlite Shield (2*)
Depth: 28
Level: Firestorm Citadel - Throne Room
Box Color: Red

Found a 2* haze bomb in the very last level of Operation crimson Hammer (tier I), in one of the green boxes near the throne.
(oh god ignore the discussion going on in the guildchat, lol)

Item: Wise owlite shield
Depth: 28
Level: Firestorm citadel- Throne room
Box colour: Not from a box. Saw it come out of a torch XD

Just found a Cutter in the Amber Serpent gate, depth 6 in one of the boxes to the left side of the elevator before the Snarbolax.
It was the box that is bottom, right position out of the three on the left.

Found a Rock Jelly Helm (4*) at the end of the mission version of RJP (The Sovereign Slime) in one of the red boxes.

I got an owlite shield at the end of d26 in FSC mission , I've seen a friend get a skelly mask after beating vana top left box, nubtuber got a firebreak helm at very top right box at end of d28, I got prisma at end of jk (mission) and cold iron carver in sprite room the left part where u use water & finally I've gotten Kelly helm at end Of soloing snarby

Do Missions count?
Skolver Cap (5*)
Players: 2
Mission - Depth 26: 9-1 - The Silent Legion
Skelly Mask (2*)
Players: 4
Mission - Depth 28: 9-3 - The King of Ashes (FSC)
Wolver Cap (2*)
Players: 3
Arcade - Depth 6: ? ? ? (I don't remember, it was in the Clockwork Tunnels but I don't remember which Variant.)

Spiral Scale Mail (1*)
Depth 2, Clockwork Tunnels: Slimeway
Green Box
Only I was present
Picture exists if needed.
What i've found:
Prismatech alchemer mk 2 in RJP in a red chest just after the boss.
Wolver coat in FSC (can't remember where)
What i've seen people in my team find:
Rock jelly helm (think it had a med pierce uv) in the chests just after JK
Hunting blade in a t2 arena, 2nd stage chests

In any of my travels on missions or the clockwerks i have never gotten a single bit of gear from a treasure box.

Found a Heavy Hatchet (lol)
In Flank the Frontlines
That's the third level in in the Operation Crimson Hammer expansion, in tier 1.
Location was near the end of the level, in one of the boxes at the end of the corridor with the stone blocks and mines coming up on the last small room.
Last boxes in the level. I did not see if it was from a red or green box, or which one.

My friend got a sword:
Name: Hot Edge
Star: 1 star (I think)
Depth: FSC depth 25
Date: Sunday, April 29th, 2012
Time: 9:17 am EST

Dont know if these are listed yet.
Prismatech alchemer mk II in Jelly palace
owlite shield in treasure vault
brandish in emerald axis
blast bomb
skelly shield
Name: Boosted Plate Mail (3* armor)
Depth: Operation Crimson Hammer (Tier 2), Aftermath.
Origin: One of the right-side treasure boxes? Don't know which one; was loading the map while the other party member opened them..
EDIT, just found this one today, 2012 May 06:
Name: Prisma Driver (4* handgun)
Depth: Royal Jelly Palace, Red Carpet Runaround (Depth 15 on mission The Sovereign Slime)
Origin: One of the Treasure Boxes right before the elevator.

Regular branch off with (i think green) treasure boxes, got a Circuit Breaker Armor on depth 1.

Brandish-First Treasure Room after the Arena during "Rise or Fall" Mission.
Autogun-In one of the Boxes after Defeating the Roarmulus Twins.
Heavy Hatchet-In a Green Box somewhere in Ironclaw Munitions Factory.
Jelly Shield-In one of the Boxes after Defeating the Royal Jelly.

Brandish-First Treasure Room after the Arena during "Rise or Fall" Mission.
Autogun-In one of the Boxes after Defeating the Roarmulus Twins.
Heavy Hatchet-In a Green Box somewhere in Ironclaw Munitions Factory.
Jelly Shield-In one of the Boxes after Defeating the Royal Jelly.

friend of mine got a dread skelly in a tier 3 treasure vault in a green box and it was about 3 weeks ago

This thread isn't even needed anymore. I dont see why people keep adding more.

@Trying, where in this thread have they said it's not needed anymore? Quote it please.
For the purposes of the thread, I got a wolver cap after defeating snarbolax and I think this was b4 missions came in so it was a normal arcade T1 run.

@Jennytheturtle I got a Wolver Coat from a green box I think and it was also before missions. I was soloing and just considered it a reward for soloing The Snarbolax.

Just got a Wise Owlite Shield in Depth 24 of FSC (Blackstone Bridge)
The box it was in was the ones by the elevator at the end, left side, bottom right box.
It was a big shock, I didn't even notice that I picked it up at first. ^_^

Just finished a danger room in the current Coral Queen gate, depth 14 in the Power Complex/Mech Mile
Got (another) Boosted Plate Shield in one of the treasure boxes at the end. If it matters, it was one of the bottom left ones. Bottom row, second from the left.

I may be having the luckiest three days in SK ever.
Just found a Wolver Coat in Depth 17 just after the Royal Jelly.
One of the left side boxes...
Anyone else finding LOTS of items in boxes suddenly? :-0

I'm having uber luck too!
My first Rise and Fall mission - Rock Jelly Shield
Yesterday at Depth 13 Devilish Drudgery - Vile Striker. My mate hit the box, I looked down, and we both lost it.
Mogwah obtained Vile Striker!
Oh, and Toast was sweet enough to send me that shield. (After sis paid for it?)

Item - Drake Scale Mail (3*)
Mission - The Sovereign Slime - Depth 15
Box color - Red
Location - In one of the two boxes, after clearing the right gate.
Freezing Vaporizer(2*)@Ice Maul Arena-Robo Rampage,after T2 terminal.