Owlite Shield 2*, KoA D25
Not sure what box, was in the mineral room when the party smashed the boxes and collected the shield for me.
Confirming Treasure Box Equipment Drops

Vile Striker (4*), green box, depth 24, during Hazardous Heist first level, was poison themed
Compound 42, Depth 26 (Treasure Floor)
Drake Scale Shield in Treasure Box

Toxic Vaporiser MKII
The Great Escape : Down The Drain
Green Box
Treasure Vault
Stratum 5
Red box (i think)

An update to my drops:
In chronological order:
Vitasuit Deluxe 4*
Crystal Bomb 2*
Salamander Suit 4*
Brandish 2*
Sinister Skelly Mask *4 (FSC)
Horned Owlite Shield *3 (FSC) (August 2012)
Scary Skelly Shield 3* (FSC) (group)
Circuit Breaker Armor 1* (GiM) (solo) (treasure room)
Graviton Vortex 5* (LOA) (solo) (treasure room) (Late-January 2013)
Graviton Bomb 4* (solo) (Weight of Darkness, during the Kat event)
Volcanic Salamander Mask 5* (solo) (second floor of Hazardous Heist prestige mission) 3-17-2013
Graviton Bomb 4* (duo) (depth 25 FSC - left side treasure room) 4-28-2013

2* Spiral Plate Mail, 2* prismatech alchemer, 2* shadowtech alchemer.
All from various scattered green boxes, one in treasure vault.

I obtained a couple of bombs and an armor a long time ago, all of them in danger missions and in red boxes I think:
Legion of Almire (Graviton Vortex)
Heart of Ice (Ash of Agni)
Ghosts in the Machine (Surge Breaker Armor)

So the game drop mechanics have been tweaked a little.
From what I've seen, Prestige mission drops are far more common than normal level ones.

Owlite shield>End of League of Almire (I'm a T3 vanguard, wherever that puts the level's end)

Cold Iron Carver, Depth 27 (?) of Firestorm Citadel, green box.
Also, Fehzor found a plate shield in Depth 25 (Charred Court) of UFSC last night

Found one in treasure vault on depth 2.

An update to my drops:
In chronological order:
Vitasuit Deluxe 4*
Crystal Bomb 2*
Salamander Suit 4*
Brandish 2*
Sinister Skelly Mask *4 (FSC)
Horned Owlite Shield *3 (FSC) (August 2012)
Scary Skelly Shield 3* (FSC) (group)
Circuit Breaker Armor 1* (GiM) (solo) (treasure room)
Graviton Vortex 5* (LOA) (solo) (treasure room) (Late-January 2013)
Graviton Bomb 4* (solo) (Weight of Darkness, during the Kat event)
Volcanic Salamander Mask 5* (solo) (second floor of Hazardous Heist prestige mission) 3-17-2013
Graviton Bomb 4* (duo) (depth 25 FSC - left side treasure room) 4-28-2013
Graviton Bomb 4* (solo) {yes, another one} (GIM - treasure room, bottom left side) 5-17-2013

Item: Avenger
Depth: 26
Danger Mission: Heart of Ice
In the Treasure Room after Heart of Ice, in a red box

Item: Shadow Driver
Depth: 25
Mission: King of Ashes
Location: Treasure boxes on the Eastern side of the courtyard, after rescuing the sprites of course.
Ice Queen Shadow Lair, Battle Royale
Wolver Cap in Treasure Box

During a haunted passage way level I got a skelly helm(2*) in a treasure box before I got to the danger room I don't have a screenshot or the helm because I gave it to a guildy

Brandish (2*) from a green box in d24 of the Slime Prestige Mission
The King of Ashes, Depth 25 (Blackstone Bridge)
Horned Owlite Shield in Treasure Box
The King of Ashes, Depth 28 (Throne Room)
Skelly Shield in Treasure Box

An update to my drops:
In chronological order:
Vitasuit Deluxe 4*
Crystal Bomb 2*
Salamander Suit 4*
Brandish 2*
Sinister Skelly Mask *4 (FSC)
Horned Owlite Shield *3 (FSC) (August 2012)
Scary Skelly Shield 3* (FSC) (group)
Circuit Breaker Armor 1* (GiM) (solo) (treasure room)
Graviton Vortex 5* (LOA) (solo) (treasure room) (Late-January 2013)
Graviton Bomb 4* (solo) (Weight of Darkness, during the Kat event)
Volcanic Salamander Mask 5* (solo) (second floor of Hazardous Heist prestige mission) 3-17-2013
Graviton Bomb 4* (duo) (depth 25 FSC - left side treasure room) 4-28-2013
Graviton Bomb 4* (solo) {yes, another one} (GIM - treasure room, bottom left side) 5-17-2013
Autogun 2* (solo) (GIM - Treasure room, bottom right side) 5-25-2013
I found a 4* rock jelly mail at depth 16, in royal jelly palace (boss fight depth)

1*) Force Buckler * Green Box * Depth 1 * Was either Mechanized Mile or Wild Path, Power Complex
1*) Bolted Blade * Red Box * The level before Seerus * Tier 1 Operation Crimson Hammer
1*) Spiral Scale Helm * Green Box * Either Depth 1 or 2 * no-themed(?) Deconstruction Zone
2*) Firotech Alchemer * Green Box * Depth 27 * Firestorm Citadel
3*) Blazebreaker Helm * Red Box * Depth 25 * Firestorm Citadel
3*) Needle Shot * Red Box * Depth 17 * Royal Jelly Palace
4*) Irontech Destroyer * Green Box (?) * Depth 16 * Poison-Themed Deconstruction Zone
That's all I remember; can't think of anything else.

Hm. Steam screenshots doesn't have dates on them.
Location ---------------------------------- Drop
End of Vanaduke (D28) --------------------- Owlite Shield
End of Vanaduke (D28) --------------------- Scary Skelly Mask
End of Vanaduke (D28) --------------------- Scary Skelly Suit
End of Vanaduke (D28) --------------------- Fiery Vaporizer Mk II
End of Blackstone Bridge (D24) ------------ Horned Owlite Shield
End of Blackstone Bridge (D24) ------------ Fireburst Brandish

Boosted Plate Shield, depth 20 Treasure Vault. Happened today and was in one of the many, many red boxes that had spawned.

Found Brute Jelly mail (3*) in grass (yes, the little thing on the floor that you can't "break" with gun) at Treasure Vault, D20, Iron Queen gate, 29.10 or 29.11.2012.
Also-Skelly shield (2*) in green box at FSC, D24, before 1-2 months.
^Found both while soloing.

Somewhere in Clockworks (D15)------------------ Brandish
End of Blackstone Bridge (D24)----------------- Searing Edge
End of Throne Room (D28)----------------------- Emberbreak Shield
End of Throne Room (D28)----------------------- Graviton Bomb

Found it on d26 after the 4 rooms with the statues

3* owlite shield after that one danger mission. League of Almire. Was the final "vanguard" version.

Found Shadow Driver (4 star gun) in LOA treasure room.

A first for me at least... two drops in one day.... second drop was a Scary Skelly Shield (3 star) found at the end of depth 28 after beating Vanaduke. And I think that's the first drop I've ever seen (been in the party myself) in Vanaduke.

Toxic Vaporizer.
Depth 10, Wasteworks - Wild Path
It was in a red box after a danger room that had slimes and beasts.

You guys are all so jammy... I was in a vanaduke run depth 24 and a grey feather cowl popped up. Near elevator on right and I forgot to go solo :( so someone else on the team got it ::(((:(:(:(:(:(:(:( sorry I don't have a screeny
But I neverrrrrr ever ever find any amour

A party member found Firotech Alchemer MkII in one of the red boxes after Vanaduke (D28) on 5.07
Today a Heavy Hatchet dropped from a red box after Roarmulus Twins fight, D17, mission:"Built to Destroy!".

It was a wise owlite shield on a Vanaduke run at depth 28.

Force Buckler: Depth 28 Thunderfist Arena Robo Rampage
4* Graviton Bomb: Legion of Almire depth 26 (Cryptic Cache)

An update to my drops:
In chronological order:
Vitasuit Deluxe 4*
Crystal Bomb 2*
Salamander Suit 4*
Brandish 2*
Sinister Skelly Mask *4 (FSC)
Horned Owlite Shield *3 (FSC) (August 2012)
Scary Skelly Shield 3* (FSC) (group)
Circuit Breaker Armor 1* (GiM) (solo) (treasure room)
Graviton Vortex 5* (LOA) (solo) (treasure room) (Late-January 2013)
Graviton Bomb 4* (solo) (Weight of Darkness, during the Kat event)
Volcanic Salamander Mask 5* (solo) (second floor of Hazardous Heist prestige mission) 3-17-2013
Graviton Bomb 4* (duo) (depth 25 FSC - left side treasure room) 4-28-2013
Graviton Bomb 4* (solo) {yes, another one} (GIM - treasure room, bottom left side) 5-17-2013
Autogun 2* (solo) (GIM - Treasure room, bottom right side) 5-25-2013
Skelly Mask 2* (solo) (GIM -Treasure room, bottom left side) 7-8-2013

Found 2 star Wise Owlite Shield in depth 26 treasure room of LOA : http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/1118300602729808892/9105162AB5728315...

An update to my drops:
In chronological order:
Vitasuit Deluxe 4*
Crystal Bomb 2*
Salamander Suit 4*
Brandish 2*
Sinister Skelly Mask *4 (FSC)
Horned Owlite Shield *3 (FSC) (August 2012)
Scary Skelly Shield 3* (FSC) (group)
Circuit Breaker Armor 1* (GiM) (solo) (treasure room)
Graviton Vortex 5* (LOA) (solo) (treasure room) (Late-January 2013)
Graviton Bomb 4* (solo) (Weight of Darkness, during the Kat event)
Volcanic Salamander Mask 5* (solo) (second floor of Hazardous Heist prestige mission) 3-17-2013
Graviton Bomb 4* (duo) (depth 25 FSC - left side treasure room) 4-28-2013
Graviton Bomb 4* (solo) {yes, another one} (GIM - treasure room, bottom left side) 5-17-2013
Autogun 2* (solo) (GIM - Treasure room, bottom right side) 5-25-2013
Skelly Mask 2* (solo) (GIM -Treasure room, bottom left side) 7-8-2013
Brandish 2* (solo) (Arcade - Power Complex Slimeway, depth 21) 7-22-2013

Item: Irontech Bomb (4*)
Depth: 20
Level: Treasure Vault (Shock Stratum)
Box colour: Red
(Wolver cap) at snars lair
(Cautery sword) jelly king
(Blight needle) jelly king
(Heavy plate mail) can't remember what the level was called but it was during the hallow fest, every one came to fight the king then they left I stayed and finished the level and found it in the box :3
(Sinister skelly suit) can't remember exactialy where.

I think this thread is only for weapons but I'm gonna write this...
Found Prismatic Dapper Combo after killing an Impostocube, The Jelly Farm 2, Depth 20.

Hot edge 1* FSC D27 Green box. Nuff said

Maybe It is it should. Perhaps rare drops no longer happen...

How do equipment drops currently work, exactly? Did the mechanics change at all with the implementation of Alchemy Orbs and Fire Crystals? Can we still obtain random drops, at all?
I've been grinding the Iron Skull Gate with my friend, Heavyspiralknight, for the last four days (We must have played over 50 times in total!), and neither of us have found anything since the update. Still, for the sake of continuity, here's my list of previous drops I've obtained throughout the history of SK:
Jelly Mail (Treasure Vault in a Jelly-themed stratum. Got it during a Royal Jelly Run a very long time ago.)
Jelly Shield (Same as the above.)
Emberbreak Armor (Firestorm Citadel, about a year ago.)
Skelly Mask (Fiend-themed Prestige mission, some months back.)
Yeah...those are about it. Would the developers care to comment on the mechanics of the Treasure Box payout system, as of the recent updates? I think it would be most helpful to everyone in this thread.
Skelly Suit (2*), Legion of Almire mission, depth 26 (Cryptic Cache).