If I met a talking walrus, what would I do?
Kill him, fry him, and eat him. What? I'm hungry! XP
If I met a talking walrus, what would I do?
Kill him, fry him, and eat him. What? I'm hungry! XP
If I met a talking walrus I'd pull out my carpenter's outfit and start singing about oysters.
Well, I suppose I would first ask it what the circumference of a moose is.
Question 01/15/12
If you met a talking Walrus, What would you do?
Well besides the usual collection of things people normally do when they meet talking animals of species other than human (gasping, jaw-dropping, eye-rubbing, head-clutching, face-slapping, reanalyzing-one's-whole-past-life-and-natural-assumptions-concerning-talking-animals-and-other-supposed-truths, etc.), I think I might ask him if he likes eating oysters (Alice and the Looking Glass).
Previous Winners 1/15/12
New question 1/16/12
P.S, We hit 1000 replies! Wooo! We're now the 2nd largest thread in existence, only the recipe selling thread is more (correct me if I'm wrong)
Stash? What stash? My whole room's a big stash!
*looking around* you know... beneath the couple piles of clothes.... and the bed... and in the closet....
Wait, you want my real stash? Neveeeerrrr..... the preciouuussssssssessss....... never touches it. It is my preciousses. And you can not have them!
I honestly have two stashes. One's of those pull-string firecrackers (aged to perfect boom-ness over the course of 3 years) among other fireworks, and the other is my hoard of dragon sculptures... which no longer reside in my room because I had to "make things neat" :P
You still will never know where they are... *looks in general direction of closet in next room, and to my car* nevvveeerrrrrr.....
what stash are you talking about......*nervous twitch*..... you have no proof i have a stash of real pokemon in my basement....oops.
well you have no proof i have replicas of every weapon in video-games in my closet....oops....well you have no proof i have a stash of Kuger's cookies in my nightstand....oops...i shoul probaly stop talking about this before i reveal every one of my stashes.....
oh, u mean that stash of all those kids from Halloween?... crap, i think i left them in the basement. *opens door, only to immediately slam it back* OH CRAP, THAT SMELLS HORRIBLE... yup... they're in the basement... they're fine. *screen pans down into the basement, nothing but skeletons in clasps and chains*
Ruby stole my stache. =( First, he presents this little mini surprise party and gives it to me. It was amazing!
But then, about a month later, he calls me in for a meeting. I walk in, and he just rips it right off my face.
Something about "Rainbows" and "Flowers" ...I'm not quite sure what he was talking about.
Wait.. You said 'stash' and not 'stache'?
Forget I said anything.
1/16/12 Wheres your stash?
My stash is no more, police took all my "green shards" away :(
Q:1/16/12 Where's the Stash?
Which stash? Do you mean the stash of rabid wolvers? here you go! opens door, rabid wolvers pop out and maul you*
Oh, you mean the stash of sulfaric acid? *open another door, sulfaric acid pours out and gives you 723984th degree burns*
or the stash of explosives? *opens another door, resulting explosion tears your face off. but at least you don't have 723984th degrees anymore on your face*
how about the stash of noobs? *opens doors, resulting noob swarm annoys you and melts your brain*
trolls? *door opens, troll comes out, insults your face (but you don't have one!), slaps you, and walks away*
Greivoses? *opens door, greivos comes out, spams forums, talks with hyphens, gets banned*
stash of ghostbusters? *opens doors, ghostss come out, nom you in half and leave* oops, that was the stash of ghosts, not ghostbusters.
bunnies? *opens door, horde of bunnies appear and trample you*
my stash of sunshine? *opns door, blinding light incinerates you, turns you itno ashes*
what about the stash of super glue? *opens door, door is glued shut, keeps pulling, pulls doorknob off, doorknob flies into the air an hits you on you no-longer existing head, super glue then floods out, turns your ashes into new body, although mishapen*
or the very last stash; the stash of pistachios? *opens door, pistachios everywhere. whoever, you're allergic to pistachios, and break out in rashes in boils*
No? none of these? o well. *walks away, leaves you with rabies, 723984th degree burns, a melted brain, lots of fotprints on your bodym super glue stuck all over you, rashes and boils all over you too, very bad sunburns, a ghost still nomming on you, and youface is still peeled away.*
Stash?! uh...I don't have any money! PLEASE don't hurt me! *Open's bedroom door* *mountain of money pours out * OWWWWWW
Question 01/16/12
Wheres your stash?
Where's my stash? Why do you ask? Why do you want to know? What makes you think I have a stash? And even if I had a stash, what makes you think I'd tell you where it is? And even if you knew where this hypothetical stash was and planned to mess with it in some way, what makes you think you could get to it? What makes you think you could reach this hypothetical stash if it was (and if there was one there probably were) heavily protected by a series of dangerous, high-quality traps? And even if you could somehow, impossibly bypass all my hypothetical traps by taking advantage of their nonexistent, hypothetical, secret weaknesses and vulnerable spots, wouldn't it be a shame if my stash itself, the whole thing, was really just another trap, a dead end hopefully resulting in your hypothetical, but totally assuredly humiliating defeat and possible doom?
PS: I realize that I haven't actually answered your question yet.
PPS: My stash of questions hypothetical and otherwise concerning the question "Wheres your stash?" is right up there ^
PPPS: [Insert evil laughter here]
PPPPS: Have a nice day.
PPPPPS: What a large block of questions up there.
PPPPPPS: By the way: my stash of (P*#+S:)s are right here.
PPPPPPPS: [Insert evil laughter2 here]
Where's my stash?
Well, it's my stash, so there's no way I'd tell you where it is.
I mean, it's so well hidden, it's like, the Core, 'no, that's why it's sealed? I kinda hid my stuff in there since like, way back when, like, yeah, so like, no-one can ever find out that that place is like, my stash, cuz like, OOO isn't going to open the Core, like, ever.
But If I told you all that, then my stash wouldn't be secret anymore.
So I won't tell you that.
Instead, I'll say my stash is in Kuger.
So that way, like, none of you will ever guess where it is, like, really, cuz like, I never told you where it, like, actually is, like yah.
Previous Winners 1/16/12
New question 1/17/12
1/17/12 If you were a Game Master, What would your name be?
I would be Hippos, because it means horse... /shout and I love horses! /derp, also I had friend called Achilles, he never died, even Darkfire Vanaduke didn't kill him, but than he took arrow in the mist tank... oh wait, nvm /lol
"If you were a Game Master, what would your name be?"
My first thought was Nike, not because of the goddess herself but because the Nike of Samothrace is one of my favorite sculptures XD I also really like the name Nausikaa, from the Odyssey. But I've settled on Khelônê. Her name means tortoise, and I love tortoises! In some stories she IS a tortoise, haha =) Also, tortoises were a symbol of silence, and I'm generally pretty antisocial in-game XD
The Greek god of... wait do I even have to explain this one?
if you were a Game Master, what would your name be?
my name would be Apollo, the Greek god of prophecie and archery
If I were a GM, what would my name be?
Einsteinrosenbridge...owait, too long.
Psychodestroyer. CUZ I'M SPECIAL. (Owait, not greek)
ARES: The god of WAR.
id claim myself an all-powerful dragon with the power to give my enemies a long string of totally nonsensical error messages, thus rendering my opponents powerless while they try to close all the random error windows.
Question 01/17/12
If you were a Game Master, What would your name be?
The title is misleading.
I would be Poseidon.
It's got quite a clever mix of things.
It's long enough to seem cool, but not too long, which would make me seem a little obnoxious.
It's a god who was highly respected, and one of the most powerful in existence. I'd seem important?
He also had a wife and many, many maidens, something I will never have.
Forever alone.
And because Leviathan Blade would be so fitting to equip.
If you were a Game Master, What would your name be?
Hades. Because I like death. And torture. But mostly death.
I'd choose Hephaestus. He's the blacksmith for the gods, and I never want to buy my weps, I always make them.
Hephaestus is also the god of fire... I'm a pyromaniac so this works! FIRE!
His loyalty is very tough to question, and he aids the gods in making their weapons THEIRS.
"The most powerful man [or woman] is not one who is alone powerful, but one who can give others the power to overcome anything." -Unknown
So sign me up with Hephaestus, glorified, BA, weapon-forging pyro.
The hydra.
Feared, and at first glance invincible. What more can say?
Also, if the only way to kill someone is to do it with fire, then that person is awesome.
The goddess of warfare,
>Killing fiends everyday
battle strategy,
>Teamwork is awesome
heroic endeavour,
>You know when you have 2 hearts left and you go into spikes to revive a team-mate? Yeah that.
>Ragecrafting :D
and skill.
She is commonly shown accompanied by her sacred animal, the owl.
>I am commonly shown accompanied by my sacred shield, the Grey Owlite Shield.
Question 01/17/12
If you were a Game Master, What would your name be?
Not to be confuzzled with NICK.
Of course, if it has to be greek, then... um...
Is there a Greek god of randomness?
Or maybe Cyclops. They enjoy smashing things with big things. I like smashing things with heavy swords. See the resemblance? :)
Or PlutO? Seeing as someone already took Hades... well, Pluto is the next best thing. Besides, I like zombies and Fiends, and riches. and Hades/pluto stands for those.
Previous Winners 1/17/12
New question 1/18/12
My biggest fear, you say?... Seriously?... (takes deep breath) Okay, here it goes...
It's horrifying, it's terrible, on the 10/10 scale. It's cool as steel, the perfect silent killer. It claimed countless lives in numerous places. It doesn't even have a heart for anyone, it showed no mercy.
Yes, you may see a heart resting almost innocently on it, beckoning injured knights to come close and claim that life-saver. Then, it makes its move...
SPRING!!! And they're dead...
It's the deadliest thing when it comes in groups, either lined-up or in huge, ugly patches. Then, it becomes the worst nightmare ever.
It couldn't be worse than that... It's everywhere, literally. From the lesser Wasteworks to the Royal Jelly Palace.
Well, you should be able to know what it is by now. It's...
*Scream!!* You're stepping on it right now! Quick, run! Or you'll...!
...too late.
My biggest fear...
Don't even go there...
Too late. Now you're in for it.
My greatest fear is that one day, there'll be a post-apocalyptic event that alters the intangible fabric of time and space, causing reality to 'converge' with all alternate realities, material and not. Time will cease to continue, and we will all be living in the space of a single second. All of time's happenings will be happening simultaneously. In other words, the whole of time, compressed into a single tick of a second. The alternate realities will be causing mayhem with all the difference there is; digital, mutated, spectral, to name a few of the possible alternate realities. There will be all out war as differences are quickly found and exploited, leading to another apocalyptic event which may further disrupt the threads of time and space. Meanwhile, the very existence of the universe and bodies it may exist in are inevitable breaking down, as the barriers between realities and time itself wear thin. Heaven and hell would meet in the space inbetween, and all sorts of celestial warfare will commence in our dimensional plane, adding to the already abundant chaos.
TL;DR: That someone might steal my cookie :3
Mmmmm....My cookie....
My biggest fear: That Kuger will stop doing these questions and we will have no easy way of earning ce!!!!
My biggest fear...are Chris playing Lockdown! (in the enemy team...of course) =)
My biggest fear... I am afraid of many things in SK like spikes, fire, annoying menders, getting smacked with random office supplies or stale donuts, or even Basil robbing my recipes again. :P But my biggest fear is completely different story.
Once I was playing SK with full party in Citadel, we get to the Vanaduke's throne room, when the fight begins, suddenly I could not move and other guy just get trough the wall, everything was freaking out and than BAM! I had Vanaduke's mace booted in head and than I crashed, when I restarted the game, I was laying dead on floor of knightless room, there was nothing but Vanaduke. Well at least I saved energy for reviving and didn't end up on snipe poop dump. (everyone should teach their snipes to clean after themselves, situation in Haven is really urgent >:O)
Yes, my biggest fear is L-L-La-Lam-Lab... LAG, as we know from one great fan art picture "Lag is a drag...". :)
"I'm afraid of fear."
Feron, Spiral Order
I'm afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid of being afraid.
Or if somebody takes my applesauce.
MMMMMMmmmmmmm.... saucey.
I have a fear of the the fear that some day there won't be any fear, as the fear of no fear can only be thought of people who fear fear and maybe they fear the ones that are feared.
I also have the fear of nonsensicality.
what is your biggest fear?
i will be honest with all of you guys for once...my biggest fear is heights....there be happy or i will steal all of your jelly beans!
@kuger i lost all of your cookies in the forest last night, and you will never find a good cookie again! (unless you go to the store...)
@ everyone this fear is my real life fear too just so you know
yay! Applesauce is awsome! who wishes to join a applesauce fan club?
Question 01/18/12
What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is applesauce.
I'm just kidding. But I don't go crazy over applesauce. I don't really know what my biggest fear is anymore. "Biggest" can be interpreted several ways actually. "Biggest" literally, as in size? "Biggest" as in just "greatest"? And is this just S.K. related? I don't know what to put. I'll just go with applesauce I guess.
What is you biggest fear?
I fear that OOO will add a new boss... more specifically, The Peanut Butter King!!!!!! I mean, the Jelly King already gives us so many issues, just imagine the problems from a Peanut Butter version: Peanut Butter blobs that try to eat you alive (your weapons will get stuck!)... Peanut butter armor that gives a greater Attack Speed decrease than Plate armor... and worst of all.... A Shadow version, the Fat-Free Chunky PB Queen!!!!! AAAAARGGGH!!!!!!! Not to mention that I'm allergic to peanuts..........
(P.s I'm actually not, but what if you were!!!)
is that sopa may actually be approved 0.o the presidents veto isnt always enough.
@monocelha yea, id be afraid of a knightmare member too, if i wasnt already 1 of them.
what is your biggest fear?
Coakroaches: Everyone in my family has a problem with coakroaches. Most of them involve them appearing in shoes, waking up with them crawling all over the bed, getting into the food, etc.
Mom: Back when there was bad living conditions, coakroaches would crawl all over her bedsheet at night, and she'd wake up with them al over her bedsheet, alive or dead. Also, her cousin or brother said that his/her ear was hurting, so they went to the doctor. Apparently, there was a cockroach living in his/her ear. *shudder*
Dad: Same as above. The bed one. Also, when he was in the army, he was drinking some soup, and there was a cockroach in it. Fortunate.ly, he didn't eat it.
Sister: Can't remember. But I know she hates bugs.
Brother: Once almost stepped in a shoe with cockroch inside. Screamed and ran into room. Stayed in there for 2 hours.
Me: Once, there was a swarm of cockroaches outside in my house's backyard. I had to bring out the heavy artillery to get rid of them. THere were dead cockroaches everywhere. THen I stepped on a live one. I screamed and ran inside.
*BONUS FACT: Cockroaches have yellow/orange guts. Once, my brother squished one with a rock. Its guts splattered. Yuck.
ANOTHER BONUS FACT: A girl who's in my band class at school says that when she was two, she picked up a random cockraches and ate it. Everyone started saying "OOOOO. I can't believe you did that!" and she kept saying "I was only two... :/"
Ants: Nasty little buggers. They seem to invade our house frequently. 3 times we've had to use robber bands, tissues, shoes, and super glue to keep them out. They also appear in our beds a lot. Also, sometime last year, a horde of them invaded the bottom of my bed. Ants all over the bed, walls, groud. We used up a lot of bugspray, then vaccummed them up. Every single days. They just kept coming and cmoing and coming... And after I watch TOP 10 MOST DEADLY BUGS IN THE WILD or something like that on animal planet, and learned about army ants... wel... needless to say, that really freaked me out.
Praying mantisis: Once, in Taiwan, one appeared on my neck. i was to scared to move. Forget how I got rid of it.
SPiders: Need I say more?
Flies: They seem to enjoy my food a lot. They also try to get at it.
There's a dead tree trunk in my house's backyard. Me and my brother like to destroy it with rocks and nails. Here's a list of all the bufgs we found living in it.
Bugs also seem to enjoy hanging on screen doors. Here's a list of bugs that frequent on my screen door.
Spiders, especially daddy long legs
a nest of yellow jackets
really, really big praying mantisis
tons of fleas.
various beetles
*BONUS FACT: A squirrel once appeared on my room's window screen. Was so freaky. It's eyes were bugged out for some reason. I thnk it had rabies.
The few bugs I don't have any problem with are:
Bees (so cute. but bumblebees are a bit scary)
Rolly pollies
mayflies like to swarm in my house's backyard in the summer. My and my brother enjoy going out and shooting them with out water guns, knocking them out of the sky with rackets, clapping at them, throwing dirt at them, doing anything we can to destory them. Heck, once, when we were very little, we... nvm. But it involved throwing a bucket of liquid at them. It worked very well. But smelled horrible.
fleas also like to invade my house a lot. We've used up so much bugspray...
What is my biggest fear?
For SK, losing my login information AND forgetting my name. (hard to do... but won't say impossible for the fear of jinxing it)
For real life? There's a tie between absolute amnesia and man-made cataclysms (zombie apocalypse, great flood due to global warming, nuclear winter, etc.) In fact, my fear is so high of these events, I have made lists in binders about what to do in the event of any event ever threatens to occur. Amnesia unfortunately has yet to get a list because every time I think about it I instantly forget I thought about it. (Irony among ironies I know)
If anyone wants them be sure and let me know... but be forewarned I have many and will probably ask 20-100 questions about the situation you're looking to survive before you get one list from me xD
Question 01/18/12
What is your biggest fear?
Simple answer, my mom :S:S:S:S
previous winners 1/18/12
New question 1/19/12
"What lengths would you go for your best friend?"
I would walk off the world where the sidewalk ends! =)
Question 01/19/12
What lengths would you go for your best friend?
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (Jn 15:13) If I had a best friend, or even just a good friend who was in that much need.
"Ain't no mountain high enough! Ain't no valley low enough! Ain't no river wiiiiide enough!"
Also, "My Little Pony, I used to wonder what friendship could be..."
Remember that stuff? Bro-hoof.
But yeah, the lengths those people go to, are my lengths.
If I met a talking walrus, what would I do?
use it against constructs.
*in IMF, fighting against bejillion constructs. weapons randomly explode*
me: OH NOES! Now I have nothing to fight with!
me: oh no you don't! I have one more weapon!
me: Oh yeah? *draws out talking walrus* Take this!
construct: ????
walrus: HitheremynameisWalrusBobManandIlikepieandpeanutbutteriscrunchyandIlikeSKandrobotsarefunandlalalalalalalallalalalalalalalaaTROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
me: XD I can't wait to try this guy out on the RT.