What is you favorite play toy?
I like to play with Vanaduke... his fat provides extra bounciness :D
I like to go to the beach with him some times... o, well, actually, i only went there one time. i threw him on the water and he kept bouncing on it.
He never came back ;_;
Though, i suspect it has somthing to do with the swarm of snipes chasing him when i was leaving... Vanaduke is deathly afraid of them.
Nothing is more cute than snipes! Vanaduke can't stand it.
One time, i was bouncing him in the park, playing basketball, and then he saw a snipe. You know what happened? He exploded.
Great, globs, of fat went everywhere. I suspect the snipes did it on purpose though, to get their evening meal.
Good thing i managed to salvage enough of him to glue him back together. I couldnt find his nose though. ._.
Well, I have large story explaining why my favorite play toy is legos. You see, everything that I do is legos oriented. I live in a lego house (the bed is REALLY uncomfortable) eat legos (they got lots 'o protein) sit in a lego chair (while having some yummy lego waffles) play with lego... well umm legos, and type and play Spiral Knights on my lego computer. The story behind this is when I was making a lego Skylark (see an earlier reply about legos) I stumbled upon a brick. THE BRICK! The one brick to RULE THEM ALL! THE BOSBRICK! I was wondering what to do with this ONE BRICK TO RULE THEM ALL, when I got the idea of using its BRICKTASICAL powers to somehow win the Question of the Day, but I couldn't figure out how. I poked it. It exploded in the POWER OF A THOUSAND RAINBOWS, and my house became legoish. But I don't care 'cause legos are my favorite toy (although those lego waffles are a bit too crunchy).