where's a box of tissues when you need it?
Well if you dont have one around, you can always ask santa for christmas.
(wait...its spring over here...never mind)
where's a box of tissues when you need it?
Well if you dont have one around, you can always ask santa for christmas.
(wait...its spring over here...never mind)
Previous winners 1/25/12
New question 1/26/12
I would paint my Acheron brown. So it would look just like a stick xD . I would then proceed to attack people my hitting them on the head with my stick :D
If you could paint any of your swords, What sword would you paint what color?
I'd paint either my khorovod or jalovec so that it looks like a Troika. So when I do LD, people will say "Haha your team is gonna lose, yo have a troika noob here." Then I mash them with my 'Troika" and beat the crud out of them.
Or I'd paint my Shockburst brandish (soon to be boltbrand! or watever the 4* version is :D) into a catuery sword and do LD. Then the other team would be like "LOL you guys have a guy with a Cautery sword on you team! U guys gonna lose!" and then I proceed to destroy them.
i would take my Fang of Vog, paint it blue, and put in the freezer, thus creating a new Claw of Skolver...
... either that, or freezing it would make a hardened club of cooled, blue-painted magma.
Hmm... I would like to paint my dread venom striker from green to red, so it would look like it is bloodstained, not poisonstained. [Also a matching red deadly virulisk set to go with it] Haha that would be cool.
1/26/12 question: if you could paint your sword any color what color would it be; i would paint mine magic mint, it is a real color, here is the link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colors all my swords would be painted
i would paint my sealed sword to look like a divine avenger just to fool people
Hmm... I think I'd paint all of my weapons something horribly obnoxious. Something akin to neon green leopard print, or pink and rainbow zebra stripe. Just so I can walk around the clockworks and have people go "What in Haven's [frakking] name IS that?"
Question 01/26/12
If you could paint any of your swords, What sword would you paint what color?
I would paint on my flourish into a face of unicorn, with the blade as the horn. Then put it on as a mask, and charge at anyone in my sight with my new horn.
Question 01/26/12
If you could paint any of your swords, What sword would you paint what color?
Assuming that this paint/texture would transfer over to its upgrades, I'd paint my old Tempered Calibur to just a darkened shade of all of its current colors. Either that or I'd make it look like this one: http://media.spiralknights.com/v/20120117140037/images/wallpaper/knight/...
Question 01/26/12
If you could paint any of your swords, What sword would you paint what color?
The point is not the color or the sword; it's the paint. Whatever color or sword you choose is all personal preference. However, what if the paint was wet? Then every slash would leave a stripe of paint on you foe. For example, take your flourish and dip it in red paint and go to play lockdown. Just imagine, your average LD skolver, after getting whipped by your (dripping w/ red paint) flourish, now looking like a candy cane! (perfect for frostbite XD)
Question 01/26/12
If you could paint any of your swords, What sword would you paint what color?
I would love to paint my nightblade with fluorescent purple and turn it into a lightsaber. Lightsaber should be a 5* weapon with very high ASI. (although i can't think of its charged attack at the moment......)
May the force be with you.
I would paint my Leviathan blade with the skin of the Cold Iron Vanquisher so that I have the damage of the Leviathan Blade but the epic looks of the Cold Iron Vanquisher ^•^
Previous Winners 1/26/12
New Question 1/27/12
boy: oh, well there was that 1 time at the park... another 1 at work, a couple in my own room... 3 times in the car. (etc etc etc)
but about this particular topic, actually uve never told me not to.
mom: U JUMPED AT A CAR AND ROLLED OVER IT, ur lucky ur not dead right now. thats a common sense kinda thing, y would u even try.
boy: u still never told me not to jump.
mom: *-.- [facepalm]
funny thing is, ive heard conversations that had an even wierder topics XD
How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!?
... that depends. How many times do you think you can fit in telling me not to do it before I'm bored with doing it? Because if you add one to that, that's probably a pretty good estimate.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!?"
I don't know, why don't you tell me?
I'd tell you a number but then again you yourself might even not know if the number is true or false.
well kuger you've never told me to stop posting on this thread so lets say another 100 times and i'll start to get the idea
You didn't get the chance to tell me anything. *Creepy smile*
What did you tell me again? I forgot, remind me so I won't do it again.
*10 years later*
You told me not to press this button? Why was that? It's not like a nuclear holocaust is gonna happen right? ............ right? [insert this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwKgIjOiKVc&feature=related]
*pokes Kuger with a stick*
How many times do i have to tell you not to do that?!?
So far its 464..*pokes Kuger again*...465...
I'm sorry! Please... please don't leave me.
*snifflehiccup* I just... just want you to be happy.
Forgive me...
How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!?
1) Do what? What did I do?
2) Waitaminute, you said something?
3) searches memory....
8629536321 times.
I counted.
Why? Problem?
Question 01/27/12
How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!?
Tell who to not do what with how and why?
How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!?
As many times as it takes to open the core.
How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!?
Well, you told me that in math i should say "multiply" not "times" so when i say you "times" 5 and 5 so many "times," you tell me every "times" that it's not "times" it's multiply, so if you "times" the "times" you tell me not to say "times," I'd say it's been 5 "times" 5 "times." (That's 25 for those who dunno how to "times")
P.s. I'm sorry if this post extremely aggravates you. X)
Question 01/27/12
How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!?
However many times you feel like. I don't think you are being forced to. You don't have to tell me not to do that. If you just want to know how many times it takes for you to tell me not to do "that" until I finally do not do whatever "that" is, I don't actually know. I get the feeling however, that I'll receive a somewhat closer idea to that number once I figure out what it is that you refer to when you tell me not to do "that." Have a nice day.
I DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU!!! *sob* YOUR NOT MAH REAL DAD!!!! *eyes swell up with tears*
Previous Winners 1/27/12
New question 1/28/12
My favorite number(s) are prime numbers. I can't really describe why, but they are just fascinating.
2-O, 48-P, 21.4-E, 8-N, 497-E, 89.1-D, 0- , 11-C, 4341-O, 13.5-R, 6-E.
Or if you say that it can only be one letter...
i like 3.14, cuz i can make 1 thats whatEVER flavor i want it to be
*nom* mmmmm boysenberry
think math terms
Question 01/28/12
What's your favorite number?
My favorite number is j (or some might prefer to use i), because it's not real.
Why? 73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror (37) is the 12th and its mirror (21) is the product of multiplying, hang on to your hats, 7 and 3.
In binary, 73 is a palindrome, 1001001 which backwards is 1001001
My favorite number is 24. According to patrick on Spongebob his name is 24 (while he was in boating school). Although 25 is funnier than 24...............
My favorite number is 21,939,466,013. Why? ask my face, which just rolled across the number section of my keyboard...
What is my favorite number?
I don't have a favorite number. They have no personally. They all work equally well holding their place in the number line so they are all the same to me. To have a favorite would just be random discrimination on the rest of them.
4411 because that's the date when spiral knights was released to the public
yea, i know im posting 2 times in 1 day, but i gotta say...
@thatknightisaspy i literally rolled across my bed for 2 minutes laughing my head off when i saw what u put
What's your favorite number?
It's a nice number. I mean, 2+2= 4. Doesn't get better than that :)
What´s your favorite number?
My favorite number is 14 becouse is my mom byrthay (rest in peace)
What's your favourite number?
Why, jim, it would obviously be GOOGOL, which is written as a 1 with a hundred zeros after it.
ofcourse, what sort of answer would this be without me typing it hmm: 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
What's your favorite number?
Zero because it is the center of all numbers. Anything times zero is zero. You can add zero, or subtract it. Don't even dare try to divide it.
cause that's this post's # and the beginning of a new page!
I also like 0. and Pi. but they've been useda lready. :(
Where's a box of tissues when you need it?
"I need them beacuse mine is already shredding" said the mummy.