I would blow it up duh!
Question of the day! (win ce) (Closed until further notice)
What i would do is Sell all the Keys at the AH then ill buy a Shadow Key or a Silver key to see if they work, if they don't open the Lock i would ask Kuger to use the power of niceness on it. Come on, How would a Box not open to Kuger?
"how to open a lock" - by Kaesa reru
1 lock is what
I have,
500 keys is what
I have, to open
the lock,
I would melt all
the keys, turn
them into
an axe, and open
the lock, like
a boss.
P.S. to explain this poëtry of mine, it's easy:
1. think of a poëm that fits the answer
2. to make the poëm look like a poëm, a new line at every thing or person in the poëm (this can be pretty hard though XD).
Kaesareru... figured you'd appreciate this... Likabaus
You have a single lock, and 500 keys. What will you do to open the lock?
500 keys is a lot of keys. So make a lock *out of keys*, which you can only open with a lock. How does this open the lock you ask? Anwser: reverse pscyology. The lock gets so confused and overwhelmed by the keys and the fact that IT is doing the unlocking.
Question 02/04/12
You have a single lock, and 500 keys. What will you do to open the lock?
Why do I need to open this lock? It's just a lock. It's not locking anything. If I want to open it so that I can use it to keep something locked, then I'll just casually try one of my 500 keys every now and then to see if they work. If none of them work, I'll just pick it. Then I'll just use my lock-pick whenever I need to unlock it again while I wait for the locksmith to build a proper key for me.
Question 02/04/12
You have a single lock, and 500 keys. What will you do to open the lock?
I guess I have one of two choices. Most lock companies only make 3 to 5 master keys, or keys that fit all their locks. So, I could sort by tooth cut. Then try one of each set. Or, I make it real easy and break out my lock picking set and crack it open in seconds. :D
Previous Winners 2/4/12
new question 2/5/12
Question 02/05/12
Repeat: If you were a submarine, what color would you be?
Atomic Tangerine. Cause it's a real color.
XD JK I know that that's been used for the original one.
I'd be the color grey. Cause it'd be useful in battle.
Man one: Sir! A... thing has appeared on the radar!
Captian: Open the viewing window. I want a clear view at it.
*opens screen to window*
Captain: I can't tell what the is... it's to grey and blends in to well with the water. But it seems big enough to be a whale...
Man one: A whale? You think so?
*suddenly, 'whale' opens mouth, and something shoots out.*
captain: hmm? What's that?
man two: captain! captain! a submarine has opened fire on us!
captain: hmm? That's a submarine? Oh noes! Defensive manuevers! Fire all to-AURGT!!!!!!
*torpeado hits viewing window, sub explodes. enemy submarine drifts away, in search of more subs to destroy.*
Repeat: If you were a submarine, what color would you be?
I would be sea blue so i could blend in, therefor fish would be swimming into the submarine xD
Repeat: If you were a submarine, what color would you be?
i would have no color. instead, i would be transparent, so everything can see through me. then, i can suprise attack my enemies from underneath and destroy them all. XD
Repeat: If you were a submarine, what color would you be?
If I were a submarine, I'd be yellow. We all live in a yellow submarine.
I would be Submarimon colored! Because Digimon man.
And to mess with all the nerds 10000 leagues under the sea, I'd shoot torpedoes colored like Sharpedo.
Netknight... you're a genius...
If I were a submarine, with any color... I'd be a black cherry submarine. With cherry coke as the primary weapon of my grand self. Why? Because when you're giving free cherry coke, everybody be your friend!!! XD
"If you were a submarine, what colour would you be?"
I'd be green for reasons of my own.
Wait, enemy subs would see me...
Ah well, I don't care. I'm NOT going to be pink.
But pink wouldn't be good either...
Question 02/05/12
Repeat: If you were a submarine, what color would you be?
Yellow, Duh. Its common knowledge. Everyone should live in yellow submarines
"If i was a submarine, what colour would i be?"- By Kaesa reru
As a
submarine, what
colour would
I be?
but then
the enemy would see
me and
I would be dead, so
I would have no
colour, and shoot
them in the back.
i would be a huge submarine colored rust cause i was sunk off of the british coast during WWII by a english destroyer
my submarine is void of any color. it is not clear, it is not white or black, it is just absolutely void of color. i dont even mean its invisible, i just mean that the color is as nonexistent as the submarine itself.
"y dont u have a submarine" u ask? oh... i poor T~T
besides, being a pink dolphin would be better, a wicked gangsta pink dolphin. (poland paints his house a wicked gangsta pink. if u know what im talking about, yea, lol)
Why I would have invisible-making paint of course, sneak attack everyone. :P
My Submarine would be penguin colored...
Captain:Private, what that on the radar?
Private: It seems to be a giant penguin sir.
Captain: A PENGUIN? Cuddling maneuvers immediately!
*Ship hits submarine, snaps into half. Penguin Captain smiles, does peace sign like the crow spies from Spy vs. Spy*
Repeat: If you were a submarine, what color would you be?
Well, i need to talk in the past tense because this already happened: My submarine was ice-colored. I had just gotten this jumbo submarine from a local raffle, and I was chilling around with it in the Atlantic Ocean. Some boat called the Titanic ended up hitting us (Never got that dent out...), but I never saw them again. I heard they hit an iceburg...?
Previous winners 2/5/12
new question 2/6/12
"What would your question of the day be?"
Which is your favorite snipe?
What is your favorite animal and why?
What is your favorite item on Spiral Knights?
...I seem to be stuck on favorite things XD
If you were an elephant, what would you accidentally crush?
If you were an elephant, what would you crush on purpose?
I will post again later if I think of something else. I still have about half an hour to go here before it's actually 2/6 for me =)
If Nick (developer) granted you a single wish, Keep in mind it could be ANYTHING you'd want developed into the game, What would it be?
^ because that's the first question I entered into the contest on, and found forums.
What would your question of the day be?
Simple, my question of the day would be: 'What would your question of the day be?', to which someone would inevitably answer 'What would your question of the day be?' who would likewise receive a response akin to: 'What would your question of the day be?' so on and so forth.
What would your question of the day be?
If Ol'Bog asks Kuger to answer a maths question, he must answer a nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine plus one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one plus one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty, how will Kuger respond to this question? (not answer the entire question)
What would be your question of the day be?
1) If you had a time machine where would you go?
2) If you could choose what animal you wanted to become, which animal would you be?
3) Could someone please explain to me,why that Elephant is in the middle of the road?
4) If you could become a vegetable, which vegetable would you be?
5) If you could do one thing to your knight, what would you?
XD , can just imagine some of the answers to this question
"What would your Question of the Day be?"
I would give stuff only to those who answered D. Tough.
"What would your Question of the Day be?"
If you are making a Question of the Day at work, why haven't you been fired for wasting company time?
"Where are all these calls coming from in the middle of the night?"
What would your Question of the Day be?
What's the square root of a circle?
"What would your question of the day be?"
When kids in china dig a hole, and their parents ask them where they are digging, how do the kids reply? (cause everywhere else in the world, whenever a parent asks a kid where's (s)he's digging a hole to, the kids always replies china.)
Question 02/06/12
What would your question of the day be?
- What's the difference between a hotdog and a sausage?
- What do you get when you cross a spiral with a knight?
- If you found a treasure chest underneath a tree in the woods, what would you do?
- Cats or dogs?
- What's your favorite thing to do with your nose?
- If you were a super-villain, how would you run about your business and what would be its objective?
- You just learn that all your family and friends are coming over to your place tomorrow morning. What are you going to do?
- What does yours remind you of?
- What do you do when you're alone?
- What has he got in his pocketses, precious?
- A random stranger on the road walks up to you and tries to kiss you. What do you do?
- You finally get a job that you love and pays well and you're in an important meeting with your boss who you don't know anything about. However, you can't tell whether your boss is a guy or a girl and you don't want to offend him/her. What can you do?
- Your best friend is trapped in a house with nothing to eat for a day. You can send this friend a single package. What do you send?
Question 02/06/12
What would your question of the day be?
Why is Kuger running out of ideas?
If you had a 6th finger, what would you do with it?
Previous Winners 2/6/12
New question 2/7/12
-You are now a magical tool, what are you used for?
-The capital of Iceland, Reykjavik, has a population of 120,000. What kind of sea creature would you be?
-You are forced to listen to one song for the next two years, what song?
-A wizard gives you a vial of Felix Felicis! How do you use it?
-If you could bring one inanimate thing to life, what would it be?
-You're stranded on an island with Charlie Sheen, your last Mathematics teacher, Ellen DeGeneres, and the ShamWOW guy. Tell us who dies, who survives, and how. (Alternatively Kuger, replace with your own people.)
-Would you care to dance?
-You're given a country and you can do whatever you want with it. Describe your country, including what you name it.
-We know five of the "W"s: who, what, when, where, why. What's the sixth one?
-You just won a contest; your prize is any piece of clothing made out of anything in the world. What do you ask for?
-A giant snake accosts you in the desert, how do you survive?
-You've just discovered a new color, what do you call it?
-Why did the chicken cross the road after landing that management job at NASA?
-The mailman delivers a box as large as you are, what's inside?
-Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo? Why?
Furk! I JUST missed it. Saw the new question after I posted. Bleh, I shouldn't have sat here thinking of them for so long.
Oh well.
He got in a car crash with that gazelle, they're exchanging information. Don't stare, you're going to hold up traffic.
Could someone please explain to me,why that Elephant is in the middle of the road?
I could explain the vast physical force that was used to shift the elephants position from where it was to where it is now, but I won't.
I could explain the space time anomaly that caused the elephant to shift from it's original point in space/time to where it is now, but I won't.
I could explain how the elephant just walked there, but I won't.
I could explain how various scenarios of it falling off the back of a truck could have put it there, but I won't.
Instead: There is no explanation, only Zuul.
Question 02/07/12
Could someone please explain to me,why that Elephant is in the middle of the road?
Embodien freezes it there so that he has a good question to win the previous round of QotD. Cruel knight, poor elephant.
He wanted to see if he could blend in with the road without anyone noticing, sadly i don't think its worked and what's worse is, the elephant doesn't know that its not working. Aww look at him, he is trying so hard (:
... the way i found out he wasn't part of the road was because i threw some peanuts at him and he crushed a car while trying to eat them :O
2/7/12 Question. Could someone please explain to me,why that Elephant is in the middle of the road?
He was just taking a nap! What, can't an elephant doze off on the road? Oh wait, traffic, duh. How 'bout in a safari? I dunno.
Right here http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/10544419-elephant-in-the-middl... maybe?
Oh and, LOL at Psychodestroyer's comment: "There is no explanation, only Zuul" I just watched ghostbusters last night too! =0
oh, i just challenged him to cross it. it seems he got halfway, but wants to turn back around... even for an elephant, i guess interstates can be scary
"fine Peanut, if u dont already realize itll take as much effort to get back here as it would to finish, come back and ill give you some cashews"
*ZOOM* oh, look at him go... heheheh, Peanut hates cashews. *noms cashews for myself*
Could someone please explain to me,why that Elephant is in the middle of the road?
I was bored, so I decided to use my powers of randomness to drop an elepahnt in the middle of the road. Watch the pandimonium ensue, you know? :D
Could someone please explain to me,why that Elephant is in the middle of the road?
Apparently a horde of mice surrounded it last night...
Oh the trauma. The elephant never forgets T-T
Question 02/07/12
Could someone please explain to me,why that Elephant is in the middle of the road?
(Question by Embodien)
When an elephant is young, his trainer ties one of his legs to a strong tree. The baby elephant struggles, pulls, and tries to escape as much as it can until it finally gives up. As time passes, the elephant learns that it cannot break free and just gives up entirely. From then on, even when the elephant becomes an adult, he rarely bothers to escape if his leg is but tied to a stake in the ground as he does not believe he can escape. He has been trained. This particular Elephant has somehow, perhaps miraculously, escaped onto the road but has now caught one if his legs entangled in some long weeds. He does not even attempt free itself. He has already lost.
Could someone please explain to me,why that Elephant is in the middle of the road?
Well maybe because its to fat to cross the WHOLE road... So it stops half way... No Real Elephant could cross a road... Silly question :P
Could someone please explain to me,why that Elephant is in the middle of the road?
You are sadly mistaken.
There is no elephant in the road. Rather, your several brain lobes simply use the full extent of the nervous system to create a hallucinogenic effect in which you perceive there to an elephant in the road. There are two main reasons:
A: you memory is recalling something, however, due to an error, the memory goes to your frontal lobe, which in turn uses the several senses to fully project the image of the elephant in the road, instead of accessing your memory bank (Which was once bank of America) in which you would perceive it as a memory.
B: this is simply because of the sheer improbability of it. As show by a recent study by Bob T Harvey at canadatech university, the more improbable something is, the more the human mind wants to see it (This recieved far more praise than his previous conclusion: "They say it ain't like what it is, but it is.") as such, with enough untapped and unused willpower, you could accidentally project the image of an elephant.
Or it just got bored and wandered onto a highway. You pick.
Question 2/7/12
Why is the elephant standing in the middle of the road?
where is the road located?
If it is out on the wild, it is mostly because some idior mayor/guy decided to take up some valuable nature for a FLIPPIN ROAD! And now that the elephant has found this new rock path over it's land, it will do what anyone would do.
Explore it.
First instinct of many living organisms is to explore the new subject, or whatever. The elephant will walk across the road, oblivious to what it really is. Then it looks down, and sees, YELLOW LINES!
So the elephant looks down at the lines, and is instantly intrigued, and stands there.
Nuff said.
In the city?
That Idiot Mayor/Guy got fired and went to work as the gatekeeper for the zoo.
New Page. Congratulations and a merry 50 posts to you.
Question 02/04/12
You have a single lock, and 500 keys. What will you do to open the lock?
It appears that there is no reason to open the lock as there is nothing it is enclosing;
So I would save my time to play SpiralKnights instead.