Dark City, Plazamonium.
Sometimes, the best vacation is work. I hope you're free on Sunday. . .
Question of the day! (win ce) (Closed until further notice)
Question 03/15/12
Where's the ultimate vacation spot on Cradle?
The ultimate vacation spot on Cradle is probably that one peaceful place on the surface with a real sky and sun, no Knights or other violent creatures. No war or fighting, no raging or whining over economy, no spamming or scamming, no hacking, or cheating, no crashing escape pods, no noisy Snipes, no Kleptolisks or artificial objects or anything. Just peace and that small bit of nature with nothing to bother it (other than whomever comes to vacation there of course). In just that little area, it's surprising how easy it is to forget about the huge churning mass of gears, the killing and fighting, and evil residing within the rest of the planet (not to mention the rest of the universe). Enjoy your stay and please don't defile it.
"Where's the ultimate vacation spot on Cradle?"
The Sanctuary.
Enjoy a hard-earned relaxation after fighting countless hordes of The Swarm and infected bosses and monsters.
Not to mention there's a complimentary Echo Stone and an alchemy machine there too :)
Where's the ultimate vacation spot on Cradle?
If you go behind the Auction house, there's a secret door to the left. If you go inside, take the third elevator down the hall, which leads to the legendary Spiral Knights Forums. Greatest place to hang around ever. X)
(First elevator takes you to the Stranger's Lounge, for lunch break during AH off- hours. Second elevator take you to the Devilite Co. They never get vacations. D: )
Previous Winners 3/15/12
New question 3/16/12
Winners will be awarded first thing tomorrow morning, slight delay in today's plans.
If Khorovod is the Giant's Knife...where did all the giants go?
DUH. They left them, like all fat, lazy, good-for-nothing men eventually do, because their wives are too tied to the home and children to follow, and because they're always thought of as we-
My bad! XD
If Khorovod is the Giant's Knife...where did all the giants go?
Where all men go.
The Bar. XD
If Khorovod is the Giant's Knife...where did all the giants go?
Out looking for the spiral knight who took their Khorovod. Given their size, this is a very daunting task.
"If Khorovod is the Giant's Knife...where did all the giants go?"
If the giants are Tortodrones...they were hunted to extinction by greedy knights wanting shields made of their shells.
What? If Khorovod is the Giant's Knife...where did all the giants go? What's this about knifes and Giants AND KHOROVOD'S! What does a Khorovod have to do with a giant going somewhere? Making an educated guess I'd say they are all in Heaven after all, all giants go to heaven. *Looks to his right and sees a movie cover* Oh... I guess that's the wrong movie oh well...
what happened to the giants?
well first half of their populance became victims of the swarm and the swarm got rid of them by having RRT (red roarmulus twins) launch them into the moon.
then half of the remaining half where devoured by about a bakers dozen of royal jellies
then the remaining 1/4 started a cival war
and the final 1/12 used the khorovod to commit suicide cause they where all the ....um....... .......slow ones.....who thought that the klhorovod was a gummy......and ......yeah they ate them
and thier bones where al claimed by wolvers so they can hame bones to chew on
I Think They Died Because The Khorovod Didnt Like Giants, And They Were Stinking, So Korovod Got So Damn Angry, That He Decided To Kill Them ;P, And Then The Giants Souls Went To Hell, And Died Again xD, So They Layed A Egg >.< And Took A Hike =P.
Very Random Answar ;D
If Khorovod is the giants knife... Where did all the giants go?
I think they ate the tortodrones in aurora isles then jumped off it for fun but didn't realize it was floating in the sky
Question 03/16/12
If Khorovod is the Giant's Knife...where did all the giants go?
The giants finished cutting their meat. Now they leave it so that they can eat. (Rhyming bonus.)
They didn't go yet. They are somewhere hidden in the Core and has made friends with the Alpha Squad.
Previous Winners 3/16/12
Psychodestroyer (Omfg your answer made me laugh for to long and I hurt myself)
New question 3/17/12
If you designed the next accessory promo for Spiral Knights, what item would it be?
hats are awesome....
Psychodestroyer won even though he answered incorrectly. You must've made his day.
if u think about it, costumes are accessories, since they are only for show.
so i would design a body costume that didnt exist... so your characters body wouldnt either, thus rendering your knight into an epic floating head with his sword and shield held onto by absolutely nothing, and even any attached accessories attached to the inviso-mail would just be flying in open air that was once your knights body...
head, sword, shield, accessories.... thatd be all ud see
If you designed the next accessory promo for Spiral Knights, what item would it be?
Helicopter Blades for the top of helmets. Because everyone wants little spinny useless things that only generate enough lift to carry a silkwing!
Mecha Mufflers back accessory ... hands down
WAIT!! maybe a Bonb fuse helmet back accessory!!
but i want a bombhead mask more than anything...
but thats not the question...
but ive been farming LD since the bombheads came out and i still havent won one..
but who really cares Diamond... who cares ._.
(also i cant BELIEVE for the last question, no one said they died off cause they couldnt defend themselves, due to the Khorovod being way too Underpowered ... :p)
On a side note: you know you play too much TF2 when you have an answer like Fallenhope's XD
wait... what was the question?.... i think i lost ....
STEAM CREST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"If you designed the next accessory promo for Spiral Knights, what item would it be?"
Snipes. Everyone wants to be covered in their favourite creature just like the Strangers, right?
Although I must admit their cheeping can get pretty annoying. >.>
And no, I did NOT say they're cheap. They-
What? You got one for one crown?
I didn't even get to make those snipes anyway, so you payed one crown for nothing.
[Other Person:] AAAAAAWWW!
simple. either a jetpack or WINGS THAT LET YOU FLY!!!!!!!!!! or maybe i would make a giant shuriken back accessory
omg.. Remelia and Weld gave me ideas, but then it would look like I'm copying them... but I think I might throw them out anyway:
A sword sheath back acessory (Like a katana)
(Sorry guys if it looked like i took your answers...)
it would be the dark wing duck hat and cloak
then people would go around being the terror that flaps in the nights and the batteries that are not included
If you designed the next accessory promo for Spiral Knights, what item would it be?
A crest which says: I am a Question of the day supporter.
AKA: I am a QOTD Supporter.
If you designed the next accessory promo for Spiral Knights, what item would it be?
I would make fairy wings, because we need more wings. And what's a better way to travel across Cradle than by fluttering around with magical sparkling fairy wings?
"If you designed the next accessory promo for Spiral Knights, what item would it be?"
-Well, since there are already lots of wings promos, it would be a beak mask, or something that's like a beak, but not like seerus' mask
"If you designed the next accessory promo for Spiral Knights, what item would it be?"
hover boots, because those work in any game. Just think about every game and add... hover boots. See?
There, now you know this awesome secret. They should look simplistic though, no high-tech crappy looking ones. :D
"If you designed the next accessory promo for Spiral Knights, what item would it be?"
Then we won't be poor and Irish.
If you designed the next accessory promo for Spiral Knights, what item would it be?
A weapon sash: Shows your current weapon on the outside:
Sword - Slung on your back
Gun/ Bomb - Hanging from your belt/ waist
Previous Winners 3/17/12
New question 3/18/12
If suddenly an Apocalypse happened and you were the last person in the world (or so you think), What would you do?
...learn how to drive? probably would crash...
...lock myself in my room playing video games? nobody else would play...
If suddenly an Apocalypse happened and you were the last person in the world (or so you think), What would you do?
Starve to death
"If suddenly an Apocalypse happened and you were the last person in the world (or so you think), What would you do?"
Well.......I would probably cry myself to sleep.
PS: How do i get a portrait under my name on the forums?
If suddenly an Apocalypse happened and you were the last person in the world (or so you think), what would you do?
I would raid every single store I could find, take all the cash, sell all useless items to merchants (if I would find any) and live in Bill Gate's mansion (if he has one). I would loot all the weapons from the gun stores in the area to prepare myself for an eventual zombie infestation. Once the zombies would be taken care of, I would build myself a Robot Army of Extreme Spiral Knightiess-ness and order then to dig out everything underneath the Earth's crust, and build a huge factory and tons of machinery to protect the Earth's core. Then the robots would build cloning machines to clone the possible remaining animals on the planet and send them into arenas. And I'd make my own.
THAT'S what I'd do if I were the last person alive after an apocalypse.
... And I'd make the biggest hamburger the world (me) has ever seen.
Then I'd be happy.
The End (?)
"If suddenly an apocalypse happened and you were the last person in the world (or so you think), what would you do?"
I'd go to Cradle.
No gremlins, please.
No jellies, please.
No undead, please.
No fiends, please.
No constructs, please.
No wolvers, please.
Wait a moment.... what will I fight, then?
I know! I'll play around with drones!
However, I see no apocalypse around here, s-
if an apocalypse happened suddenly and i was the last person on earth?
no more LD matches...
no chance to win a unique bombhead mask..
mission failed
What would it matter... nobody left, nodbody, no more SK. I guess I would just wander around, probably eventually getting killed. (BUT NOT BEFORE I EAT EVERY ICE CREAM SANDITCH IN AMERICA!!!)
Question 03/18/12
If suddenly an Apocalypse happened and I was the last person in the world (or so I'd think), what would I do?
Why I would do whatever I could to survive while trying to decipher the meaning of my life of course. I would also pool my additional energy into building a large village somewhere with large amounts of sustainable resources. This village would contain all the necessities, defenses, and fallback/worse-case scenario systems for the survival of one to several hundred(?) people and would have a large, huge, tall tower with bright flags on the top to attract attention of any potential survivors. It would take a long time for a single person (especially one such as myself) to construct alone, but I'd stay optimistic and hope to pick up others during the process. And besides, it's not like I'd have anything better to be doing other than sustaining the fulfillment of the basic needs of my body.
well i would clone myself and transfer my mind into the next body then i would go and find tissue from dead people and clone them so i could repopulate the world and with my mind transfer thingy everyone would live forever the end
"If suddenly an apocalypse happened and you were the last person in the world (or so you think), what would you do?"
It depends on what kind of apocalypse. If the world was flooded, I'd create the world's largest water park and invite aliens. If it was a mega-quake, I'd turn the world into some giant mining operation with aliens. aAnd so on and so forth.
Apocalypse now?
Get a gun... a bat... and make sure my el camino can drive... I'm goin zombie huntin.
"If suddenly an apocalypse happened and you were the last person in the world (or so you think), what would you do?"
i will kill myself so all is extinct!!!
Previous Winners 3/18/12
New Question 3/19/12
(winners not yet awarded, will do first thing when i wake up)
" "
hmm... i would probably post the first answer, before the question was even revealed!
if a sudden Ragnarok event (i do not feel like typing the other doomsday terms) happened and i thought i was the last survivor what would i do?
hmmm.... well i cant play SK since there would be no electricity, so....
i would probally raid a musuem and take armor and swords, raid a gunshop, and raid a military base so that i could go SK for reals and i would have extra armor and stuffs for any other survivors. i would also make my wasteland of a town into a makeshift haven so that we would have a home base. plus, since we have better guns than in SK, we could kill monsters/ zombies/ mutants/ wild animals better
"Where's the ultimate vacation spot on Cradle?"
Stop asking me! I told you I don't know! Go ask Snarby if you want, but quit asking me!
Jeez. T.T
Wha- wait! No don't go! I'll try to answer it just don't ask Snar-
Why do I bother? I think Snarby is in for some serious trouble.