Question 03/19/12
How often do I think Kuger messes up the question of the day?
I can't really think of a time that Kuger did that... If Kuger actually does, well, I haven't noticed. So... don't mind me. My answer isn't worth squat.
Question 03/19/12
How often do I think Kuger messes up the question of the day?
I can't really think of a time that Kuger did that... If Kuger actually does, well, I haven't noticed. So... don't mind me. My answer isn't worth squat.
"How often do you think Kuger messes up the question of the day?"
Fairly often with those grammar mistakes.
Kuger, remember to proofread and correct any mistakes in spelling or punctuation in your questions before posting!
Well.... Kuger, honestly I'd tell you, but as they say: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anythng at all." So... I'm not going to answer this question... :P
"How often do you think Kuger messes up the question of the day?"
Not often enough because if it was often, the grammar police would be used to it and expect it rather than gripe about it.
"How often do you think Kuger messes up the question of the day?"
A lot. The grammer police have a long rap list for you.
1) Missing capitilazations.
2) Missing punctuation.
3) Wrong use of words.
4) Wrong spelling of words.
5) Missing periods.
6) Missing Commas.
7) Missing prizes.
8) Missing questions (such as today, earlier).
9) Awardin the wrong amount of CE to the winners (you gave me 10 instead of 20 once. D:)
10) Everything else I can't think of right now.
"How often do you think Kuger messes up the question of the day?"
Rude for not saying sorry .
No manners
Broken English
How often do you think Kuger messes up the question of the day?
There is no Kuger. Only Zuul.
But to answer the question...Every day. The answers wouldn't be funny if you didn't.
"How often do you think Kuger messes up the question of the day?"
I don't really know (because this is my first time posting here) so I'll just go with the answer of "daily".
Previous Winners 3/19/12
Lordofnecromancers (Way to give it to me straight)
New question 3/20/12
Where on cradle can I find some Cheetos?
on the core. That is why everybody want it so much.alpha squad is too lucky.(they everyday eat Cheetos for food!)Ban in spiral knights for too much fats in a cheetos. Knights go eBay and buy it
"Where on Cradle can i find some Cheetos?"
Well, deep in the clockworks is a little hermit... he sleeps in the floor above Vanaduke. He is very grouchy and has tons of Cheetos hidden under his bed. He sells Cheetos for 500 crowns each. That evil little man will swindle you out of your money! If you want Cheetos you better go somewhere else......
Where on Cradle can I find some Cheetos?
You can find Cheetos everywhere. O.O
Their just ninjas that you can't seem to catch.
Also, strangle one of those flying birds in Haven to find out 'cause they always keep a stash somewhere...
Where on Cradle can I find some Cheetos?
If you can figure out which is the happiest gate and enter, at the end of that gate you'll find a cavern. The candy cavern it's called, at the end of the candy cavern there's a market stall. That's the place where you can get the best Cheetos.
Upon entering Haven, preferably Haven 10 because this is where the fattest and cheesiest Cheetos grow (for flaming hot Cheetos, please enter a Spanish Haven), you must walk about about 40 steps North and about 30 steps West, where you will find The Haven Garden. Behind the Gun Puppy Statue in The Garden, grows the elusive Cheeto plant. Before you make plans to harvest, please keep in mind that the Cheeto Plant has hired a dwarf guardian who is on duty from 7 am to 5 pm on weekdays. As far as I know, he has weekends off.
So Im going to keep this brief and simple ok?
So you enter haven go left right straight backwards left up to the top left and then back down to the right. Jump over the pit of lava and dont get burnt if you get burnt go back to the beginning else, carry on pass the pit, drug the guard at the nearby gate. Meet the Man in the cap inside the click type left up left down right left up left. He will then open a tunnel. Go through the tunnel grab the herbs kill the monster. But remember you must kill him using your left elbow otherwise you have failed. Continue through the light. You will the recieve a message in your mail box. Open it, click accept. Go to Haven 21, and type Show yourself! then run into the wall directly in front of you. Charge up your sword 3 times and attack each time hitting the wall. A door will open where there will be 3 iron lockboxes, open the right one and the Cheetos are yours.
Simple right? Got it? Good.
you all.
you see before vanadukes time, the swarm made a tremendous discovery. with the power of cheetos (its discovery) the swarm bribed multiple monsters into becoming swarm minions, but the cheetos went extinct due to over use. and thus, the cheetos do not exsist on cradle anymore...
,.....though it is rumered that the skylark's crash site has a bunker full of them underneath the wreackage...
Um... I don't know, but if you go to the bazaar maybe that guy who has been fixing the robot can get you some. Seriously, he has to know, he has been "fixing" that robot for many months, he is using that as decoy to sell stuff; what stuff, perhaps Cheetos.
I am sure you will find some Cheetos, sooner or laterl; but at least be glad you won't have the Cheetos taken away from you like those s.o.b.'s kids do all the time with the bunny's Trix cereal.
Where in Cradle can I find some Cheetos?
umm I have some in my pocket I got from the gremlins.... They turned me into a bunny though. :D so u want my cheeto?
"Where on Cradle can I find some Cheetos?"
Sadly, there isn't a Frito-Lay factory anywhere on Cradle. You could probably get some from some of the newer Knights though - they brought their snacks with them when they boarded the Skylark. Speaking of that, you'd also find a ton of Cheetos bags buried under the crash site of the Skylark because there was a huge snack storage room in the ship. Unfortunately, nobody was in that room at the time of the crash so the Knights on board only were able to salvage the snacks that were right next to them.
Good luck finding some Cheetos :)
Oh, and if you find any Hot Cheetos, give some to me D:
Where on cradle can i find some cheetos?
... uh
the last i heard of cheetos was from old war-veteran Monomi. he knows things from before the kindon of Almire fell. He told me that The cheetos on cradle are on the verge of destruction.... Considering that cradle's cheeto supply warehpuse is located right above Lord Vanaduke's throne room... with the old man... and such
Where on cradle can I find some Cheetos?
Any Wolver Den of course! Chester Cheetah is a rare monster, just like Impostocube or Rock Jelly, but Chester is beast type. If you can defeat this Cheetah/Wolver hybrid, an item called "Cheetos" drops as a rare drop.
Chester also comes in different types: Normal Chester, Fire Chester, Giant Chester, Giant Fire Chester and Sharp Chester. Each type of Chester drops a different kind of Cheeto: Cheetos, Flaming Hot Cheetos, Giant Puff Cheetos, Flaming Giant Puff Cheetos, and Sharp Cheddar Cheetos.
"Where on cradle can I find some Cheetos?"
-First, you must go to the deepest depths of the clockworks, completing a full run from depth 1 to 29 without taking damage, then you must (somehow) defeat vanaduke, snarbolax, the twins, and the jelly king while soloing with 1 hp,(lots of deaths later) after completing the task, you will reach the mystical sword in the stone, fountain of youth, but next to them, you will find the vending machine, which provides the end to a knight's dream of reaching cheetoness, just add $1
"Where on cradle can I find some Cheetos?"
You'll have to go into the black market to buy some. Cheetos got banned after Chester Cheetah (or whatever the mascot's name is) got into a fight with some wolvers, who had their own Cheetos brand called "Wolvos,' and burned their fur off with hot Cheeto power (That was how Vog Cubs were created.). Not to mention Cheetos are 'dangerously cheesy,' and they actually killed several poor Knights who stol - er, found, a bag of cheetos in a Gremlin's lunchbox in Emberlight. Besides, Knights are allergic to earth food.
thats easy. They're right her- OMGWTFBBQ ITS ALL GONE!!!!!
HEY, wait, theres a giant flaming mace here....
Where on cradle can I find some Cheetos?
Just outside the baby's mouth.
Cradle wasn't capitalized, so it doesn't count as a proper noun, meaning it could be ANY cradle!
So a baby cradle!
So the baby would be eating them!
So it would be-ok you get it so I'll stop.
Previous Winners 3/20/12
New question 3/21/12
simple the girls cuss u out more than the guys
How do you tell a Female Gremlin from a Male Gremlin?
Once a gremlin gets to the adult stage, it's almost impossible to label their gender (I strongly suggest that you do not attempt this by using the method commonly used in finding a creature's gender. Gremlins do not take kindly to creepy psychotic maniacs.). My suggestion would be that you find a few tiny (almost cute) baby gremlins to submit to The Gremlin Gender Test which I have created especially for this occasion.
The Gremlin Gender Test is built upon the idea that a Female Gremlin's fascination with the arts of demolition and destruction matures quicker than a Male Gremlin's does. While a young Female Gremlin might do anything, and I mean ANYTHING for a miniature flame-thrower or wind-up bomb, a young Male Gremlin would probably be more content healing things with a Wrench Wand.
To conduct the test, you will need: Yourself, 2 of your Best Friends, 5 young gremlins (any more and you might be labeled a "nest raider" if that hasn't happened already), a Pilot's License, 5 Gold Rings, 4 Calling Birds, 3 French Hens, 2 Turtledoves, and A Partridge in a Pear Tree (optional), 3 glass vases (to throw in anger if the test happens to fail), a box of tissues (to blow your nose after the fit of anger turns into a wave of tears and depression), and finally, a box for all those birds.
Begin by letting one of your friends place a Wrench Wand before each gremlin. This friend should be the one that you like the least, as he/she will probably be bitten and scratched and burned during the course of this test. The gremlins that go for the Wrench Wand with Interest, will most likely be males (nothing is guaranteed in Gremlin Science), and the ones that yawn with disinterest will most likely be females. Take the ones that showed interest in the Wrench Wand out of the test, leaving the disinterested ones there. Next put a Flame-Thrower before the remaining gremlins, making sure it contains NO flammable liquid unless you never want to see your least-favorite best friend again. If they run to the Flame-Thrower, congratulations! You have deciphered the gremlin gender code. If they don't, well to put it kindly, you're a complete loser and/or failure who will never make it in Gremlin Science. Seems pretty foolproof right?
Just remember, there is no such thing as a bad idea! Only stupid ones :)
how do you tell apart gremlins of the opposite gender? ...
uhm.. you...
*looks at above post*
... ill never become a gremlin scientiiisttt Dx
"How do you tell a female gremlin from a male gremlin?"
A male gremlin will act cool and wait for a lady to come. The female will walk up to the male in a casual way and then kiss the male....the rest is history......
They have no gender, but they all look male to me.
So how do gremlins reproduce. Easy, you pour some water on Gizmo, it begins to convulse and some funny mean fellows pop out of him; then you feed them after midnight, they form a cocoon and boom you have some ugly fully fleshed gremlins running around.
Source: Gremlins (1984) film
Males go all out and fight til they die, maybe using a health cap and getting right back into the game
Females are the ones that start to run away when their health gets to low, but some1 always manages to catch up and finish them anyway
Question 03/21/12
How do I tell a Female gremlin from a Male gremlin? :o
Well I don't normally I try to, in fact, I never have as I don't see how it makes a difference. If I ever actually found myself in a situation where it is of some importance well... other than the more professional methods *ahem*... I'm lead to believe that the ones that chase and kill you are males while the ones that run away, luring you into thinking that they're weaker, and then kill you are the females. Just a hypothesis.
the difference between male and female gremlins is that the males become thwackers and the females are menders
How do you tell a Female gremlin from a Male gremlin? :o
Well, I think they don't know either. They're like the dwarves on Discworld: Most of their time spent dating is finding out whether their date is the opposite gender.
How do you tell a Female Gremlin from a Male Gremlin?
There are several ways.
1)The very very inappropiate way, which I won't go into any further.
2)You take a DNA sample, and use a bunch of scientific stuff to determine their chromosomes.
3)Another inappropiate way that involves kicking between the legs and seeing how they react.
4)Give them a broken Mecha Knight and see what they do with it. Females will take it apart and play around with its parts. Males will grab a Rocket Hammer and blow it to pieces, and use the pieces to construct a doomsday bomb.
5)Look at their clothes. Females wear robes that resemble a dress more than a Male's robes do.
6)Female Gremlins have visible eyelashes. Just watch any kind of cartoon and you'll know if someone is a girl is they have visible eyelashes. Wait, that would mean that Sponegebob's a girl... O.o
6)You ask them what gender they are.
"How do you tell a Female gremlin from a Male gremlin?"
Get some of their genetic material and compare.
Females should be XX and males should be XY...
...or females could have double the amount of chromosomes as males...
...or females could be ZW and males WW...
...or females could be XX and males X...
...I don't even know.
How do you tell a Female gremlin from a Male gremlin? :o
Female gremlins are more intellectual.
Male gremlins only speak gremlin language (aka random noises)
Female gremlins can speak English. (See: Kuger)
How do you tell a Female gremlin from a Male gremlin? :o
Uhhh... Just ask teh GMs. I haz no clue...
no need for scientific procedures... you go up and ask them politely... jeez :P
Well,simply ask them if they are female or male.
Previous winners 3/21/12
New question 3/22/12
You pretend you meant to do it, act as if the family have won $5 for remaining calm when a stranger walks in a random safety check infact!. Inform that they have been selected over 1000 people and have won $500 which will arrive to them via snailmail (which between you and me will never arrive >.>). Start walking backwards close the door and run as fast as you can. Arrive at your apartment in peace and try and open the door...wait a minute you forgot the keys!!! Here we go again...
simple, you pull out your weapon of mass destruction and blow it all up.
"You walk in, you close the door, you lazily throw the keys on the table, and just as you look up, there's a family staring at you. Wait a second, this isn't your apartment! What do!?"
I'd flash a smile and say, "This is a public service announcement! Always remember to lock your door, or you'll find yourself in awkward situations like these!" And grab my keys and leave.
Question 03/22/12
I walk in, I close the door, I lazily throw the keys on the table, and just as I look up, there's a family staring at me. Wait a second, this isn't my apartment! What do!?
I say "bull's-eye!" Then I grab my keys and throw them onto the table of the next room (how am I getting in with the wrong keys?). Then I say "bingo!" Then I grab my keys and throw them onto the table of the next room (how come all these people leave their doors unlocked?). Then I fist-pump saying "three-in-a-row!" Then I grab my keys and do the same,...,... until I find my room.
"You walk in, you close the door, you lazily throw the keys on the table, and just as you look up, there's a family staring at you. Wait a second, this isn't your apartment! What do!?"
Come on, be honest! Explain what happened. Then when they ask you where you got the keys, that's the time to run.
"Hey wait, what happened to honesty?"
"I dunno, just RUN!"
"Yeah, that's very honest."
"You walk in, you close the door, you lazily throw the keys on the table, and just as you look up, there's a family staring at you. Wait a second, this isn't your apartment! What do!?"
Simple. Shout "HYAAAAAAH" and start breaking pots to find Rupees, hearts and other collectibles. I need that slingshot!
"How often do you think Kuger messes up the question of the day?"
Never ever! It's your thread, and I assume we either move ahead or not on your schedule. Having had multiple sleeping schedules in my life, I understand that there can be a very loose definition of what makes up a "day." :D