1. Puree Gel Cores to a thick consistency.
2. Add Warp Dust and Blaze Pepper to spice it up.
3. Season with Rock Salt to taste.
4. Serve in the scooped-out inside of a Perfect Snowball.
5. Enjoy with nachos.
Question of the day! (win ce) (Closed until further notice)
In this order:
1.) Zee core
2.) Gel core
3.) Brute Core
4.) Rocky Core
5. Unstable Core
6.) Royal Core
7.) A pinch of Rock Salt
8.) 1/2 a cup of Chroma Tears
9.) And 1 bushel of Nightshade
Mix well for 5 minutes and you have a potion the replicates the healing powers of the Royal Jelly! Or a potion that tastes awful and may possibly kill you.... lets go with the infinite amounts of healing :D
Roasted noob beggar
It's a very simple to make. Just shoot em with any firotech alchemer gun at the first sound of begging. Who cares if the seasoning is right. Use what ever you like, rock salt, blaze pepper, jelly crap, whatever. Just kill the beggar.
Previous Winners 6/25/12
New question 6/26/12
Well, firstly, BECAUSE THEY CAN.
Secondly, Phantoms arent scary without masks. who is afraid of a glowing red ball.
That is all. Goodbye.
Oh, and being a glowing red ball is TOO MAINSTREAM.
So you can't see the silly faces they're making at you underneath the mask.
(I assume the question is on phantoms :O?)
Glowing red balls are very terrifying actually. One alone is enough to send me ignoring every tomb stone in the graveyard :P make a B line for that elevator lift I SAY! But when you have a party of 4, that just means 4 phantoms, or 4 red balls, and they are SOMEHOW running on air and jumping through walls! And then when all 4 of you get the that elevator there's that ONE guy who says "DONT WORRY GUYS I GOT THIS!!!" And you remind him he has 2* gear and you just invited him into this T3 graveyard. And as he/she is being slaughtered by those phantoms, the rest of you are applauding all the way down to Basil.
But really they wear masks because they are shy and just want to hug you because they are surrounded by death all the time. They go so far as to walk on air and run through walls to HUG YOU and you run away, ignoring all the zombies. Phantoms - A+ lovable creatures.
(dont know if that answers the question but that's what phantoms are :P)
Well actually, I was talking about the green spirits from Firestorm Citadel. But phantoms work to!
Question: Why do spirits wear masks?
Answer: Because they are all like Vanaduke and do not have faces anymore, so they wear the masks to show a resemblance of what they previously looked like and they also use the masks to cover up the fiery masses wear their faces used to be.
Previous Winners 6/26/12
New question 6/27/12
They went to burn in hell for being so freaking OP and big and lumbery and ugly.
Lumbers are their cousins. Oh well.
Also, they squashed my pet snipe :C
Also, I only eat average snipes. Mine was awesome. D:<
Knights came and pushed the whole lot of them of a cliff into Tartarus. They're there now.
They became extict because knights started to farm them for their wonderfull shields. : > And...
they're were too OP so naturally, OOO had to get rid of them.
They found a way inside the core, where they now wait to ambush all the knights when it opens.
There will be no survivors.
I think that the Tortodrone came from an Ancient Civilization long and forgotten. The last survivors lived in the clockworks.
Voltronicus is my in game name.
Ive met one Tortodrone. Our eyes met for a brief moment. After that I blacked out. When I came to, his shell was my new shield. :P
Where did all the Tortodrones go?
The Tortodrones used to patrol on Emerald Axis in Jigsaw Valley, but the other constructs and gremlins were quite irritating, worse, many Knights came down to kill and claim their illusive shells. Then during a fateful event, the Clockworks aligned in such a way that the remains of the Tortodrones' ancient civilization was reassembled somewhat. They quickly all gathered there, for after patrolling the corridors for signs of their scattered civilization, they could finally finish waiting for the moment when they could return. They quickly entered their central temple, and using their sophisticated science technology that they considered to be above those of the 'brutal' gremlins (not every temple is for religious purposes D:) , they broke off from the Emerald Axis, sealed away in their temple. They did kinda pity the Knights who had crash landed on this planet, and the Tortodrones knew 'all too well' about such a thing(s) occurring. So to the benefit of not just the Knights, but also themselves, (they would be glad to get rid of them, as they were inhibiting them from access to 'certain things' that they wanted to research.) the Tortodrones spent the time after their disappearance, to find a source of energy to re-power the Spiral Knight's Ship, they're quite close too, but they are currently too far away to contact the Knights, and by the time the Clockworks realign them with Jigsaw Valley, they will not be completely finished, so they must wait another while or so.
Also OOO has 'other' plans for them.
Question: Where did all the Tortodrones go?
Answer: The Tortodrones went on a well needed vacation to get away from the knights who were poaching them for their shells. Unfortunately they are enjoying themselves and have been away for a lot longer than their 2 weeks paid vacation time. Hopefully one day they will get tired of relaxing and come back for to fight a more than ready group of shell poaching knights.
Previous Winners 6/27/12
New question 6/28/12
Vanatidae... because plain Vanaduck was just too plebian.
Alternatively, Stormageddon II or Master of the CE Market
I would name my pet snipe Roger.
I would name him this because I know this guy, who knows this guy, who knows this guy, who knows this guy, who knows this guy, who knows this guy, who knows this guy, who knows this guy, who knows this guys cousin, who knows this guy, who knows this guy, who knows this guy, who knows this guy, who knows this guy, who's name is Roger.
I chose Roger because Roger is a bloodsucking squirrel. And my snipe, having a name like that= perfect.
Kuger <333333
you shouldnt run out of ce! you had started this thread and grew it into a biggest thread in SK history!
but really, you should log in more often cause Im starting to miss you :<<<
May this foum never end up in Graveyard!!!
btw, 6/28/12 xD
name it the Kuger's lil gold maker
It would lay eggs and you would sell that to the GMs or someone else and you would never runout of ce!!! <33333
(Take care of it, Kuger)
Q: If you had a pet snipe, what would you name it?
A: I'd name it Dinner, because that's what it would be. :D
If you had a pet snipe, what would you name it?
I would name him/her/it Hunt, just so he/she/it would be associated with Snipe Hunt. or even better give him 2 names, make his first name Snipe and last name Hunt.
If you had a pet snipe, what would you name it?
Napoleon Bonaparte. He was very famous at the battle of Sniperloo. I mean he lost.. but he did other stuff too!!!
I'd buy a shotgun and shoot vanaduke in the face and take his brains and give it a face and then shoot it in the face... that is all.
If you had a pet snipe, what would you name it?
I would name it Badonkadonnk. It's a real name. I found it on google.
Previous Winners 6/28/12
New question 6/29/12
I updated early because I'm not feeling well and I need rest, I fear if I don't update now, I may not get much of a chance to tomorrow until later night.
Where did Almire get their spears? Obviously we cant find any of our own.
Much like where every other gremlin found enough iron to smelt and craft all of Cradle.
Where did Almire get their spears? Obviously we cant find any of our own.
Hmmm... Good point.
I get closed in thought and accidentally bumped into a [random GM]. I ask him/her the same question. He/she is also stumbled upon it. This therefore is the greatest question held in SK!
PS. Get well soon Kuger!
King Tinkinzar had a firendship with Vanaduke. He got his buddies from the core to make him some spears on fire. He then gave these spears to Vana as a peace offering. Vana gave em to all of his citizens. Now that the almirians are all dead, they try to kill people with those spears.
hope you feel better <333333 Kuger
Where did Almire get their spears? Obviously we cant find any of our own.
Their spears, hmm? I call them Almirian Lances. Just a fun bit of trivia there.
Anyway, my theory is that they created the spears/lances using the same material they used to create Vanaduke's mace. Look closely; you'll notice the orange parts look the same. Anyway, the Almirians probably found a way to, I dunno, create some kind of new material out of glass, lava, ashes, and all that stuff. THat way, it was a solid, but was seering to the touch, semi-transparent, but fluid enough to change how it looked. SO they molded it into Vanaduke's mace and the spears. It's totally possible, you know. These guys created spiked wheel launchers that create spiked wheels out of thin air! Anything was possible for them.
That was the core of the lance. The outer edges still had a grey metal blade for slicing and dicing. They probably ripped out chunks of iron or steel from the Clockworks (think Deconstruction Zones being ripped up for Project R.), or Almire had mines where they mined the metal. Or they traded with the Gremlins. And so they melted and molded the metal into the blades for the lances and Vanaduke's 4-blade mace. Maybe the metal was sun silver, you know? It's silver colored. Unless sun silver is yellow. :/
The shaft would most likely made out of Volcanic Iron, you know? Volcanic iron forged and welded together with the blade.
So... Yeah.
Where did Almire get their spears?
They are probably made out of Vanaduke's face. He was so ugly that his own people ripped off his face and melted it down. They did a bunch of other ladeedaa things and BOOM they had spears. That's the true story behind the spears... and vana's face...
"if i had 10,000 CE, how would you spend it?"
i would sell half to game for CR, then buy AMAZING equipment. then troll all the old bosses that killed me in the past. trololololololololololol.
Previous Winners 6/29/12
New question 6/30/12
Well, what happens is the Strangers look around Haven and make sure all knight are not around. Then they plot with the Snipes to destroy all Knightkind! The Snipes peck their heads and the Strangers sit of them! The SP method!
What do Strangers do without Knights Around?
The would throw a huge party in haven with the Snipes but as soon as a Knight walks by ' STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! ' run every one take places quick. Knight walks in haven looks around then walks away every one comes back out of hideing what no im not a Stranger looks around runs.
p.s Hope you feel better.
What do Strangers do without Knights Around?
Well, I suppose they just stand around, waiting for somebody to come by and buy their products. Possibly they drop the vendor guise and go around with their own daily life. I mean, Strangers must have a life other than selling stuff to an alien race, right?
WHen the Spiral Knight's landed on Cradle, they found Haven, fully stocked with tall Strangers selling items. But why were the Strangers selling items already in the first place? They couldn't have known that the SK would find Haven and buy their stuff and all that. Therefore, one can conclude that there is a second race living in Haven, before the Knight's arrived. When the Knight's arrived, the second group hid away and that's why the SK have never found out that they were there. Perhaps they were Gremlins? It would make sense, seeing how after the business with Razwog Schemer guy went. THey figured that the Knights would be hostile to them after facing Razwog, so they left.
SO that means the Strangers were conspiriating with the Gremlins. Maybe they still are. TRAITORS. I bet the snipes are part of it too.
SO when the Knights aren't around, they plot with Gremlins and Snipes about how to destroy the Knights or something like that.
Previous Winners 6/30/12
New question 7/1/12
Where do you keep the salt?
The shelf above the microwave. See it? Good. =)
Where do you keep the salt?
In my pocket so I can throw it in the eyes of those I'm about to fight.
Where do you keep the salt?
The salt? I gave you the salt don't you remember? Or was that the sugar?
I keep the salt in the ocean! An UNLIMITED supply. OK, maybe not UNLIMITED, but a lot.
Well, I'll give you step by step directions.
1. Go into the closet under the stairs. See it? Good.
2. Walk by the dead body and the gun collection to another stairway in the closet to the basement.
3. Once in the basement, walk past the moose head on the wall and over to the big axe.
4. Take the axe and cut the string hanging down from the ceiling next to the moose head.
5. Wait for the moose head to fall off the wall.
6. Watch as it falls off the wall.
7. Hug the moose head.
8. Stick your finger in the empty eye socket. Push the button inside.
9. Watch as half of the wall moves away to reveal a secret hallway.
10. Go into the hallway.
11. Ignore the tap-dancing frog. Trust me; ignore him.
12. You will find a door at the end of the hallway. Open it.
13. Walk through the door.
14. Go to the left of the room.
15. You will see a bookcase.
16. Pull the big metal box from the bottom shelf and the blue book on the 3rd shelf from the bottom.
17. Go back through the hallway.
18. Pull the key out from the moose head.
19. Bring all of these items to me.
20. I am sitting at the kitchen table.
21. Give me the items.
22. Watch as I open the box.
23. Watch as I go to the cabinet.
24. Watch as I take a packet of salt out of the cabinet.
25. Act utterly amazed because I could've just taken it out of the cabinet in the first place.
26. Stare in annoyance as I pull out french fries from the metal box.
27. Watch as I pull a bottle of ketchup from the hollow book.
28. Watch as I sprinkle salt over the fries, then add a layer of ketchup.
29. Take the fries when I give them to you.
30. Eat them until they're all gone.
31. Tell me that you just wanted to borrow some salt and not eat fries.
32. Watch as I throw a chair at the window and jump through the hole.
33. Wonder what the heck just happened.
34. Cry because you just realized you had to read through the last few steps several times.
35. Realize you wasted 15 minutes of your life reading this.
I keep the salt in a grenade so I can throw it at jellies and watch as they explode and shrivel up.
They make funny spwersh noises when I use it.
...what? Why're you giving me funny looks? It's a perfectly good hobby!
In my back pocket, in its salt shaker! I call it.. My booty shaker~! =3
Chroma tears, Zee core, Gel core, Rocky core, Gel drop, Nightshade, Forbidden Fruit, Blaze Pepper, Soul dust, Unstable core, Brute core, Royal Core,
Nightmare Mane, Reaper rib, Blighted bone, Trojan horseshoe, Flame soul, Spark of life, Everfrost.
Wondering what it makes? it makes a good drink when i mash it up and dissolve it in water :)
the jelly pieces for springyness, all fiendish things, burning stuffs and souls randomly in it, and lastly, put it in a Mug of misery. :D Perfect for evil beings like meh *sips the drink*