"Why are rare things so...rare?"
Here are a list of reasons:
- Things such as toys get unreleased so only a few are ever made
- They have been used by actors in movies or in television shows
"Why are rare things so...rare?"
Here are a list of reasons:
- Things such as toys get unreleased so only a few are ever made
- They have been used by actors in movies or in television shows
Why are rare things so...rare?
Why are common things so common???Why are are uncommon things so uncommon???Why are owlites so owlites??? Same answer for all of them, Spirallogic
Why are rare things so...rare?
Because they're rare. They wouldn't be rare if they weren't rare, would they?
Ouch.... I got lost in mid sentence Kuger.... =3
"Why are rare things so...rare?"
cause someone didn't made that much of that item
Because the Spiral Order had no other classification for them
"Why are rare things so...rare?"
Because they are often blue and blue makes everyone happy! :D
Because the person or people who created that thing made very few copies of it making it rare.
"Why are rare things...so rare?"
so watch out because im coming after ur stuff too :)
Why are rare things so...rare?
well, i don't know why they're rare, but I got a few of them riiight here-
waitaminute, now where did i put them?
these things are so hard to find....
so thaaaaats why they're called rare...
Why are rare things so...rare?
Rare things are 'rare', because there is limited access to the particular 'thing', due to a great number of multiple variables, most commonly due to having that particular 'thing' being created only in a certain amount, resulting in the limited access to that 'thing'. Another possible way, is that once again, the 'thing' is 'rare', because the 'thing' cannot be easily obtained, but is can be obtained, making it 'rare' this might be due to people who own most of the 'thing', with very little in circulation. 'Things' are only 'rare', because of the amount of accessibility one general average person has to them, low accessibility=rare, high accessibility=common. They're also rare cuz they're just cool like that, Problem? Deal.
Here, this might help:
1. coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon: a rare disease; His visits are rare occasions.
2. thinly distributed over an area; few and widely separated: Lighthouses are rare on that part of the coast.
3. having the component parts not closely compacted together; not dense: rare gases; lightheaded from the rare mountain air.
4. unusually great: a rare display of courage.
5. unusually excellent; admirable; fine: She showed rare tact in inviting them.
If that doesn't help you I don't know what can.
I am sorry I can not help you any further, Kuger. *takes of his imaginary fedora and walks away putting up his imaginary umbralla in the imaginary rain*
Thats because I catch em' all. You have to know that we have to "Gotta catch em' all!" right?
What do you mean no longer longest thread?
Previous Winners 7/20/12
New question 7/21/12
Under what circumstances would you grease a gremlin with butter?
I dont know, but i guess that would a be lucky day for the poor gremlin if i were to encounter one and to bring plenty of butter to coat the lil sucker for what ever reason, may it be something .... suggestive~ or to help that poor bastard.
But im guessing that he would be stuck under rubble or the elevator. which ever is more humorous.
Under what circumstances would you grease a gremlin with butter?
Why would I?
Well, firstly... For Breakfast.
Secondly, uhmmmm.... I don't know D=
Under what circumstances would you grease a gremlin with butter?
Why would I?
Well, firstly... For Breakfast.
Secondly, uhmmmm.... I don't know D=
Under what circumstances would you grease a gremlin with butter?
Why would I?
Well, firstly... For Breakfast.
Secondly, uhmmmm.... I don't know D=
Well, there is this special ceremony performed where a Knight is supposed to capture a Gremlin and grease it with butter. Its supposed to be some Rite of Passage kind of a thing. It was only performed in the early days of Cradle. That's why today, if you're called a Gremlin Greaser, its an insult.
Under what circumstances would you grease a gremlin with butter?
Id just throw the gremlin to the ocean if he is homeless begging for butter. Obvoiusly he's a enemy. If he acts sad, Ill throw butter at his face. Either way, I don't give gremlins anything I have. Its MINE!!!! Stay off my butter gremlins!!
Under what circumstances would you grease a gremlin with butter?
when he eats lobster
Under what circumstances would you greace a gremlin with butter?
When 20 Mecha-Knights are after me, cause the butter's fat would override their engines, causing them all to chain-explode.
Under what circumstances would you greace a gremlin with butter?
I'm bored and I don't feel like winning, so... I don't know Kuger why would I need to grease a Gremlin with butter? Hmm??? I have a slight suspicion you would know... Anyone feeling the irony here? Cause I definitely don't.
EDIT- Why isn't this the longest thread? Which one could possibly have surpassed yours?!
The thread that's full of spam. >.> Some troll made the thread basically saying: "Hey guys! Let's make this the longest thead ever!" And so, this thread is not the longest thread any longer. T_T
@Below I agree, but still, technically it is the longest thread ever. D:
Found it, gosh that's just weird... I vote that it doesn't count, because it really has no actual purpose...
When I am left with half bar of health and don't have any hearts and pills.
In other words.....
When I go ENRAGE!
And I would grease them till they DIE!
Or I die :/
And also make sure I have butter, but most of the time I don't :/
I'll go buy some butter today:)
if i found that they taste like waffles, i would put butter and syrup on him then eat him. (not cannibalism as we are not gremlins)
"Under what circumstances would you grease a gremlin with butter?"
Wait..... I am only supposed to be doing this under certain circumstances? If only someone told me this 2,345,678 gremlins ago.
Dang. Tinkinzar's gonna kill me....
Previous Winners 7/21/12
New question 7/22/12
"Where are all the knight's horses?"
Trojans. D:
Where are all the knight's horses?
Knights don't use horses, they use Jellies to ride them through the night!
Where are all the knight's horses?
My dear Kuger, I thought you knew this one already. As you probably know, there are countless amount of Trojans wandering about in the Clockworks (as Samplefriend has mentioned). What you probably don't know is that we once did have horses, countless amounts of them. But when the Skylark crashed, not only did it cause lots of injuries/deaths. But it also released a wave of radioactive energy. This mutated the horses with the knights causing a few of them to turn into Trojans. Those who managed to escape the incident are rather 1. Dead or 2. Us. Of course, the wave of radioactive energy is still in the air which still causes some mutations. Like Guardian Knight Arkus.......We won't forget you
Where are all the knight's horses?
They died when we crashed into Skylark. Aww it seems that they used the escape pods in the escape pods and went through the black hole. Oh well.
WAIT! We knifed them :O
Where are all the knight's horses?
There are no horses. The Spiral Order banned and killed al the horses. Only ponies and bronies are allowed. :3 And where are they? Busy making memes for Psychodestroyer (who used brony memes a lot. XP)
Previous Winners 7/22/12
New question 7/23/12
How do you think the Gremlins brought all of the metal used to make Cradle to this area in space?
Thru Gremlinium, Gremlinland's current currency!
One Spare Metal is 50 Gremlinium.
50 Spare Metals is 100 Gremlinium.
Try to add 50 over and over and that makes Cradle!
How do you think the Gremlins brought all of the metal used to make Cradle to this area in space?
Oh my dear Kuger, you really need to study your Spiralology more *Shakes head disapprovingly*. My dear friend Punch (who you can find in the Bazaar) taught me all about Gremlinology. In fact, lets go and ask him right now.
Punch: "*Speaks in Gremlish*O, un arall spirallion chwilfrydig. Byddaf yn ateb y cwestiwn hwn fod yn ddryslyd eich meddwl ddiwerth bach. Rydych spriallions yn ôl pob tebyg eisoes yn gwybod bod codwyr Crud yn arwain at ddarnau o fydoedd eraill. Rydym yn defnyddio giât ystof a gynlluniwyd gan ddim heblaw Warmaster Seerus ei hun. Roedd rhaid i ni fynd miliwn gwaith yn gyflymach na chyflymder ysgafn er mwyn cael yr holl o'r metel i adeiladu Crud. A yw hynny'n ateb eich cwestiwn? Nawr, am gael rhywfaint o amrywiadau yn berthnasol i eich eitemau ai peidio?"
Um......I think I will help you translate that. Punch says:"Oh, another curious spirallion. I will answer this question that is confusing your useless little mind. You spriallions probably already know that Cradle's elevators lead to pieces of other worlds. We used a warp gate designed by no other than Warmaster Seerus himself. We had to go a million times faster than light speed in order to get all of the metal to construct Cradle. Does that answer your question? Now, want some variants applied to your items or not?"
there used to be five planets filled with the cute enemies that we fight today. the gremlins exploded them and harvested their metal to make the planet Cradle. that is all.
How do you think the Gremlins brought all of the metal used to make Cradle to this area in space?
well I think they used some good gold colorded paint on some rocks, then scammed everyone for the metal to build cradle
The gremlins told the gun puppies that if all of the puppies on cradle fired one of their zappy-orbs at the same place at the same time, they would give them lots of ce to spend on jelly gems bought from travelling lumbers to munch on while waiting for some random big ship to crash onto cradle. Once this was done, the zappy-orbs created an adorable puppy-wormhole that could allow them to cross space quickly and obtain metal from other planets. Unfortunately, the wormhole was too small and cute to fit any large pieces of metal, and cutting them would take too long. So the gremlins built the not-so-cute Roarmulus Twins to add the power of their scary lazers to make the wormhole bigger and more menacing. Why is there no giant wormhole there now? Its license expired.
How do you think the Gremlins brought all of the metal used to make Cradle to this area in space?
A crane(the machine)... (DUH)
Development ..
How do you think the Gremlins brought all of the metal used to make Cradle to this area in space?
They used the left over Gremlinium to make the "CreateCradleinator"!
Previous Winners 7/23/12
No new question 7/24/12
I need a little time to gather some CE and plan some things out, Unfortunately we will be down for at least a day. If you have any suggestions please maio me in game.
New question 8/02/12
So sorry for the wait, I had to sort stuff out and I had family visiting.
We're back up now!
I just gonna brofist to all of those peach.
(Hey, I just talked with Kuger a while ago in SK.)
Question 08/02/12
If you were given 5,000 peaches, what would you do with them?
I would make the most Delicious and biggest peach cobbler evar, then feed everyone in the sk forums with it.
Previous Winners 7/19/12
New question 7/20/12