If they act according to the game already beautifull music, I see nothing wrong. I also move around when doing Dark City, lol.
Question of the day! (win ce) (Closed until further notice)

How would you react if every monster in Clockworks broke out into song?
Lets see...
-Rock Song:
Ask them to play Still Waiting
Find some gremlin to kill...
-Groovy Song
I dunno... I never heard one groovy song...

Previous Winners 7/14/12
New question 7/15/12
Sorry for taking so long, was a busy day yesterday

How many days would it take to run across the entire surface of Cradle?
in 80 days, cause thats how long it took in the book, "around the world in 80 days"

"How many days would it take to run across the entire surface of Cradle?"
3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706792962457053907095967966732118706342459769212852985029767358070882130902246046114658106422106680122702935451671360691232121286195062340840037017934926578386341797936831819157082994691313121384388790833038408402695893047555262747582685980063963215856883925637161939010580633448436720629437458775972301538012497961589298891561747042303863302264393168786331260063978582637253673966408397168708510983536511562833411052210053098638608325436466174558339143219150024270628578869102285727528179710957713793153052099573130955102183108045659614891680930578494464363846762836106078565071920145525599519385772957392597691971653853768279630829500909387733398721187563999067350873400641749712037440238264219484283852, give or take 5,000,000.

If you ran 5 miles an hour it would equal: 12,000 days. Because, I assume the distance of the entire surface of Cradle is 20,000 leagues like in that story. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. And as wise sources tell me 1 L = 3 Miles. So, if you ran 10 miles an hour it would equal: 6,000.
EDIT: Haha, I didn't notice the book reference made by Grittle. :S Fine, take me to jail, officer.
Question 07/15/12
How many days would it take to run across the entire surface of Cradle?
ANSWER: 47 days

How do I know? I never run across the surface of Cradle.

Previous Winners 7/15/12
New question 7/16/12

I will give it to the Spiral HQ so I can get tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of ce.
Question: 7/16/12
"If you found a very shiny rock, What would you do with it?"
If I found a really shiny rock....shiny.... oh sorry, kinda lost my train of thought there.
Anyways, if I found a really shiny rock, I would.... I would... GOD I HATE SHINY OBJECTS.
My very short attention span gets the better of me :(

"If you found a very shiny rock, what would you do with it?"
I would love it, and pet it, and call it George. :D

I would use it to play lame pranks on people. I would position the rock so that the mechanical sun would reflect off of the Shiny Rock and then I would say, "Look over there!" they would just tell me its the light. While they walk away I would cover up the rock so nobody could see it, not the reflected light. I would tell them to look again. They would be FLABBERGHASTED.

Question: 7/16/12
"If you found a very shiny rock, What would you do with it?"
I would paint the rock dark grey, so it wont be shiny anymore, then throw it with the other rocks, becoming lost forever

Question: "If you found a very shiny rock, what would you do with it?"
Well, first I'd use it for an attachment for my armor, (or use it for a trinket) so whenever a monster/knight attacks me, they become stunned for 7 seconds.
The glasses accessory can shield them from the light so, I'll buy tons (or all) of glasses accessories and sell them for 100,000 crowns!

"If you found a very shiny rock, what would you do with it?"
I'd sharpen one of the edges.
I'd then go into a Lockdown match and start blinding people with its S H I N Y N E S S.
Then I'd stab the [insert any four letter word] out of them with my rock.

"If you found a very shiny rock, what would you do with it?"
If it were a big, shiny rock, I would craft it into a sword. My own custom sword. How cool is that?
If it were a small, shiny rock, I would go up on the top on the Auction House, start looking for my enemies, and start blinding them with the shinyness.

"If you found a very shiny rock, what would you do with it?"
My Answer:
Id use my IMAGINATION and make it my shiny little pet...
Ill feed it,pet it,love it and kill jellies with it.
that id like to bring with me to the end of the rainbow and walk with it to Asgard.
Id bring it to adventures and give it a sword and give it the mission to destroy Edward and take the vampires shining ability to shine much better.
Then,then,then I'm going to give it rainbow cake and watch it puke RAINBOWS!
Ill name it ROCK.

"If you found a very shiny rock, what would you do with it?"
Throw it at a field. Bloody fields. THINK THEY OWN THE PLACE.
OMG, its an awesome bomb! Die Suckers!

Previous Winners 7/16/12
New question 7/17/12
How do you carry so many weapons at once?
I use magnets, it sucks other knight's weaps x3

Question 07/17/12
How do you carry so many weapons at once?

Question 07/17/12
How do you carry so many weapons at once?
Well I'm glad that you asked, you see. We spiralians have a builtin Magnet Capacator, unlike you backwater gremlins <_<
The Magnet Capacator holds 3 things: A Mist Battery, A Crystal Liquifier(for CE) and 6 slots.
The msit battery holds our mist, and through the heat in the air mixed with the natural energy keeps us powered healthy and recharging... Unfortunately we dont have any real generator. If we did then we wouldn't be stuck on this godlike machine.
The Crystal Liquifier does exactly what it says it does, liquify the crystals and takes out the energy in them, making the rest a glowey blue mess, but that charges our suits, so can't complain.
The slots hold all of our items, swords guns bombs you name it. But the trickey thing about the slots is: the first 2 slots run on their own energy, as the other 4 have to be unlocked with your own energy. But dwindles after time.
Our swords and guns and stuff arent actually what they seem to be. The real swords are just the pommels(bottom of the sword). And the slots surge energy into the pommel making the blade appear. For guns, the trigger is the only thing there until surged with power. Bombs are small sphere filled with gunpowder, blue crystals you name it.
And that concludes our Spiral Appreciation for today, any questions class?

Question 07/17/12
How do you carry so many weapons at once?
Well, I suppose there is that infinite void pouch thingie that I posted as an answer to the question about how knights pull weapons out of no where, but if you really want to know...
How do you think I carry all of them? They're strapped to me all over my body. :P
Khorovod and Jalovec and Faust go on a special double * shaped sheath on my back (both troika line swords go like an X, faust down the middle), Twisted Snarble Bard is stuck through a belt sheat, my 32 (give or take) hot edges are hidden around my body in hidden sheaths, 5ish brandishes are stuck in belt sheaths, shockburst brandish is too. Mai RSS, spine cones, lightning capacitors, super blast bomb, fiery vaporizer, haze bomb are all in several bandoliers criss-crossing my chest, mai catalyzer and voltech alchemer and antigua and zapper are in holsters at my sides, I wear my silvermail and wyvern scale helm, drake scale shield is strapped to my wrist, and all my proto gear, other shields (plate, owlite, brute jelly, bristling buckler) and other armor (Uh... Too much. Can't remember) are stuck in a huge pack bigger than basils that I'm wearing on my back on top of the triple heavy sword sheath.
How I can carry all this without breaking my back? Don't ask.

I put it all in a bag, a mystical bag. It can hold thousands of things without breaking. Its called the Forever Bag, all you need to do is say: Bronkenbass. Then it will open and you can get whatever you need out of it. :D
(Somebody get this reference. :3)

How do you carry so many weapons at once?
Like all the People,Heroes,Assassins(Altair,Ezio!),Knights and Characters,I carry all my money in my left pocket and my equipment in my right.

How do you carry so many weapons at once?
(DISCLAIMER: I don't usually write like this, but I'm practicing my writing for the SAT xD)
A large metal hilt protruded from my chest at a 45 degree angle. Its blade was deeply embedded in between my second and third ribs. Dried blood caked the sword and rusted its blade into a dark-brown color. An inch lower the wings of a large owlite shield emerged from my stomach in holes dripping with scarlet blood. The owl's eyes seemed to peek out from two holes in my lower back. Lower still were shattered pieces of my once gleaming proto sword and its blackened buddy Mr. Hot Edge. Hidden in this jungle of rusting swords and battered shields lay a porcupine-like ball dark briar spikes, its pointed edges protruding from my back and stomach.
As I strolled down the street, lackadaisically gazing at the other ignorant knights busying themselves with the newest haven auction, I paused to laugh at their jumbled display of leather pouches and sword sheathes. "Dumb NUUBS," I bellowed. My laughter was met by shocked glances and the noises of vomiting men. Horrified by my bleeding body and the numerous protruding weapons that seemed to cause me absolutely no pain, these people pointed at me with shaky fingers.
It was plain and simple. So I ate another flourish.

Kuger, I am so, so sorry, but...
QotD isn't the longest thread ever anymore.

How do you carry so many weapons at once?
Blast Processing.

How do you carry so many weapons at once?
Oh easy, in my arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal , in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal, in that arsenal I have an arsenal.
And if you ask how do I carry that many arsenals at once its because I had an account which made more accounts, that account made more accounts,that account made more accounts ,that account made more accounts ,that account made more accounts ,that account made more accounts ,that account made more accounts ,that account made more accounts ,that account made more accounts .

Previous Winners 7/17/12
New question 7/18/12

Question 07/18/12
How much CE do you expect is on cradle all together?
(Please, don't spam with numbers, try to be reasonable here :P)
HA! I have solved the equation and beaten those supposedly smart Gremlins (no offense Kuger, since you are a gremlin too) to the answer. Lets set the amount of CE on cradle as "d".
This is tough to type in without an equation editor, (du/dx) denotes the partial derivative of u with respect to x, (du^2/dt^2) denotes the second partial derivative of u with respect to t, etc.
When b=0, c2=0, co=0, c1=rho*A, a=kA
this equation represents the amount of CE mined in one day
When a=0, b=E*I, co=k, c1=0, c2=rho*A
This equation shows the amount of CE we have mined so far
When a=E*A, b=0, c1=0, c2=rho*A, co=0
This final equation shows the amount of CE we have here on Cradle. And after solving it I finally have the answer. Are you ready? You sure?
We have an infinite amount of CE on Cradle, it will never run out. That is until Sega and Three Rings decide to close Spiral Knights, as a resident of Cradle, how do I know that we live in a world hosted by homo sapiens who we can't see? Your mom told me *Gasp*

:O Kuger, as you buy so much CE to give to us and I expect you have at least Ten 5* items, I thought you knew D:
I dont believe you dont know. Spiral HQ, besides helping strangers mine CE with their slave knights, they also have an CE duplicating machine (run by Spiral knights captured in pods and their energy sucked out slowly, draining them forever as knights charge energy faster than draining, this is a fate not even the noobs deserve. There isnt a machine to extract mist energy from air, only Spiral knights can do this.)
The machine only makes 2-3 CE per minute, but we have infinite from that anyway.
Kuger, stop buying CE or you will torture more knights :|
There are multiple ways of finding out.
Think of a big number and times it by itself a lot of times.
In other words, a googolplex (search it up if you don't know :/)
Count the number of digits Pi has.
Or use a very complicated way of finding out.
Use a formula.Like stated by Xxpapaya.
As a conclusion to my answer......
Total number of CE on cradle = 0CE

Over 9000, so you should gimme some.

Question 07/18/12
How much CE do you expect is on cradle all together?
As many as i can count, wich is quite alot

Question 07/18/12
How much CE do you expect is on cradle all together?
Okay, I'm gonna be boring and take this the scientific way. Cause science is reason. Scientific reason. Therefore science must be reasonable. :D
FIrst, lets think of mist energy. How much Mist Eenrgy is there? Since it's in the air and it's a mist, we don't know. But we can safely assume that more mist energy is constantly being created, so there is infinite mist energy.
Do you know how some crystals are formed? Floating gasses and vapor molecules bump into each other in the air and stick to one another, thus creating a larger lump of stuff. This happens of millions of years. Te end result; A large crystal made of ancient vapors.
Since a vapor is a mist, we can assume that the same happens to Mist Energy. So there would be infinite Crystal Energy. Sure, after we use up all the visible chunks we won't have any more Crystal Energy to use. But that's only because the really really reallly really x4528743 tiny Crystal Energy vapors floating around in the air are to small to be harvested and mined as crystal energy. Not quite ME, not quite CE.
So infinite. Yeah.

Previous Winners 7/18/12
New question 7/19/12
Notice: This forum thread may not last till August, We will see if I can make it happen.

Question 07/19/12
Quick look over there! what's that!?
That is the shiny pet rock which General-Dub adopted. Right now its riding the rainbow =) Pretty neat huh?
BTW: Its species is known as Rockius Peticus, discovered by Spiral Darwin

Question 07/19/12
Quick look over there! what's that!?
Gabe newell,creator of valve: oh thats Half life 3,don't worry about that, ignore and walk away from it, its gonna be worth the wait!

Question 07/19/12
Quick look over there! what's that!?
Oh thats my contraption. I learned from a gremlin in emberlight how to make Love Roarmulus. So now we can have the Love twins!
Also over there is my version of Azure Vanaduke. Same size as vana, holds a Grand Excalibur(8*) also the page from cradle lore about that Dark Ritual. Apperantly Tinkinzar is- Wait your not in tinkinzars court. Sorry but I cant tell you...
Last but not least my stamp collection :)

Quick look over there! what's that!?
Its a bird... its a plane... its a sNiPe HaT?!?
"Quick, look over there! what's that!?"
It'sa me, Mario!

"quick look over there! what's that?!"
Wait, what?... oh that, its just a knife in my gut..................wait wtf, why is there a knife in my gut.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, ogod hugh bleh. I AM NOW THE DEAD bleh
How would you react if every monster in Clockworks broke out into song?
I tip my hat off and start inserting a ridicilous amount of crowns in my hat and give them away to them and their wonderful entertainment, while enjoying their dazzling performance with joy and laugther.
I would wish they could start a concert or a opera house so people can go there and enjoy monsters singing and dancing.