Previous Winners 7/1/12
New question 7/2/12
Previous Winners 7/1/12
New question 7/2/12
Well, considering a Snipe has a cuteness rating of Infinity, I would say is Infinity timed by itself. Therefore if you do say the square root of a Snipe aloud you can cause a fracture in the space-time continum, disort time, and all end life on SK and Earth as we know it. So whatever you do, do NOT say the square root of a Snipe. No matter how much the Snipes ask you to.
Er, lets see here (Im searching on Ah! Here it is.
The square root of snipes is Archibald Edward Sniper the Third. Archibald Sniper was born a square snipe, and no one loved him. He got married to a bowling ball, and had a kid who was a round snipe. This round snipe was named Johnny. Johnny wandered into a stranger camp where he had kids (Lets not talk about Johnny being a boy or a girl). Thus, the snipe population fleshed out as brother snipes and sister snipes married each other for the sake of snipe kind.
So, to answer your question, Archibald Sniper is at the bottom of the Snipe family tree, therefore he is the root of all snipes.
Wait, you mean like math square root? Oops.
*Types "square root of a snipe in math terms" in the little google box*
OH. here we go, the square root of a snipe is....
We interrupt your scheduled programing to announce the internet has exploded.
"What if you have an additionnal brain ?!"
1. Give it away to F[øø]Ls !
2. Sell it to the NASA or the scientist order of Nazarok MUAHAHA ! (preferably for crowns or CE)
3. Using a 2nd brain isn't that bad, ye might actually think more or double-think or "Think fast" don't ya think ?
4. Play Basketball with it :Bouncy-bouncy...LOTS of fun..!
5. Vanaduke might be interested so that he'll know how to survive more often against all the parties kicking his arse.
6. Give it to charity. (or there's always e-bay)
7. Eat it ?! (Yummy Jelly...)
8. Post a Thread about it.
Question 07/02/12
What is the square root of Snipe?
Depends on what kind of snipe.
Square root of a real snipe ( ), root 15 because there are 15 kinds of snipes. In order to find the square, you must find the square of all of them and then root it, so root 15.
A snipe, as in a sniper shot, the square root would be a snipe BIRD. The word snipe was named after snipe birds because of how hard they were to hunt and shoot, because they flew around wierdly, so it was hard to shoot them, so you'd need to be very good at shooting to shoot them, thus leading to gunning snipe. Or the root could also be a war. Cause most of the time you only snipe people during war, unless you're an assasin. And - oh, I has another conspiracy thing again. :P
War is evil. Girls are evil (no offense to any girls out there). You know why?
Girls require time x money.
Time is money.
Girls = money squared.
Money is the root of all evil.
money squared = evil.
Girls = evil.
Wars = evil.
Wars = girls (especially the Trojan War. BLoodiest war ever fought ever a woman. :P).
Root of snipes is war.
girls = root snipe.
So... Girls are the root of a snipe?
A snipe in Spiral Knights, it would be a Stranger's feet, because SNipes sit on strangers so they're a snipe tree, so that means the bottom of the Strangers are root, so that's the root of a snipe. The roots are square in order to make it a SQUARE root. I suppose that explains why the Strangers never seem to move around 'cept Basil; they're all rooted to the ground. :P
What is the square root of snipe?
To be more precise, there is no exact square root of snipe, but gremlin scientists say that if the closest number to the square root of snipe is to be said, calamity would happen.The very innards of the clockworks would fall apart from the cuteness of the number and war would rage. All the energy would be corrupted and poison all of the knights, gremlins, wolvers, owlites, and even the jellies. The entire planet of Cradle as we know it would fall apart in war and destruction. During all of this, the snipes will just be laughing because when a snipe takes a break from it's part-time job of sitting on strangers, they go on the internet to troll gremlins,which makes the snipes the biggest and cutest trolls in the universe. Why do you think the gremlins are so hostile? After years of trolling obviously they get a bit grouchy. Nobody knows what this number is, but that might just be for the better.
Stupid trolls......
Previous Winners 7/2/12
New question 7/3/12
Well, pineapples... Well. many things, since we dont eat.
1) Feed to snipes
2) Throw at biscotti so he can make pineapple demon cakes.
3) Bribe King Tinkerbell to make me a hammer to troll everyone in LD as I am F2P. (Didnt you know Gremlins are addicted to the taste of pineapples? They are running out.)
4) Squish it and throw it into Boswicks Bush.
5) Feed it to a jelly cube and watch it frizzle and explode like a Exploding Jelly (Note, do not feed to an exploding jelly. it will destroy the whole area)
6) Wear it as a hat
7) Multiply it and then turn gremlins into our slaves.
8) Kill gremlins as they are over addicted. By overfeeding them.
9) Feed to Chromalisks and Wolvers and realise its like chocolate to dogs, killing them.
10) Realise that devilites count it as sacred food and I get killed by floppy disks and stale donuts due to them thinking I stole theirs.
I would say more, but im in hospital with shadow damage injuries with A pitchfork in the knee.
Under what circumstances would you need a pineapple?
I only see 2 good reasons for needing a pineapple; piña coladas and the food fight thread.
Under what circumstances would you need a pineapple?
For le smexy time with GF ;)
Under what circumstances would you need a pineapple?
1) If Spongebob came over to live next to you but was hommless.
2) If you wanted to make a tropical fruit smoothy.
3) If it was national Pineapple Dayl.
3) If you needed a hat.
4) If you needed a pineapple to complete your fruit hat.
5) If you wanted to get rid of people (you'd throw the pineapple at them).
6) If you were a terrorist and had infiltrated the Pineapple Allegics Anonomous club building.
7) If you were a member of the Pineapple Allergics Anonomous club and wanted to commit suicide.
8) If you were one of those people who like to throw things are cars/windows/people/animals/stuff.
9) If you were the third guy in this joke.
10) If you were hungry.
Under what circumstance would you need a pineapple?
1)I would never need a pineapple.
2)If I did, I would need it to prevent starvation.
3)Or to throw one at that one guy you want to throw a brick at.
4)Or to use as a mortar in a food fight.
5)Or for an alternative for a pickle when trading with others.
6)Or for the sacred ritual of the owlites
7)OR I can feed it to Pacman
8)Or I might need it for a magic trick
9)Or I might need it for the last bullet needed in killing Vanaduke
10)Or I might just need it so I can live like Spongebob
Question: Under what circumstances would you need a pineapple?
Answer: Well I am going to go with the most obvious answer, use it to wash your car. Pineapples are nice and juicy, so there is no need for water, they also smell nice so you would not need soap and the smell would also serve as a air freshener for the inside of the car. The juice also tends to be a bit sticky, so in addition to it being used as water, it can also be used as a sort of wax like substance to wax your car with. With a pineapple life and washing your car are just a lot easier.
Previous Winners 7/3/12
New question 7/4/12
Sorry for the late update, Had a real busy night.
I'd say probably here on the Forums with so many friendly friends here to keep me company! When the Forums are active anyways. :3
Wheres your happy place?
(This post has been edited/removed by GM due to sexual content.)
Wheres your happy place?
My happy place? I'm afraid that that's confidential information. See, if I told everyone where my happy place was, everyone would know where it was, and go there to 1)FInd out what my happy place looks like. 2)Have their own happy place where my happy place is. Anyway, once I reaveal where my happy place is, it'll be flooded by other poeple, and therefore no longer be my happy place.
However, it can't be my happy place if I can't tell anyone where it is, because it's so awesome that I need to tell someone. I won't be happy if I don't. But I can't tell them. So... I don't have any happy place, I suppose. ._.
My almost-happy place, though, is my mind. Because in there I can daydream and think of ideas for my stories and the QotD and think up cool stuff and think up cruel nasty painful ways to kill my enemies. Om nom nom nom nom.
Wheres your happy place?
I have no happy place....My very soul is empty,and fails to conjure up the so-called "Happy" emotion. The only emotions I feel are sorrow, pain, and hate. I am a being of darkness and tears and therefore cannot call any place my happy place. Why not leave, you ask? My soul is clung to this world and cannot amass enough strength to move on to the next life. Should I use all my strength to move on,I will simply fade from existence and will be forgotten from this realm. I am stuck and doomed to this world forever. I refuse to tell anymore about myself.
What's that? Today is Wednesday? So today is one of my happy days?Oh!
Every place is my happy place.
Previous Winners 7/4/12
New question 7/5/12
Well, firstly kuger when you sent me your CE I was in LD and while opening it I died >:C But its probably my fault for opening in the match but yeahhh
Okay, Now, an OP weapon.
Nothingness Obilerator.
So OP. It is a sword and a gun and a bomb, you only have to think and it will turn into either one.
Sword form: It bashes anything in its way and when it touches stuff, the stuff is ripped apart. Charge attack destroys everything in its path, its like a brandish charge but with a whopping 10 explosions with bullets coming out in 5 random directions from each explosion. so its 10 explosions and 10 bullets from each one meaning 100 bullets coming out in random directions.
Gun: Shoots a unspecified bullet combo of void (no one is brave enough to try it more than 21 shots in a row, cos the person who tried 21 shots destroyed a clockworks level), destroying everything it touches. the bullet sucks the enemy into it, and it disappears forever. Medium speed shots, charge attack shoots a big fat bullet that splits into 10 richochets, and those richochet thrice.
Bomb: a portal ripping all enemies into it with a 10 tile radius, sucking stuff in like a vortex, but OP. Nitronome base charge time, reduced walk speed as the user is usually a bit scared of the bomb.
Please note it is pure black in colour, so dont lose it in the swarm void or a gremlin like kuger. Thankfully we can hold it, as the weapon doesnt hurt unless armed.
Banana peels
Normal attack is eating the banana, to get super strenght. Then you charge it to drop it.
Regular enemies may simply fall for a second so it may not be usefull for clockworking.
But it'll shine in Lockdown. Laugh at those strikers smashing at full speed agaisnt a wall.
I would liek so see...
no, I was going to say a "Doggie Bomb" while I was looking at my dog, but we already have a Snarby Bomb.
Or a Polaron, but we all know how OP those are.
A shadow final flourish! Regular ones work so well against gremlins and the Shadow Final Flourish wuld be sew ausome.
The Mortal Crowbar! :D
A Crowbar for SKs only! NU GMS.
The GMs thought they were clever. MUAHAHA!
Now we get out OWN Crowbar!
Question 07/05/12
What type of weapon would you like to see in game next?
Hmm.... A toughie. Good thing I almost always win questions that are about creating your own content stuff.
1) Solar Saber: A massive broadsword that Owlite Warriors once used. The gem on its hilt is said to be a shard from a crystal sun.
It'd be a sword that looks like a mix between a sealed sword and troika line sword. A yellow crystal would be visible on its hilt. It would have a two-hit combo. Each hit would deal pure elemental damage, and slight knockback. Charge attack would have an animation of a Knight plunging the sword into the ground, dealing no damage, and then tendrils of light shooting out in a circle around the player. Tendrils would deal pure elemental, knockback big enough to blow all enemies out of the circle.
2) Crystal Pistol: A legendary pistol created by Owlite. It fires shards of Luminite. Used by warriors from all ages of Cradle, it is surprising that it has survived for so long.
A small gun. It would be white with yellow markings. The regular attack would would a fast 2 shot combo that fires what resembles luminite shards, which deals heavy piercing+elemental damage. The charge attack would fire a random shard (Luminite, Valestone, Moonstone, Crimsonite, Dark Matter) that could cause a random status depending on what it is (Moonstone = shock, Luminite = stun, etc, etc). Only dark matter wouldn't deal a status. It'd deal shadow damage. ._.
3) Spark Cannon: The word 'spark' in this gun's name doesn't do it justice. Dealing out massive amounts of energy, it's enough to make the Polaris seem like a battery.
A massive handheld gun, which I have no idea how one hand can hold, it has a one shot combo. The ordinary bullet fires a beam of energy, which deals pure elemental. It has a high chance of dealing shock. The charge attack fires a massive orb of sparking energy, which is very slow. x3 slower than Pulsar bullet. However, it has a relitevely long range, and upon impact, it explodes with incredable ferocity. Extreme knockback, high chnace of shock, pure elemental. Obviously, this gun would be so trollable in LD. ._.
4) Sun's Shadow: Warning; Do not stare directly at this bomb. Bright enough to fully light up the darkest night, think about what it'll do to our eyes.
A bomb that deals pure elemental. ._. Like the description says, the explosion is absolutely blinding. Players will experience a brief half-second of zero visibility. However, bomb deals massive damage.
Be part of the Owlite set. :P cause all these weapons are made by the Owlites. Except the Spark Cannon.
All weapons would be complete 5*, and only obtainable through ???. Maybe rare drops in Candlestick Keep? Spark cannon would be a barnchoff of elemental pulsar line, i suppose. :P
Hi, first time forums-er(?), first time respondent.
Tho this is the most vague question ever, i think its an awesome question to ask.
If any type of weapon could be in the game, i think that it should be a chain sword. i mean, just think of the possibilities. finally a sword weapon where you wouldn't have to be standing on top of the opponent to hit them, and there are so many ways you could go with it. i.e. normal damage because there's nothing too flashy about it, shadow damage to reflect the ancient oriental wielder of said weapon, the ninja, or piercing damage for the seraded joints of the long agile whip-like sword. IT WOULD BE SO AWESOME!!!
but, you know, that;s just my opinion
thanks for your time.
What type of weapon would you like to see in game next?
More low star weapons, like maybe a ice version of the edges sword? E.g. Frost Edge and Freezing Edge? And Fire and Shock versions of the Frost Gun, like Spark Gun and Heat Gun.
What type of weapon would you like to see in game next?
Hmmm... In my opinion, I'd choose a new line for the Sealed Sword.
A normal sword.
Eye of Beowulf then Blade of Beowulf
Each slash is a half to thirds of damage to what the other lines Sealed Sword has, but! It's charge can multiply to the range and no. of enemies present in slash.
[ME] |[SLASH]| [3 Enemies are affected so... 3x 1 Projectile is 3 projectiles so three projectiles are born and divide unto 3 more upon each hit.]
What type of weapon would you like to see in game next?
A hammer line for non OCH players, with shock status. Thor's hammer anyone?
previous winners 7/5/12
New question 7/6/12
Why is life so hard?
Umm... Probably because people get easily addicted by drugs and when they do, they become mad... (Well, Kuger, If that's the aim for your question, but..)
If it's about SK,
Cause people can't craft items easily anymore...
But seriously... What did you aim for in this question...? It's soul-boring...(not the boring that you have nothing to do-- I mean boring as the piercing...)
Why is life so hard?
this is really a simple question.
Real Life: to relate back to Lordofnecromancers' response to the question of 7/2/12(root of snipe), girls... and work backwards from there.
Spiral Knights: if it were easy, it would be boring and people would already have finished leveling up and finished all the missions and have all the equipment and thus would no longer have reason to play the game nor reason to tell people it was worthwhile and thus the game would have gone bust.
Hmmm, life is so hard... because you realized that you crafted that Ash Tail Cap for NO reason and you've been heating it all this time, for no reason. Then, you realized you need a Skolver COAT not Cap. Then after you're done crafting, you realize you don't have enough CE to go to the Shadow Lair you've been planning for so long.
Why is life so hard?
It's a pretty easy answer. Little by little our heart, soul, emotions, physically feelings, spirit and desire to live erode away in order for us to feel nothing and have no desire to live. We start looking forward to death, happily anticipating it and we feel no pain from whatever kills us.
Why is life so hard?
Life is a drag.
Lag is a drag.
Lag drags you down.
Heavy rocks drag you down.
Heavy rocks are rocks.
Rocks are hard.
Previous winners 7/6/12
New question 7/7/12
Updated early cause my best friend is sick and the stress is killing me. I need to rest.
How many times can you jump over a bucket of water before you trip over it?
Forever, because I would only trip over the bucket if I walked into it. >:D
I would fall over it if I hit it while I was jumping. Not trip.
How many times can you jump over a bucket of water before you trip over it?
"The world may never know" because i will probably never try. :P
oh and i hope your friend gets better soon, Kuger.
How many times can you jjump over a bucket of water before you trip over it?
Lets see... 1*hop*, 2*hop*, 3-*random dude*:LEROOOYYY JENKINS!!!
*BOOM**CRASH, MEOW*hey whered that cat come from-AAH*car flies overhead* what in the heck
*skolvers start digging at the ground and eating dirt...Vanaduke appears for a tea party, comets of pink plove puppies start hitting the ground and explode with yoshi souds*...*cradle implodes because of you jumping over a bucket of water... wait, thats water from the sanctum... DIdnt you know that water divides by 0?!* uhh... no? O.o *well good for you, now your floating out in space because you jumped over sanctum water.*
sorry D: *NO SORRY FOR YOU-"Server will now reboot!" ...*
In essence... around 8 times before the server autoreboots and your banned :|
I can jump a buckut of water 97 and 2/4 because i would probebly jump in because i was swetting alot.
How many times can you jump over a bucket of water before you trip over it?
This is an incalculable amount, as you are not specifying certain variables that would determine the outcome of the experiment that would lead to the answer to your posed question...
Using random variables in place of the void variables, it can be determined that 'I' can jump over a bucket of water 0 times because I'm too lazy and the Bucket is too big, and because clouds are made of water.
How many times can YOU jump over a bucket of water before you trip over it?
I bet YOU can't jump over a bucket of water once. I bet you can't jump at all. My thought is if you tried, you would trip over the edge of the bucket the 1st time getting your feet caught in the bucket and you would fall on your face. The water would spill on the ground and you would be laying in mud. And you know we would all be laughing at you so you probably wouldn't even try, at least with us watching. So I'll say, you can jump over a bucket zero times.
How many times can you jump over a bucket of water before you trip over it?
Jump? Trip? That'd make the water spill! You'd waste an entire bucket of water! Don't you know there are places in the world where people can't get water to drink? And here you are spilling water they could be drinking! Shame on you for wasting all that water! Think of the children!
In all seriousness, there is no answer to this question. See, if the bucket was the size of an atom, you couldn't trip over it; you'd step on it. A huge bucket the size of Jupiter, how'd you be able to jump over it in the first place? So, the answer is the average of nothing and infinity. But you can't find the middle between nothingness and everythingness. Therefore, there is no answer to this question, other than... no answer. :/
If I had a pet snipe,I would call it sniper.I would sharpen its tip,load it's behind with lots of bullets and shoot the bullets through its mouth.When I am a 5*,I will use my snipe sniper to destroy tier 3 lord vana.but...lord vana destroyed my snipe I will get another snipe to make a snipe sniper to destroy lord vana.
Here lies ultiprime's pet snipe.Destroyed by tier 3 boss lord vana.Today snipe sniper is used for
Making snipers.Snipe sniper is thanks greatly by the U.S armed forces and made a model named sniper-417(looks like snipe sniper)
To this day the snipe is still used by the U.S army today.
Answered on July 08 2012
Answered by the the owner of snipe sniper,(in-game name)
I am sorry for not updating, Been really stressed.
I'm going to let this question run through the day, Tomorrow's 7/9/12 question will have double the ce prize for its winners. Thank you for understanding
"how many times could u jump over a bucket before u trip?
i would trip over it at 3.141627549877 jumps, IF IT WAS A CIRCLE BUCKET. if it was rectangular this is how i would figure it out
JUMP x 4/T (R x I x P)
You have asked a very clever question.
I will respond with a very clever answer.
The answer is H2O.
Hop Two Only.
Then I would PURPOSELY trip over it because that is my policy. Hop Two Only.
Previous Winners 7/7/12
New question 7/9/12
Where would you go for a pizza in the middle of the desert?
Palm Desert Restaurant -- You know, the restaurant under the huge bunch of palm trees. They've got really delish pizzas.
Note: Hope your friend will get well soon and I hope you'll feel better when he/she's better. =)
"where would you go for pizza in the middle of the desert?"
I would go to Pacti's pizza house. I was on vacation in a desert somewhere and there was pacti's
Where do you keep the salt?
On the kitchen counter behind the soy sauce to the left of the sugar to the right of the ketchup to the front of the other soy sauce under the mustard inside the salt container on top of the drawer with the (bloody) knives inside my kitchen inside my house on earth.