/see evreyone dead exept lord of dragos
/see that lord of dragos ingnored the food in food fight
/revive evreyone
/knock out lord of dragos whit a pumpkin
Food Fight!
please take your weapons somewhere else
your sniper jams and explodes in ur face
I want a dark chocolate chocolate lab
eats a watermelon and spits out infinent seeds at pop as fast as a minigun
I shoot Durian Bazooka
At everyone In this page
I put bubble gum on the floor, sticking everyone in place where they stand. I open a case of rotten tomatoes and use the statues for target practice. I giggle as a squashed tomato drips from Doom's face.
I shoot Durian Bazooka At lamnoone's chest
He got alot of pain
I shoot my watermelon seeds at Thowardz, making him have a lot of watermelon seed holes
then I get a RPG (rocket propelled grapes) and blow Thowardz up with it
I do the same thing with lamnoone
Later Those watermelon seed holes Grow Into watermelon PLANTs from my body
I pick some of Those watermelons and eat it
Then Spill Watermelon Seed at Pipipipipipi For about 600 seeds at him
/grabs a zucchini and uses it as a baseball bat
/seeds fly everywhere
I grab a bunch of turrets, replace the bullets with watermelon seeds and activate them
they all hit everyone but me and Doom
I like watermelon seeds. I gather lots of them in my mouth and shoot them at Pipipipipipippipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipi
point blank in the heart, killing him. I walk away so I don't rev him.
I don't revive Pipipipipipippipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipi since he isn't on my side, I yell "NO MORE WATERMELON SEEDS," grab all the watermelon seeds and throw them in the sacred volcano of cupcakes
I summon the cupcake god
I rise from the volcano and throw cupcakes at everyone but Pipipipipi and Doom-Xx
I got hit by cupcakes wipe it out and eat it
*Thowardz Fainted because of Burned cupcake taste*
I make thowardz eat a poisoned cupcake while he is unconcious
he dies of cupcake posioning
no one attends his funeral
I revive Thowardz because i don't like when people die in this topic.
Then take some eggs and throw eggs at everyone.
don't underestimate the powers of cupcakes
I turn all your eggs into cupcakes and eat them all as you throw them
I get a giant cupcake, bigger then the multiverse, and throw it at cradle
giant cupcake vanished before it reach cradle
and also @Cupcake-God you should use Food to fight not super power ok :)
I Thrown Durion oh wait I dont have it.....
I thrown Pizza with wasabi Topping at Cupcake-God
Thowardz, you can use food based weapons and powers, it just has to be food based
The cupcake reapears and smashes into Cradle
Please cupcake god just use food I dont want this thread die because evreyone use supper power and bla bla bla.
The cupcakes disapear before smashig cradle.
Then i throw mushroom at everyone.
cupcakes are food -_-
so why can't he use cupcakes?
eats mushroom and grows really big, throws giant pie at everyone
cupcake reapears, splats into cradle
everyone finds themself sitting in cupcake remains, I gave you all something to throw at echouther
I get Durian from Cupcake-God
/Throw the durian a Cupcake-God
I wanted water melon!
Suddenly An alien Gave me watermelon seeds
I plant it so every one can thrown water melons again
(Dont use it to much or we don't have watermelon to plant more)
Finds watermelon sprouts on my lawn... RIPES IT OUT!... cuz i think it is dandelines...
throws "dandelines" into neighbours backyard.
catches coconut and drinks coconut juice
barfs the coconut juice on the floor
plants peas, melon seeds, wal nuts, and other fruits, veggies, and nuts and play PvZ...
With everyone else as the zombies
*Got hit Bye Giant Pea*
*Looses His arm And Head*
*Lying Down the floor*
Imm not a zombies.
I throwsteak at everyone face exept Pipipipipi.
I give it at Pipipipipi.
I catapult a watermelon with a Big Angry Bomb charged up at the Cupcake-Mortal. Oh, and the watermelon can't be turned into cupcakes or muffins or any other foods.
I throw my steak in the air, which happened to knock the watermelon back at Use
*Put HIs arm and head back together*
I Slash Everyone With My "Long Twohanded Sword-Shaped Carrot"
A sword fight!?!
/pulls out my celery sword
Where are my the chocolate puppies I gave you guys?
I made them to help all of you.
Anyways, I use candy cane hammer to stop thowardz and iamnoone from continuing then smack both of them with it.
Then I call my Dark Chocolate Cerberus and my Candy Kraken to protect me from anybody who will attack me.
They'll eat you if you attack me.
Good luck :P.
I summon a cakebolax, ride on a flying cupcake, and touch them, I then start a RPG boss battle
Dark Chocolate Cerberus (DCC) health: 50000
Candy Kraken (CK) health: 50000
Cupcake-God (CG) health: 50000
Cakebolax (CB) health: 50000
CG uses cupcake strike on Candy Kraken dealing 5000 damage
CK health: 45000
CB uses sweet cake thorns on DCC dealing 4000 damage
DCC health: 46000
CK uses candy bite on CG dealing 2500 damage
CG health: 47500
DCC uses chocolate choker on CG dealing 2500 damage
CG health: 45000
CG charges special: holy infinity cupcake strike
CB uses candy bite on CK dealing 2500 damage
CK health: 42500
CK uses candy bite on CG dealing 2500 damage
CG health: 42500
DCC uses chocolate attack on GC, dealing 2500 damage
CG health: 40000
CG releases his holy infinity cupcake strike on both, dealing 100000
CG and CB win
loot: 582031529457095 cr, 1483 ce
level up
stats, cupcakeyness: 999, attack: 999, defence, 999
upgraded cupcakyness to 1000
decreased final strike time
GC charges his final strike on everyone in this fourm, will strike in one post
GC fail his strike and everyone saved.
/Take tomatos and throw them to everyone.
That was Phase 1 of Dark Chocolate Cerberus and Candy Kraken! Both of their 2nd Phases cannot be killed!
I then proceed to hit Popoixd with a dead salmon.
Yes. A salmon. A pink salmon to be exact.
Im confused....What ever....
I revive By energy
Then I Thrown "Poisoned Mushroom Gas Bomb" At Every one
I spam billions of toxic mustard bombs everywhere while slashing anyone that comes to close to me with poisoned carrot sword.
So your poison can't harm me. I also shoot you from 50' away with my pea gun (AKA Nova Driver, I USED FOOD), killing Lord-Of-Dragos.
Sorry, poison resitist only protects from getting the status effect, not the dmg.
You still take dmg and I just dodge you pea bullets.
/e recon cloak online.
/e target found. Enable lock......
/e locked.
/e snipes Use with deadly precision.
I riding on "Freeze Meatball Tank"
It a tank That Shoot Meatball That can Freeze You
I shoot Freeze Meatball At Usevnsevnsixfivfor
And Lord-Of-Dragos
After I shoted those Bullet,Then The Tank Just....
Your tank shell misses.
I use RPG on tank.
(Rocket Propelled Gravy)
You know, this is a food fight thread. If you want to fight with super powers, SK weapons etc instead, you belong in another thread or need to make one to accommodate your game. Don't use this game for another game you are choosing to play.