I eat everything.
I try to make a food joke, butt f*** it
I eat everything.
I try to make a food joke, butt f*** it
Ooh fancy! You can have more of my potatoes to shoot if ya like!
Thanks Immortous
/loads the hopper and sets it to slice
/pelts Fleet in the face with the potato slices
I'll dice you next time.
I wish Xxpapaya does know that Luguiru says he's in hell.
/throws pizza to Iamnoone
/shares the pizza with Fleet
/throws a slice up in the air
/sits back and watches the show
Aabluedragon loads a cannon with condiments and leaves volatile vineger on the barrel then proceeds to meander into the nearest Love Puppy.
I kick Draboar's butt so hard that it flies into Earth.
I give Iamnoone a cookie (that has poison! Don't tell this to Iamnoone)
I confiscate the poisoned cookie and shove it into Iam's seed shooter. I point the barrel at Fleet at pull the trigger.
/gives Immortous a cake
/flings the left over icing at Fleet
@Iam - I accept you! =D
/eats cake
/throws Fleet into a vat of boiling olive oil
Anyone up for fried-fleet?
Bakes a pie and does the
Good old clowns-pie-in-the-face-thingy
I get out of that oil olive and shouts, "You can die at any time, get over with it."
Thanky. Accepts the cookie and wolfs it down in an instant. Starts talking quicker and quicker. A pea explosion. That is what we need. Green goo dripping all over people. I need to write my shopping list. Get ready to go out to the store. Bring my money with...
/starts talking so fast it becomes inaudible
/movements become fast and jerky
/turns to walk down the hall but walks into the doorway
/smacks the wall
/smacks the wall
/falls on my face
/quickly tries to get up
/falls on face
I gave noone a cookie that grants strenght and defense buff but debuff your smartness!
I look at you with a puzzled expression on my face.
I don't know if I want to do it twice. My nose still hurts from the last one. Speaking of nose...
/smells the cookie
/smells again
/bites and inhales the cookie in one motion
Sucker ain't I?
/tries to kick my own butt from being so stupid
/runs in circles
/turns to defend and protect myself
/runs in circles the other way
I'm going to kick your butt
/the circle being run reverses
I stabbed your face with my dagger and I took you all into the jail.
We combined you all with toxic gas, icy shards, big knikes, blue fire, shadowy matters, lightning bolts, boulders, and cosmic energy in the jail.
Oh my. Throws a Cookie of Restoration to no one.
/noms on the cookie
/starts to feel better
Thanks, I was getting worried there. But now we don't have a cookie.
/looks at the store with oreos
/looks at the bakery who's clerk's already know me
Just then a school bus filled with girl scouts goes by.
Am I that low to mug a girl scout.
/chases the bus down the street to a red light
/jumps on and hijacks the entire bus, that wasn't just filled with girl scouts, full of cases of girl scout cookies
Uh, Iam....this is the Food Fight, not the Cookie Game.....Maybe we should leave cookies alone in this thread. XD
Dang, caught. Lost in a thread and not remembering what thread I was parked in. :P
Leave the cookies alone? :/
Won't they get lonely?
Well okay,
/giggles more
/throws the cookies at you
/catches them all in my mouth
/starts to chew
/falls backward
/dislodged cookie flies out of my mouth
/inhales precious air
You have to be careful with those cookies. You never know when they'll fight back but I'm glad you're breathing again. I think we scared everyone off.
/uses the door knob of the thread and rubber bands to make a sling shot rigged to hit who ever opens the door next
/loads the sling shot with a rotten egg
/sneaks out the window
And I take the cookies as you sneak out the window, you try to grab them but I just shove you out of the window and watch as you plummet to your doom.
Whoa....hold on.....did you just run away with my half-eaten cookies.......??
/watches the knife bounce off of Immortous' massive stone chest
/knife sinks into Fallconn's forehead and is sticking out of his hat
Fallconn turns and looks at me giggling with the knife still in his head.
Need some butter with that knife?
/throws a stick of butter at Fallconn
/Hit Iamnoone On The Head Knocking Him Out.
i Grab The Knife Out Of Fallcon And Spread The Butter All Around On His Face.
*kicks Iamnoone into a chasm* I then proceed to force feed you (gravator) cookies. Why is this bad? Ask the mewcat that just blew up. Boom.
/tries to resist
The food goes down no matter how hard I resist and struggle.
/feels my stomach turn
/my insides explode splattering me across the walls and ceiling
I pour Iam's splattered remains into an "Iamnoone" mold, along with some Elmer's glue, and wait.
/checks watch....
/sees watch is broken....
/looks for a clock....
/falls asleep....
When I wake up, the mold has broke in two, and all I see are wet footprints leading out of the house....
/wakes up in total darkness and wonders where I am
/tries to move but is bound like a mummy
I here a crack, then a smash. I am free. The complete darkness is replaced with the darkness of night.
/has a flashback, Gzilla's foot
/finds the door and goes looking for him
/thinks that I need something...something like a coconut...no quiche
/goes to the grocery store and gets one
/finds Gzilla and forces him to eat it
Nah, quiche are amazing! We need something better... how about 7 bean soup?
I thought I was the only one on the planet who liked quiche.
7 bean soup!?!
You know someone who has access to hundreds, maybe thousands, of beans. And every potato known to mankind. When it comes to food fighting, you should stay on my side.
/by-passes the soup and loads the seed shooter/slicer/dicer gun with cranberry beans
/randomly shoots everything that moves leaving bright red berry stains on all that I hit
wakes up and eats daily necro pie. Throws razer sharp crusts at everyone.
Oh ok.... I guess we can't let this thread die.
So, as I said before....7 bean soup! >=D
/finds a box of dinosaur shaped jello jigglers lying around at McDonald's
/wonders if they're for a kids birthday party
/doesn't care, grabbing the box and slipping out the door with them
/skips a cherry t-rex off of Immortous' head and it goes splut on Shotjeer's face
/tries again with an orange stegosaurus hoping to get Gzilla
/Wonders what kid wanted his birthday party at McDonald's...
/Goes back into McDonald's
/Grabs them fishy-fishy-fishy-McBites!
"No worries Iam, I've got Gzilla for you!"
/Stuffs them all into Gzilla's mouth
/Watches Gzilla gag and fall to the ground convulsing
"...This is why I don't eat at McDonald's..."
I'm Back!
*ambushes lamnoone and Immortous with sloppy wet rancid zombie fish and slaps them in their faces.
I use my necro pir to destroy you! *Proceeds to throw pies at everyone*
/sees Iam's dive for the pie
/grabs Iam's hand before he takes a bite of the pie
"NO! That's one of them turnover-pie-things from McDonald's! You don't want to end up like Gzilla!" O_O
Those things.
One day last summer, a million degrees and driving that sweatbox called a truck...
I was so hungry and so tired of living off of bananas I stole off of the truck...
That ONE thing...
I preyed to the enamel god for hours BUT...
that enamel god was a face plant in some tree somewhere in between here and death.
/shudders at the thought of that thing
/curls up in the fetal position and sweats profusely
What did you soak the sock in?
/throws the wet sock over my head hitting who ever is standing behind me
Well.....I did say it was a handkerchief. Take a guess! =P
Thanks for the offer Immortous but I went home and got real pants. I also made this cool shooter here. It's a seed shooter. It has a hopper to feed the ammo. You can stick whole watermelons in and a barrage of seeds comes out. And if you turn the barrel, it can shoot slices. Turn the barrel again, it dices. Turn it again, it mashes. One more time and it shoots whole things like eggs and tomatoes. Check this out.
/grabs one of your potatoes
/shoves it in the hopper
/shoots and covers Fleet in mashed potatoes in less than a second
/shoves a banana in, Infernus gets pelted with banana chips.
/shoves in a melon
No one is safe.
/goes on a crazy shooting spree shooting everyone.