I slam a giant rotten durian on iamnoone
Food Fight!
I push my arms out Iam's side and my head out Iam's neck and join in the fray. Two-headed, Four-armed Iamourtous picks up Doom and Grittle at once and throws them face-first into candy mountain.
So I smash a huge durian onto you causing you both to come out. I then pop both ur heads with the Cocohan and throw you into trash cans
/me throws cookie at Doom's left side of the head.
My zoombified body climbs out of the trash can hurling moldy fruit and a half eaten cheeseburger at Doom-Xx.
I hand Infernus-Dragneel a foul piece of meat, covered with maggots, to throw at Doom.
That foul piece of meat Infernus was handed is me, so I leap onto Infernus' face and pull it off with salad tongs.
I give it to Doom and run away.
I fell to the ground dead.
Oh wait, cookies shall avenge me!
and cookies you shall get.
/throws rock hard springerles at Infernus-Dragneel that were left over from Christmas, hitting him in the head and splitting his skull wide open
Blood gushes everywhere.
I pop Iamnoone's head with my Cocohan and T bag his body then I throw his body in boiling water making iamnoone soup
I throw big melons to Doom and throw everyone melons to dead, killing everyone except me.
I eat your big melons, and still have room for desert. I begin to consume my well-earned slice of cheesecake.
So I burn your cheesecake with my chili driver and you burn your mouth
I throw cotton candy in front of your chili driver and it erupts into a ball of blue flames in your face.
Immortous gives thanks!
I finish eating my unharmed cheesecake, and let Iamnoone have a slice. Then I throw my dirty plate and fork at Doom.
I deflect it and you eat rotten paper plate
I fire my Chili Driver in Iamnoone's mouth
I throw my fiery melons to Doom-Xx
I eat a papayas.
I dodge and burn your mouth as well
After burying my tongue in a bowl of ice cream for a while...
/dumps a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs with tomato sauce over Doom-Xx' head
After taking a shower...
I shove a bottle of wine into Iamnoone making him drunk
I stumble and fall to my face when I lunge forward trying to catch the papayas. I grope along the floor, finally reaching them.
/randomly throws the papaya in the most sloppy fashion
/looks down to see mushed papaya dripping down my legs
I fill Iamnoone stomach with banana bombs.
Iamnoone expoloded so hard that it flies to Isora.
Do it to me! I wanna see Isora again!
I drop a banana peel in the middle of the floor and melt back into the shadows...... O_O
I blast Doom-Xx butt with my rocket bananas so Doom-Xx flies into Isora.
Unfortunately, Isora is stolen by the combined force of the greys, reptilians, and gremlins.
You're sorrounded by gremlins armed with machine peanut guns, and peanuts are poisonous for knights to eat or touch.
I find a banana peel on the floor and use it to slap anyone who comes near me.
I give a pea of power to Immortous.
Unfortunately they are poisonous.
/steps back and puts on a rain coat
Yo, Immortous.
Watch out for splash back.
/smacks Fleet-Miss-Gun with my banana peel
/dodge Iamnoone attack.
/enter the banana time machine.
/goes back to 1940s.
/Was already in the 1940's
/Sets up a trap
/Makes popcorn
/Gives to next poster.
/see Iamnoone grandfather killed.
/paradox naturally happens.
/i eat a cookie.
It's mine now.
/grabs the popcorn
Thanks Fallconn.
/starts to eat the popcorn
~the light bulb turns on above no one's head~
/jumps up and runs to the kitchen
~sounds of hurried cooking actions come from the kitchen~
/comes back with popcorn balls
/throws one at Fleet-Miss-Gun
/due to a paradox, Iamnoone dissapears.
/give Iamnoone a beer
/Iamnoone is drunk
/ I vanish into a state of oblivion completely obliterated
/ giggles
I'll stay here.
/ sits back and enjoys the ride
I kill you all with a flour nuke that destroys Cradle
I use my pea power to turn Doom and Fleet into pea soup. Then I mix them.
I use my broccoli to turn me into a skolver with double true love trinkets and a toothpick.
I give my cookie of ninja to Iamnoone.
I give a random old man the bowl of Doom/Fleet soup and run away.
YAY!!! <3's ninja cookie
Immortous, you forgot the crackers!
/throws at package of crackers at Immortous
I eat the ultimate apple. I get out of the bowl and give the Get out pea to Iamnoone.
I stick the pea in my pea shooter and hit Doom in the face with it.
I steal Iamnoone's pants and stuff it with mushed mangoes. I "accidentally" drop the pants and you put it back on. Your legs get stuffed with the Mushed Mangoes
I hand Iamnoone an adult diaper to replace his mango-pants.
I hand Doom a fish....O_O
/walks away naked
Dang nabbit, I don't even have food to throw.
/head drops
/shoulders slump over
/kicks a rock
/jumps up and holds my toe
I set Iamnoone on fire and I roast marshmallows on him(or her)
Did you forgot about me? The cookie monster?
Anyhow, I decided to make an epic comeback by overflowing the fountain with fizzy pops.
I kill Infernus-Dragneel for eating my kind!
I shoot a dragon toasty jalapeno buster to Infeernus-Dragneel, killing him.
Uh...I dunno what to do.....Have another adult diaper? =O
I throw no one's mango-pants at Doom.