tun with a pistol of cupcakes and stars to shot
Food Fight!
FOOD fight star are not food.
Get possed by the possesing Trinidad Moruga Scorpion. Throw Bedfordshire Super Naga to everyone.
PS: They are UNholy whoever get touche get possed by me (the possesing Trinidad Moruga Scorpion if you prefer).
shoots everyone with toast and toast bombs everyone
Let's put some Peanut butter and jelly on dat toast!
/turns on a radio for BGM.
/pulls out a hose powered by peanut butter and jelly and splashes everyone that is hit by Pi's toast bombs.
You still remember, haven't you Fire? ;D /straps a Bomb Bandolier and pulls out 2 candy fragcorn bombs. Trick or Treat..~ >:D
/pulls the trigger and blasts the battle field with flying candy corn.
And since there's oil on the floor.. /pulls out a celery stick in the shape of a surfboard and surfs across the oily floor.
Cowabunga!! /jumps onto Cupcake-God's back begins to lick of the icing.
/thinks, "I'm hungry and I miss eating cupcakes... >.<"
*Yawn* Oh hello Ace, and yes, of course I remember! *attacks with the, homemade buster sword yet again hitting everyone except Ace.*
gets hit by PB & J and poccessing TOAST becomes more powerful
shoots peanut butter all over Xspiral-Ace and Cupcake-God, which drys fast.
shoots toast into the peanut butter, becoming part of a sculpture
Burp. Hey why do everyone keep forgoting about meh D:
Throw deadly habareno toast and cupackae and buster sword shearching.
Just like any good villain, i wont die. I secretly modify the Choco cement formula while everyone thinks im still dead, Making it immune to Popoxid's witchcraft and tricks. I Rig the ceiling while everyone who has ever been in this food war is inside, turning them into statues a thick as walls and hard as dimonds, with Popoixd and every other Food fighter besides myself unable to do anything but whimper... mmmmm Hungry......
I teleport out of the building, and send a homing missile full of fried spiders-on-a-stick to attack Infared-Inferno.
Lemme think... I use Evil Robo-Sandvich to kill you! :)
/thinks, "Hmm.. this is too easy sometimes even if it is strong as a diamond. >:)"
/melts the chocolate by creating friction on the inside while the sunlight from outside melts the chocolate off.
Hehe.. too easy. Arise fallen my chocolate bunnies!
/carves a transmutation circle on a solid block of chocolate, submerges it into the chocolate goo. Uh oh.. umm.. don't be scared guys. The chocolate isn't hard so..
/summons the chocolate bunny army by using the molten chocolate from the area and those who were imprisoned by it.
/'s chocolate bunny army begins to reassemble and takes shape but fails.. However, their reappearance are like chocolate bunny ghouls.
/appears instantly appears behind Inferno. I don't think you're a villian.. /pulls out a cheeseburger. All you want to do is be with us. :)
/shoves a cheeseburger in Inferno's mouth for him to enjoy. I hope you like cheeseburgers. /begins to eat some french fries Boy it's been a long time eating fries!! >3<
watches as Inferno trys to solid me.
shoots peanut butter, jelly, and toast all over the bunny army and everyone.
The Peanut butter has the same effect as Inferno's chocolete
I put up a guardian shield around me and Ace(and Iam????) and wait for the toast to finish.
the guardian shield collapes (because it's not food) making you get hit by a bunch of peanut butter and turning into statues
...it was food. Giant pieces of cheese to be exact.
Throw ^ himself and egt unpossed. HEY PEOPLE ATTACK ME.
/E Hide whit Fire and Ace (and lam ?!?).
Hahaahahaha! Shoves pie on Psychodestroyer's head and short circuits nanosuit.
Throw habareno pie at Malkalack fac. BURN.
XD he didn't read the whole thing.
/hi Popoixd
/grabs popoixd's head and slams escargot down his pants
Lobs grenade loaded with peanut butter at fireoftheearth and laughs as sticky mess sets in. Also throws lunch table at popoixd's torso.
I still have that guardian shield made of cheese...
/pulls out a bazooka launcher and fires cheetos at everyone outside the battle field after pulling Noon into the cheese guardian shield.
Fire! /fires cheetos from the bazooka launcher with speed.
Hehe my turn,comes in with soda and throws it at the wall,and then it explodes peanut butter and and everyone is sticky.^_^
And also,throws twelve boxes of pizza at Xspiral-Ace for wasting food,how dare you shoot cheetos with a bazooka,you were supposed to use the rifle.
bends all the peanut butter to turn Superchannel into a statue.
shoots explosive toast at the shield, breaking it.
shoots jelly all over everyone behind the shield, which slows them down to a crawl
Dodges peanut butter and throws sleep vial at Pipipipipi,and then starts to throw cream pies at his face.
Creeps up behind super channel and slits his throat with a potato chip. Fries his remains in butter then feeds it to wolf!
Malkalack, I teleported using a butter portal behind you. I then whack you with the wolf that you just gave the remains to, except IT is now fried. :D
I started a temporal anomaly in the ether with my magic carrot so when you teleported you were lost in the currents in between space and time. Haha! I feed the wolf a poisonous alpaca burger and it dies.
...and how did you start it exactly?
Malkalack jokes on you,revives using spark of life and then use food jutsu to summon the unholy flaming cheetoh scythe that can cut through divinity,and then slices you head and becoming invincible.And if someone trys to take my scythe,they will be teleported to pickle flavor chips land for a eternity.
Whatever you throw at me, poccessing TOAST absorbed and became more powerful
Shoots cream pies all over Super that make him sleep.
shoots Super's scythe with toast which blows it up, then flys to the moon, which poccessing TOAST absourbs and becomes ultiment.
But then, I take all of poccessing TOAST's powers, and throw him to earth.
Epic toast and cheese armor appears on me. I weild a giant sword of cheese, toast, cream pie, peanut butter, jelly, and space mustard which I just absorbed, and use it to cut the Earth in half while epic music is playing everywhere. The two halfs of the Earth explode, leaving everyone in space who I all slice in half using my sword.
Rips off cheese armour of pipipipi and the chest of him comes off too. Whomps him on the head with a broccoli bow staff. Impales with a cheddar pike. Summons army of tacos to defend meh!
Im not done yet,revives with spark of cheddar and uses food justsu to summon a one billion golden flaming french fry storm and launches them at Malkalack and his whole army of tacos,and then I summon my my unholy flaming cheetoh scythe and slices Malkalack head off an d eats his taco army.I also banish Pipipipipi to the pickle chip abyss for eternity.And also summons taco armor(thats invincible)and a army of pizza trojans and and chicken warriors.
My headless corpse slumps to the floor. I go to the Underworld. I fight my out. I come back, and throw an asparagus spear at superchannel, in his neck. Right at the weak point in his armour. Laughs and decapitates him with a sharpened cheeto.
I throw in a canister of mustard gas and leave the lunchroom to go to the bathroom.
please note the following
1. if you try to take my stuff, you will not get it and a violent explosion will happen instakilling the one who tried to take it but not harming me
2. if you try to banish me to somewhere, the effect will mirror and the one who banished is banished to wherever they tried to banish me
3. when Malkalack got out of the underworld, he ended up in anouther underworld because he died in the underworld
4. I hope you like staying in the pickle abyss forever, did I mention you got banished there without your scythe which I destroyed pernemently
5. I can always instant kill ANYTHING that is invincible, because invincibility is cheap.
back to game,
I slice my sword through all the invincible things there are, then slice all of Superchannel's army
Using my temporal magic carrot I find my way back to reality. I tackle pipipipi and we both fall into his pickle chip abyss. I close us in and laugh triumphantly as I bend the pickle dimension to my will and torture him with dill in his eyes and other pores.
except I am not in the pickle dimention so I can't fall into the pickle chip abyss, you just made yourself fall in by yourself.
I hold my sword out which splits the lazooor in half which the 2 halfs redirect and kill anyone to the sides of me, I then fire blobs of peanut butter and jelly at Rabid super fast
I put Makalak on fire whit m habarenoflamethrower.
And i throw heat searching Tnidag moruga scorpions.
Boum everyone get exploded.
Want watermelon?
grabs watermelon from Popoixd and absorbs, then shoots a machine gun of watermelon seeds at Popoixd, and then a machine gun of whole watermelons at Popoixd
I spit 7-pot-pepper fire and burn all seed and watermelon.
(YAAAY magic carrots!) finds way back to real world with magic carrot. Appears behind popoixd. Impales him with asparagus spear. Coats his remains in cryogenic jelly. Fires him into space on a unicorn.
(YAAAY magic carrots!) finds way back to real world with magic carrot. Appears behind popoixd. Impales him with asparagus spear. Coats his remains in cryogenic jelly. Fires him into space on a unicorn.
grabs Popoixd and gives him/her a unholy peanut brittle sword I found, then slices and dices Malkalack into 1000000 square peices with my own sword
oh and didn't you see? those watermelons and seeds I fired I modified to heal you
I transform the unholy peanut brittle sword Pi gave me in a HOLy-Pimento-WaterMelon-WolveerSteak sword.
I slice everyone exept Pi whit it.
shoots toast at all the pepper and hits Popoixd into molten caramel