I walk in the door and throw a custard pie in Gab's face and walk back out casually.
Food Fight!
Hey, there's only one god here, and thats me
*turns god into a giant cupcake and eats him*
/grabs a watermelon and chucks it at the door Sandwich-Potato walked out
The door fell on Sandwich-Potato before he could get out in time.
/eats the watermelon before it reaches the door
/decides not to interfere with fate so shoots the seeds at 1359887934 miles per hour at the door making it fall
/walks in casually
/throws pie with c4 stashed inside of it at Gabrihel
Mmmmmmm Tasty explosives... YUM
I like spicy flavours...
@Sonosuke: so you got armageddoned by the stuff that is now mine.
@Pipipipipi: That shield is unbreakable, so before you came close you got armageddoned as well.
I just slice/pierce/puncture Gab with my stuff, cause I'm one of The Great Eternals.
What are you? A nurse? Well, I'm The Doctor, I jump in my TARDIS, get a trip back in time to when you are about to be born and make worlds collapse, time fabric tear and make the hospital where your mother is about to give you birth ashes, exiled from the universe, forgotten by everything.. so, technically your argument is invalid, cause you never ever existed... Who I was talking about? Uh.. Yes, I was just to say:
Mmmmmmm Tasty explosives... YUM
I like spicy flavours...
But that was a plastic copy of me!
The real me has shrunken down to the size of a pea due to some experiments with Dark Matter cooking. I walk towards Use and chuck a miniature pie in his ear, then walk away casually.
@Gabrihel: I'm not a nurse, I'm The Great Eternal!
Gabrihel was turned into brocolli.
I jump in Bustware's mouth, killing him instantly. I was Snowhite's Witch's Poisonous Broccoli.. Only a true love kiss could turn me back in a human.. And if this happen Bustware's Corpse would explode.. I think... or it would become a perfect costume for me... But it's not a problem.. no one loves me
@Bustware your attempt to kill me with weapons you don't have failed because you don't have them
remember, Sono turned everyone back to humans before you ate them, and so you couldn't eat them anymore, so you have no weapons
/shoots Bust with grapling gun as punishment
is strange, parallel universes when someone died and universes when those one live are coexistent... really strange... so... me and my duplicates from other universes eat the custard pie... and offer a slice to Pipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipi, Bustware and PotatoSandwich... Who want some tea?
Sigh, time to use a Spark Of Life! BOMB!, Pi and Gab are stunned, so I use one of the passerby creepers to creeper jump to a place where no one can find me!
/blocks the spark of life explosion with a lollipop shield and excepts the tea
I get sick and tired of all this food.
I hide in the Obvious Secret Door.
/opens Obvious Secret Door and throws dark matter on to Sandwich-Potato
I close the Obvious Secret Door before Pi can enter and bomb him outta the universe.
What Obvious Secret Door?
I don't see any Obvious Secret Door. What are you guys talking aboomahgoshlivingfoodmonstersrun.
I set the food monster on fire and watch them burn to ashes and stuff. Then I make apples for everyone. Delicious Candy Apples for everyone! But before that, I throw a pie at Bustware's face just because.
I bomb Sono with minibombs.
Daz not food.
I eated the minibombs and toss a pienade into the air.
I eats the apples, then offer a grammer pill because why not
Ummm this isn't food related anymore. I fire a watermelon machine gun at everyone for deviating from the "food fight!" theme.
Grammer pills are edible, and are really effective, watch.
/eat an gramer pil
i fel so muc beter no
The door bursts open, and I dash through the OSD, moving faster than you can see. I slam a pie into Bustware's face as I whiz past him for going off-topic, team up with Malk, and throw a peach cobbler at Pi for the grammar pill. I quickly summon the Flying Spaghetti Monster God and run back into the OSD.
/eat da pech cober as is cmes too i
I fire a cucumber dictionary at Pi and slash others with cheesecake sword.
I eat the cucumber dictionary, then bake a bunch of ninja star cookies, eat the OSD, and throw all the cookies at Sandwich, who gets eaten by a passing stranger, who runs away before anyone can throw food at him
I summons flaminf cupcakws and throw them all at Bustware and Sanwddich.
@Sonosuke: No, we hate your input because of your disorthography.
I bust Sono with a tomato bomb avoiding hitting Pi for the reason he didn't hit me.
I bust Bust with a dead fish and use a chicken leg to beat him senseless
/pours (Lava hot) nacho sauce all over Malkalack.
I hold up my carrot proof shield made of a lollipop
I use my oven torch to burn Pipipipipi's shield, then I roundhouse kick him and shove a starfruit down his throat and dodge any punches or kicks made by him.
/summons large, magical GIANT shrimp to ride on. (oxymorons rock!)
/crushes all except Sandwich-Potato
Come back and think ''Oh god giant magical shrimp, what happened here....''
Roast the shrimp and shout: THE MIGHTY ROASTER IS BACK !
@Use thanks for the star fruit
/fires ninja star fruit out of mouth, which pins Use to the wall
@Popo yum yum, that could feed millions, but...
/throws giant roasted shrimp at next poster
I duck the shrimp and fire chocolate cookie chips back at Pi.
I counter the chips with ninja star fruits
I cage Pipipipi in a cage of Black Licorice! No one can eat there way out of that!
yum, black licorice is my favorite
/eats all of the black licorice, and then takes a long peice and stabs Flame with it
The black licorice corrupts Flame-Shinobi, making him a zombie. He eats Pipipipipi.
I casually drink lemonade and watch the horror.
I send in Marshmallow Support Bags to everyone. I then join Malk and drink some root beer.
I clink glasses with Sonosuke from some bleachers, putting on sunglasses when an angry Scottish man pulls out a bottle of Napalm. That could have harmful UV rays, Mr. Macdougal
..God is descending from Heavens.. Seeing this mess, he declares: Oh my Me, who did make this mess! Who is the responsible? Stop this. You all shall be punished! Shall my wrath purge this world! *He sterilises the mess.. eventually burning everyone..