lol I dun want to rain on your parade but I'm raining... it's only like a paragraph long :P
[REBOOTED] Fanfic: Almirian Child-- Chapters Prologue-XI out!

Here are two apps, chose any. Idc which one gets chosen
Name: Tearninja (tear for short)
Gender: Male
Appearance and Weapons: snarby coat and spiral bomb head. On inside skolver or 5* cobalt. Swords: Levi, voltage, Barbarious thorn blade and Dread Venom Striker. If guns: Polaris, Argent Peacemaker, Biohazard and Nova Driver. If swordsman, Barbarious thorn shield. Swords are my fav.
Characteristics: A strong fighter. Won't give up. follows orders. Whatever it looks, he has such strong emotions that sometimes tears will just apeer in his eyes without anything visable/vocal happening. happens when he "daydreams".
Background History: He likes to keep it quiet, but i guess it has to be said: He once was in a really strong squad, where they were all really good friends etc. But oneday during an assult by a mini army of gremlins, he tryed to save all there lives, but allways he would come to late. This left him friendless, and nobody belived him when he said he tryed to save there lives. They think he just ran for it while the rest died. This got him chucked out of the spiral order, who left him in the clockworks. You find him and give him a chance, beliving his story (:D).
Good/Evil: GOOD!!!!
Expendability: I would like to live, but don't have to. if i die make it epic: like me being in a swordsfight v's someone and being pushed off the side of an area!
Random facts: has a tier three voltail as a pet, and eats jelly cores; loves unstable ones and will do anything to smash rock cores open. Lost many teeth this way!
Name: Angelic Tear (still call her tear though.)
Gender: Female
Appearance and Weapons: Snarby coat and Crown of the fallen. Wears vog or 5* cobalt. Final flourish, DA, Acheron and Scissor Blades. Barbarious thorn sheild if swordsgirl. If gunner, Valiance, Sentenza, Argent Peacemaker and Nova Driver. Swiftstrike for gunner. Swords are my fav.
Characteristics: A strong girl, much of a joker teasing people now and then, but everybody knows it's for a joke.
Background History: Was tears sister, but he died fighting with his group when attacked by the gremlin mini army. She started training as soon as she heard of this, and was very talented at [swordsmanship/gunning]. She hunted down that mini army as a recon and took them out one by one. This got her premoted to high ranks, as that army were taking out squads by the 100! [not really, but they were killing loads ;)] She earned her way up the ranks, but always worked solo. Many squads wanted her in, but she refused. Tired of solo-ing, she joins you.
Good/Evil: GOOD!!!!
Expendability: If has to die, make it epic OR ELSE!!! xD
Random facts: Ditto to Tearninja's :) jelly is epic.
Warning. i may have made something worng. You may edit these, just keep them similar :D This should be edited so it fits with my role :)

thank you for submitting, unfortunatly I am unable to use either of them. JK JK JK! Ahem, I will use Angelic Tear, as Cross's Hunter!
@Scamall Np, it adds mystery to the whole thing and a part to the story.
@Everyone making Chapter IIII- Satoshi and Julius soon, and I will notify you of it!

This will be the Order of Events chapter wise:
Almirian Destiny- Prologue: COMPLETE
Chapter I- Aria and Vot: COMPLETE
Chapter II- The Divine Avengers: COMPLETE
Chapter III- Cross: COMPLETE
Chapter IV- Satoshi and Julius: Almost Done
Chapter V- Dwayne: NOT STARTED
Chapter VI Savior: NOT STARTED
This all might change but for now this is my plan, I also plan on making Chapter some sort of epic battle in tribute of an epic game: Final Fantasy VII! So, STAY TUNED!

thanks and epic storys, they no longer seem legit, but deffinitly are legit xD

I should be able to post CHapter IV- Almirian Destiny tomorrow because I might finish it today, if not then... I guess brace for the worst :3

goodie, still waiting for Chapter 5 :)

Chapter IV- Satoshi and Julius
Ice looked at the assembled knights with pride, he had made a squad! Ice looked
over at Vot who gave him a thumbs-up. “Ok, let’s go down as a partly assembled
squad!” Ice announced and the party cheered. Ice walked over to the elevator and
looked to see if everyone was there, once he saw that everybody was accounted for he
pressed the ‘descend’ button and down they went.
Ice could not see anything in the pitch blackness of the descent into Emberlight;
he could only feel the cold humidness of the descent. Suddenly, light filled Ice’s vision
as he saw the familiar landscape of the town of Gremlin outcasts. He went over to
Gracken and checked his wares, he bought two Ultra Fire Vials, and went over to greet
his team, “Ok, guys we’re going down into a Lichen Lair, the theme…” Ice glanced
down at his gate map, “Freeze, just put on some Wolver stuff and you’ll be set,” When
everybody was ready, he hit descend again and down the Divine Avengers went.
As they went down, Ice could feel the wintry air rushing at his face, luckily he had
his Skolver set on so he could barely feel it, Vot on the other hand was freezing his butt
off, not concentrating on the swarm of Jellies coming toward his way. Ice yelled at Vot
to pay attention, Vot couldn’t hear because he just got impaled by a jelly’s spike.
Screaming with agony, no longer cold, Vot collapsed on the ground pain spreading
throughout his body. The Jellies were relentless; they came at him and didn’t stop
attacking. More spikes impaled him. Ice watched horrified, in a flash Ice was over there,
slashing with Acheron the Jellies fled.
Blue went over to him and mended his wounds, but not enough to get back in
battle. Ice and Grittle helped Vot over to the force field barrier, unfortunately for him he
could not go on past the barrier, for it was a one way only. Ice and Grittle raced back
over to the battle leaving Vot shivering and pained. Grittle threw electron charges at the
fleeing Jellies to prevent them from escaping.
While that was going on Trevor was launching Ashes of Agnis at the Ice Cubes
melting them, giving the party an advantage . While in the back Aria was shooting her
Shadow Driver rounds like there was no tomorrow. Grittle was firing his Pepperbox, also
melting the Ice Cubes. When the first wave of Jellies was over they pressed on going
deeper into the gelatinous lair of the Lichens, it struck Ice odd that those were Jellies
and not Lichens, but he waved the thought away and focused on moving forward.
“Oh dang… ow ow OW!” Vot said, he was aching all over, he couldn’t feel his left
leg, and his right one was immobile. Vot’s left forearm bone was sticking out and his
right shoulder was dislocated. He had a heavy gash along his chest and his stomach
was a whole different story. You could see his rib bones showing, or at least, he thought
they were his ribs. Vot touched his stomach he could feel bandages, he smiled, “Blue
is a pretty good medic, better than I thought…” he said. With that Vot fell asleep.
Trevor looked at the Lumber, “A formidable foe, but no match for my Agni,
thought,” as he looked at the flaming lumber, he could smell the acrid scent of wood
burning. “Pity he didn’t last longer, that was fun!” he thought as he tossed an Ash of
Agni in his hand and caught it again. “Enough of that, time to melt these Jellies!” he said
as he tossed another Ash of Agni.
Blue felt ashamed, “What kind of medic am I if I can’t keep a person from
retreating from battle?” Blue thought angrily. She looked over towards Vot’s
direction, “He’s sleeping,” she thought, “That’ll be good for him.” Blue didn’t feel any
better. “Ow, why are you squeezing my arm?” Aria asked. “Oh sorry, just thinking,” said
Blue as she wrapped a bandage around Aria’s arm. Aria put her hand on Blue’s arm,
Blue looked up at Aria.
“It’s not your fault, you did the best you could,” Aria reassured Blue, “I guess
you’re right, but I feel so guilty!” Blue told her. “We all feel bad for Vot, especially Ice,
look at him.” Aria replied. Blue looked up at Ice and saw how he was fighting. He was
taking more hits than usual and slashing less deftly. “You can tell a lot about a person
by their actions,” Aria told Blue. Blue nodded, she remembered something that her
medical teacher thought her that was vaguely similar to what Aria just said. Blue felt
better at Aria’s words, she went back to work patching up Aria’s arm.
Ice cursed himself, over and over and over. “Damn these Jellies! Damn them
to Hell!” he thought, “First Fire, and now this? I’m a miserable leader,” occupied with
his thoughts, an Ice Cube tackled him. Enraged Ice got out his Acheron and slashed
upward through the Ice Cube, Ice watched disgusted as the Ice Cube shriveled up into
Satoshi looked around and saw a knight shivering in the corner in front of the
one-way force barrier with wounds so bad, he almost lost his lunch. The knight moaned
and turned over, it appeared he was sleeping, “Dreaming I suppose,” Satoshi thought
to himself. The knight turned over again and moaned, “Apparently bad ones, though.”
Satoshi bent over the knight and started patching him up, giving him special herbs and
medicine, started numbing him in the right places, bandaged his stomach the best he
could, and here came the hard part: putting his shoulder back into place. Satoshi put
his arm so it was perfectly vertical with his hand on the bottom, and pushed up. Then,
Satoshi heard a loud *POP* and the knight screamed. Satoshi nodded and left.
OF BLOOD NEARBY,” a Mecha-Knight vocalized, *ZZRT* “SCANNING FOR
SOURCE... SCANNING COMPLETE” a Mecha-Knight walked off to the source of
blood. It walked for quite a ways and finally stumbled upon a knight. The knight looked
puzzled, “What? A Mecha-Knight in a Lichen Lair? Dang, just another pain in my butt!”
the knight said. The knight readied his blade, and the Mecha-Knight timed it perfectly, it
parried the blow. Astonished the knight swung again, this time it dodged it and counted
attacked. The knight, infuriated now, started attacking wildly, which, the Mecha-Knight
either dodged or parried.
“Ha! That’ll do ‘em!” said Ice with contempt, as he wiped the Jelly bits off of
his Acheron. Ice looked at the battle before him. Fire, water, the occasional Jelly
core, and a whole lot of blood. Ice surveyed the gash on his arm, it wasn’t bad, but
it needed mending. He walked over to Blue and pointed at his arm, “Can you fix this
up?” Blue smiled, “Of course!” Blue wrapped bandages on his arm around and around.
When Blue was done, Ice thanked her and stood up. “Hey,” Blue said. “It wasn’t your
fault,” “Of course it was!” Ice said exasperated. “I shouted to him and he didn’t hear,
I-I could’ve been louder! I-I… I don’t know what to do anymore!” Ice sat down as he
was talking. “Fire… Vot… both incidents were my fault! Fire… the Dreadnaught… the
mace…” Ice was speaking in phrases. “The spike, the mauling, blood… blood… ever
so much blood,” Ice was on the verge of tears. Blue put her hand on Ice’s shoulder, and
Ice looked up. Ice nodded, he needed to be strong, not for him, but for the squad. Ice
stood up and addressed the squad.
“Ok is everybody accounted for? Aria?”
“Ok good everybody accounted for! Now let’s-“ *CLANG* Ice was interrupted
by a loud metallic noise that rung through the area. “Huh? What was that?” asked
Grittle. “Sounded like metal meeting metal, maybe there are other knights practicing.”
Blue. *CLANG* Another noise. “Or maybe they’re fighting, let’s go!” said Ice.
Satoshi was getting really mad, the Mecha-Knight was apparently made of
some sort of more durable armour, it’s sword had minerals embedded in the core of its
handle, making it capable of generating Elemental and Shadow edges on the blade,
and if that wasn’t enough, just when Satoshi thought he was going win, the robotic
monstrosity had LAZER VISION! FREAKING LAZER VISION!!!! The whole thing was
bull crap! Satoshi readied his Ascended Calibur, his Mighty Cobalt set gleaming, it was
now night time and the battle was growing tiring. He thought he heard footsteps in the
distance, but ignored it because of the incoming attack from the Mecha-Knight. Satoshi
blocked and counter-attacked, he managed to land a hit on its shoulder, but it did no
good, the Mecha-Knight’s fortified armour blocked most of the attack.
The Divine Avengers stopped abruptly when he saw a Mecha-Knight and
a Mighty Cobalt knight wielding an Ascended Calibur and an Aeigis on his other
arm. “HEY! What the Hell do you guys think you’re doing?” Ice yelled at them. Satoshi
looked over at Ice stunned. “What-wha-wh-wh-wha-a-a-a-aaat?” the knight was clearly
surprised at the sight of knights here. The Mecha-Knight wasted no time, it brought its
blade down on knight. *POW* *CLINK* *CLANG, CLANG, CLA-CLA-LAAAAAAANG!
* Ice looked back at the source of the sound: Aria had just shot the sword out of the
Mecha-Knight’s hand. It quickly went over to retrieve the sword, but quick as a flash Aria
held the blade to the Mecha-Knight’s neck. “If you move an *INCH* I will slice your neck
off like I did to all the Ice Cube’s,” said Aria menacingly. The Mecha-Knight seemed to
get the point and stopped reaching for the sword.
The knight had some explaining to do, he disclosed that his name was Satoshi
and he thought the Mecha-Knight was an enemy, the Mecha-Knight’s name was
Construct B5714984. After a lot of consulting with the members of the Divine Avengers,
Ice decided to admit the two knights. Again, after arguing a long time, hearing the
voice of Construct B5714984 they decided to name it Julius. They put Satoshi as the
Swordsman and Julius as the other:
Leader- Ice
Second in command- Vot
Healer- Blue
Gunslinger and Third in Command- Aria Azalus White
Swordsman- Satoshi
Bomber- Trevor
All-Around- Grittle
Other- Julius
“Welcome to the Divine Avengers, my name is Ice!”

HUZZAH! ^O^ Hope you guys like it, comment on anyt spelling errors, please! (I am really bad at that sometimes)

THe subject basically said it, Thanks Tear!

Oh, darn. *drops bag of rocks*
Actually, I'm pretty sure people read the latest chapter already but just didn't comment. I read it the just after you posted it, but didn't feel the need to say anything. It's a good chapter. A bit skimpy on the development and descriptive writing, but hey, I shouldn't judge. Glad to see the team's all together.

Right after I bumped my fanfic, I saw that you posted on the "Disturbances" fanfics and I thought that it was only a matter of time before you posted on mine so..., I feel bad for bumping my fanfic now. I'M SORRY FANFIC THAT YOU HAD TO DELIVER THAT USELESS POST THAT WAS TYPED BY ME!!!! D:

I read it :P waiting for next chapter, nice writing.

BuMpInG is weird, why the hell do people do it? but funny... derp.


If I can have two people, here goes:
Name: Arena
Gender: Err, whichever you want Ise, i don't care.
Appearance and Weapons: A darker colored Ghostmane Stalker, with a scar croosing his right eye. His weapons are slightly evolved versions of the normal; a chainsaw with small bits of moonstone and Dark matter (minerals) so it can inflict a low shock. His throwing weapon, a sharp piece of two minerals combined, afflicting the status that they make. (go to the Status Condition Recipes in to see four combinations)
Characteristics: A quiet person who has a strict timetable when it comes to training. Trains; fighting with melee, fighting long range, control of his mind so he doesn't have a spasm of sadness and pain in the middle of a battle (unless he's hit badly) and other things of the same type.
Background History: Worked for seerus, but when he realized how crazy he was (in a bad way, not my type of crazy) and then left. He went to emberlight, and lived in peace for a while intill he got bored. joined dwayne somehow.
Good/Evil: He/she's in his rivals team so...evil i guess?
Expend-ability: i don't care really. It's fun to have him live for a while, but if he dies, let him die. (like for tear, make it epic xD)
Role: Dwayne's Other
Hope i allowed two :)
-tear- Arena out ;)
P.S. just edit the "bump" out if you want your fanfic to be de-contaminated :D
P.S.S. tell me if you want me to delete the bumping thing i said

derp, what the subject says as well xD thanks, can't wait for the next bit!!!

Good job, Isekuube. I really like the story. Read all of it so far. Looking forward to next chapter! :)

*whistles quietly* oh, whadda you know, I've ended up here.... ;)
Hurra, only just read the pro log, i forgot to when i first came here... I was wondering, if duos still doesn't know what happened, maybe he should tell them. Or maybe vot/aira have already.
A. tear out.
P.S. how do you get the pictures for your account names???

i would edit, but in wrong account.
May duos will try to say sorry or sumin?

Name: Morgana
Gender: Female
Appearance and Weapons: Wears a Firebreak Helm with Volcanic Game Face, Vog Cub Coat with Prismatech Canteen. Red personal color, Has Leviathan Blade, Umbra Driver, Venomous Vieler, and Callahan
Background History: Morgana was one of the first knights to arrive on Cradle and met up with a few other knights, including Dwayne. They did quite a few runs together so when Dwayne wanted her to join his group she accepted.
Good/Evil: Evil
Expendability: Your choice
Role: Rival's All-Around

makes duos...into...a...real...GUILD!!!!
I would happily fund the price as much as i could! On two conditions...*hold your breath*...i would be an officer/guild master and be a wiki page editor! :D hahaha such a weird thought...i am mental aren't i...oh well, happily insane like Trevor....on that note, i did a drawing of him in spiral demo gear gear, siting on a lift saying "the snarbolax...". You know, in the history thing, where he goes mental after the attack and is found shivering on a lift. I'll post it soon. :) Going to draw some people off this, "as well as i can..." i promise i'll try. PROMISE. Even if it doesn't look like it. i will have...PROMISE!!!!
EDIT: And here it is:, hope you like it! doing another knight soon...but you will have to wait to find out who!
A. tear
nvm it.
Sorry, nope, i do not have boiling water, so i can't. I guess the only other way i could do it is by emailing you it, so you could see my (""-dreadful-"" i mean OK) picture. I see what you mean by loving your guild. I didn't take it as a proper idea, and anyway, it would be for a second person if so.

I've been gone for a while caught up with school, derp, andyways I will adress someof you now,
Korakc- is Morgana's actual helmet the Firebreak Helm? Or is it a costume? And this may not even be worth the time I am typiung this, but did you mean Prismatic Canteen? Or did you mean Prismatech? Heh, two totally different things, other than that, I liked it, she may be accepted depending on the answers to my questions ;D
Angelic Tear- Heh, that is a really good idea... but, unfortunatly I love my guild and everybody in it <3!!! I do not want to abandon them, but I may ask them if they want to join if I do make the actual guild. About the Trevor pic, deviantart is blocked on my computer, DERP, I am not an experie- I mean I have no experience in hacking at all O_O, lol, anyway, do you have Steam? You can Screenshot it and then put it on your Steam page, then post a link to that specific pic. Working around it :P. On more thing this:
Almirian Destiny- Prologue: COMPLETE
Chapter I- Aria and Vot: COMPLETE
Chapter II- The Divine Avengers: COMPLETE
Chapter III- Cross: COMPLETE
Chapter IV- Satoshi and Julius: COMPLETE
Chapter V- Dwayne: NOT STARTED/MAYBE?
Chapter VI Savior: NOT STARTED
What did you change? XD You can get back to me on that.

i had said in edit, but you seem not to have said anything so heres what i said:
nvm it.
Sorry, nope, i do not have boiling water, so i can't. I guess the only other way i could do it is by emailing you it, so you could see my (dreadful, i mean OK) picture. I see what you mean by loving your guild. I didn't take it as a proper idea, and anyway, it would be for a second person if so :)

my bad, I meant This:
Vog Cub Cap+Coat with the firebreak as costume,
Prismatic Canteen
Sorry, Kora

Good, good, Morgana is accepted! Many thanks,

I managed to loophold around the block problem on devianart, I liked it adn well, it was a lot better than I could :P Looking forward to more!

You guys have filled the spots that I need and many many thanks to the knights that made this possible: Kaij, Isis, Scamall, Emostabe, Korakc, Atg, Kanmir, Starmandeluxe, Frost, Angelic Tear/Tearninja, Grittle, Tailithia, and Invisible-Person! People can still put in Apps for this and I might get an idea but untill further notice there are no more charactrers I need and if you submit smething it will most likely be ignored :P... LOL I was just typing and I have a good idea for a chapter that will be far, far away from now, when, they are taking on DFV, so I will need a character, well an Almirian character, like an Almirian soldier person, like old but still young, but dead :P like maybe in the mid 20's. e's going to have a wife adn well, if you've read Phantom's copy/paste Almirian lore from the wiki, they're both dead :P I just need a name for the wife, no personalities, maybe a couple of names at a time, OH yeah and suggest names for the Almirian Soldier too! Many, MANY, thanks,

and it might be helpful to know I am starting Chapter V- Dwayne. Heh, sorry, you guys probably though I started it a while ago :3 but I'm getting on my laptop and typing it up now! Sorry,

I'll give you some when i get on to my laptop, as i have a sticky note thing on it with some cool names. :) i like making good names xD
I'll have to make new ones, because they don't sound particularly Almirian :D
P.S. nice new pic oh fallen one ;)

Erm...would you get all the application links together? The way you do it is by getting to the app, press the #133 and then copy the WWW. thing? Heres a link to another fanfic and it shows you what i'm talking about:
It'll help me lots, because i'll be able to quickly get to any app. :) i find things like that tiring though, so don't do it if you don't want to. Also, make an app for Ice so i can check out details. The apps as you can guess help alot. thks if you don't, dw if you don't.
Names...erm...His wife, as an almirian might be something like Grace? excuse for not having names yet is...i've been writing mini fan-fic so no time to think about names? xD
and again, do not worry if you can't do what the clockwork renegades did :)

At- Ok thanks! And thanks you I like the fallen set XD
Tear- Ok sure, but i don't know how the
but I might be abl eto do that. I think I might use Grace, but I might listen to others as well

also, here's the art i promised, or at least one bit of it:
Erm, never mind about the renegades thing then. I'll do it mahself. After that i'll post it so you can all use it :)

What is it? I haven't looked at it I have to look at it on my Mom's phone, that is like the only thing that doesn't block in my household >.>, but looking at the link.... is it Fire?

of course. I couldn't miss him out and i had forgotten what all the other people looked like -.-' so, i attempted fire.
Deadshot mantel and hat right? Well, not being a gunner means i forgot to do the sherrifs badge thing on the hat, but nvm xD
R.I.P. fire
Give me an email address so i can give them to you with out thingyART. Message it to me, i'll pay back the 25cr if you want xD
P.S. edit, go here:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then remembers Ise is knocked out. Hmmm hmm hmmmmmmmmm hm hmh hmmmm wakes him up.

erm...can't think of anymore
no more names
etcera (AKA etc.)

I finished CHapter V But it's different this time, this is the new order of events! :D :
Almirian Destiny- Prologue: COMPLETE
Chapter I- Aria and Vot: COMPLETE
Chapter II- The Divine Avengers: COMPLETE
Chapter III- Cross: COMPLETE
Chapter IV- Satoshi and Julius: COMPLETE
Chapter V- The Cleanup: COMPLETE
Chapter VI- Depth 23: STARTED
Chapter VII- The Revalation!: NOT STARTED!
Chapter VIII- Angelic Tear's Job: NOT STARTED! (May change the last word "Job", doesn't seem right :3)
Chaoter IX- Depth ???: NOT STARTED
Not sure about the rest, I will post Chapter V up as soon as I get the chance, I thank you! Sincerely,

(Reserved For Chapter V- The Cleanup)
P.S. I forgot to tell you: Chapter V is only a Page and a half long, just warning you!

^ A tears task?
EDITED and YAY, you are -------.

*Beckonds Tear to me* "No, it's called a disguise b^mp, son't say anything, shhhhhhhhhhh *I walk away as if nothing happened...*

Chapter V- The Cleanup
“I think we should press on, down to Depth 23”
“Well, we better get out of here,” said Ice, “The cold finally got into the warmth
of my Skolver Coat and Cap.” “We can’t forget Vot,” Blue pointed out. “No need, I’m
right here,” said a familiar voice. Everybody turned around; they saw Vot in near perfect
The Divine Avengers rushed to him and welcomed him back, he accepted
the welcomes warmly. Vot relayed the events of what happened while they were
gone. “You’re him?” asked Satoshi. “Apparently so!” Vot said smiling. Vot patted Satoshi
on the back and said, “Thanks, I would’ve died without you, you have my deepest
thanks!” “No problem, Basil taught me everything I know,” Satoshi replied. “Can you
teach me some of that healing stuff?” asked Blue, “My specialty is healing, that’s my job
here.” “Of course!” Satoshi said enthusiastically. He walked over to a spot under a tree
and showed her all he knew.
While Satoshi was teaching Blue, Ice turned to Vot and said, “So, he fixed you
up?” “Yep, I felt like a wreck, I was a good fixer-upper,” Vot said with a smile. Ice
laughed and replied, “Yeah, seems like a good guy, he’s teaching Blue, fixed you, and
didn’t he say something about Basil?” “Uh, huh, he apparently is his adopted son…” Vot
replies. “Hmm… Basil never mentioned anything about Satoshi all the times we were
talking with him…” Ice said suspiciously. “Oh well, if he’s lying it won’t really change
anything, but I for one believe him.” Vot said defensively. Ice just shrugged and walked
over the rest of the Divine Avengers.
“Ok guys, I think despite what happened today, I think we should press on, down
into Depth 23, we can kill Darkfire Vanaduke…” Ice trailed off. He looked at the staring
eyes of his peers, at that sight he cleared his throat and said, “We will go down to 23
and camp there until we regain our strength.” Ice looked pointedly at Vot. “Then we will
go fight Darkfire Vanaduke, now let’s roll!” The squad cheered.
Sorry it took so long, but I hope you like this fragment of a chapter.

OK I finished Chapter VI- The Dark Path (changed its name) so I will give it to you, in the next post...

Chapter VI- The Dark Path
“We made it; we made it to Depth 23”
The Divine Avengers fought mercilessly as they fought through what should have
been Lichens and Polyps, but… they were all Jellies! No traces of Lichens or Polyps
anywhere! They pondered this, but not too much, for they wanted to keep their minds
on the fight. They reached Depth 21 and it was an arena. Ice grinned, they were finally
going to some fun! After all that time in a Jelly hell, it was going to be an Undead Arena,
for some odd reason this time, he felt more comfortable among the Undead. They came
down, during the descent, Ice couldn’t sense the presence of rotting flesh, instantly all
his hopes dropped. “It’s going to be another Jelly hell, dammit!
When they landed, he found he was right, he saw Jelly slime caked on the walls
all around him. Another Jelly hell. Ice had enough with these damn places, rip offs!
“That’s what they were, RIP OFFS!” he thought. Openly showing his disappointment
they all went past the arsenal station, no need for that… The squad walked towards the
party button, their footsteps echoing in the hall. The eerie silence that followed when
they all stopped at the party button was, unbearable, frightening even, the unnatural
silence was not right in anyway. They stepped upon the party button, and nothing
happened for an instant, then, he saw that there was finally Lichens, but not the ones
he had thought they’d be.
Void Gels!” He brought out his Acheron poised to strike, when he slashed
straight through the Gel. The Gel split and laid there, after a few seconds it reformed.
What the hell??? Ice kept slashing furiously, but there was no avail over the Gels. He
looked around him seeing his squad mates struggling with their shadow weapons. They
kept reforming, and attacking wasn’t doing them any good. Ice’s mind raced. What to
do? What to do? At that moment there might as well been a light bulb lighting over Ice’s
head, he switched his Acheron for IceKlaw and slashed through the Gel, it split in half
again, as it has been before, but this time it stayed there, the two halves, melted into the
That’s it! “Guys!” Ice yelled at his team, “You need to elemental against them,
they may be Gels, but they’ve been corrupted by the Swarm, use the natural enemy of
the Swarm!” His team heard him, but didn’t acknowledge that he did, but even though,
they brought out their elemental weapons and attacked. Aria put holes through a Gel
with her Argent Peacemaker, while Grittle sucked them up with his Vortex. Vot, sadly
couldn’t do anything, the only way he could be helpful was by shield-bumping them into
a corner while the others killed them deftly.
Ice motioned the group to follow him, they had no time to mess around with the
arena, they had to get to Depth 23, and Ice had a good idea what was happening, Ice
pounded the ‘descend’ button a thousand times before it hummed to life and descended.
Ice looked at what Depth 22 brought him, nothing. Nothing else could describe
what was there, but ‘nothing’. The only thing that was there was dark, heavy overcast
clouds. The route to the elevator was black, hard tile. Ice kneeled down on one foot to
see what the design was. Then, he saw it, there delicately embroidered in each and
every tile was the Royal Jelly crest. Only it wasn’t a Royal Jelly on the crest it was the
Ice Queen!
Ice was stunned; his heart was pumping at an unnatural rate. He shook his head
and stumbled back. He closed his eyes hoping it would all go away. Then, he felt the
darkness of his closed eyes swirl into a oblivion of unconsciousness.
In his dreams, Ice saw the cries of Fire, asking him to save him. He saw the
image of the spear jabbed into his body, the mask of Vanaduke laughing in his face, the
pained face of Fire screaming as the mace hit him. It was too much for him, he
screamed aloud which caused him to wake up.
Ice slowly edged his way into full consciousness. He was still groggy, but
semiconscious. When he regained consciousness, Ice shook his head, “What
happened?” he croaked. “You passed out after you saw what was on the tiles of the
floor; you’ll be fine as long as you don’t look at it,” replied Blue. Ice got up and steadied
himself. “I’m fine, let’s see what this place will bring us,” said Ice. Ice took a few steps
and collapsed. Ice pushed away all help, “No, I’m fine, really!” he objected. Despite his
objections, Grittle and Vot helped him walk. Nothing got in their way on the way to the
elevator, except the occasional thunderclap.
The way to the elevator was easy, it required nothing, and soon, Ice had the
ability to walk on his own again. He resisted the temptation to look down on the jet black
tiles that held the horrifying Ice Queen crest. The suspicion that something was
dreadfully wrong was starting to fade between the group, Ice was the last one to accept
nothing was wrong when he saw the elevator, and the grey grass that held the elevator
on it. Grass! Ice looked behind himself and saw that tiles were falling into nothing,
nothing but the depths below, if they got carried down with them at this height and that
speed, the blow would kill them. “HURRY! The tiles are falling, we have to run.” Ice
yelled at them. The party wasted no time they ran as fast as their feet could carry them.
The tiles sped up, they were now at the party’s heels threatening to expel them
to the depths below. Ice saw the elevator getting closer to them, Ice jumped making it to
the grass. The others made it, but Blue was falling behind, she too, jumped for the
edge, but she missed, and she started to plummet towards oblivion. “Heeeelp meee!”
screamed Blue frantically. Just in time, Ice reached down and grabbed her hand and
pulled her up. Ice looked at his party, Vot was beside Blue comforting her, while Aria
stood hunched over with her hands on her legs for support, Grittle was collapsed on the
floor, Julius was carrying Satoshi, and Trevor was laying against the side of the
elevator, the shining black elevator seemed ironic for this moment. Something that
bothered Ice though was that there was healing pads, he touched it, and gave in to the
intoxicating smell of healing herbs imbued into the pads. He collapsed on it feeling its
warmth and comfort. Once he was done, the others quickly followed, and soon enough
they all healed, raring for battle.
Ice turned to the DA’s and told them, “No matter what you see down there, no
matter what you want to give into, don’t, just standby and wait for orders, he saluted and
proceeded on. He pressed the descend button, and the elevator hummed and went
down. Ice looked around the humid Terminal, which smelled of old Jell-O, with the
occasional light flickering to guide them with only a couple dim lights that never went
out. “We made it; we made it to Depth 23” said Ice. When suddenly, he saw motion out of the corner of his eye.

I hope you guys like these chapters, I feel good today, I got two chapters out today! :D Feel free to notify me of any spelling/grammar/etc. errors.

that was, as i have said, EPIC!!!! i had a little trouble understanding what was happening but i got it now. Don't ask me for spelling and grammar, i fail at it. but that doesn't give you an excuse to poke me....*pokepokepoke* STOP IT!!!!!!!!!
Tear. Θ Tears do not show fear and weakness, but strength and power Θ

If you thought THAT was epic, you will need 5 posts to describe how awesome Chapter VII- Depth 23 is, it will probably be the best chapter I have written yet, on top of that, it will finally have detailed fighting, beasically every bit of it! And also, that's where we introduce Dwaynne's squad (omg finally!) In addition to, I'm going to post music links to it so you can listen to that while you're reading (only this chapter, maybe...) from Final Fantasy 7- Advent Children < NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW...or else
Chapter III- Cross
"One thousand, two thousand, three thousand, four thousand. Ah, but where is the five thousand, you promised me five thousand," said Cross angerly. "Haha, I lied! I'm giving ye four thousand, now off with ye!" Cross's employer laughed. Cross turned around and walked to the door, "Guess who my next assasination will be?" asked Cross slyly, "Who be dat?" asked his employer. With out turning around Cross pulled out his Sentenza and shot the employer. "You" he whispered as his ex-employer slumped lifelessly to the ground. With that Cross walked out of the office.