granted, you get 999 pages on 1 thread and the thread is not yours
i wish i was a chroma whelp again
granted, you get 999 pages on 1 thread and the thread is not yours
i wish i was a chroma whelp again
I wish someone would give me 30 million C.E.
I also wish someone would make this the largest thread ever with 30k pages.
Granted. But then OOO decides to remove the [last post] thing and now you must work to post!
Now i get 2 wishes cuz my wish was not corrupted.
i wish i could hug................................................ A LOVE PUPPY!
Granted, but you broke its battery
Granted, some noob kills you
I wish I could make a parody of gangnam style that is spiral knights themed
Granted. You get 10000000000000 dislikes, and your house is burned down by protesters.
I wish that there weren't so many corrupt~a~wish threads
Granted the person putting drugs in your water stopped and you started seeing only one corrupt a wish thread.
I wish it didn't get dark at 4:30 pm.
Granted, a very large lightbulb from outer space got lost and hitted the earth.
I wish this wish is anti-corrupt.
I kill you with my corrupt army before I grant your wish.
I wish for anything
/hits you in the face with dog poop
I wish someone would steal my little brother.
I stealed your little brother. You're in luck, 'cause I don't corrupt your wish!
I wish my wish is corrupted.
granted, lamnoone's little brother hits you on the head and runs back to lamnoone
I wish the next poster couldn't think of how to corrupt this wish
Granted so I corrupt your innocence instead and give you something to wish for next time.
I wish my gerbil wasn't missing.
granted, but it turns into a monster and eats you.
I wish the next poster couldn't think of how to corrupt anything.
I wish Ben 10 was on right now.
For my time it is on right now.
I wish I had enough money to pay my guild's upkeep fee
Granted... to the newest recruit, who runs off with it and spends it on a Hunter Fur Cap.
I wish someone would sell me Cheeky Eyes...
You paid for them then woke up.
I wish my fish could swim backwards.
Granted, but your fish's tail is a lightsaber
I wish for legitimate 9999999 CE
Granted and received the day after OOO went out of business.
I wish fish could talk.
That's because it was the fish in kat in the hat (lawl SK version)
I wish Spiral Knights were real and they murdered JB
JB is a [mean] basta*d.
I wish that i had 1 crown sent by a mysterious person.
A troll sends you 1 cr and then scams you into giving him 500000 ce every week for the cr you gave him
I wish that I may study in peace (or do I mwahahahahaha).
Granted, but you have peace for only 1 second
I wish my guild was the best one
Granted more and more people come. They vote to expand the guild hall. They vote every member is to pay 10K crs a month to belong.
I wish I had a new car.
Granted, it blows up
I wish I had an old car
You get an old car. It stops while you're on an overpass and you get slammed off the side.
I wish I had you.
But I kill you
I wish my wish will be incorruptible.
But Hawxindanite was covered in laxatives and cyanide, after eating him you fall down, choke to death and Hawx comes out your rear end completely unharmed, apart from severe cerebral trama.
I wish for Bilbo Baggins to give me all his gold.
Granted, and the gold blew up in your face
I wish I was a legitimate GM
Granted, then you're perma-banned.
I wish I could touch sandpaper.
Granted, you can touch it but it scratches you
I wish a school blew up
Granted, it was a historical settler tent-school from the 1700's on display.
I wish__________
Granted, I make you wish you were in hell
I wish this wish was corrupted
Granted, but then a bit of holy water spills on it, so it's no longer corrupted.
I wish that I wished something >:)
But then your little brother found out and used it for himself.
I wish I was good in lockdown.
Granted, But you get 1 bar lag and are now invalid.
I wish I had an Ice Queen Helm
Granted, you get an ice cream helm. (Eh?)
I wish the Firestorm Citadel isn't so hot
Granted, It gets so cold that it feels like it's hot. gg
I wish for fish.
Granted. The fish is a genie though and turns you into a coconut with his last wish.
I wish I had a genie fish.
You get a pony with a broken leg and your father shoots it in front of you.
Starlight, star bright I wish a wish I wish tonight...
I wish that Fallconn would blow up like dynamite.
He blows up infront of your loved ones, close friends, girlfriend/boyfriend (if you have one) and most of all you. In other words you and everyone you ever knew died.
I wish that I had a better laptop
But then the laptop got a huge virus and you have to feed it to the neighborhood dogs.
I wish I could study
Granted, But your dog eats the stuff you're studying.
....You never wished for anything Fall....
Guess I'll start it again.
I wish I was a mer-man
Granted, but you get eaten by a shark
I wish I had a puppy
Granted, but he is a rabid puppy, and bites off your arms and legs.
I wish my laptop would never get destroyed, broken, stolen, and it was the best computer in the world.
Granted, but you lose it.
I wish I had a new pair of shoes.
Granted, and I lol'ed at you
I wish I have a new page on the thread