Granted. Congraz on your new job in the College Cafeteria.
I wish I had a kitty cat.
Granted. Congraz on your new job in the College Cafeteria.
I wish I had a kitty cat.
Granted, enjoy your mummified kitty. :[
I wish for all these wishes to be undone before the world get wrecked up.
You get a new pair of shoes, but you get mugged on the say home and they get stolen and given back to the guy you bought them from, who sells them to someone else. *coughyugiohcough*
I wish Tribes Ascend had a mac port.
Granted but it couldn't cross-play with PC for unknown reason.
I wish for all these wishes to be undone before the world get wrecked up. (What does shoes have to do with this!?)
Granted, But there about to start again.
I wish i had a sniper rifle.
You do and a sniper comes with it. He shoots you and your family.
I wish I had a tank.
Granted. You drive it off a cliff Indiana Jones style.
I wish I had a pet moose.
Granted, Mickey Mouse comes to live with you and never leaves. You can't get rid of him because he loves you and will keep coming back to be with you, by your side, forever.
I wish I could see Immortous' face when he tries to pee with Mickey Mouse standing by his side, watching.
Granted, but all of a sudden, POOF! Mickey disappears as I wished for a moose instead! The moose eats you.
I wish Iamnoone was a pet mouse.
I wish for a prisma halo
....Methinks that mascot shames the Jempire by not having a clue how to play this.... >_>
Granted, you get a prismatic halo bomb (you weren't specific)
I wish A wish that wishes a wish that wishes that I get a GF.
Congratulations, you got a Gran your stomach :P
I wish papayas could fly
Actually I meant Girlfriend XD
Papayas can now fly, sadly though when they fly birds start to eat them and gobble them up whilst they cry in pain
I wish I got a GF
Granted, But she's 74 years old and she stabs you in the stomach with a Gran Faust.
I wish I had a mustache.
Granted. You get that wispy substance middle school boys think are mustaches. Then it falls out.
I wish it was National "Talk Like a Pirate Day" everyday.
Granted but the printer who made the calendars made the typo "Walk Like a Pirate Day" which no one knew how to do. Everyone ignored it.
I wish Immortous gave Fallconn his wish by sewing a caterpillar to his lip.
Yeah its already been done and you cannot undo it to do something else so sadly WISH DENIED!
I wish I had a GF
Wut...? Just gonna ingore post 270 until further clarification.....
Granted. I sew an asphalt-paver (CAT) to Fallconn's lip.
I wish the new sprites were out already.
Granted, the developers rushed the job and they are out. They're ugly, buggy, and everyone hates them. Users go on the OOO attack.
I wish our knights had horses, dragons and other vehicles that we could use in non fight areas of sk like haven and guild halls.
Granted, they cost 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ce plus all of your armor (bound or not) to purchase and are very lame. also, since you asked for it, the GMs buy it with your money for you. have fun.
I wish that something like this would happen to me.
Granted, except that you get cursed with cancer and the knight fails to save you
I wish I had a GF
Granted, you now slam jellies and gremlins with your dead girlfriend
No wish so...
You get hungry children begging for food.
I wish Grittle made a wish to corrupt.
Wish granted, Grittle got a wish that wasn't corrupted
I wish that the line above becomes true
Granted, it's true for -4 seconds, causing a paradox that kills you
I wish I was a time lord
You become Ganondorf. Then the Hero of Time kills you...twice...
I wish my NDS Lite wasn't counterfeit.
Granted, It is real but it was stolen when you took it to school.
I wish we could throw water balloons at people in haven.
Granted, you throw water balloons at them but they throw grenades at you
I wish for a corrupted wish
Granted, But you get slapped instead.
I wish OOO would give bushes toupees/mustaches/pipes.
Granted, they're uglier than the ugliest girl in your school
I wish I worked for OOO
Granted, you're the guy who cleans their toilets.
I wish it wasn't so cold outside.
I put you on the sun, make sure you get the sunscreen.
I wish that my girlfriend was not mad at me.
I put you on the sun, make sure you get the sunscreen.
I wish that my girlfriend was not mad at me.
I put you on the sun, make sure you get the sunscreen.
I wish that my girlfriend was not mad at me.
She's not mad anymore, cause she dumped you.
I wish I was a real horse.
Granted, but it turns out you are actually a cow and not a horse.
I wish I could make up my mind on which wish to wish.
You did but it was too late to have it corrupted.
I wish I could find a bush. I have to pee.
Granted, look above you
I wish I was a GM working for OOO
Granted, the next time the players riot at OOO HQ, you're the first to be trampled.
I wish I had a llama.
GRANTED! you now have a dead Llama!
I wish I would know what to bet my GF for her birthday (Jan 31st).
Granted! You know to bet your GF because she's mad with you!
I wish to break all chain post.
Granted the chains are used on you and you're whipped to death.
I wish it wasn't going to snow today.
Granted. It hails instead.
I wish I didn't have the flu.... =(
Granted? I don't have the flu?
I wish the save post button wasn't so sensitive.
Granted, it doesn't work at all.
I wish my boss didn't get angry when I told him I'm not working next week.
Granted, but that's because ur fired already
I wish it would be below 0 degrees Celsius next week
Granted, you're frozen and you're dead.
I wish to destroy Doom-Xx
I give you a nice, new pair of Scary Beautiful shoes.
I wish could get in to the college of my choice.