Well then, this contest has ended!
Artistbma's took first, with Seatus trailing close behind, and Snowdusk and Yttriu tied for third.
Well hello forumites, vaulters, peeps. I know I've been on and off the forums sporadically as of late, and I also know that none of you really care.
But I'm back, and have never been better!
I decided to try to get back into the gist of things as soon as life allows, and I think a good way of going about this is to host a fairly small contest.
So, it's a fanfic contest, conducted and judged completely through you, the forumites', votes. The basic idea is that you vote as to what your three favorite fictions (they can be new or old) are, and the authors of the most popular fics gets the prizes.
Le meager prizes are:
500 ce for first place
200 ce for second place
and some mats in things for third
And remember, you cannot vote for yourself, and you can only vote three times!
Artistbma's "War" (7)
Snowdusk's "Choose Your Adventure Series" (5)
Seatus' "Fanfiction of a Snarbolax" (6)
Topoyozada's "Cradle Wars" (4)
Jmtheawesome's "Hall of Heroes" (1)
Unstable-Ordinance's "Skolver: A Short Story" (4)
Yttriu's "The Adventures of Feron" (5)
Doctorspacebar's "The Petrode Chronicles" (1)
Tevokkia's "Tales from Stone Field Borough" (1)
Happyapathy's "Embrace the Dark" (1)
Psychodestroyer's "Codename Series" (2)
Arctifice's "Intentions" (1)
My votes go to:
Artistbma's War, due to interesting plot and varied vocabulary
Snowdusk's Choose Your Adventure, Pick Your Path [The Gremlin Spy], because of it being a new concept and being generally well-written.
Seatus's Fanfiction of a Snarbolax, for a large and devoted audience and for remaining on the front page for a large amount of time.