Try fav of vog works fire kills with damage fire res help gl
Greavers STILL cheat! (this topic applies to ARENAS ONLY!!! Please stop implying I can't kill a single lone greaver)
They may still cheat but they can still be defeated this video was on elite difficulty.
Just dash
Devilites are way worse than a dozen of Greavers anyway
Dashing doesn't help. There's an 8 second cooldown, and when there's a dozen of them, there's nowhere to dash.
@Father-Frost that doesn't count, there's four players in that party. There's no reason a full party should be a requirement, expecially since it almost never happens.
2.-Charge your Blitz/Brandish/BTB (I hope you have a piece of Chaos or that BS perk)
3.-Kill at least 3-5 greavers
4.-Run and shield until the cooldown is over(Angelic Aura helps here)
That's how I do it
1. Only delays the inevitable, and they move faster than I can dash.
2. I get hit about 5 times before I can charge.
3. In one hit?! You're nuts.
4. No shield can take that many hits, and they move 10 times faster than you can run.
Slash them with a BTB/Flourish and then try to shield bump them away. Dash whenever that does work. Or gather them into a group by running one direction and then shield bash them all, then run.
These are not flawless strategies though. If you have to, rely on your trusty shield and hope it doesn't break, but try to shield bump some away first before doing so.
You might benefit from having one extra single person in your team. Sure, it may raise their HP by a bit, but then you'd have less Greavers chasing each person, or have one person be Greaver bait, and the other have the job to do the backstabbing on them.
Or get CTR max for bombing and get a high knockback bomb, and spam it to no end.
I wonder if swinging a heavy sword at them helps? I never tried that before.
If it's not ice themed, try to get in a Shivermist on them.
Zeddy's video clearly showcases various strategies suggested in this thread i.e.
1. dashing away as they lunge
2. using corners
3. shield bash
and using equipment easily and cheaply replicable without UVs.
The OP seems to shoot down any non nerf suggestions as impossible because they don't work for him.
If you're truly looking to learn and not just ask for a nerf, then perhaps you should post a video of your attempt to enable us to help.
P.S. with enough asi you can use single gun double switching on callahan to avoid reload. and no, i don't have an asi uv.
"with the addition of elite difficulty "
Take a deep breath.
Now change your difficulty level to normal or advanced.
Grievers are not broken, you ignore all the valid advice (and videos) so I'm not going to waste my time throwing in my own advice for battling them (cause it's already been said several times over now.)
Once again, totally missing the point.
Why should elite difficulty make ONLY ONE monster family totally unbeatable?
I can finish every other Arena tier 3 elite with little to no issue.
This is NOT a difficulty problem. It's a problem with ONE enemy being overpowered, even when OOO claimed to nerf it.
Greavers are easy! Just use FF, hit shield hit shield. BAM, three hits and they are all down. Easy.
Once again Larry you are ignoring anything to do with Zeddy.
But the Hammer is the way to go for Shock/Freeze Greavers. If you don't have it you can always try and find a seller, usually go around for 2-3K ce.
Father-Frost: I doubt it's got anything to do with Zeddy, he might still stick to his argument if you presented him with any vid of a Four-man team beating Greavers. Besides, the Squad carpet bombed the place, which doesn't help soloists. EDIT: just saw the first vid: definitely proof that it's soloable, although one's mileage may vary.
Venomousbiohazard: What about the people who don't use, have or like toothpicks? Any alternatives?
Batabii: Where did Three Rings say they nerfed it? It sounds familiar, but... I can't remember (-_-)
and using equipment easily and cheaply replicable without UVs.
Well actually, I was using Black Kat Cowl :V Still, pretty much the same effect with Merc Demo seeing as the Sun Shard fiend bonus would've taken me to max damage anyway.
Look, if you have DBB, you've already won. Do this:
- Charge up DBB using a total of Very High CTR.
- Plant it.
- Repeat.
If you have Ultra or Max CTR, wait a split second before planting. You want to get about 1.5 seconds between each bomb planted, maybe a bit more. When performed correctly, no greaver will ever be able to touch you as there will always be a bomb going off in time to interrupt their dives.
If you would like to, I could go on a run with you and show you.
Since absolutely ANY hit will stagger a Greaver, maybe using a Dark Retribution isn't such a bad plan... Alternate with another weapon/grab a friend to help. Make sure you stand in a corner.
Work in progress, and Sparks of Life or CE wasted are not my responsibility, OK?
Here's what you do guys. First, make sure you get the attention of all the greavers. Some will be okay, but all is much more effective. Just as they're about to attack you for the first time, dash away towards the rest of your party, who are currently dealing with all of the other monsters. Just before the greavers swarm you again, turn invisible and run.
Not your problem anymore.
"Once again, totally missing the point. "
Who's missing the point? The ONE guy who can't figure out how to beat grievers, or the half a dozen or so people that are giving you advice on how to beat grievers without too much effort?
you should have a full team in those arenas, so your team should distract at least half of them, which is enough. get to a corner where they can't get behind you, and use flourish + sheild canceling. always works with me. remember your pets too. ray of light I find useful for groups of greavers.
are you high? Or playing on tier 1/normal difficulty? Because that simply does not work in an elite arena setting whatsoever.
I'll try WRH next time, but I don't have high hopes.
It's in my first post, I directly quoted it.
I tried that a long time ago and it didnt work. They still take way too many hits, and even with ctr max they hit me before I can finish charging. And I can't interrupt their dives because they are always staggered, so as soon as I stop one, another hits me immediately after. They attack faster than I can interrupt.
I refuse to take an hour to beat one floor just because it's slightly safer.
>rest of your party
There is no party! That's the point. I should not HAVE to have a full party to win.
Also i can't turn invisible.
It's not "just me". How could it be "just me"? That's like suggesting a college graduate somehow can't figure out how to operate a telephone.
Instead of repeating what everyone else has already said, let me just say that I also have little trouble with Greavers, even the final wave in Fiend arenas where eight mob you at once. WRH, DBB, Flourish, etc. etc... Shoot me an invite to a Greaver-heavy level, just like Zeddy offered before me.
They're only difficult because they make you change how you play the game; you can't just run backwards to survive. I really like that actually.
I read it, and it sounds like they've been buffed rather than nerfed, just that the frequency of finding them has been lowered.
Anyway, you don't have to use just the DR: you could theoretically dump some Pierce attacks onto them for the duration. A vortex bomb might help, but as I've never used the things, I don't know how effective it'd be.
These are definitely the hardest enemies in the game to survive against, and, if I've been sloppy enough to have them spawn without me planning for it, I:
1. Turn to face them
2. Hit them a bunch with either my DTB or DA - whichever I have with me at the time. It interrupts their attacks. Duh. Just don't try to go for a combo. Shield cancel and you're golden.
If I DO know they're about to spawn, I:
1. Get into the opposite corner before they spawn and Supernova them into a corner at max distance, thus keeping they at a distance too far away to trigger their dash.
2. Lay down a Shivermist Buster on their spawn location before they spawn
3. Make sure I have a full charge on my Blitz Needle before they spawn, take out 1/3 of them right off, dash, charge, repeat.
About 30% of the time, I'll die on that last wave. One free revive later, and they swarm around me while I'm invincible and I hit them some more until they die.
Don't tell me these don't or won't work, because I DO THOSE AND THEY WORK. Given how the OP shoots down replies, I get the feeling he's not interested in strategies as much as he wants them nerfed. I can understand that, but, honestly, anyone but a pure gunner should be able to take them down provided they know what they're doing.
I honestly have more issues with Gorgos in T3, with how they can cover 3/4 of the screen with their three-part dashing attack.
This thread = troll attempt
Let me see a video of you dieing. Then I will take that back. (Sorry if I missed may have already made a vid.)
regardless, they're not supposed to appear in such huge swarms, and as such, they are completely overpowered in tier 3 arenas.
Can't face them when you're surrounded. Same goes for interrupting them.
Tried hiding in a corner. There's still too many hitting me all at once, and since I have nowhere to dash to, I just die even faster.
I rarely get all the way to the last wave without dying, and what you claim is 30% is more like 99%.
If they work for you, how come the exact same thing doesn't work for me, hmmm? You can't say it always works if it doesn't, I don't care what the extenuating circumstances are.
The reason they need to be nerfed is BECAUSE practically no "strategy" works when you're solo.
Gorgos are another problem I've addressed elsewhere, but at least you don't have 12 of them ♥♥♥ing you at once...they don't fire projectiles either. Which is another reason half of those greaver strategies don't work: They have THREE simultaneous attacks: the mist, the 4 way shot, AND the slash.
if I had the means to record a run I would. I have no idea what programs work, have good quality, and don't make me lag even more than I'm having problems with already or hog up a ton of resources.
And none of my threads ever have been or will be "troll attempts". Why do a quarter of the replies cry "troll" whenever there's a completely legitimate issue?
Which Sprite did you pick? If Sera, try aiming Ray of Light perpendicular to their attack so it makes a small wall. Do this in a corner. They shouldn't be able to hit you as long as Ray of Light is going. If Drakon, pull out a Flame Barrier. You will live a bit longer...I think. If, I can't help here. :\
And second: do you lag a lot? If you do, that's entirely understandable.
You have to admit that, assuming you have enough of them, Sparks of Life make it easier because you can go completely bezerk for 3-4 seconds due to invincibility and damage boost.
Just use a toothpick heavy weapon or brandish or a brandish line weapon. Any ways everything but fiends have been nerfed into oblivion. In fact greavers need a buff you can interupt their attacks with a single hit!
"If they work for you, how come the exact same thing doesn't work for me, hmmm?"
"...make me lag even more"
You're saying two very, very bad things here. One, you fail to effectively use strategies that are widely used and agreed with, claiming there are "extenuating circumstances", that they don't always work (when they do, in my own practice). Two, you admit you're lagging.
Both of these things are not good reasons for nerfing an enemy. They're problems of personal skill and connection issues, not fundamental flaws in the game.
There is a simple strategy that shall never fail you when facing a mass of greavers. When the final wave spawn in an arena, just go directly in a corner, use your flourish, and swing-shield non stop. It never fails me, and I'm not wearing shadow defense at all, actually chaos, nor a shadow shield, I'll rarely die at all, and even if I do, it would be no more than once. If some devilitie or whatever spawned with the greavers harassing you dash and go to another corner.
They apparently dash right through ray of light, and angelic aura barely does squat.
And EVERYONE is lagging right now. It's insane.
The whole point is I DONT want to have to revive every time.
none of those work, and calling BTB a toothpick is an insult.
Not true one bit. I've been doing everything people suggest and it DOES NOT WORK. I think I know a little bit about spiral knights, I've been 5* for TWO YEARS NOW. And if lag is a "connection issue" why does it keep saying I have 4 bars, and why do I lag when I'm not even connected to other players?
Oh and FOV charging doesn't do crap. You do a few hundred damage, nothing at all dies, then they come back and kill you 2 seconds later while you're on fire. Also I got hit like 3 times while charging
I think I know a little bit about the game myself, and I've been playing since the game was released- as if that even matters. I could have started two months ago and still had the same ideas.
Reversing your complaints, why does what works for most everyone else in this thread not work for you?
As for lag, whether you're soloing or not it's always based on your connection to the server. People are complaining about lag because it's largely serverside and has caused some people with otherwise strong connections to get a ~200ms increase in delay, and others have experienced random bits of choppy connection (IE not loading freezes or lagspikes). You implied you had client-side lag- and if I interpreted that incorrectly, it's still bad to argue about the balance of an enemy based on connection.
What everybody call "toothpicks" are actually suppose to be "fencing swords" but people don't ever bother with that name, but whatever. On topic. Try running, hit a few of a them in one swipe with a fencing blade, and then shield bump them. Shield what's left and run. Dash whenever to avoid your shield breaking. May or may not work. I've had to deal with them too in arenas.
But I personally (and just recently) had more problems with 12 gremlin demos and 2 menders in elite mode with another person and on the last floor right before the core. The entire arena was literally covered in bombs. It was like trying to dodge the explosions of an arena-sized Explosive Firestorm from Drakon that lasted basically forever. Not only that, but apparently even the menders had enough health to survive the charge attack of a Lvl 10 Silent Nightblade when I had "Maximum!" damage increase for swords and they rode the entire line with all four hits from the explosions. Although I had jittering and sudden lag spikes there, so the results may have been different if my connection was running at full speed, but that's another story for now.
Also, I've had connection issues before with 4 bars sometimes for some reason. It caused me to teleport around a bit and sometimes die out of nowhere.
What I did was that I had a Dread Venom Striker and a Final Flourish, ran into a corner and switch-attacked with the two against the incoming horde of Greavers. I kid you not, I didn't take a single pip of damage.
Those things you're calling "Fencing blades" are actually called Foils or Epees (or sabers for those who do saber fencing) if you're going to nitpick people over what to call something at least that something them the right thing. :) Since what the knights are using are live weapons you'd be better off calling them Rapiers if you want to call them by the type of sword they appear to be.
When I'm fighting greavers (and I'm certainly not perfect at it, but they're easier for me than those new floaty dudes) I typically just shield cancel with my snarby blade using only the first swipe, and try to keep them infront of me, I'm going to take hits it's unavoidable but I rarely die against them. Although when I'm playing with my guy we normally just bunch up in the corner and swing wildly until they all die, it goes pretty quickly actually, although normally at least one of us ends up dying in the process.
Greavers aren't impossible to defeat. Maybe you just suck at fighting them with bad internet.
Anyway... I will try and offer helpful advice.
I usually do about dealing with them by using a BTB and valiance combination. If they fly at me, I give them all a quick 1-2 slash and shield hits (I have AT on to ensure all will hit). Then I back walk a bit and fire 2 valiance shots to give myself some distance between them. Then, repeat. If they swarm in a circle around you, try bash. If you are at full health, you should survive with most of your health. Just try to make sure they never get behind you.
Your problem lies within this phrase: "and even with ctr max". Please read my advice again. The problem is not that you're bombing too slow, it's that you're bombing too fast.
Those swords aren't meant to slash. At all. So I get annoyed whenever my Final Flourish slashes. As a former fencer, I just want to scream at people who use Rapier style swords like a cutlass. No! You don't slash with those! Noo!
Rapiers aren't typically used to slash no, but how well you can slash with one (and whether its even a good idea) is really dependent on what age and location you are coming from and the type of rapier. Some have no edges, other have limited edges. Yes, they are generally used for stabbing, but don't mistake epee and foil for being the end all and be all of using light swords. (tell me you fenced epee and have never been flicked :P )
Buuut that's neither here nor there as far as this thread is concerned..
So uh while we're on the topic of fiends, does anyone here any advice for those new floaty bitey fiends? I've been thinking of getting a bomb for them, but really haven't been able to figure them out (too busy running in terror from the darn things). I've got greivers (took me a while to learn them) but these new things are really headscratchers for me.
Gorgos follow you but keep their distance before attacking, and dash towards you three times while biting (in t3). They're fairly predictable while they're dashing towards you, but they strafe a bit when they're not.
I get the impression that gorgos were designed specifically to take shard bombs to the face. Use sun shards or splinter bombs.
Alright thanks, I think I've already got the recipes for one of those too.
Can't say I don't feel the same irritation about greavers (and devilites), especially since I have been playing with a red bar connection for the past 2 years. However, the feeling of dread whenever I solo a Fiendish Arena has somewhat dwindled down to a level of 'I might survive if I do this correctly'. Neither my Grey Owl set nor weapon is UV, and I wear no trinkets so we are pretty much on the level with this point. Dash and shield bash? Used to not having them and still do not use them.
Used to be primarily a gunslinger, I specially invested in a Final Flourish just to deal with the swarms of greavers (+ upping my efficiency with the occasional Wolver Den), and I do use the 'hide in the corner and slash-shield-slash' method as detailed by others here. The key tactic for me, which is the 'if I do this correctly part', is to anticipate the spawn of greavers and get myself in a bottom corner before I set off the next wave of monsters. If last mob was killed while standing in the middle of the room in the final room, I supposed anyone would get swarmed by greavers (or rocket turrets) and that would be the end of the adventure. Even with the last wave in the final room, I would be waiting in the bottom corner to receive the greavers swarm, and should I die from other enemies, I'm sure to have taken down a few greavers with me. It might not be the most failproof method but I think at least it gave me a chance, and the feeling of satisfaction upon surviving the final room in that arena, priceless.
I wouldn't say it's impossible, but it's a challenge nevertheless, and it's doubly satisfying when you do come up with your own method of handling these challenges. Try brainstorming and coordinating with your teammates for a solution (e.g. one of you in each corner) and trying it out at lower Tier arenas, and then you can high-fives your way to success with Tier-3 ones.
Hope that helps.
look, I have problems too with grievers, and I usually die too if I play solo. I have 3 simple solutions. 1. get a team. 2. don't play on elite. 3 play on a different arcade gate. if you refuse to try that, you can just use a couple mecha knights and have them distract some greavers while you finish off the others.
and also, the arena final wave is the only place where that many greavers show up. greavers shouldn't get a nerf just because of that one room.
I've been trying to do the fiend arena in cyclops cap and fencing jacket just to show how effective timing your bombs is. That last spawn is really nasty, though. Not so much the greavers in themselves, but while I'm causually, continously stunlocking them, random mecha knight spawns and the two devilites also spawning get a clear shot at me. I could tank hits until I win if I wore 5* armour most likely, but I already have a video where I do that and Batabii didn't acknowledge it as being proper because... I dunno? Mercurial demo is too expensive?
So I give up. In 1* armour I need a revive to finish off the end of the arena. Instead, here's the basics on how to stunlock greavers with bombs. It's short 'cause I cut everything that wasn't greavers.
It's basically all about timing, so just study the timing I use.
Hint: Zeddy places the bombs just a moment before the already planted one explodes.
Good question. No idea. And they've been a problem long before the Lag Update.
I don't believe you. And I own dvs.
Helpful advice doesn't start with "You suck". Which is a lie anyway.
Valiance is one of the worst 5* guns I've ever seen, and I refuse to craft it. Pretty much everything valiance can do supernova can do better. And shield bashing is useless because they hit my shield too often to have a chance.
Bombing TOO FAST? How is that even possible?
The best way to kill gorgos is to stay a full screen away whenever possible because they have such a brokenly large hitbox. They also tend to be interrupted by normal attacks, not sure though. As far as bombs, I've had fair luck with SSS
Again, any advice that requires teammates doesn't help. Teammates make virtually ALL enemies easy. My point is I should REQUIRE them.
Two of your three "solutions" are just "avoid them". There's no reason ONE enemy should completely prevent me from progressing.
Because greavers are STILL op.
Bumping this thread because with the addition of elite difficulty and removal of health revives, plus, the horrible lag, they're even more broken. I had to use FIVE sparks in a SINGLE ROOM because I couldn't ♥♥♥♥ing move, and I tried everything. I had the snarbolax cap, dread skelly suit, crest of almire, wild hunting blade (in hopes of interrupting them), nova driver, AND dark briar barrage, and still couldn't do ♥♥♥♥. Even Angelic Aura didn't help.
There's no reason one single enemy type should totally roadblock all progress on that floor. And there's no reason they should EVER spawn in massive swarms when the update specifically said they would not.