Perhaps I didn’t explain myself right… I mean, there’s a group of Greavers, I’m running and shooting, they ‘lunge’, I cancel one or two of their attacks with the blaster, there’s a considerable distance between me and closest Greaver still lunging (like, another player could fit in there), the Greaver attacks, I take no damage, however get frozen/shocked as if I were hit. :-/
The same as also happened with a closed gate or blocks between me and the Greaver, that’s why I’m never thinking it’s safe to approach a trapped Greaver again! D:
This all in Tier 2; in Tier 1 they were always quite easy since I could outrun them. ^^
They cannot catch up with you when they 'lunge' and turn back at you when they're about to attack. In T3 they're right behind your back.
@Batabii If I did Clockwork Tunnels and they spawned on their own, they'd be fine. When they're in multiple groups they'd ALSO be fine. I believe why you think they "cheat" is because their lunge is 'too' accurate, meaning you cannot outrun them. When they do lunge, they catchup with you instantly, giving you no opportunity to escape. I personally don't have a problem when there in large groups. Any type of monster can do that (even status monsters). You problem is, is that once you can finally break free a little you get crowded gain straight after, giving you no time and space to help yourself.
My only advice is to bring a heavy sword. Any Sword Swing (I.E Suduraska) on them while they're about to attack you will completely cancel their attack. Another heavy Sword example is the HAMMER! (Like I already strongly recommended) Also the dash helps you break out of the crowds.
That's just the reason why I think that YOU think they cheat.