@Darkwatck: It looks fine. Anyone curious about what is what can refer back to that. Thanks!
@Sandwich-Potato: Some additional character development would suit him, yes. Really, the only people with the strength of will necessary to help him drive out his inner demons would be Desna or Serah, and if we take romantic considerations into account, Serah is already taken. Desna, then, would be his best bet.
-Thoughts on Dumb Ways to Die: it was humorous. :)
-Confirmation if Alec can use lightning: YES
-Suggestions for Alec's bag of tools: spanner (Robo Wrecker), pick (Beast Basher), shovel (Slime Slasher), hatchet, Punch Gun, power scanner
As you see, I've rapidly changed Alec's character to the readers. After you've seen his near-attack (Yes, that was only a near memory haunting, goodness forbid he suffers an actual one in front of people), he's no longer a cheery and optimistic brilliant, if impatient, scientist and expert soldier, with a whole lifetime's work ahead of him. Instead, he's been changed into a brooding, morose, tormented, person who's ingenuity has brought his downfall (There's a thin line between a genius and a madman. Serris took a fire hose filled with lava and melted the line, then blown it up with high-grade explosives.), struggling daily against his own demons and losing the fight. My question is thus. Does anyone think if he requires additional character development over time? Such as, for example, he discovers someone he feels he can trust, who help to drive away the demons of the dark, shedding light in a world that has known no splashes of sun? Holy hell, that was poetic. Also, if he does discover some random person who he opens up to, should I make another character to influence it, or have it between another poster (ex. Claire and Nitscu)?
Secondary thoughts:
-Thoughts on my horrific version of Dumb Ways to Die?
-Confirmation from Thin if Alec can also use lightning, because I derp-failed and missed it in the elemental abilities?
-Suggestions for what's in Alec's bag of tools?
Man, this writing stuff is harder than I thought.