I travel through the first room carefully avoiding the trapdoors. I make my way to the second door and walk through. Inside is a massive pit filled with lumbers and 13 ropes hanging above my head. On the other side is the door.
I see a few others attempt to cross the chasm, swinging from the ropes like armored monkeys. One seems to manage to make it across but seems to slip a little, my eyes widen more as I look down at the chasm to see the the swarm slowly but surely, spreading through the lumbers. I realise that I'm on the edge of the starting platform and spin my arms frantically backwards, rather like a windmill, to prevent myself from topplimg forwards. However I find myself starting to fall and I hurriedly clutch onto the first rope. From my past history of robbery this has gained me execptional agility and I manage to swing forward. From the view of the 7th rope I look down and see that the swarm has now fully spread between the lumbers.
What in Vog is going on?
I noticed that the pit ground would be perfect to expand the swarm but it would need to be in the center. I then told the lumber to move to the center and clear up the lumbers nearby the area. I then started to swing on the ropes but when I did, my cloak went off and the people behind me now noticed me. I was thinking "I need to expand the swarm before they noticed and start to kill me". I made it to the 6th rope and then fell down but the void lumber cleared the way and I landed on the pit floor safely. I then communicated to the core of the unknown passage to send over a swarm seed to corrupt more of the land. The unknown passage sent a seed along and then I planted it down and it slowly spread. I then get an upgrade to my cloak which made me fully invisible. The void lumber got his strength back and tossed me up to the exit and since there was a seed in the pit, all the other lumbers where getting slowly changing into void lumbers. When I left the pit, the strong self-curse came back and I thought "I really hate this strong self-curse but I need to spread the swarm anyways so it kind of makes since I guess."