Welcome to the Game of Death roleplay, my friends. Each of you is here for a unique reason; some of you are here for the glory, some for revenge, and some just for the fun of it. None of you came here to die. But that is what will happen to you in the end. Surprised? You should be. This is not Lockdown, where, if you fall in battle, you will respawn back at home base. Oh no, it's nothing like Lockdown! It's more like...the Clockworks, on Elite difficulty, controlled not by the computer, but by your fellow human beings, and you never get a second chance. Scared yet? No? Then maybe this will scare you:
You are also being chased by a bloodthirsty Stalker.
Now are you scared yet? Good, you should be. Go play along with your little toys now. Remember, Papa is watching.
Ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
Muah ha ha ha ha!
Seerusly though, welcome to our roleplaying game. Your job is to survive the onslaught of moderator-controlled traps and player-controlled characters for as long as possible.
Roleplaying Rules
*No god-moding.
*No metagaming.
*No mixing OOC with IC.
*No "auto" actions.
*No lorebreaking.
*No powerplaying.
*No Mary Sues
If you have no idea what the above terms mean, I strongly recommend reading up on this article. I know, I know, it's for RuneScape, but it still works.
Character Sheet Format
Name: (whatever you like)
Appearance: (a picture of some kind must be provided)
Gender: (male or female; other gender configurations are excluded. Sorry Bechamel!)
Age: (helps to define the character's appearance, personality, and biography)
Eye color: (so we can describe you, as well as configure traps for you)
Skin color: (mainly for descriptive purposes)
Height: (so we can configure traps for you)
Weight: (so we can configure traps for you)
Attire: (what you're wearing, mostly for identification & descriptive purposes)
Arsenal: (a full breakdown of all the equipment you're carrying)
Personality: (tell us what your character is like. You may also include combat style and abilities)
Biography: (give us a glimpse into your character's past. Give us a reason to care!)
Special Power(s): (allowed powers listed below)
List of allowed special abilities
Elemental Powers
Firebolt (fire bullet)
Fireblast (fire beam, can also be a flamethrower)
Caustic Quills (poison bullets)
Energy Bolt (energy bullet)
Light Ray (energy beam)
Cryobolt (freeze bullet)
Freeze Ray (freeze beam)
Plasma Bolt (shock bullet)
Thunderbolt (shock beam)
Force Field Powers
Force Field (moves or stops stuff. Can be a viable alternative to telekinesis.)
Shield Aura (high-density omnidirectional force field)
Flame Barrier (orbiting firebolts levitated in a force field)
Shadow Cloak (force field that passes all light around it)
Hexing Haze (caustic or flammable vapors levitated & concentrated in a force field)
Spacetime Disruption Powers
Teleportation (transporting matter through a wormhole)
Telepathy (teleporting mental information between sentient beings)
Telekinesis (warping spacetime)
Clairvoyance (transporting audio-visual information through a wormhole)
Other Powers
Mild Curse (harms the user upon any attempt to use an afflicted weapon or consumable)
Medium Curse (prevents usage of any weapons, consumables, or the shield)
Strong Curse (prevents usage of any weapons, consumables, shields, battle sprites, or special abilities)
Shadow (still under development, sorry)
Initial Conditions
- You start off with only the Proto Helm, Armor, Shield, Sword, Gun, & Bomb
- Your clothes provide no defense, but may be worn over your gear.
- You don't get to start with any accessories.
- You only acquire additional items at moderator discretion.
- Combat is handled secretly by the moderators, and the results will be posted to the discussion thread. Your job is to make the fight look cool.*
- Do not presume to know what your environment is; the mods will tell you that.
- You may be given something special by the moderators for story purposes.
*We may reconsider the combat results in your favor if the fight scene is written particularly well and the fight is well-justified.
The following are the available learnable combat skills, along with what bonuses they offer:
Combat Skills
- Swordsmanship: you are allowed to write swordfighting scenes.
- Combo Strike: you are allowed to write in amazing stunts into your swordfighting scenes.
- Charge Attack: you are allowed to write in an epic, explosive, or otherwise extremely powerful attack into a fight scene every once in a while.
- Shielding: you may block an attack with a shield, provided you have written no prior action.
- Shield Canceling: you are allowed to let your character block any attack with a shield, provided you have not performed a combo or charge attack.
- Multi-wielding: you are allowed to use multiple weapons in a fight scene without having to write in the switch. You may also dual-wield weapons.
- Midstepping: you may briefly delay a combo attack while still reaping the benefits of it.
- Gunslinging: you are allowed to write gunfighting scenes.
- Bombing: you are allowed to use bombs, grenades, and other explosives in your story posts and fight scenes.
- Dash: you are allowed to dodge any attack of your choosing every 8+ posts.
- Shield Bash: you are allowed to smack, push, and stun your opponent with your shield.
- Kiting: you are allowed to periodically dodge close-range weapons and shoot your gun simultaneously.
- Bomber's Intuition: if your character is equipped with an explosive and has visited a particular area in the past, the moderators may tell you where the enemies will spawn.
Naturally, some of these skills are more advanced than others. The moderators will decide when you are allowed to acquire them. When combat is initiated in the story thread, a moderator will put up a post with the words: "COMBAT IN PROGRESS" No further story posts are allowed to be made while this message is still up. The combat will be carried out in the discussion thread, and when the moderator determines that the combat has ended, he will post the fight scene and combat results in the place of the "COMBAT IN PROGRESS" message. It will be written in third-person past-tense.
Applied Character Sheets:
Thinslayer's NPCs
Topoyozariane's "Operator"
Kaijuhunter's "Rivaille"
Skye-Lightning's "Eve Distraught"
Dewca's "Forrower"
Pow-Posts-Again's "Pow"
Ultimaknightz's "Dylan Flair"
Dmatter's "Klepto"
Hexlash's "Nitscu"
Seatus's "Alice"
Gzilla's "Axis"
Creeperlucario's "Creep"
Darkwatck's "Deadman"
Trolololololololoe's "Antasma"
Nova-Fire's "Nevo"
Robo-Drilldigger's "Herobrine"
Accepted Character Sheets:
Kaijuhunter's "Rivaille"
Skye-Lightning's "Eve Distraught"
Dewca's "Forrower"
Pow-Posts-Again's "Pow"
Dmatter's "Klepto"
Hexlash's "Nitscu"
Seatus's "Alice"
Gzilla's "Axis"
Creeperlucario's "Lucario"
Darkwatck's "Deadman"
Trolololololololoe's "Antasma"
Nova-Fire's "Nevo"
Moderator apps are accepted by default.
"Open the cells. Let the subjects out." Operator says into a microphone. He pulls a lever, and the initial traps are set. 'The easy ones.' He mused, 'only weaklings will die here.'
As if on cue, a person, A.K.A Subject #97 steps on to a pressure plate, and a flamethrower activates. He screams as it engulfs him, then the screams subside. The screams echoes all over the arena. 'Good.' Operator thinks, 'Let them be scared.'
He turns to his microphone again, then say, "Release the Finder.'