The auto-Announcement chimed up as yellow lights started flickering. "Level 1: Complete. Rest stage active. Level 2: Starting in Twenty seconds." As the announcement was made the sounds of cages being opened was heard. But the air seemed to freeze up as Grim Totems popped out of the ground all around the man. The sound of a Static Deadnaught was heard as well as the stomping of Frankenzom's. But what would have been the chilling thing of all was the sound of Grimalkin's moaning and wailing in the back round. "Level 2: Undead attack, Simulating Tier 3 conditions. Warning: Safety practical's are removed, if the Trainee is to fall it will take at least ten minutes before medical aid can be reached." With that said the warning alarms went off as the Deadnaught made it to the street the current night was on. "Level 2 Status: Started."
Game of Death (roleplay story thread)

Nevo, with head hung low, walked out of the recon rangers' base. He had found no food, but he had found a water bottle, which he had stuffed into his small satchel that was on his belt. It was full, as he wasn't thirsty, but it was good to have something in advance. Nevo remembered something.
Serah. Dangit, I just left her there! She could've been hurt! Nevo was lieing to himself. He knew that Serah would have been fine, as she was a better fighter, and tougher than Nevo. He would even vouch it. So, Nevo began to head where Serah last was, before he left her.

"There weren't any swarm monsters where me and Eve were just now. Maybe the swarm seed couldn't reach that far."
Herston grabbed Alec's arm, then hugged Eve with his other. "Hang on." He warned, and he teleported, right back into the room. He staggered, releasing them both, and slumped on the bed. "With great power... comes great need to nap. Wake me up later." And with that, he was asleep.

I glanced at the sleeping boy on the bed. Huh. All boys seem to be cute while sleeping-- experience from causing LD players sleep, heheh.
I turned to Alec, and said, "So. I...uh... didn't see you when the game started. I'm Eve."
Exhausted, I laid on the bed as I waited for Alec to answer.

Nitscu woke up in a police hospital bed. There were bandages wrapped around his chest and a small bandage on his forehead. There was a dull pain in his chest where he'd been shot, but nothing serious. A pair of young Justifiers walked into the room and sat beside him. "Hey kid," the oldest one said to him. "You all right? You sent us on quite a chase back there. Sorry we had to shoot you." He bowed his head in shame. The other one grinned at Nitscu. "Least you're alive. Say, could we ask a few questions? I- I hope you won't mind." He shyly brought out a pencil and notepad.
"So...for starters, what's the girl's name?"
((Looks like I have half an hour to spare for writing. :3))

I was glad that I wasn't hurt more than I needed to be, but now I was in one big pile of trouble if I didn't choose my words wisely. Rubbing my head, I realized that I had bandages wrapped up there too; fortunately, there was no headache to match. Taking advantage of my apparent injuries, I looked down, as if in confusion.
"Uhh, she told Desna her name was Averia, I think."
Dangit! I didn't want to lie, but now I had linked Claire to Desna, and if anything, it would lead to the others revealing what they know.

Both Justifiers sat up straight. "She- she told this to Desna?" They looked at each other, then back at Nitscu. "Ahem. We'll examine that later. Why...why were you protecting this girl? Did you know she was a murderer and assassin, and wanted by the law?"

Trying to maintain my confused demeanor, I pulled back a bit, then glanced at their feet.
"What do you mean protecting her? Who said anything about that?" I hoped they wouldn't notice I disregarded their mention that she was an assassin and murderer; I already knew that anyways.

The lead justifier sighed impatiently. "Look kid, just be honest with us, okay? I know pretty darn well when someone's shooting or swinging at me. Don't insult my intelligence. We don't wanna prosecute you; it's the girl we're after. We just figured you got caught up in it or something. Don't worry about yourself, you're fine with the law. Now, you fought against us to protect her. Why?"

I run into a nearby alley and said to myself "Who's that woman? Whoever she was, she just saved my life". I look at my condition and see some cuts on my body which were bleeding pretty heavy. I started to lose eyesight and as I was about to collapse, I hear some footsteps coming closer...
I recover from the hit I took and see I was in a new spot. I stand up and see a void entity who knocked what looked like a mutated beast through the fountain and into a wall. The void creature started running towards it and I noticed that the beast creature could be in trouble. I charge up my wonder staff and launched a energy bolt at the dark creature and it hit him. The void entity disappeared into a dark smoke and was now gone. I then see the beast thing running into the alley. I go towards the alley when I see 4 wardens knocked down which where slowly getting up. I told them about the creature and that it went through the alley. The wardens said "You should be thanking him, he saved you life." I said "I also saved his life because he looks so weak but that void entity is now dead." We start heading through the alley and then we see the creature bleeding heavily. I said "This is bad, that fight he was in must have really weakened him, if that void entity hit him again, he could have died." The wardens pick up the creature's body and said "We need to get to a hospital quickly before he bleeds out!" I look at his blood carefully and saw it was purple and said "Wardens, look at his blood, he must have strong self-curse if he bleeds purple blood and if that is the case, we need to save him or her." We leave the alley and I see my cloak got a rip and said "I need to rush home to repair this cloak but I will be quick." The wardens said "OK, we will tell you where we are by message. I rush home and put the cloak on an anvil and repaired it. It cost five thousand crowns to repair it but it seems like a fair price. I put the repaired cloak back on and said "Only swarm entity's really damage my items, no other enemies do that." I got a message saying "Rachel, we found a hospital, we have sent you the location. Come quickly." I leave the house and make my way towards the hospital.
((OOC: The beast creature mentioned in Rachel's post (The second one) is actually Lucario.))

Daud walked out side with Skotino right infront of him. There were so many thoughs running though the Wardens head. He was still young by the standers of age but he had done so much that even the oldest killers in jail would cringe in fear. What do I do...Section 37 is threating to with draw support...And whats worse is the fact some Knights on that list I wrote down are already wanted... His mind was in a deep buzz as Skotino went to the Bazaar where he sat down in a chair and ordered himself something to eat. But Daud was leaning on a wall half dead from lack of sleep and starving, however his mind was still awake.
"Daud." Skotino said in a demanding tone, causing the Seven foot tall Warden to shamble to his feet at attention. "Sit down and eat something, they have the stone chairs that can hold you." As he said that Skotino was waiting for the Waiter to come back.
Daud sat down and took off his helm, exposing his ghastly white hair to the world, as well as his face which it turned out he was sporting bags under his eyes as well as a slight worried expression. "Thank you sir. But I don't know, Section 37 can only do so much even on a Legal scale. I guess I am more worried about the final out come off all this. If anything we are all at risk because of this 'capture' then we realize." HE said as he looked at the Waiter who came back with a simple sandwich for Skotino. Making his order Daud sat back and looked at Skotino who ate with his helm on. "So, how bad has it gotten by now?"

OOC: I had to look at Sky's (Hearthstone's) bio to do this post, and realized that there was power over shock. *facepalms*. First time roleplaying, and I screwed up my character already. Could I add that power to my current ones (Fireblast, Freeze Ray, Hexing Haze)?
Immediately after Alec finished talking, the boy said, "There weren't any swarm monsters where me and Eve were just now. Maybe the swarm seed couldn't reach that far."
Eve? Who's Eve?
The boy grabbed Alec's arm and ran into a building. Inside was a girl with Violet eyes. Alec unconsciously noted two revolvers at her hips and tightened his grip on his sword.
What the? Are those wings? I've never seen those kinds of wings before...Maybe they aren't accessories? But that would mean she's not huma-
"Hang on!" The boy warned.
Huh? What's going o-
The boy grabbed Alec's arm again, hugged the girl who he was guessing was Eve, and all of a sudden, Alec found himself in a strange room, inches from a wall. He swore, "Bloody heck!"
The boy gasped out, "With great power...comes great need to nap. Wake me up later." And with that, he fell face first on a bed, fast asleep.
Huh. Note to self: boy cannot teleport too much.
Eve turned towards Alec and asked, "So. I...uh...didn't see you when the game started. I'm Eve."
"Name's Alec Prelude. Shortest scientist in the world. Deadliest sneak-attacker as well." Alec replied. "But, what's this game you're talking about?"
Don't tell this person too much. She may not even be human! Dad says...Dad said that there were strange races who resembled humans. Eve, if she's even called that, could be at this moment plotting to kill you as soon as the boy wakes up!
Alec took a longer look at Eve. Violet eyes, about half a foot taller than he was, seemed to be the same weight. He'd place her at 26 or so.
Alec's stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten anything except for a cheesesteak at Depth 23. Where meanwhile his co-workers were researching the biggest thing to happen with The Swarm, while he was stuck here with a boy who had mysterious powers and a female he highly suspected was a dragon.
The doubtful part of Alec decided to utilize this unforeseen occurrence. He asked, "Also, got any food here? I can't work at mAXEimum potential unless I get some food in my system that's not some disgusting factory-made processed junk." Meanwhile, his mind was a Mach 10 thinking of ways to fight, if he had to.
All right, I can sense some poisons here. If I have to, I could suffocate them. But she's got revolvers. Hmmmm. Maybe a blast of ice to her hands would freeze them solid. But the boy can just teleport me into a pit of lava or whatever if he wakes up. Then again, these people haven't hurt me yet. I can't very well go around slaughtering innocents. Would completely ruin my rep. Okay, here's how I'll do it if these people attack. I'll bring in toxic airs that'll knock em out for some time. Hopefully that could make Mr. Sleepyhead into Mr. Prettymuchinacoma. Meanwhile, I'll take out my shield in case Eve reaches for her guns. I'd say that she's more of a gunner than a striker, so once I get into melee range, she'd be toast. Yeah, I'm really not in too much danger right now. I can relax a bit. Darn it, stupid paranoid mind. Fine, I'll test her reaction, Doubtful Half of Brain. Happy?
Alec suddenly pretended to stagger from fatigue. "WOAH!" He yelled as he hit the ground. "Fudging ow," He muttered as he got back up.
There Doubtful Half of Brain, hope you're satisfied making me look like a clumsy idiot.
Alec's Doubtful Half of Brain wasn't satisfied, so Alec simply thought about the Dumb Ways to Die song he had heard on the terminal elevator to Haven from Depth 23.
(To the tune of "Dumb Ways to Die")
Set an oiler slick aflame,
Think that fiends wanna play a game.
Use a remedy, that's out-of-date,
Play some hide-n-seek in the mineral gate.
Dumb ways to die-ie,
So many dumb ways to die-ie.
Dumb ways to die-ie-ie,
So many dumb ways to die-ie.
Solo Vanaduke alone,
Get blown up by a Nitronome.
Don't ring the bell at the Snarbolax,
Tell Biscotti that she makes terrible snacks.
Dumb ways to die-ie,
So many dumb ways to die-ie.
Dumb ways to die-ie-ie,
So many dumb ways to die-ie.
Fight way too many Black Kats,
Jump off the edge of the map.
Hug a mecha knight way too hard,
Call a Wolver Clone a fat retard.
Dumb ways to die-ie,
So many dumb ways to die-ie.
Dumb ways to die-ie-ie,
So many dumb ways to die-ie.
Keep a Phantom as a pet,
sell all your armor on the internet.
Tempt Fate by saying, "That was close! Whew."
"Hey it's Biscotti. Try some of this stew."
Dumb ways to die-ie,
So many dumb ways to die-ie.
Dumb ways to die-ie-ie,
So many dumb ways to die-ie.
Wear a Trojan mask during Clockworks Seasons,
Kick Snipes with Strangers nearby for no reason.
Don't give a Perma-Frostifur any biscuits.
Tick all of them off by beating up Maulos.
Try to freeze one like a noob.
They may not rhyme, but they're quite possibly,
Dumbest ways to die-ie,
The dumbest ways to die-ie.
Dumbest ways to die-ie-ie-ie,
So many dumb,
So many dumb ways to die-ie.
Be safe near Perma-Frostifurs. A message from Spiral HQ.
Ha. Take that, brain cells. The less I have, the less annoying the Doubtful Half of Me is.

I manage to flip myself over and look around the building but I see some swarm entity's missing. I check and see the remaining void wolvers missing along with the Void guardian. I then hear a sharp pain in my ear and said "No, the guard must have died." I leave the building and start moving north to see what was around. I keep walking north for 30 minutes and I was going to turn around but I saw a giant building and thought "That building, it seems to be active." As I move towards the building, sentry turrets shot at me but it didn't hurt me because of my barrier. I break through the front doors and see some gremlin generators. I run towards the center of the giant building and planted the last swarm seed I had. The seed spread quickly which also corrupted any gremlins that entered the radius. The gremlin generators started to turn into swarm portals and then Warmaster Seerus runs to the seed and attacks it. I turn around and laugh at him then said "Once the seed has been planted, almost no-one can destroy it." I launch a plasma bolt at Seerus but he run outside the building. I wait inside the swarm seed to slowly restore my health and think "This will help us for the future but I need to find Lucario and kill him!"

Sighing, I sat up straighter, and stared straight ahead, gathering my thoughts. Eventually turning to them, I smiled; for her I could move on.
"Because I like her." My smile faded, but the way I felt remained stead.
"The law is a nasty thing, isn't it? You guys should be well aware of that. The law cares about nothing but prosecution; there are no exceptions and there is no leeway." I wished that I could get away from them, back to Claire, but my injuries shackled me to the bed. I sat in silence for a few moments, adamantly ignoring whatever they would interrogate me with next, then asked,
"Where's Averia?"

The elder Justifier shrugged. "Beats me. She gets away quick and easy." The younger one shook his head and stood up. He began to walk out, but suddenly whipped around and tried to punch Nitscu. "DARN YOU!! WE ALMOST HAD HER!!" It was a clumsy swing, and missed him by several inches. The other Justifier restrained him. "Hey, cool off, will ya? We'll get another shot at her." The kid stopped struggling, and reluctantly sat back down to resume taking notes.
"Sorry 'bout that," the older one said. "We've been on that girl's tail for nearly a year now, unable to get close to her until a few hours ago. Really, we don't appreciate you obstructing justice."
He sighed and rested his hands behind his head. "And that's the thing, you see. The law ain't all about prosecution, as you claim. It's about justice. Sometimes that involves defense, and sometimes it involves prosecution. I've even seen it just mediate for opposing parties, neither prosecuting nor defending."
He leaned forward and lowered his voice. "But I've also seen it do unfortunate, even evil, things. I've seen bright kids with bright futures get jailed for life over nothing. I've seen poor folk have to give to the rich. I've seen all manner of crazy injustice. But it's the price we pay for a better world."
He extended his hand to Nitscu. "I do believe I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jakuras."
The younger Justifier added, "And I'm Fezzan."

Taking his Place once more inside the room Daud listened as Section 37 started giving the Third degree to Skotino about getting involved directly with the Order. "The Justice system is already a hard enough place to get a into." The Cobalt Knight said as he held up a piece of paper. "It took almost a week just to get the release papers from your last little 'insodent'."
"But that turned out to be fruitful," The Specialist exclaimed, "as it turned out we got a steady trade of Energy and the Mineral crystals. Also it helped us gett a further understand of how the Order handles the system." The Specialist turned to Skotino. "Tell me, if we do this; what is going to help us? Clearing the names you listed in this book will, from what I see, not help us at all. But that does not mean I know what your plan is. Honestly he has never led us wrong why start questioning him now?" It seemed the Bomber, Piercing Defender and the Elemental Defender all agreed with the Specialist.
The Striker spoke out. "And yet, for everything good that has happened, he has almost always left us in the dark." The woman stood and turned to Daud. "For and exsample this one, who is the second in command tends to take matters into his own hands. Need I remind every one of the order given to him that led to his name? Thats right, Daud Deadman Nychta. The Butcher of the Darkwatch. It was because of what he did that we more or less had to get involved with the Order. Why, because Skotino wanted information reguarding the Remoulus Twins from the Lab in Haven." She sat back down and crossed her arms. "Need I say more? If we keep going at this, its going to turn back and bite us all."
Skotino stood up and looked at group before him. "Everything I have done for this order, everything I have worked for. Even the fact you Eight are sitting their and trying to debate if my actions are worth doing anything over, I have done more then my fair share to get you into power. The money I spend and lifes I took just to get us seprate from the order in quite. And yet here I am trying to get you, the group of men and women who are the counsel of my order, trying to get your backing. But all you can do is take and debate over my actions. Look, I am not asking you all to jump into a pit. I am just asking that you look into pardon papers with the Order because they were wrongly accused. Thats it, nothing else."

I start moving towards the location when I get knocked down. I shake my head and stood back up and said to the person "Watch where you are going next time, person." The person that bumped into Rachel said "So what, swarm is more important than bumping into someone." I look at the person and see it was Warmaster Seerus and I then said "Wait, where is the swarm?" Warmaster Seerus said "It's back at the Grand Arsenal but I need someone that can destroy the see and the portals. The only way I have heard is by a person or creature with permanent strong self-curse." I said "I know a creature that has strong self-curse, maybe he or she can help but you could be lying." Seerus said "I would have 100 Gremlins and 10 Menders with me when I go out just in case I got ambushed." I said "Fine, but I am going to keep my eye on you." Seerus said "Thanks" and we moved towards the location. When we reached the location, I told the wardens to keep an eye on Seerus and kill him if he tries something funny. The wardens said "Why did you bring Seerus here Rachel? You just comprised this location!" After the warden spoke, Seerus collapsed onto the ground and when the wardens tried to pick him up, they got shocked. The warden's said "Whatever happened to Seerus must be strong or he's faking it." I said "The swarm has taken over the Grand Arsenal. Seerus told me." The warden's said "That could explain it since we heard reports about the swarm attacking Desna's army." I told them "One of those swarm entity's that attacked Desna must be able carry a seed because almost all swarm entity's can't carry one." The warden's said "We need to figure out were Seerus Grand Arsenal was, if they took it over, one creature could be too strong to defeat." I said "I should check up on the creature that saved me and Seerus said that a person or creature with permanent strong self-curse can destroy the seed and portals." The warden's said "OK, we will try to move Seerus body inside but this shock around him could be a pain." I wake towards the creatures room and see him bandaged up and still breathing. A medic said "This creature is strong but he has very low blood, it's a miracle that he is still alive." I said "Do we know this creatures name yet?" The medic replied "Only the creature can tell us his name, we found out the creature is a male." I said "Right, I will wait here until he wakes up." The medic said "Not a problem with me." I grab a seat and sit down just thinking about what has happened today.

I looked back at Jakuras, he had gained my trust the second he admitted to the horrors that he had seen, perhaps even have led to.
"I'm sorry, I should never have gotten involved." Turning to Fezzan, I said, "It was not my place to hinder the law. I can see why you're mad at me, and I accept it; though please don't punch me." Smirking a bit, I lied down, closing my eyes.
"Why do all things come attached with such a tedious price tag?" I pondered aloud simply. "I guess we'll just have to live with it."
Thinking about Claire, the realization finally hit me about what they had said. Claire had escaped, but did she do it because it was her last option? Or did she do it because of choice? Knowing that there was a chance that Claire didn't care about me, or even the fact that she might have used me, shot a bullet through my heart, and it hurt more than my incapacitated chest.
Then again, why would she leave me for the Justifiers, when I could reveal the things she told me?
The things she told me.
I didn't care if Claire was using me, if she planted lies into my mind about her past. I didn't care if she just wanted to use me as her messenger for her lies, because I loved her.
"What sentence can someone receive for single murder?"

The two Justifiers sat in silence for a few moments. Jakuras eventually replied, "The sentence for murder depends heavily on the nature of the crime. I wish I could give it to you straight, but it ain't straight. Supposedly, third-degree demands money damages, second-degree demands damages and demotion, and first-degree demands death penalty. But frankly, our 'justice' system is a good deal more fickle; even third-degree will get the death penalty if the death was sufficiently horrific, gruesome, or sad. If she doesn't get killed on the spot, your girlfriend would probably get...maybe a life sentence, since killing two people is pretty bad, but her strong record would work in her favor, negatively impacted by her subsequent lifestyle.
"But really, it just comes down to my opinion. If I or any other Justifier decides to kill her, we'll get promoted for 'Doing the Right Thing.' If we decide to let her live, we'll get promoted for 'Judicial Benevolence.' I know, it's messed up, and all kinds of injustice happens that way, but it helps that most of us want to see folks get a fair trial instead."
He uncuffed Nitscu and stood up. "Welp, you're free to go, son. I appreciate your patience in hearing out an old man chatter about his morals, and for apologizing for the obstruction. Legally, I outta shut your arse in a cage, but I ain't inclined to do that to a decent man. I won't ask you to rat out your girlfriend, but...would you at least mind stepping outta my gunsight next time I aim for her?"

((OOC: Had homework, sorry. It comes at annoying times.))
After finishing, the announcement came on again. "Level 1: Complete. Rest stage active. Level 2: Starting in Twenty seconds." It sounded as though cages popped open, and suddenly grim totems popped up. It sounded like a static deadnaught and some frankenzoms. "Let's see, deadly crystal bomb for the big guy... How to kill the frankenzoms though? Ooh, shivermist and... Big angry." I pull the bombs out "But first," I start picking up the totems and throwing them in the corner "there we go." I had finished with a couple of them when the announcements came on. "Level 2: Undead attack, Simulating Tier 3 conditions. Warning: Safety practical's are removed, if the Trainee is to fall it will take at least ten minutes before medical aid can be reached." "You know, they really should take more care with some guy they watched for a couple of minutes that they had no prior knowledge of." I say to no on in particular as a deadnaught starts running twords me, and frankenzoms appear around me. "Level 2 Status: Started."
I headed to the swarm of zombies and lay the shivermist buster, and continued sprinting through. Once the mist went off, I went to the last few grim totems and moved the away. Immediately after the mist expired, I ran at the deadnaughts back and laid the deadly crystal and big angry on his back, and immediately started sprinting back behind cover.
((OOC2: Sorry if this comes of as OP, you gave a guy who can solve rubik's cubes faster than most people 20 seconds, the situation, and the choice of most bombs. At most, he'll come out with a few blast burns and a few hits to some of the faster enemies. I also can't think of any other way to write it. :l))

((OoC: No its fine. I honestly like it. Makes me want to see how else you can solve the puzzle out side of the normal way. But here comes the fun, by this time he is almost out his bombs so he is more then likely down do the weaker and most odd ones. >:D Now for the fun part, something bombs can't really help with.))
"Level 2: Complete. Status: Destroying current Undead." The air started to warm up as the Urban area seemed to get brighter. "Level 3: Spiral Order Attack Practical." With that said normal Knight started to file into the area, the sound of boots on solid ground was heard. From the sound of the armor riddling it was Standard Cobalt Knights as well as a Warden who seemed to be lumbering around in the back round. "Warning: This level is Human vs Human. In order to pass you must kill or Finish off all enemies." Once that last warning was given the Resupply box and Health Regenerating tile sunk into the ground to be replaced with just empty tiles.
The sound of a womans voice came forwards over the PA. "Don't worry, they are inmates on death row anyway kid. But that does not mean you should take them lightly. Each of them are represinitve of there armor type. So you have to use what you have left to take them out. That bag you were given only has so many things." She said as she turned off the mic. "Good luck."

Herston jolted awake at the sound of crash, and he turned to find Alec on the ground.
"Stop. Lemme sleep." He slumped back down on his bed.

(( I'm still here, guys! Just saying!))
Nevo looked around for Serah, but he couldn't find her. His stomach was killing him, and he hadn't seen anyone for quite a while. Suddenly, Nevo heard something.
"Hello? Is anyone there?"
"Show yourself."
Nevo slowly pulled out his sword.
A dart hit him in the neck. Nevo pulled it out, and stared at it. His vision started to blur, but he could just read the writing.
((I hope this isn't too much of a powerplay. I can change it if anyone wants!))

Moderator powers activated
Nevo woke up in a hole in the ground. The smell of sweat and dirt filled his senses, and he would have been surprised to find that it belonged to a pretty young lady he recognized. He might have been overjoyed to see her, but if she reciprocated his feelings, she didn't show it. Her face was grim, and she wasn't paying him much attention.
Blaster shots whizzed overhead, forcing Serah to duck for cover. She noticed that Nevo was awake, and forced a smile. "Hey handsome. Don't sit up." She peeked over the hole, fired off a few blaster shots of her own, and ducked back down. "We got the Order all over us, and I can't understand it. They're supposed to be the good guys! Probably Serris or something."
Desna's voice barked out over the comm, "Get ready to move! We advance in ten seconds!" Serah started to panic. "Oh no! I can't just leave you here, but we'll both be shot if I try to carry you! What do I do?"
Unfortunately, she didn't have the sense to ask Desna...
Narrator view activated
The battle you are currently observing occurred while the Recon Rangers were headed to their HQ. They were ambushed by Serris's forces and forced to take cover in makeshift foxholes, created by detonating bombs in the ground. They held out pretty well, and were even able to advance a little ways.
10 seconds after Desna gave the warning, the Recon Rangers charged out of their foxholes through the break they made in the enemy defenses. A few bombs later, they dove into a new group of holes, with Serah bravely carrying Nevo the whole way. Unfortunately, some enemy troops took cover in their old holes, making the situation marginally worse.
((How Nevo got mixed up in this...I can't say for sure, but Serah must have found him on the way. If it doesn't make sense, don't sweat it.))
Narrator view deactivated
Moderator powers deactivated

Nevo didn't think that his act of bravery, namely carrying Serah in the battlefield, would be payed off like this. It was exactly the opposite.
"Serah. Uh. Thank you. But I'm going to have to borrow your pistol" He said, grabbing her blaster and firing off a few shots.

I nearly restored all my health and the entire Grand Arsenal was corrupted by now. I decided to leave and told the swarm to stay and the void gremlins to attack anyone if they came in. I then noticed Seerus still running and hit him with a charged plasma bolt. The bolt hit him but it didn't seem to do much. I move south to tell the other void entity's that we had a new base. I made it back to the base after half an hour and told them to move north for half an hour and they would be in the presence of a swarm seed. They started to move north and I decided to move east after half the trip back. I then see a hospital looking thing and then got a message from the swarm leader saying "Well done, you corrupted much more creatures and created more portals. I will promote your rank and it will make you slightly stronger. The new rank is "Protector of the swarm", this rank is very rare to reach and you are now super weak to the swarm." I replied to the leader "Thanks". The leader said "You deserve it even though you failed the battle." I said "Yeah, I never expected them to be strong, wait a second, I see Lucario, this is perfect to finally finish curse off." The leader said "I will communicate with you later but I will make you stronger first." I feel huge power entering me and launched a plasma bolt at Lucario's cell. I noticed the orb was darker and I see Lucario trying to limb away. I see someone else who seems to be charging up an attack but doesn't seem to be significant. I moved around the building to avoid the attack and attacked that person who looked like a female. I launched plasma bolts at her and she seemed to get really hurt. I then launched a max charged plasma bolt at the female but Lucario jumped in front of the woman and protected her and said "Wow, what an idiot!" The woman didn't like that and launched a light bolt at me. It looked similar to mine but pure light and when it hit me, I took a lot of damage and got knocked back a lot. When the knock back stopped, I was in the middle of a battlefield. I start rushing away from the battlefield but got hit by some blaster shots. I made it to safety even though I took some damage.
((OOC: Lucario's post will be more dramatic and will show what happened before I attacked them. It also didn't help I got writer's block during it.))

((OOC: The order is Rachel, Lucario and then back to Rachel. Just so you know the order))
I notice the creature waking up and standing on the floor but he still looked weak. I started to ask him questions and I said "What's your name? mine is Rachel" The creature said "Rachel huh, my name is Lucario." I asked Lucario "Are you feeling OK?" The creature said "I am still weak, only 1 swarm blast could really knock me out." I thought "How does he know about the swarm? He fought one but that could have been by luck." I asked him "How do you know about the swarm?" Just as he was about to talk, the wall behind us broke and I saw a dark creature wearing a purple tie. I started to charge up a energy bolt but he dodged it. I move towards the entrance and see him standing there. I run out and start to charge a energy bolt at the creature but he attacked me before I got the chance. I fell onto the ground and said "That creature is swarm". I stood back up and took another hit from his power. I has getting really weak and my shield aura wasn't fully charged yet. I see him charging up another bolt and thought "I am not going to make it, I am too slow to dodge it."
I wake up and got back onto my feet. I see a woman standing there and realized it was the same person I saved from the void guardian. I looked at her face and see looked really cute and see started to ask me questions. After the 3rd question about the swarm, I hear a loud explosion behind me and thought "No, that explosion is similar to Antasma's Plasma bolt. That means he is here." I turned around and see him and started to move out of the building before he could kill me. The woman who was called Rachel rushed outside and I thought "Is she going to battle Antasma, she won't stand a chance." I was right and see Rachel getting hurt by Antasma's plasma bolt's. After the 2nd bolt, she seemed to be near death and I then see him charging up another bolt and is was aiming towards her. I rush in front of her and took the full force the bolt. I start tumbling far and lost my eye-sight again.
As I am losing hope, Lucario, the person I was asking the questions jumps in front of me and takes the full force of the bolt. He gets knocked back behind me and landed face first into the ground. I then turn around to the dark creature and launched a energy bolt at it. He gets hit and it seemed to knock it back much farther. I then move back towards Lucario and start shaking him seeing if he was alive. I checked his pulse and he was alive but it was really slow. Light starts to flash around us and I thought "This is the guardian's light, wonder what's wrong." I see the familiar guardians again and hope something wasn't wrong. A guardian said "We brought you back up with Lucario because we needed to discuss what we should do since he has saved you twice now Rachel." Another guardian said "He should be promoted to Protector of Light like you Rachel, he has shown us he is trustworthy." I said "He might have been swarm though, he seems to now a lot about it." The 3rd guardian said "He was corrupted but I could sense in his deepest thought that he didn't want to be corrupted." I said "Should we turn him into a Protector of Light then?" The guardian's started to discuss among themselves. I then said "He also has Strong self-curse, does that affect anything?" The guardians turned around with their decision and said "Strong self-curse and the knowledge of swarm is really useful, and if he was swarm, he wouldn't have saved you Rachel". The guardians put a powerful shield around Lucario which seemed to be turning him into a human again and items from his past also seemed to becoming towards him. After the guardians were done they said "The light transformation is done, he is now a protector of light and is back to his human form." I said "What, he was human before?" The guardians said "It's true, he was human but somehow became a ghost and revived himself as that creature he was in." I said "That makes some sense." The guardians said "You need to go back before anything else back happens." The guardians send Lucario and Rachel back to the world with them both being fully re-healed.
((OOC 2: The armor was White Purring kat cap, White radiant silvermail, white shield bracelet and Divine Faust (Gran Avenger) don't know what name is better. The Divine Faust/Gran Avenger is a fusion between a Divine Avenger and Gran Faust. Lucario is now a human again just so you know.))

OOC: Awwwwww, Alec needs a hug from someone. Poor Alec. Also, he's been like this for so long, his poker face has become master level. If anyone notices that something's up, they'd have to have skills similar to a detective who specializes in interrogations and getting information out of the interrogated.
Suddenly, as Alec waited for Eve to compose a reply (probably confused by so many questions and comments in a few seconds) his comlink went off. With a facepalm, he remembered his ringtone had been set to "Iron Man".
"Hello? This is Alec Prelude." Alec said.
"Hello. This is an equal opportunity work guild, called DA PWNERS. Would you like to joi-"
Alec hung up and blocked the call number.
Darn, so much technology since the Skylark Crash, with lasers and hovercrafts and the like, and they can't block annoying callers?
Alec's comlink rang again.
I am Iron Man. DUNANA-
"Hello?" Alec (somewhat wearily) said into the speaker.
"Alec, where the heck are you?!" Ozlo's voice boomed. "You were supposed to rendezvous with Desna at her HQ!"
"Well, sir, Desna's HQ is a bit more red and black than is suited for my tastes as of right now."
"Huh? What? The Swarm is there?"
"Well, it could also be some weird creepy fangirls attacking," Alec sarcastically replied.
"Where are you as of right now, Specialist Alec? Your comlink GPS shows that you're somewhere dozens of miles away from Desna's HQ. How the heck did you get there?"
Alec replied, "Excuse me for one second, Captain." He then turned to Eve and said, "I think I'll need to go somewhere private for this." He opened a door that said "PANTRY". As he fixed himself a cheesesteak and cooked it via his fire abilities, he cheerily chatted with the captain.
"Well Captain, this all started when I decided that waltzing into Desna's HQ would get my head blown off by the head of the Recon Rangers. So, I decided to chuck a piece of ice through a window..."
"...and the telepathic boy teleported the (possibly) draconian girl and I here, and promptly fell asleep. Then the Draconian, who called herself Eve, mentioned something about not being at the start of the game. I was inquiring about that when you called." He took a bite of his roast beef, cheese, mushroom, and onion cheesesteak with relish.
Ozlo muttered, "We have you seen at this place that the local Strangers called Lucifer's Lair."
"Cheery," Alec said.
"There is a strange building that you're in. It apparently has a bunch of crazy death traps, like lava and pit falls."
"Getting cheerier."
"Finally, Desna hasn't been responding on her comlink. She's either busy fighting or asleep, and it's the middle of the day."
"Boy oh boy, are you so cheery."
"Put that Teletron-3000 to us-"
Alec angrily shouted, "I TOLD you, I'm NOT calling it that! It's called the Absit Cylindrici Aspicientis (Cylinder Far Observer in Latin), and that's final!"
"All right, all right," Ozlo said. "Just use it to find out what the heck is going on out there. I'll stay on the line and have some chocolate chip cookies with warm milk."
"Jerkface," Alec resentfully muttered as he took out his device.
Alec took the fully assembled ACA and went to a window. Looking at his comlink's coordinate map, he directed it into outer space.
"All right," he muttered. "Adjusting Lens 13. Compensating for energy interference. Capturing reflected image from moon. Annnnnnd...huh. That's one hell of a firefight going on."
"Between the Recon Rangers and who?" Ozlo inquired. Alec could hear him chomping down on a plate of chocolate-chip goodness.
"It appears to be....................." Alec fell silent.
"Are you there?"
"Yeah," Alec sputtered. "Just's...Serris. I seriously want to kill that man RIGHT NOW."
"...OK Alec. Just hang tight. If you want, we'll send a couple of..." Alec ignored Ozlo's tone as he paced back and forth, thoughts ablaze. If when he was planning on strategies to defend himself against Eve he was ablaze, now he was a friggin' forest fire.
Darn you Serris. Just when I had you in my reach. Why the hell didn't I look around for Recon Rangers when I went to Desna's HQ? Damn you Serris. Damn you and the captivity you put me in. You took everything away from me, Serris. YOU...WILL...NOT...GET...AWAY...FOR...THAT. YOU TOOK MY PARENTS, THE ONLY PEOPLE I LOVED! THEN YOU TOOK ME AND BROKE ME! YOU TOOK SO MANY MEMORIES OF WAR, THINGS THAT CHILDREN LIKE I WAS SHOULD NEVER HAVE SEEN, THE HORRORS OF WAR, AND PLANTED THEM INTO MY BRAIN! YOU BROKE ME! YOU BROKE ME!!! I..I'm still broken in some parts...
As Ozlo made up a plan to get Alec to Desna's in an hour, Alec took a look at his childhood, what he had before the accursed demon had come, and wept inside for the halcyon of the old days. He wept, and it was a long time before he had finished his mental breakdown, slapped himself, and began to hid his true emotional agony under another plastic shell of "cheerfulness" and "happiness".
"OK Alec, we'll send the rescue squadrons right away. With any luck, you'll be at the battlefield withing 45 minutes. Of course, the two companions WILL have to be taken into custody. If they can teleport at will and one's part draconian, they could pose a great risk to the Spiral Order.," Ozlo chose his words carefully. He had known the midget far too long to not know when something was wrong. And something was wrong when a guy who usually talks a sixty words a second was silent for so long.
"What?" Ozlo asked.
"I said no. These two people...they...they are not hostile. I won't have you capture them just so I can have my petty revenge against...against him. I...I'll stay to keep an eye on them." It was a terrible lie. But he couldn't admit the real reason to Ozlo.
"...Very well...Alec." Ozlo quietly mumbled. He knew something was up, but spared Alec the questioning. " need assistance, call the Lucifer Legion Justifier Department. They'll send people in 5 minutes."
Alec said not a word as he hung up. He took another minute (an eternity for a person of his mental acuity) to banish the haunting memories, the ones that broke him, the ones that created his worst enemy; his Doubtful Half of Himself. The memories of war had had so many betrayals...His Doubtful Half always had him on guard, even in Haven, even in Tier 1 explorations. And while he did become friends with many people, it was never to the point where he felt like he could really trust them. Because, deep inside, his Doubtful Half always worried that if he did, if he really opened up to someone, they'd leave him. Just like his parents had. In a way, his fears were identical to when he was just a little kid and his mom and dad fought.
Alec took a deep breath, plastered a smile to his face, and walked out the pantry nonchalantly, taking a bite out of his cheesesteak, ignoring the demons inside.
"So," he cheerily said. "How's,uhhhhh,what'shisname?"

Daud walked outside into the streets of Haven, slowly remembering everything he had done to help the people he watched. The men and women of the Order as well as the venders. The Warden, having been in his current position for less then what felt like ten years. Yet he did not regret any part of it. But yet, at the same time he could not forget the many wrongs he did in the name of the Order and the Darkwatch. Maybe it was suiting that he was dragged to those games in an area of death. The many crimes he had committed and was pardoned of out weighed the many deeds he did. Look at this place. I know why Skotino wants to see it gone. But yet every time I find my self always drawn back here to help it. He though as he sat down on the side of the wall of the fountain. Wander what a Justifiers would say if they could even get there hands on me. He snicked as he looked forwards at the many knights, even the children who ran by. It was a peaceful sigh that was before him of the many people who did not know what was going on. In the back of his mind, all he could see were flames dancing across the buildings. Guns being fired and the sounds of screams that filled is dreams. "I have problems." Daud simply laughed it off. Section 37 will be coming to a vote soon. Its still going to take them a little while but I have a feeling of what is going to transpire. Getting up Daud turned on the radio and listened to what was going on.
From the sound of the chatter the Wardens were handling the Prison situation rather well, sending out a small group in the last know direction of the escapee. The Spiral Order was still up in arms about the murder of there higher officers but were slowly replacing them. But what came off as odd was the suddon transmission of the Desna which he had figured had been removed from the channel link. Not dwelling on it Daud turned off the Comm device and pulled out his Sword and Shield. If he was going to be in Haven for a bit, he might as well go ahead and get back to his 'job' of being a Shadow Lair Warden.
((Figure if I put Daud in the middle of Haven right now I can find some one or they can Find him. Not hard to see a Warden that looks like Arkus in the middle of Haven :L))

((OOC: First part Rachel and the second part is Lucario.))
As we got teleported back, the warden's shouted "You there, leave Rachel alone!" The person near me was Lucario but in a human form. Lucario stood still but I said "Wait, what's wrong with Lucario?" The warden's said "He is an escapee, he broke out of prison and he is working with the swarm!" I said "He used to work with the swarm but he doesn't anymore." The warden's look carefully as they handcuffed Lucario and said "He might not look corrupted but he did break out." Lucario said "A dark creature called Antasma broke the bars open, I only squeezed my way out." I said "Wait, was that the creature with the purple tie that is swarm?" Lucario said "Yes, that's the person who broke the bars and he somehow took my swarm power but I am thankful to him. I didn't want to be swarm in my deepest thought." Rachel said "True, the guardian's mentioned something about your thoughts." The warden's uncuffed Lucario and said "Do you know where Antasma is Lucario?" Lucario shook his arms and said "I don't know but he seems to be much stronger than normal swarm entity's and can carry swarm seeds." I then said "I was able to knock him back when he hurt Lucario and me. Lucario blocked the attack that would have killed me and this is the second time he has saved my life." The warden's said "Wow, we feel bad now but the swarm is still on the surface. Try to find the leader and where all the remaining swarm entity's are. If we can do that, the swarm will be stuck in the shadow lairs and it won't happen again. We will stay here but do your best." I said "Thanks and Lucario, follow me." I move in the direction I knocked Antasma and see him on the other side of a battlefield. I look carefully and see Desna and her army in the center with 2 other army's at the side. Lucario then said "Antasma can easily kill us if we try to cross the battlefield, we need to stop the other army's first." I agreed with him but they don't seem to be hitting the army. Lucario said "I have an idea but it is risky." I pull up my shield bracelet and it shielded me in a golden aura. I said "What are you doing?" Lucario said "I am going towards 1 of their bases to defeat some of them. You should join Desna and her recruits and say to attack the other army behind them." I thought about it and said "Ok then, try not to die." I start to run Desna's make-shift base and jumped down before I got shot and said "Don't attack me, I am an ally. I am here to help and we should attack the other army behind us and a swarm creature is nearby."
When I see Rachel in the temporary base, I started to run towards 1 of the armies and they all started to aim for me. Their attacks weren't even damaging my shield but Antasma noticed me and started to launch Plasma Bolts at me. I picked up the pace and jumped into the armies base. The enemies started to slash at my shield but I countered them and started to defeat them. I still had my shield up while I was attacking them. The army was losing hope until I heard cracking and thought "No, Antasma must have jumped down into this pit." I jump out of the pit and see Antasma clearing the rest of the army by accident. Antasma then launched another bolt at me before I could react and it destroyed my shield and knocked the bracelet off my arm. I said "No, I need that to have a shield!" I run towards it and put it back onto my arm but Antasma hit me again and it send me high into the air and into Desna's temporary base.
((OOC2: Sorry about the power play there Thin))

((OOC: Wow, school effectively steal away all you free-time. But it's the weekend again, so I can post.))
"Level 2: Complete. Status: Destroying current Undead." The air started to warm up as the Urban area seemed to get brighter. "Level 3: Spiral Order Attack Practical." Wait, what? With that, the sound of a knight entering was heard. From the sound, I could tell he was wearing cobalt armor, and there was someone else there too, in different armor. "Warning: This level is Human vs Human. In order to pass you must kill or Finish off all enemies." the health pad started sinking into the ground.
The sound of a woman's voice came forwards over the PA. "Don't worry, they are inmates on death row anyway kid. But that does not mean you should take them lightly. Each of them are representative of there armor type. So you have to use what you have left to take them out. That bag you were given only has so many things."
"What? N-no! I don't want to KILL anyone! Even if just one person knew of them or cared, then they'll have to go through what I went through!" Even through I knew the other knight was coming, I refused to do anything. "And even if no one cared or knew of him, and even if they'll be killed anyway, why would anyone want to take someone's life?" I threw my bombs to the side.
((OOC: YEAAAAAH... He doesn't really like that. He really doesn't like the idea of others being killed, no matter what, especially if has any way to stop it. I know you said he could just kinda knock them out, but you can't really do that easily and constantly with bombs. Also, he didn't care about the monsters because even if he hadn't killed them, they'd be sentenced to a life of being blown up.))

Shortly after he denied the combat a Demo-tech in the same kinda gear as Number 68 walked into the area through a door of the Urban complex. "Seems you can't do it." On the side of her helm eched was the number '60' and in her hand was a Dark Briar Barrage charge, primed and hissing. "The reason you were placed in this room, to train and learn, was to prepare you for life out side of these halls. If you can't kill you are better off dead as it is because out side is something far worse then killing some Death Row inmates." She said as she tossed out the Charge to the side of a Building. "If fighting is sure to insure victory then you must fight. And if it means you must kill then you will kill." Just as she said that three of the Cobalt Knights hooked the corner charging and screaming. Before they could get more then a meter away the Charge detonated sending shards through their body cutting the armor and leaving them holding the now bleeding wounds. "Out side of this station, out side of your safest haven the world is waiting. As much as we want to deny it as much as we want to put it to the side, it is us who must make things right." She said walking over to the fallen Knights.
Reaching up the fallen Knights looked to the man asking for help only to be met with a boot to the face. There growns filled the hall as #60 held a Super Blast Bomb in her hand. It was a moment that stood still as she dropped the bomb onto the wounds of their backs followed by the sound of Hissing. Turning around #60 looked the Trainee in the eye. "You kill, or be killed. Die or be the one to make the other person Die. It's how you win ideals, freedoms, land, money, and so on. And in the present set of things your a wanted man, all of you are so as it stands you could be killed for money however we are protecting you." She pulled out the deadliest bomb known to the Darkwatch's arsonal, a Dark Retribution. With a quick scuffle of her finger the bomb was armed and hissing. It was about that time a man, A Warden, walked around the corner behind the third street down. "Look here son, every one in there life must kill something. Even those Undead were once alive and hand families and even had people that cared about them. If I were you, I would stop caring about how others feel in battle. Because if everything fails your nerve must never faulter, other wise it will be you on the ground dead with the rest of them." She said as she tossed the bomb behind her. As it rolled the Warden started to charge at them, only to be blown backwards, his chest armor blown inwards crushing his organs leaving him dead on the ground.
Walking up it was clear Number #60 was the shortest of the Demo-techs, but she reached up and poked the man in the chest. "It's hell out their kid. But in here, were you are safe you will never know the fear of battle. However, I hope you learned something right here and now. Because in the future, no one will come to safe you. You will die, be killed never to move again. But when that time comes, its up to you to chose because of you don't act. You will end up like these men you see on the ground. Bleeding from the fact they could not chose when they died."
((OoC: Don't worry about it. All this was trying to do was at least help in understand that bombs can kill people and if used right will keep him alive. However he should never trust that because in the end, its his choice what to do and how to do it.))

(~He uncuffed Nitscu and stood up. "Welp, you're free to go, son. I appreciate your patience in hearing out an old man chatter about his morals, and for apologizing for the obstruction. Legally, I outta shut your arse in a cage, but I ain't inclined to do that to a decent man. I won't ask you to rat out your girlfriend, but...would you at least mind stepping outta my gunsight next time I aim for her?"~ Reference Post...)
"Well, you won't have to worry about that, because I'll be standing on the other side of the gunsight with you." Getting up, I clarified. "I'm going to help you find her. But you must promise that when we find her, she will not be prosecuted until we have the evidence to prove her-" I paused, this was going to be a problem, "- as innocent as possible. I don't care what laws she has to jump through, but you cannot let her be convicted." Sighing, I walked towards the door, turning around when I reached it.
"If you don't accept, I'll be on my way."

Jakuras slipped his hands into his pockets and strolled up to him. "Well..." He thought for a moment and concluded, "I'll accept your deal." He extended his right hand to shake.
Someone sitting atop the building across the street was not so happy about the deal.

((OOC: I have been sick recently and I am slowly getting better but this will be a short post.))
I look around and see the situation was bad for the army in the middle until I see 2 people standing on the other side of the battlefield. I look carefully and noticed 1 of them was the one who really managed to knock me back. The other person looked similar but I couldn't recall where I saw his face before. I see 1 of them jumping into the pit where the middle army was and the other one started running towards 1 of 2 army's attacking the middle base. He activates his shield and I noticed it was purple and I thought "No way, that can't be Lucario! I killed him!" I try to communicate with the void gremlins but when I tried to, I suffered some pain and thought "That knockback must have damaged my communicator link." I start to launch plasma bolt's at Lucario but he dodged it and jumped into the army's pit. I move towards that pit and jumped down. I charged up a plasma bolt but Lucario jumped up from the pit and I accidently killed the remaining army. I launched another plasma bolt at him and it seemed to knock something off his arm. I jump back up and hit him in the back which knocked him into the air and he landed into the middle pit where the other person was.

Daud turned off the Communications device as he made his way to the Spiral Order's Main Hall. It was here he looked around, knowing full well that if some one saw him it would more then likely end in some one setting him off to the Jail or, if he was lucky, a simple chat. However he did not want any of that, all he wanted was to get his gear he left in the Warden's Section Hall. Once he got into the hall Daud stopped at the main desk in signed in and take a look at the check list. It seemed Section 37 had already cleaned his record from the last little bit of trouble. Lets see, they are still hunting down those Knights I saw...Nothing out of the normal. Seems the Shadow Lair is covered as well. Fliping through the records Daud saw something that cough him off guard. It was a Warent of Arrest for the Assassian who Daud wanted to kill but let live. Seems I would be doing the world good if she was dead. But her moves are too quick for me to really do anything to stop. Hmm maybe, ya if I do take her in or Kill her I might be able to get some good pay for once. Daud chuckled a little as he took a copy of the record and left the hall. He would have to get his gear later. Right now he had a mission, and at the end was a nice fat pay check if he could get his target.
((OoC: Might as well give Daud a little more reason to be around the others. Yes he is now going after Clare for money, mostly just for fun really. ANyway keep the Thread alive!))

A bit awkwardly, I firmly shook his right hand.
"How exactly are we going to find her?" I asked, stepping out of the room. Honestly I had no clue, but I guessed I could always just go back to where I last saw her. For all I know, Claire could be gobbling down some warp dust at that moment
I sighed, the thought never crossed my mind before, but why was I really doing this? Another grim thought made me hesitate as I left the dingy room behind, stiffly I pushed it out before I could dwell on it, forcing it to sink back into my conscience.

Jakuras did not reply. He was holding his slit throat, bleeding and unable to speak. Cries of death and dismay echoed from the police station.

Daud toggled his arm hards and gauntlets as he walked forwards in the last known location of his target. His dark purple gear giving away his presence making him look more like his idle then was meant to. Last time I fought this person, she had a voltedge. Which means, if I have something that will ground the charge all I have to do is worry. Looking at his feet Daud smiled as he remembered the Soels of his boots. Well if I kick the blade the shock will be grounded, but that does not cover the rest of my body. All it would take is six mili-amps across the heart and even I will be killed. Of course if I am going to take her in for the money alive would be key...I need to find some lining of laitex or something to ground the charge. Looking around Daud found himself walking into the Bazaar but nothing that could help him. I could toss a curse vile at her making it harder for her to attack, but I would need her to attack to make the curse work. Right. Looking around Daud found a back street where he normally got his poisons and other less liked items.
Walking around for a moment he found his favorite vendor. Looking around Daud nodded as he pulled out a Golden Crown and tossed it to the vendor, in return he was handed a small nap sack with three viles that could be heard softly clanking to one another. "This is everything I hope you wanted, Warden. As always we never met?" Giving the man a small nod Daud walked out of the back-road and hid the viles attacked to the back of his belt under his Shield.
After a good ten minute Walk the Warden started asking questions about the Assassin. Mostly just if anyone had see some one matching the image on her Warren. Getting enough little wording Daud moved to the last known location that was identified by the information he was able to gather. Alright pay check. Here I come.

Despairing death cries rang out from the police station as Justifiers fled the building. Many were wounded, some with slit throats, severed limbs, and gutted stomachs. None of them were in any condition to fight back. If one were to ask what happened, stories would range from "I suddenly felt a pain in my X" to "someone in black passed by, and X just fell over dead." Whatever was happening, it was chaos in there.
And it could be his quarry.
Not far away, Nitscu was standing a few feet from another Justifier who was holding his throat.

The abrupt attack startled me, but putting my back against the wall, I forced myself to calm down. Cloaking as tight as I could, I decided the best thing to do was escape. Slowly moving along the wall, I almost felt a bit dismayed that Jukaras was killed, he seemed sort of friendly.
I didn't have time to continue my thoughts as another Justifier turning the corner stumbled to her feet and collapsed. I instantly froze, and weaved a cloak tighter than I thought I was capable of, but I knew if my heart kept drumming that loudly, it wouldn't make a difference. Clenching my fists tightly, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as quietly as I could.
The place suddenly felt much quieter, the taps of feet on the cold floor echoing out in the distance as the Jusitfiers fled.

Welp, Alex seems...nice enough, I guess.
I shift in my place, lying next to the sleeping Herston. I sigh, then untie the ribbon on one of the frillies in my dress. Then I twirl it around, and wrap it on one of the handles of my Blitzes.
"What am I to do...?" I say, continuing on playing with my Blitzes, pointing them at the ceiling.

Walking into the building from which all the commotion was coming from Daud found it off that Jusitfiers were fleeing from an unknown threat. Seems their law finally turned on them. Should make this easy then. Walking into the Building Daud was met with little resistince as he found it rather tame for what he was use to. Something scared them bad enough to get them moving with haste in their steps, best be careful. Leaving his Shield on his back Daud pulled his Silence Nightblade from it's holster as he moved throuh the maze of rooms as he looked for the main one, security.
Holding his blade before him Daud was trying to keep himself poised incase he was about to get attacked, but judging from the manner this was done, their was a target in-mind as well as a plan of escape. Should check the holding cells. If this is what I think it is then the person who did this was after some one or wanted to kill some one. Can't be for sure, need to look at the security recordings. Daud though as he moved though the building's main hall. At this point it was mostly empty save for the Jusitfier moving around or some one helping an escaping casualty. However, over everyone else, the sound of Daud walking would have stuck out more because of the weight of his armor as well as the purple light of his tie-band that held his shoulder guards inline. Once he got to the security room Daud knocked on the door, "This is Warden Daud of the Shadow Lair. Is anyone in?" He asked with his back on the door looking around to make sure no one was going to sneak up on him. But no response, and with little penance Daud turned and kicked the door in. To his lack of surpise the Security Officer was sitting in the corner on his Communcations device talking to the Orders Gaurd force getting them in. However not letting that stop him Daud went to the Moniters and started rewinding the tapes to see what happened as well as making a copy for him personally. Once it was turned back enough Daud turned on all the camera's and played the recorded footage.
((OoC: Got to wait on Thin for this because IDK how it all went down. So if you would not mind giving me a short play of what happened that was recorded on the camera's Please?))

As Alec walked back to where Eve and the boy were, he was completely pokerfaced. Not a single shed of sorrow could be hinted at by his cheerful twirling of his cheesesteak and humming. It was such a deception...Alec, for a second, almost believed it himself. He reached the office-like room and saw Eve and the boy slumped on the bed. Looks like the boy was still out. Eve was toying with a Blitz. Alec prayed they weren't on "Auto" mode and that she knew what she was doing with those.
Darn, those attacks might suck, but afterwards, I always feel...clarity. Like my demons have been locked in temporarily. Better make the best of this before they break loose.
Since Alec's demons had been "caged" for a while, so was his broken Doubtful Half. He started to feel slightly guilty for being so suspicious about his companions.
I really need to watch myself at the end of every other month, like drunks have to make sure they don't do anything stupid. These peeps saved my life. I really should be more grateful.
Eve was muttering something, so quiet that even Alec's ears couldn't really detect it. She was still looking at the ceiling, apparently not having noticed Alec yet.
I wonder if I should disturb her...she seems deep in thought...
Alec shifted his gaze towards the still unconscious boy. It had been an hour or two since he had fallen there and hadn't budged a nanometer. Alec's internal doctor took over, reciting something from the Spiral Handbook:
Naps should be taken at most once a day for people from 8 to 60, and at most an hour and a half. Excessive napping WILL have the effect of sluggishness, which can cost lives, especially around battlefields. For this reason, allow the completely exhausted at most 2 hours of undisturbed sleep. Rouse them and give them some coffee. Or stuff like that.
The last part was what Alec added. Carefully, so as not to make too much noise, Alec walked back into the hallway for a few feet, reached into his bag of tricks and pulled out his medical kit. He found 4 packets of super-strong coffee. Taking out three canteens, Alec dumped a packet into each one, putting the fourth in the one meant for the boy. He poured water, heated via his powers, and after a minute or two of stirring, they were ready, smelling like delicious toffee candy.
I should be a professional chef, if everything I make smells this good.
He walked back into the office and nudged the boy, holding out the ultra-strong coffee batch while at the same time putting Eve's on a desk.
Delicious coffee: is there a problem it CAN'T solve?

I need some action. NOW.
I play with the guns, then I smell something...somewhat sweet yet bland. I turn around to see Alec trying to rouse Herston awake with coffee. I wave at him, a gun in my hand. I smiled, then mumbled in a silky voice, "Herston. Wake up."
I look up at Alec, then say, "Nice coffee."

Herston bolted awake, suprised by the nudge, and accidently knocked over the four cups of coffee, which flew. Coffee rained down on everyone, and Herston took the split second that the coffee was in the air, to form a shield on all three of them. Grinning, he turned to Alec. "Yeah. Nice coffee."

Alec gasped. "! NOOOOO!" he cried out.
He walked back over to his bag, grumbling angrily, when he had a flash of inspiration. Alec took a deep breath, and froze the coffee. Picking a piece up, he took a bite out of it casually. He took some popsicle sticks out of his bag and stuck coffee pieces on them.
"Coffee stick anyone?"

"What about THAT one?" I ask, pointing at the one on the desk.
I untie the ribbon on one of the Blitzes, then put it on my shirt again. I put them in their holsters, then massaged the small horns on my head. "Guys?"

OOC: Alec's thought process at the bottom is supposed to be rather hard to follow, darting back and forth between Eve and Herston (who he still doesn't know is called Herston)
Alec quickly finished his "Coffeesicles" and ran towards the canteen, inhaling the wonderful scent. Even he didn't know that the beverage unconsciously made him feel...happy? Happier than he usually was (AKA sad or happier)? At any rate, it seemed to keep the demons in longer. Alec noticed that Eve was oddly rubbing her head. A second later, he saw a pair of horns.
...That supports draconian theory...
Alec took a gulp of the coffee, brushing away the paranoid thoughts.
Alec recalled his earlier talk with Eve. Something about games? He probably should ask about that.
"So..." Alec said, taking yet another swig. "What games were you talking about?" He resisted the internal urge to fire off a hundred questions per second. However, though he could block his speech, he couldn't block his train of thought.
How can you teleport? Are you part draconian? What's the point of those Blitzes if they apparently have no ammo (no expert would EVER toy with lethal 5* weapons with ammunition)? How did you freeze The Swarm? What IS your name anyway? How did you block the hot coffee? How...
"She's my mommy. I'm trying to find her. Do you know where she is?" She said solemnly. So that assassin is this girl's mother?!? That's... awkward I guess. And sad, too.
"Er," I started "Last I saw of her was at the recon rangers hideout, or at least their other one. However, that was a couple of hours ago, so I'm not entirely sure where she would be now. She probably will still be in haven though."
((OOC: I'm sorry for ignoring you dark, so I'm going to do something a bit confusing: Posting in the future, after I'm done talking to Thin. If your confused, the following part will take place in the future after I'm done with thin, so no is ignored.))
Inside the chamber it was full of what looked like an urban area as well as a Small little resupply area as well as small Regenerating Health spot. "Round 1 Starts in Ten Seconds." Said the auto-announcements. As that was stated their came sounds of what could only be Trojan's as well as Some Rocket Puppies. Trojans and rockets? Annoying and hard to dodge. Hmm...
The floor was cracked and had blast marks every where. Broken armor as well as un-used bombs littered the floor aside from some area's to hide. "Experts Demolition Training live. Real time enemies: True. Safety Practical: Off. Warning: Chance of Death is possible if current Trainee is not at this level." Wait, what? Well, that's much more dangerous than I was expecting. Better think fast. Both are hard to dodge, so Stagger Storm to increase survive-ability, I Grab said bomb and prep it. A heavy deconstructor should damage the rockets significantly I bring it to the ready. AAAND a Scintillating Sun Shards for the trojan I bring it out for the ready as the wave comes out.
I drop the stagger storm as they all come out and get out of the mist's reach, and all of them get stunned. I drop the decon near the rocket puppies, and jump out of the way of the stunned trojan. The trojan attacks, and the puppies are damaged by said attack AND my bomb, destroying them. Finally, I drop the shard bomb in-between me and the trojan, and stand just out of range. As expected, the trojan stops on top of it as the circle forms, and I roll out of range. The six shard go off, and three manage to hit him. He goes down easily.
((OOC: sorry if that's not what you wanted dark, I couldn't think of any other way of doing it. ))