- LF T3 / FCC Guild
... UV (4-star) Twisted Snarble Barb (3-star) Guns: Blackhawk (4-star) Gigawatt Pulsar (4-star) Shadow Driver (4-star) ...
Forum topic - cdn - 07/23/2011 - 16:54 - 1 comment - 0 attachments
- Repice , Haze bomb High CTR ,Magic Hood Max Poison
... 30k Gigawatt pulsar 11k Daring rigadoon 10.5k Blackhawk 10.5k Haze bomb ctr high SB 2k ce BO 3k ce MI 100 ce ...
Forum topic - kaze892 - 07/17/2011 - 05:43 - 8 comments - 0 attachments
- how much does a sealed sword/antigua go for?
... when you crafted them into silversix, avenger, faust, or blackhawk. Now they don't. Goes for about 20 Jelly Gems Goes for about ...
Forum topic - shtf53 - 07/15/2011 - 03:01 - 5 comments - 0 attachments
- should my next purchase be a sealed sword or antigua?
... do semi-effective damage to only two monster types each, blackhawk to beasts and gremlins, silversix to fiend and undead (semi-effective ...
Forum topic - jellyking12 - 07/14/2011 - 14:45 - 4 comments - 0 attachments
- Debating on an effective combination of weapons.
... was exactly the same as yours about a month ago, I got my blackhawk first then an avenger, realised I was only using my sentenza to hit ...
Forum topic - Sonatra - 07/26/2011 - 14:05 - 5 comments - 0 attachments
- Which has more range? Sentenza or Argent Peacemaker?
... that there is a range decrease when "upgrading" a 4* blackhawk to a 5* sentenza. Is this, or was this ever, true? (The ...
Forum topic - gogaa - 07/10/2011 - 17:33 - 2 comments - 0 attachments
- Hell on Cradle
... two people teaming up in Brawl with a Silversix and a Blackhawk is so maddening it makes you want to scratch your skin off. I ... Do they both shoot the same shots per clip? Does the blackhawk do more damage overall than the silversix? Multi-damage! Both ...
Forum topic - Shango - 12/12/2010 - 04:00 - 8 comments - 0 attachments
- Antigua or Sealed Sword?
... Both or neither. I really enjoy my silversix and blackhawk. They're slightly weak against gun puppies, but because it's split ...
Forum topic - BlazeShaman - 07/02/2011 - 16:46 - 8 comments - 0 attachments
- Something needs to be done about guns :\
... it would be this: silversix / peacemaker = elemental, blackhawk / sentenza = shadow, new gun line from t1 boss = pierce damage. ...
Forum topic - Captain-Teemo - 06/29/2011 - 16:52 - 12 comments - 0 attachments
- Gunslingers Are We Just Backup?
... useful of the two, as it hits undead pretty hard. The Blackhawk/Sentenza only does extra damage to Beasts and Gremlins, neither of ...
Forum topic - thedesert - 08/02/2011 - 12:20 - 24 comments - 0 attachments