((Ah, the references this is allowing me to make. Some more obvious than others. (Capn_Graingear: "How come I feel like I don't fit as well with this group?")))
Wait, was that an audible cry for help? No one else is using audio! And no one else has joined the Machinauts' party, as the current leader was automatically set to be A.I.M., who is of course a turret. Then what does that mean...
"Oh, COME ON!" The sound of explosions can be heard in the distance. "I'm not a dang NPC! CAN YOU FREAKS HEAR ME?! Wait, since when did they- OH, GOOD GRAVY, NINJAS CAN THROW THAT?!"
There! It's coming from a building nestled in the corner of the city, which is relatively empty. No one's avatars are reacting to it, so maybe it's a real person... You're Machinauts! Saving peoples' butts is your job, so you'd better figure out what's going on!
Upon reaching the building and entering through the doorway, you can immediately see a group of players from what appears to be a... crossover roleplay guild... chipping away at a quickly-breaking wall of Valestone. They're led by a Level 12 Ninja with an oddly familiar design. But when you get there, the game realizes that you and the group are both PvP-flagged, and you immediately start hearing their voice chat.
"Hey! Don't steal our Gem Golem kill!" gr8ninja_Yuffie doesn't look very happy to see you.
"Minstrel, start buffing. Magister, Fool, get ready to use the big one." Well, Looks like they're going to fight you. Wait a minute, what? There is a "fool" class?
"You named your toon Sephiroth? Really?"
-Victory Conditions-
=Defeat gr8ninja_Yuffie's party!
-OPTIONAL: Win the battle in 5 turns or less (Reward: True Knight Bracer [** Trinket] recipe)
-gr8ninja_Yuffie's party
gr8ninja_Yuffie [A-6|B-4|R-8] Health 1000/1000 | 200 Nrm | 200 Prc | 0 Ele | 800 Shd | Row 0
{Dual wielding Katanas ("The Cyan Dispatcher"/"The Cyan Tempest"): 6 ACC, 4(+4) CSPD, 120/120/120/120 Nrm | Throw a ThorHammer: 7 ACC, +2 to First Move roll, 250 Nrm/Ele, Fair Chance of Moderate Shock | Sneak Attack: Invisible on first turn, on second turn: 8 ACC, 230/230 instantly | Roleplays Too Much: When a party member goes down, gr8ninja_Yuffie has a 5% chance to spend a turn taking some of the loot}
Capn_Graingear [A-4|B-7|R-5] Health 1200/1200 | "Captain Graingear's Mighty Shield" (400/400 HP, 200 Nm|400Pc|200Shd) | 300 Nrm | 1200 Prc | 100 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{War Shield ("Captain Graingear's Mighty Shield"): 5 ACC, 3 CSPD, 200 Nrm, Fair Chance of Minor Stun | Divine Shield: Regains 100 HP when blocking an attack | Obviously the Tank: 20% chance to take a hit for his team}
Ozz3 [A-5|B-8|R-5] Health 1000/1000 | 200 Nrm | 0 Prc | 800 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 3
{Sonic Boom: 5 ACC, 5 ArmSpd, 233 Nrm (up to 5), Slight Chance of Moderate Stun | Ballad of Haste: Raise the party's REF by 2 for each turn the Ballad plays, wears off 2 REF at a time if not played | Song of Ice and Fire: All attacks by the party have a Slight Chance of Minor Freeze and, if that fails, a Slight Chance of Minor Fire for 3 turns | Ozz3's in a pickle: 50% chance to flee if he's the last guy in his group}
ExperienceMonster [A-5|B-3|R-9] Health 1100/1000 | 200 Nrm | 200 Prc | 800 Ele | 0 Shd | Row 3
{Elf Fire: 7 ACC, 4 ROF, 300 Ele, Slight chance of Minor Fire | Fortification: Gives the entire party 200 temporary hitpoints | Glacial Tsunami: Charge Attack, 6 ACC, 280 Ele (up to 8), Fair Chance of Moderate Freeze | Antipode: Charge required, Can combine his attack with Halthalt's to deal Shadow damage!}
Halthalt [A-7|B-7|R-5] Health 900/900 | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 200 Ele | 0 Shd | Row 1
{Mimic Move: Copies the most recent move used | Roll the Dice: Uses a random attack from any nearby entity! | Antipode: Charge required, Can combine his attack with ExperienceMonster to deal Shadow damage!}
-Pending Effects-
Mute's Periodic Block of Elements: 3/3 [Freeze Vial]
-Ally Rows-
KV-103: 0
DSN-001: 0
Mark: 3
-Cannon Puppy: W
D-07: 0
-A.I.M.: W
SEE-4: 0
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
Sephiroth: 3
Mute: 1
903:99: 1
-Player Allies-
Cannon Puppy (Mark30-Longshot) [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
A.I.M. (Mark30-Longshot) [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Surge Mail Polyp (SEE-4) [A6|B2|R8(+2) (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Weighty Heave: 2 ROF, 190 Nrm, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun, Back Row penalty enabled | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown}
-Player Team-
KV-103 'Fallen King' (Health: 2400/2400) [Midnight-Dj] - 1 Medium Heart (+40 HP)
A-7 | B-8 | R-3 (ASD: 0)
]-* Weighted Anchor [UV: FMB Low] (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 3(+4), CTR: Med, Com 43/225Nm/44/225Nm, Chg 24/25/27/29+580 (30%: +1 Target, 15%: +2 Targets)) {7/15 Shields Damaged} [D7 E2]
]-** Snarl of Cerberus [UV: CTR High] (L2 Nm/Sh Swd, H 4/40, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+4), CTR: High, Com 190/225Nrm/190/225Nrm//220, Chg 615) {25/25 Sword Hits: Blade of the Warrior Poet ready!}
]-** Flourish (L2 Prc Swd, H 3/40, Acc +6, CSPD 7(+4), Com 146/225Nrm/146/225Nrm/176, Chg 240+240+270+580Nrm) {2/15 Attacks Evaded} [D5 E2]
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L9 Nrm Gun, H34/50, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {--/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
[]** Non-Shield (L2 Shd, H 3/40, HP 50/50, Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
{}** Plate Armor (L2 Arm, H 3/40) | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L2 Hlm, H 3/40)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
6090 Crowns - 5 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - - [ KO Meter: |||||||||||......... ]
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
ASI -2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
DSN-001 (Health 1600/1600) [Sonosuke] - 1 Medium Heart (+40 HP)
A-7 | B-5 | R-6
]-** Monster Buster [UV: FMB Low] (L2 Nrm Gun, H 0/40, Acc +7, ROF 7, Clip 4 x 115, Chg 577 (60%: Overkill picks new)) {3/20 Hits with 2+ bullets}
]-** Meteotillery (L2 Nrm Bmb, H 0/40, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5, QAt 250 (up to 4), Chg 344 (up to 11), no Back Row penalty) {17/25 Second+ Enemy Hits} [D2 E2 S2]
]-** Iron Knuckles (L2 Nrm Swd, H 0/40, Acc +7, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Com 130/140/250, Chg 486 (Good chance of Mod Stun), can still Block while Charging) {2/15 full combos}
]-** Energy Saber (L2 Nrm Swd, H 0/40, Acc +6, CSPD 6, Com 155/165/185/195, Chg 671, On Charge: Copies status variant, saber has Fair Chance of Mod (Status) on attacks for 3 turns)
[]** Defender (L2 Shd, H 0/40, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Demo Suit (L2 Arm, H0/40) | ** Desperado Hat (L1 Arm, H19/20)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
2888 Crowns - 5 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 150|Ele 150|Shd 0
Fire 1|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI 0 (Gun +1)
CTR Weapon+0 (Bomb +1)
FMB 0 (+1 w/ Super Arm Arm)
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]-
Mark30-Longshot (Health: 2140/2400) [Colray]
A-10 | B-5 | R-3 (ASD -2)
]-** Wallbreaker [UV: Charge Med] (L2 Nrm Gun, H0/40, Acc +8, ROF 2, CTR: Med, Clip 1 x 341, Chg 549 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {5/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage}
]-** Autogun (L2 Nrm Gun, H0/40, Acc +4, ROF 2, Clip 2 x (6x85), Chg 15x91, Blocking -2 while in use) {0/30 Overkill Bullets}
]-** Cannon Puppy (L2 Nrm Bmb, H 0/40, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (230 HP), Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF) {2/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Cutter [ASI: Medium] (L2 Nrm Swd, H 0/40, Acc +7, CSPD 9, Com: 104(26)/112(28)/120(30)/128(32)/136(34) (Blur Strike pierces defense), Chg 178/190/202/214/226) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
[]** Support Shield [Shadow DEF: Low] (L2 Shd, H 0/40, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, Shd 50, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Plate Armor (L2 Arm, H 0/40) | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L1 Hlm, H 19/20)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
2869 Crowns - 5 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
ASI -2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
'Cobalt' [Hexlash]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
LV-909 'Ignem' [Lady-Of-War]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
D-07 'Ditto' (Health: 1327/1600) [Spirals-Ore]
A-5 | B-1 | R-12
]-** Cannon Puppy “A.I.M.” [UV: Damage Low] (L2 Nrm Bmb, H 0/40, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (190 HP), Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF) {3/40 Turns Active} (HP 190/190)
]-** Ray Shamshir “Slash" [ASI Very High] (L2 Ele Swd, H0/40, Acc +7, CSPD 6(+4), Cmb: 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/190, Chg: 506 & 580Nrm (Charge has no back row penalty)) {3/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L2 Shd Swd, H0/40, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+4), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken}
]-** Featherbow “Snipe” (L2 Prc Gun, H0/40, Acc +8, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage}
[]** Non-Shield (L2 Shd, H0/40, HP 50/50, Nrm 40|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
{}** Wolver Coat (L2 Arm, H0/40) | ** Wolver Cap (L1 Hlm, H19/20)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
11495 Crowns - 5 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - - [ KO Meter: ||||||||||||||...... ]
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 0|Freeze 1|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Jump Attack - Defend - Item]-
SEE-4 (Health: 2000/2000) [Eternity-Terminal] - 1 Medium Heart (+40 HP)
A-9 | B-5 | R-4
]-** Catalyzer (L3 Nrm Gun, H 10/60, Acc +7, ROF 5, Clip 3 x 130, CataCharge: 310 Nrm (up to 2), +50% Instacharge, +25% Doublecharge) {0/15 Catalyzer Charges}
]-** Surge Mail Polyp (L3 Nrm Bmb, H10/60, Charge deploys Surge Mail Polyp (130+5% Mach (230) HP, A6|B2|R6 Turret, Weighty Heave: 190Nrm, 2 ROF, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown) {1/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Doom Watch (L3 Shd Gun, H 10/60, Acc +6, ArmSpd 2, QAt: 234 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor Doom), Chg: 320 (up to 8, Fair Chance of Minor Doom)) {0/5 dodged Doomed enemies}
]-* Super Arm Arm (L9 Nrm Gun, H28/95, Acc +7(+2), ROF 7(+2), Clip 4 x 25, Chg 65 (60%: Overkill picks new)) {13/20 Hits with 2+ bullets} [5D 2E 2S]
[]** Defender (L3 Shd, H10/60, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit [Doom Resist: Max] (L3 Arm, H10/60) | ** Demo Helm (L3 Hlm, H10/60)
<>* Bucket Dimension (Use “Capture” to catch projectiles to expel back at the enemy at a later date)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune (Hearty Marks 1 Enemy, increasing their acc by +1 but adding 2nd heart drop chance, for 3 turns)
1859 Crowns - 5 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 250|Shd 100
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 6
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]-
K1XK1N9 "Enterthekicks" [Whyna]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
"Sephiroth" (Health: 1727/2200) [Saucce]
A-9 | B-2 | R-7
]-** Mire Crossbow [UV: Damage Med] (L2 Shd Gun, H8/40, Acc +7, ROF 9(+1), x.5 initial Reload, Clip: 3 x 129, Chg 3 x 166, Good chance of Minor Poison, On Charge: Slight chance of Minor Sleep) {6/10 Full Clip Hits}
]-** Spat-O-War (L2 Nrm Swd, H8/40, Acc +7, CSPD +6, Com 121/126/136/141, Chg 481 (15 + Acc (24)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {16/20 Status Effects}
]- --
]- --
[]** Defender (L2 Shd, H8/40, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit (L2 Arm, H8/40)| ** Cobalt Helm (L2 Hlm, H7/40)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
1535 Crowns - 5 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180 [5% Heart Efficiency | 10% Revive Efficiency]
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
DMG Weapon+0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
PAD-103 "Mute" (Health: 1414/1600) [Magmaul-Ace]
A-8 | B-5 | R-5
]-** Magic Orb (L2 Ele Bomb, H8/40, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5, QAt 218 (up to 5, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 256 (up to 13, Good Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {1/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn}
]-** Pulsar [Damage Low] (L2 Nrm Gun, H8/40, Acc +7, ROF 5, Clip: 3x127 (up to 3), Chg: 255 (up to 5)) {1/15 triple-hit shots}
]- --
]- --
[]** Owlite Shield (L2 Shd, H8/40, HP 450/450 Nrm 35|Prc 20|Ele 0|Shd 0) [3D]
{}** Demo Suit (L2 Arm, H8/40) | ** Demo Helm [Pierce Med] (L2 Hlm, H7/40)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Periodic Block of Elements (Makes 1 small vial every 3 turns usable by the owner of the Block, can hold up to 1 vial)
1503 Crowns - 5 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 300|Shd 0
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 2|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
903:99ASSASSIN (Health: 1240/1600) [Herozenzero]
A-7 | B-4 | R-7
]-** Featherbow (L2 Prc Gun, H8/40, Acc +8, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {629/5000 Overkill Damage}
]-** Monster Buster (L2 Nrm Gun, H8/40, Acc +7, ROF 7, Clip 4x115, Chg 577 (60% chance to carry Overkill)) {0/20 Hits with 2+ Bullets}
]- --
[]** Support Shield (L2 Shd, H8/40, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L2 Armor, H8/40)| ** Desperado Hat (L2 Hlm, H7/40)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
1603 Crowns - 5 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 2|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
M4g1k [Snakey-One]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
Total Crowns Earned: 11077
-Prologue: 636
-Chapter 1: 10441
-Chapter 2: 1193 (+5 WP)
1 Super Fire Vial [**]
1 Curse Vial [0*]
2 Doom Vial [0*]
1 Freeze Vial [0*]
1 Health Capsule (+60 HP) [0*]
4 Mecha Turret Kits [0*]
2 Poison Vial [0*]
2 Reconaissignals [0*]
1 Remedy Capsule [0*]
5 Shock Vials [0*]
1 Stun Vial [0*]
6 * Beast Scales
14 * Ripped-Up Wanted Posters
12 * Emptied Clips
38 * Gel Drops
15 * Brimstone
5 * Scrap Metal
23 * Grave Soil
12 * Spark Plugs
11 * Cheap Gunpowder
10 * Sharp Fangs
13 * Rock Chips
2 ** Owlite Feather
6 ** Forbidden Fruit
4 ** Power Cells
-Key Items-
Old Cipher (An old drive containing some kind of complicated deciphering program; the letters "H.E.Z." are embossed on the drive. It doesn't seem to be compatible with anything you've got on you.)
HEZ Audio Log I (An old Gremlin-made Audio Log found in the Viskouza base in the Torchbellow Ruins. Click the link to see what it said.)
-Unused Gear-
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L9 Nrm Gun, H11/50, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {--/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
]-Cloudy Orb (L9 Nrm Bomb, H31/50, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po), Chg 32 (up to 10, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [6D 2S]
]-Static Flash (L10 Nrm Bmb, H MAX, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 16 (up to 2), Chg 28 (up to 7, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {0/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
]-* Sharpened Lumberdirk (L5 Pc/El Swd, H53/55, Acc +6 (+1), CSPD 8(+1), CTR: Low, Com 15/15/15/23, Chg 32 (8%: Backstab x5 damage) {4/20 Supereffective Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]-* Bog Repeater (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Kat Claw (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Blast Charge (L5 Nrm Bomb, H52/55, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 27 (up to 5), Chg 50 (up to 11)) {3/15 Charge Attacks} [5D]
]-* Shiny Shards (L10 Pc/El Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 8(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 4x16 shraps, Chg 8x28 shraps, 17% all shards to main target, 64% each shard hits new foe) {0/10 3+ Shraps hit target} [6D 2E 2S]
]-* Lil' Gelato (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+ 80 Heat) (111) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {2/40 Turns Active} [D5 H5] (HP 95/95)
]-* Heavy Hatchet "Best Bud" [UV: v. Gremlin Med] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 2(+2), CTR: Low, Com 44/30/45/30 (15%: +1 target) [52/36/53/36 to Gremlins], Chg 92 (30%: +1 target) [108 to Gremlins]) {0/10 Extra Sword Targets} [D8 E2]
]-* Six-Shooter "2S" (L8 Nrm Gun, H35/85, Acc +6(+1), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 25, Chg 6 x 23 + 43) {4/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E1]
]-Plywood Lumberdirk (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 8(+2), CTR: Med, Com 16/16/16/22, Chg 32 (7%: Backstab x5 damage) {8/20 Supereffective Hits} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Apprentice Orb (L10 Ele Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 27 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 42 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Lil' Gelato [UV: Damage Low] (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+126 Heat) (155) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x28 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {11/40 Turns Active} [H9 D1]
[]Proto Non-Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 12/12, Nrm 5|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]Plank (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 35/35, Nrm 22|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D1]
[]Proto Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 25/25, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
[]Proto Shield (L8 Shd, H11/45, HP 32/32, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, +0.5 All Resistances) [D1 H6 R1]
[]Proto Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 21/27, Nrm 30|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
{}Ex-Motocross Plate Mail (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn + 1, Slp - 1, ASD -1) [D1]
{}Rusty Brigandine (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Kevlar Knock-Off (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
{}Cruddy Cuirass (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Asbestos Armor (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Fir -1)
{}Badly Battered Brigandine (L10 Arm, HMax) [D1]
{}Base Mail (L1 Arm, H0/15)
/\Iron Plate Bucket (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn +1, Slp - 1 ASD -1) [D1]
/\Old Mecha-Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25) [D1]
/\Compute-O-Vision (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Shk - 1)
/\* Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
/\Man With A Moon (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D1]
/\* Warm Hat (L8 Arm, H5/85) [6D 2R]
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Knight Bracer (Can take incoming hits for allies below 10% HP, cannot evade hits taken for allies)
10 Sparks of Life
-Known Recipes-
* {Heavy Hatchet, Kat Claw, Metal Fists, SmallCalibur, Tempered Dueling Sword, Weighted Anchor, Weighted Frying Pan, Apprentistick, Heightened Plasmator, Overclocked Light Scope, Pummel Gun, Six-Shooter, Super Arm Arm, Apprentice Orb, Asteroid Bomb Mk II, Lil' Gelato, Shiny Shards, Bolted Non-Shield, Bone Shield, Tough Plank, Base Mail, Hefty Plate Armor, Vitasuit, Base Helm, Hefty Plate Helm, Vitacap, Warm Hat, Bomber Gauntlets, Bucket Dimension, Default Coil, Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution, Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Periodic Block of Elements, Risk Vs. Reload, Rocket Boots, Knight Bracer}
"Perhaps this is a copy. I have heard of virtual realities based on this and other planets in real worlds.