"And do we not do the same?" questions 909, "We have been at war for so long, and there is more then way way to save our kind. I have found no evidence we even tried at peace, so the question is, did we start this war, or was it the other species?"
Machinauts: Far Side of Cradle - A stat-based RP
(Oh... tend to be better at small details like that)
(I posted in response to fallen, then I saw your post.)
"I can understand the slime's case.The more data I collect on them, the closer I get to the conclusion that they do not posses true inteligence.
On the Isorian's defense, we have acquired little to no information about their biology,sociology and ideology to understand the true extent of their goals.Other than the Geo knight, of course, we have not even met one thus far.The same goes for the "fiends".
This judgment you make without deep research, Fallen...
..is stupid.
We are machines, Fallen, complex machines.We can proccess info with no bias whatsoever, a trait no organic mind has acquired.My former missions comproved that trohougly.To come to a general conclusion, maximum details are needed, and we were built to overcome that cost.Dont let a chivalrous personality affect your judgement."
((Later parts of the story may have a role for diplomacy. Just a heads up, you haven't messed anything up yet, but keep it in mind.))
"Whoa, man, take a few steps back!" Pholy's eyes narrow at KV-103. "SO-CALLED?! Screw that! Those Tinkinzar gremlins shot at us when we CRASHLANDED. CRASH. LANDED. What do you call that BUT Self-defense?!" Pholy shakes his head. "I'm not standin' up for the guys that shoot every Gremlin they see. They're morons. But-"
"-saying EVERY ISORAN IS LIKE THAT is ASKIN' for a broken face-"
"Pholy!" D-459A7 snaps. "It's clear KV-103 is alone in thinking he's right."
"-huh." Pholy shrugs. "Man... I thought we were bros in arms, King."
"...Guys?" Nalki says over the intercom. "There is currently a force of space pirates above us and there may be hostile Devilites below us. Can we not fight each other?"
"After fighting alongside Pholy to protect the Refuge, KV-103, you still claim the Isorans should be controlled? That kind of petty hatred was what brought Obsidithax to the Torchbellow city, and then what brought him low in the Dragonspire Revolution, and you would do well to turn away from it. I won't say anything else on this matter unless you start it up again." Mendilex lets out a long sigh.
"Right. Investigating and thwarting what our detectors picked up will inevitably allow you to advance the sciences in the process, SEE-4. As for your question, 903, we didn't start anything. The Tinkinzan Clans- mainly some of the Ghostmane and Darkfang, from what I've heard- attacked the Isorans first, which got them involved in a war, but the Torchbellow currently stand as a neutral party. Pholy is here helping us because both sides consider the Jellafia and Viskouza a threat, and because the local Geo Knights, their science guys, needed protection on their way here. So, find anything?"
"Oh yeah, they picked up an audio player thing." By now, the Elevator is halfway up to the Refuge. "It's old. You guys know anyone named Charbroil?"
"NAMED Charbroil? Well, no. If you could play the audio... thing... then I'd love to hear it."
"I forgot I dont have a functioning speaker, so me recording the audio log was useless.Would someone turn on the log entry?"
"It matters not who started the war first, 903," said KV-103, "What matters now is that a war looms over the horizon, and we will be the only thing that stands between the torchbellow and its destruction. It is do or die."
"Save the Moralizing for later Mute..." said KV-103, "We will accomplish our duty as machinauts first, research and diplomacy can wait."
(Here is a piece of concept art for KV-103, enjoy.)
--Commercial time--
Fallen King: "I have no idea what PAD-103 just said, what did he meant by that 'we can process with no bias'? Isn't that what have I been doing in the past few weeks scouring the surface of this mechanical planet?"
Gerallax: "I think Mute mistaken you for something you aren't. That applies to your brother unit one as well..."
Fallen King: "Please go on, father."
Gerallax: "I never designed you do be just an AI whose only function is to carry out its duty, unlike other machinauts, you have a neuron nano-machine AI core, each neuron nano machine is a powerful AI on its own and you have 3 millions of them stored inside you..."
Fallen King: "By the machine god, are you telling me that I have 3 million minds inside of me?"
Gerallax: "You are right in a way... while I was designing you and unit one... we segregated the neuron nano machines into three separate factions, Alpha, Beta and Omega personality nano machines. Alpha type carries aggressive emotions like passion, anger and resolve while Beta type carries emotions like melancholy, sadness and regrets."
Fallen King: "What about type Omega personality nano machine?'
Gerallax: "Type Omega is a neutral personality neuron, in another word, by mixing the three types of nano machines, I can determine the personality of a machinaut. Alpha type are more commonly present in a combat machinaut, while Beta type are more common among 'maidnauts' and other non combat machinaut, while Omega type are for the scientists."
Fallen King: "Let me guess, I have a lot of Alpha type neuron nano-machines inside my AI don't I?"
Gerallax: "Now you are thinking with your head. Good work."
"I respect you combat prowess, Spiral Knight Pholy," said KV-103 as it turned to Pholy, "You are a brave and honorable fighter, but I cannot allow the rest of your kind simply barge into our world and freely expand at your own leisure. I don't know who started the war first, Tinkinzar or your leaders, I only wish that the torch bellow clan can stay out of this war. Once we reclaimed our city, I will come and join you, that is, if the Spiral Order is willing to co-operate."
Performing scans on Fallen's intra-structure.Suspecting rationality malfunctions.
Analisis inconclusive.Trying again.
Fallen's intrastructure too complex for quick-scannings.Begining deeper analizis.
Putting scanning on second plane of priority.
"Just play the audio log for the elder, Fallen."
*plays the audio log*
(If PAD-103 scans again, then it will see a large metal sac inside KV-103's head, this sac is connected to a cord that runs from KV-103's iron clad neck all the way down to its buttock. Like a Spinal cord in a human, this cord seems to serve the same function as a central nervous system, delivering AI commands quickly to all of KV-103's limbs allowing it to become effective in combat. Although the scan cannot detect what is inside the metal sac, PAD-103 can detect a massive surge of datas and communications inside, most of these data seem to be contradicting each other and are deleted in a random pattern. Occasionally, though, some Neuron nano machines could be seen leaving the metal sac and become temporary repair bots for KV-103's internal system, repairing damage that might not be seen from the out side.)
((I'd like to say: Holy shit, The treasure vault would be empty without this!
Like, really- It feels like this is the only thing being updated! Geebus!
On the other hand, this forum has beat the previous high score of 1157 replies.
Though, for me- It feels more like A big gap in the treasure vault-
Because I have had no intention of joining, so the treasure vault has been... Well- Like a deflated balloon.))
Like, really- It feels like this is the only thing being updated! Geebus!
That makes me sad only because I've been working so hard to bring my project to the table. Hands a sad face.
But, to keep on topic, I do find this project quite inspiring. I've been trying--from time to time--to dissasemble things and figure out the intentions behind various mechanics, why I like what I like, why I don't like what I don't like, etc. Just trying to be a bit of a designer, you see. And well, RPGs of this style are...fun. :P
Kudos to you, Doc!
"Can you stop with the pointless bantering?" Faidra closed the holo-list.
"I told you it was a bad idea to turn off that program." Maydra returned control to Faidra.
"What program are you referring to, AI unit 'maidra'?"
((Yeah, you could say I'm enjoying this.Also, Autofire, keep up the good work on that game of yours!))
"It's nothing, really." Maydra replied to PAD-103. "It's just for stability purposes, keep the chassis from overheating too often."
Private Reply:
"Would you mind uploading that program to me?I might come to ignore Fallen's responses if my suspicions about the conditions of his AI are confirmed."
(OKay, what is this crap? Why does it that when I want to have some character development I get belittled All of you jumping into the conclusion that the Fallen King wants to kill all Spiral Knights even though that was never what he meant. KV-103 stated that Spiral Knights should not have free reign over clockwork just because they are less evil than pirates and slimes, rules and regulation must be put in place to keep them in check. The Fallen King is well aware that Torch bellow is besieged by at least five warring factions and his main concern is the survival of the clan and the machinauts, all other goals are secondary. Why can't any you see that? I am most disappointed with Mendilex's respond, why is it that a wise old man would tell the Fallen King about something that he missed while he was put into stasis? And how does petty hatred have anything to do with everything we done so far? The slimes are hardly capable of emotion and the pirates pretty much attacked us on sight, in all honesty KV-103 responded reasonably to the situation.
I am the only person here next to doc who is putting out some form of content on this forum, my fanon and fan art. SO WHY IS IT THAT DSN-001 want to give Fallen King such a hard time why he is trying to have some character developement? All he wanted to do is give the rest of you some form of tactical advice while giving the story some sense progression without doctorspacebar pushing us to the next fight. KV-103 was meant to be unique and he was in all honesty created to be an 'irrational' machine. Its AI was meant to mimic an organic mind, why can't any of you see that?)
((Ah, yes. I'd start a traditional RP here, but... well, Machinauts is already eating up a lot of time.
Also, Gerallax's explanation is pretty cool. I kinda like it. Know what? That whole thing with the Alpha and Beta and Omega nanomachines is official canon. Doc approved.
Well, okay, that'll work.))
"Don't you just love the camaraderie?" D-459A7 says. "I'll pass, thanks."
The audio clip plays again, finishing as the elevator reaches the Refuge. Pholy, D-459A7, and even IS-139P "Aliss" listen intently.
As soon as the clip ends, Aliss pipes up, "Oooh, I know! Charbroil must have been the big gun puppy! I bet it's a fire gun puppy."
"Yes, that's what I was thinking." Mendilex is standing at the elevator entrance. "Judging by the barking, and by the way the voice talked to 'Charbroil', I'm guessing that Charbroil is some advanced Gun Puppy model- maybe even a Gunhound! I remember the footage of the first two Gunhounds..."
Nalki nods. "Ohh, yeah. Those really big twin bots that the Ironclaw clan came out with! It was top secret... for about two weeks, and then the Darkfangs demanded the Ironclaws share the plans, and then the Ghostmanes stole the modified plans from the Darkfangs, and sold the plans to the Stonegrips, who shared 'em with the Wildbarks and the Graingears, and pretty soon every clan is working on Gunhounds. I'm even getting some parts together for one!" Nalki's eyes widen. "Ooh, and that bark was real deep! Yeah, gotta be a Gunhound. You should find that guy! I need some tips on designing one!"
"Heh, a Gunhound? That's quite a project..."
Nalki grins. "Yep! I asked Nautilus if he had any spare parts. He didn't, 'cause there's still a lot of Machinauts to fix, but maybe we can pick some up now! With the Slime Gangs out of here, we can probably just run to Depth 4 and pick some up at the Terminal."
"Anyway..." Mendilex shrugs. "It sounds like you'll be following his trail, anyway. The Devilites on Depths Five through Seven are forcing their sectors into orbit with ours. I don't know how they're managing to collect the necessary Dark Matter and Crimsonite quantities, but they're hostile to everyone, Pholy tells me the Geo Knights he accompanied are getting some trouble from them, Agent Silk and Agent Hubert were attacked en route to the city by these Devilites, and the whole thing is generally as shifty as can be. And from what I hear, they brought along a wide variety of stuff to defend the area..."
((And now, for sinister foreshadowing combined with a sneaky reference to a crappy game!))
Meanwhile, on Depth 7...
"Wait. You mean, no malware, and no subliminal messages... AND no DoomCon?" Gar'mord, the Chief Detestable Officer of Over The Road Disinformation Technology, snaps at a Devil-IT. "Well, what's the point, then?!"
"Y-you misunderstand, master!" The Devil-IT points to a large series of routers. "The users are not meant to be harmed, not immediately. Rather, they're the ones powering the rest of our operations. You remember Room 82, of course."
Gar'imord nods, and sips some vile brew from a Mug of Misery. "I'm starting to see where you're coming from. Do go on..."
((Ninja'd. And didn't notice. Hold on one second, I'm going to edit this.
EDIT: Right.
So, first off, yesterday I was rather tired, which might explain some anomalies in the response.
Pholy's response was based on KV-103 lumping Isorans into the category of "Xenos"- which is what seemed to happen- and saying that "Xenos" needed to be exterminated or controlled (which is a poor choice of words when referring to sentient life). He didn't think beyond this. Mendilex's response was also based on this, and on assumptions that KV-103 had received some information about Obsidithax (and, y'know, how he bombed the place to heck) since stasis (didn't KV-103 mention him earlier? Like, sometime near the beginning? Or maybe not, I might be mistaken). You may have meant regulations, but it unfortunately came out sounding like genocide.
I cannot speak for the other Machinauts' responses.))
((So 001 is the one giving King a hard time? You honestly don't think there's a reason he's doing such?
... Fine.
Normally I explain myself whenever I get accused of something, which especially pisses me off if said accusations are false assumptions (NKoRP players and others who know me can vouch). But this time, I think I'll make an exception.
Do you want me to clear out my posts and bullsh*t the program's true purpose too?))
((Midnight, I AM aware that KV-103 is supposed to mimick a personality(that whole deal with Alpha and Beta nano-machines confirmed my suspicions, and you mentioned that a few times by now), that's why Im making my character "give him a hard time".Not sure you tought about this, but KV-103 is a MACHINE, even if only by structure, and everyone else is also a machine, and machines were built to act rationaly and coldly.If you show up with a giant bulky figure with monotone speech acting all tough and brave (AKA irrationaly), the others ARE gonna question its capability to think like a machine.That's why I want that program from Maydra, if I find out that Fallen was hard-wired by Gerallax to be aggressive,there's no point in trying to change his mind.And dont use the "I do more than u so shut up" argument, please.Also, this is a RP, after all.Not all of our characters have to be BFFs, if that was the case it would be just boring to read ater a while.But dont take this personaly.))
"So were going to have to fight these devilites too?
Anyway,I'm quite interested in these Gunhounds Nalki's talking about, someone please tell them I wish to know more about them once we have time to spare.
Also, the Geo Knight mentioned Tier 2 equipment being available.I sure hope we can upgrade our gear soon.My records with fiend-type enemies define them as...troublesome."
(Well, so much for KV-103's speech about living in a world free of petty hatred and internal conflicts. Just when I thought I get to be a megaman character or a transformer without the transforming part. It becomes clear that some people here thinks that we were simply meant to play mindless robots. @Sono why bull crap about DSN-001's design, All KV-103 wanted to know is why does it default during battle and why did DSN-001 called it a 'make-shift leader' when the Fallen King had no intention being the boss of everything.)
"Gun hounds?" said KV-103, "Sounds like something the Ultranaut legion used during the great purge as a part of the KV-85 multi-chaingun cavalries... those were the days... or was it gun wolves?"
Yo, can I talk to Doctor about something? If the other know about the story line I was trying to go down, it wouldn't be surprising.
((Okay, first of- Actually, no. No. I'll let you believe what you want and I'll stay over here in my Retard corner, talking to myself.))
((Average robots ARE meant to be calculative, your unit isn't average.Actualy you made that the whole deal about King's design.Mute isnt giving Fallen a hard time for HAVING a personality, its just the personality he has annoys Mute, and me, to an extent.I dont think we should all be mindless robots, dangit.
EDIT:Midnight, sorry, I kind of dragged on hollow points of your last reply and left this stupid wall of text in here.I suggest you skip to my next post,it puts most of what I wanted to say in shape.
Actualy, even if this was in fact prejudice for having you try a personality, I see that as a plot element, not an offense.Be reminded that you had gremlims fearing KV-103 unit one in the begining of Steel Butterfly, this would have been an reflection of their fear.Would have.
Also, a chivalrous, aggressive and (as his interactions with Agent Silk, the question about the Order and just about every other non-gremlim species have induced me to think)xenophobic isnt appreciated by most people, robots, furry and human alike.
If you want a original character, I implore you, do that.But dont expect PAD-103 to like that character if he act's like an organic, AKA, irrationaly.
This isnt personal, this is part of a role-playing game.Arguing about the other's actions ingame.More than just participating in the story, I want to make it interesting for any espectators, and conflicts of ideals are interesting.So please make KV-103 argue with PAD-103, not us.
In fact,you just made us both lose a lot of plot-element , that could have been used in the story, so we could get in an argument.Let's just wait for Doctor to update the adventure and stop losing more time.))
((Well, this was useful for me to assess the others and how they respond, don't know about you guys who have been here a while, also can you give us a turn order with a few extra turns ahead, assuming there isn't any reflex changing thing in the battle field? Would make my life so much easier when trying to figure out if I go twice on x turn, or if the enemy gets to))
Sorry, I dragged too much to hollow points and forgot to say the important thing:
Next time you want to object something the character did, talk using your character.Fallen could have picked Maidra's and Mute's private messages and object, saying that they were discriminating him for having a personality of his own, which the others hadnt developed much.This could have added spice into the story, by tackling into some topic of a "world" were robots have ethics of their own.Instead we wasted it into a bunch of text.
I'l also apologyze for that last message to Maidra, in case it startled you.Sorry.
Now lets move on with the plot?
((Just a heads up, the only suggestion I remembered was the Teeth of Cerberus. If you could link to (or provide the page numbers of) any weapon suggestions you may have, that would be wonderful.
Most of the gear should be ready by tonight!))
(I got some on page 21 post #1002 those weapons are the baws. Actually, here are some more.)
Class: a powerful high health normal shield with -2 ASD
Used by KV-95 'Liberator', the machinaut prototype made before the conception of KV-103. The Epitaph is a shoulder mounted combat shield, with 400mm thick adamantium composite plating, Epitaph was designed to shrug off even the most devastating ranged attack. Rumor has it that this shield was made from the wreckage of a renegade machinaut war band that sided with the wildbark during the great purge. This war band was obliterated from the face of cradle by an annihilator class nuclear missile. A creed was etched on the inside of the shield that says 'Machine god's currency is life, spend it well.'
Unrelenting truth
Class: charge up only auto gun with high chance of AoE
This MK. VIII 'Star rage' class assault canon was recovered from the ruins of the supreme arsenal after it was destroyed during the steel butterfly insurrection. This canon had since been repaired and preserved at the functional state by the torchbellow. Some seals were attached to the canon's rotator engine in order to ward off the wickedness that tainted this sacred weapon. One of the seals reads 'In the hateful memory of the Fallen Monarch.' A grim reminder of the dark deeds of this canon's previous owner.
Slug Launcher: Normal damage 2* iteration of Pummel Gun
Autogun: (Self-explanatory) I was thinking maybe a multi-target multi-hitting normal gun that lowers speed. Similar to in-game version.
Li'l Bonker: Normal damage stun version of Li'l gelato
(All names are liable to be changed.)
((I'm still putting together the bombs. Expecting to be done around 2:00 at least.))
((I just can't finish the Armor and Helms tonight. It's too late. I'll get tired and botch it.
With that said, here is the list of weapons and shields. Feel free to look through them.
It will cost 1000 Crowns to purchase the 2* Orbs of Alchemy; some will be given for free to those who joined later and cannot afford to pay for all those Orbs. Recipes will cost 200 Crowns.
I'll finish up the armor and helms and post tomorrow.))
(( seems like when i was away, an argument pops out... O_O ))
"Oh... so charboil is a machine... !" D-07 spotts a cannon puppy in the shop.
"The 2 stars shipment has come i see, i think i will upgrade my gear." It suddenly opens a panel in its right arm.
Some part of its motor system can be seen.. and a battery with 'D-16' serial carved into it. The machinaut proceeds by carefully ejecting the battery.
As it did that, its left arm got disconected with the bot A.I, making the hand in a 'dead' condition.
"Power source off, now to fix the motor..." 'Ditto' mumbles as it tinker around its machinery.
"And.. done, this should do for a while." It plugs the battery back.
(( Doc is does the alchemy orb cost 1000 each, or 1000 in 3 ? Also, whats the price for the recipe ? ))
((Pretty sure it's 1000 for 3 Orbs.
I should buy the things I need before I forget.
Even though the conversations between the DSN siblings seem like legitimate communication, they're nothing more than messages on Faidra's internal HUD.))
>Hey, Faidra, are you sure you wanna go through with this?
>Doctor Sertak designed them exclusively for us to use.
*I know, Maydra. That's why I don't intend on allowing it to be publicly available. Yet. Father will understand it's for the best.*
>He's not who I'm worried about.
[Shopping Cart:
*to be updated*]
((I meant to say this sooner: I think that...never mind.
Also, 2* stuff! This'll be awesome!))
"Hmm...Charboil doesn't sound too intriguing. There's always new models of Gun Puppies being schemed. Mind if I ask what makes this model better than the other ones?"
Do any of the armors, or more importantly, shields, increase reflexes? I can't take hits, so I need to dodge as many attacks as I can.
((The Armor and Helms are added to the original link! I'll have a full post up tonight.
Many of the weapons seemed more like ideas for weaponry branches than the two-star gear we're throwing together now. (The Rot Pistol, for example, seems more like a Tier 3 Blaster idea, much like the Dread Venom Striker.
EDIT: No, not yet. But the new additions to the battle system will provide a means of increasing your Blocking, and in the end, the ability to TAKE hits is determined by what armor you're wearing and what shield you're holding.
Considering a specialized gunning shield and a specialized bombing shield to go along with the Non-Shield.))
Oh, almost forgot. How feasible is taming a wolver to ride into battle? If it's not possible, don't worry yourself. I know it will likely never happen.
"Finally, war gears have arrived..." KV-103 opened up the shop console.
$1200 -> Plate helm
$1200 -> Plate mail
$1200 -> non-shield
$1200 -> Snarl of Cerberus
$1200 -> Flourish
(Slap that variant ticket onto my non-shield and see if I can get a cool UV, and also, does the CTR from the small calibur carry over to the snarl of Cerberus?)
D-07 grabs an out of nowhere shopping cart
"Time to shop!"
<[ D-07 Shopping Cart ]>
- 21 orb of alchemy : 7000 Cr
- Non-sheild recipe : 200 Cr
- Cannon puppy recipe 200 Cr
- Katscratch : 200 Cr
- Ray shamshir recipe : 200 Cr
- Featherbow : 200 Cr
- Wolver mask : 200 Cr
- Wolver suit : 200 Cr
Total : 8400 Cr
<[ End Of Shopping ]>
'Ditto' quickly crafted all. the recipe he bought...
(( Nicknames :
Nickname rayshamshir to 'Slash' and apply the UV ticket to it
Nickname katscratch to 'Scratch'
Nickname Cannon pup to 'A.I.M'
Nickname featherbow to 'Snipe' ))
" I guess thats all for tier 2..."
((Taming a wolver? Maybe not. But it's an entertaining idea and I might come out with something similar.
Considering a buff to Fire damage, looking at the power these weapons are packing, it needs to catch up. And yes, it's 1000 for 3 orbs.))
"Now, Gunhounds, they're a new thing. Nalki knows more about 'em than I do." Mendilex nods to his granddaughter.
"Right. So, Gunhounds. Big Gun Puppies, as we said. We- us, Gremlins- tried big Gun Puppies for a while. A lot of people liked the idea, but they just weren't practical next to other options." Nalki shakes her head. "They were just too heavy to turn! Buuut, the Ironclaw Clan came up with a way to get a large Gun Puppy to move on rails while dramatically boosting its power. And once the plans proliferated- they were top secret, but when the Ghostmane Shadow Weavers are involved, nothing is top secret for long- other Schemers and Engineers added their own improvements, and pretty soon Gunhounds are the new thing!"
D-459A7 nods. "Interesting. So dictatorship hasn't entirely crushed innovation."
"Nope, not entirely!" Then Nalki remembers something. "Oh, Pholy, didn't your side end up fighting those prototypes?"
"Proto... you mean, some Gunhounds? Nah... oh, wait, you mean those two gigantor-puppies that Gamma Squad had to get to shoot at each other?"
Nalki nods. "Preeecisely. Y'know, that wasn't a very good idea. Pointing the prototypes at each other? Really?"
"OH, SNAP, THIS DUDE HAS A PET ROARMULUS TWIN. Man, I hope he's on your side! If THAT'S a Gunhound... DANG, you guys are gonna WRECK THOSE PIRATE FOOLS! OHH, YEAH!"
"Oh, yes, please do! It would be a boon to my trade." This voice comes from Boost, who's just now walking by with a stock of recipes.
Mendilex nods in Boost's direction as he approaches. "Boost! Ha, good to see you. How's business?"
"Far better." Boost shrugs off his pack. "With those Slime Gangs gone, people are already starting to spend more! Maybe it's celebration, or maybe it's that there's less risk in not saving up Crowns. Either way, I welcome it."
"Ah, good." Mendilex nods. "I'd better stop by Finances later. And then the Defense Grid. Now that we can devote more resources to fighting the Thaargan and transporting Machinauts... heh, those Thaargan won't know what hit 'em!"
Mendilex then turns to some of the Machinauts. "K1XK1N9, you can have these three orbs. Sephiroth, Assassin, Mute, M4g1k, you can each have six orbs. It's so you can buy all the gear you need!" Mendilex looks at the whole party. "Now, don't feel forced to stick with something similar to what you already have. If you think another option's going to serve you better, craft it. And you can always make another trinket if you think it'll be better for a particular set of gear."
(You will have five days to select the gear you want to purchase.
Machinauts that do not make a selection within these five days will be temporarily removed from the party; if they should return, they can make their selection of 2* items immediately, and jump back into the game.
It is highly recommended that you craft at least one 2* weapon and a 2* shield, suit of armor and helmet so that you can survive and contribute to the team's power.)
--Alchemy is available!--
Pack of Simple Orbs of Alchemy: 3 for 1000 Crowns
Pack of Flawed Orbs of Alchemy: 3 for 75 Crowns
Dim Fire Crystal (150 heat, spread throughout items): 300 Crowns
Spark of Life: 650 Crowns
Any 2* Recipe: 200 Crowns
Any 1* Recipe: 50 Crowns
-Temporary Items-
Mute's Periodic Block of Elements: 3/3 [Freeze Vial]
-Player Allies-
Lil' Gelato (Mark30-Longshot) [A6|B0|R8 (Turret)] (Waiting (155/155 HP)) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Frosty Spine: 1x27 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze}
Lil' Gelato (D-07 "Ditto") [A6|B0|R8 (Turret)] (Waiting (111/111 HP)) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze}
Lil' Wiz (SEE-4) [A6|B0|R8(+2) (Turret)] (Waiting (63/63 HP)) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Galvan: 1x21 Ele, 7 ROF, Slight Minor Shock, 75% (-15% per chain) to chain-hit.}
-Player Team-
KV-103 'Fallen King' (Health: 180/180) [Midnight-Dj]
A-7 | B-8 | R-3 (ASD: 0)
]-* Weighted Anchor [UV: FMB Low] (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 3(+2), CTR: Med, Com 43/30Nm/44/30Nm, Chg 24/25/27/29+51 (30%: +1 Target, 15%: +2 Targets)) {2/15 Shields Damaged} [D7 E2]
]-* SmallCalibur [UV: CTR High] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), CSPD 5(+2), CTR: Ultra, Com 33/30/33/30/38, Chg 55+51 (50%: +1 target, 25%: +2 targets, 15% chance extra hit, 75% chance extra hit vs. Turret)) {25/25 Sword Hits: Blade of the Warrior Poet ready!} [D5 E2]
]-* Tempered Dueling Sword (L10 Prc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 7(+2), CTR: Med Com 28/30Nrm/28/30Nrm/31, Chg 33+33+38+51Nrm) {2/15 Attacks Evaded} [D5 E2]
[]* Bolted Non-Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 20/20, Nrm 10|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, All Resists +1) [R2]
{}* Hefty Plate Mail (L10 Arm, H MAX) [M2 R2] | * Hefty Plate Helm (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [M2 R2]
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
10397 Crowns - - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - - [ KO Meter: ||.................. ]
Nrm 140|Prc 120|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire +2|Freeze +2|Shock +2|Poison +2|Stun +2 (+2)|Curse +2|Sleep -2 (+4)|Doom +2
ASI -2 (+2)
CTR Weapon+0
FMB 0 (+1 w/ Boat Anchor)
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
DSN-001 (Health 200/200) [Sonosuke]
A-7 | B-5 | R-6
]-* Super Arm Arm [UV: FMB Low] (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ROF 7(+2), CTR: Med, Clip 4 x 22, Chg 59 (60%: Overkill picks new)) {3/20 Hits with 2+ bullets} [D2 E2 S2]
]-* Asteroid Bomb Mk II (L10 Nrm Bmb, HMAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 4(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 24 (up to 4), Chg 44 (up to 10), +2 Block Close Range) {17/25 Second+ Enemy Hits} [D2 E2 S2]
]-* Metal Fists (L9 Nrm Swd, H57/95, Acc +7, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Com 23/24/36, Chg 45 (Good chance of Mod Stun), +3 Acc if hit while defending) {2/15 full combos}
[]* Tough Plank (L7 Shd, H55/75, HP 72/72, Nrm 34|Prc 23|Ele 0|Shd 0)
{}* Base Mail (L7 Arm, H55/75) | * Vitacap (L7 Hlm, H55/75)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
9838 Crowns - - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 70|Prc 40|Ele 40|Shd 40
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
FMB 0 (+1 w/ Super Arm Arm)
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]-
Mark30-Longshot (Health: 180/180) [Colray]
A-10 | B-5 | R-3 (ASD 0)
]-* Pummel Gun [UV: Charge Med] (L9 Nrm Gun, H77/95, Acc +8(+2), ROF 5(+2), CTR: High, Clip 1 x 61, Chg 87 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {5/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage} [E2 S2 D6]
]-Plywood Lumberdirk (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 8(+2), CTR: Med, Com 16/16/16/22, Chg 32 (7%: Backstab x5 damage) {8/20 Supereffective Hits} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Apprentice Orb (L10 Ele Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 27 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 42 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Lil' Gelato [UV: Damage Low] (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+126 Heat) (155) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x28 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {11/40 Turns Active} [H9 D1]
[]* Bone Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 52/52, Nrm 0|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 55, +1 All Resists) [R2 D2 H6]
{}* Hefty Plate Mail (L10 Arm, H MAX) [R2 D1 M2] | * Hefty Plate Helm (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [R2 D1 M2]
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
9777 Crowns - - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 154|Prc 132|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire +2|Freeze +2|Shock +2|Poison +2|Stun +2(+2)|Curse +2|Sleep -2 (+4)|Doom +2
ASI -2 (+2)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
'Cobalt' (Health: 220/220) [Hexlash]
A-6 | B-4 | R-8
]-* Weighted Frying Pan [UV: Status Amp Low] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), CSPD 4(+2), CTR: Low, Com 31/30(neutral)/34/30(neutral), Chg 47 (up to 3, Good Fire/Stun rate) + 51(neutral), Status: Mod Stun (Fair) and Min Fire (Fair)) {20/20 status effects: Crackling Bacon Grease (51 Nrm, Good Chance of Strong Fire, party's attacks gain Slight Chance of Minor Fire for 3 turns, Fire stacks up to 4 times for 3 turns) ready!} [D3 E2]
]-* Super Static Flash (L9 Nrm Bmb, H 57/95, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 20 (up to 3), Chg 36 (up to 8, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {2/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
[]* Bolted Non-Shield (L9 Shd, H57/95, HP 20/20, Nrm 10|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
{}* Vitasuit (L10 Arm, H MAX) [D2] | * Vitacap (L9 Hlm, H 57/95)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune (Hearty Marks 1 Enemy, increasing their acc by +1 but adding 2nd heart drop chance, for 3 turns)
10552 Crowns - - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 41|Prc 21|Ele 21|Shd 21
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
SEA 0 (Fire Amp Low and Stun Amp Low w/ Weapon 1)
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item - Hearty Mark]-
LV-909 'Ignem' (Health: 100/100) [Lady-Of-War]
A-5 | B-8 | R-5
]-Bottle Rocket (L10 Nrm Bmb, HMax, Acc +10(+2), ArmSpd 3(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 25 (up to 5, late 1 turn), Chg 45 (up to 12, late 2 turns)) {0/15 Hits While Defending} [E2 S2 D5]
]-* Overclocked Light Scope (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ROF 10(+2), CTR: Med, Clip 10 x 12, Chg 74) {14/20 Hits with 5+ Bullets} [E2 S2 D2]
]-* Kat Claw (L10 25%Nm/75%Sh Swd, H MAX, Acc +7(+1), CSPD 5(+1), CTR: Med, Com 29/29/32 (15%: +1 target), Chg 47 (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {1/5 Shields Broken} [E1 S1 D1]
[]Scuttled Shuttle Siding (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 30/30, Nrm 35|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, All Resists +1) [R2 D3 H4]
{}Out-of-Date Culet (L10 Arm, H MAX) [D6 R2]| Stump (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D6 R2]
10877 Crowns - - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 80|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire +2|Freeze +2|Shock +2|Poison +2|Stun +2|Curse +2|Sleep +2|Doom +2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend]-
D-07 'Ditto' (Health: 220/220) [Spirals-Ore]
A-5 | B-1 | R-12
]-* Heavy Hatchet "Best Bud" [UV: v. Gremlin Med] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 2(+2), CTR: Low, Com 44/30/45/30 (15%: +1 target) [52/36/53/36 to Gremlins], Chg 92 (30%: +1 target) [108 to Gremlins]) {0/10 Extra Sword Targets} [D8 E2]
]-* Six-Shooter "2S" (L8 Nrm Gun, H35/85, Acc +6(+1), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 25, Chg 6 x 23 + 43) {4/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E1]
]-* Kat Claw (L10 25%Nm/75%Sh Swd, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), CSPD 5(+2), CTR: Med, Com 38/30Nrm/38/30Nrm/41 (15%: +1 target), Chg 61 (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken} [D8 E2]
]-* Lil' Gelato (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+ 80 Heat) (111) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {2/40 Turns Active} [D5 H5] (HP 95/95)
[]* Bolted Non-Shield (L8 Shd, H31/75, HP 20/20, Nrm 14|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D8]
{}* Vitasuit (L8 Arm, H84/85) [D8] | * Vitacap (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D8]
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
10302 Crowns - - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - - [ KO Meter: |||||||............. ]
Nrm 58|Prc 29|Ele 29|Shd 29
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Jump Attack - Defend - Item]-
SEE-4 (Health: 200/200) [Eternity-Terminal]
A-9 | B-5 | R-4
]-* Heightened Plasmator (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ROF 5(+1), CTR: Med, Clip 3 x 31, Chg 41 (up to 3, CataCharge on hit: 35 Nrm)) {0/15 Catalyzer Charges} [7D 2E 1S]
]-* Lil' Wiz (L8 Ele Bmb, H46/85, CTR: Low, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (15+3% Mach (+42 Heat) (63) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Galvan: 1x21 Ele, 5(+2) ROF, Slight Minor Shock, 75% (-15% per chain) to chain-hit.) {0/40 Turns Active} (HP 21/21) [3D 2S 3H]
]-* Shiny Shards (L10 Pc/El Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 8(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 4x16 shraps, Chg 8x28 shraps, 17% all shards to main target, 64% each shard hits new foe) {0/10 3+ Shraps hit target} [6D 2E 2S]
]-* Super Arm Arm (L9 Nrm Gun, H9/95, Acc +7(+2), ROF 7(+2), Clip 4 x 25, Chg 65 (60%: Overkill picks new)) {13/20 Hits with 2+ bullets} [5D 2E 2S]
[]* Tough Plank (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 81/81, Nrm 37|Prc 24|Ele 0|Shd 0) [5D 5H]
{}* Vitasuit (L10 Arm, H MAX) [8D 2R] | * Base Helm (L7 Hlm, H2/75) [6D 1R]
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
8132 Crowns - - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 66|Prc 12|Ele 25|Shd 12
Fire 1.5|Freeze 1.5|Shock 1.5|Poison 1.5|Stun 1.5|Curse 1.5|Sleep 1.5|Doom 1.5
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]-
K1XK1N9 "Enterthekicks" (Health: 200/200) [Whyna]
A-2 | B-7 | R-9
]-* Mini-Blaster (L7 Nrm Gun, H34/75, Acc +7, ROF +5(+1), CTR: Low, : 3 x 31, Chg 76) {2/10 Consecutive Target Damages} [1S 3D]
]-* Force Halberd (L7 Nm/El Swd, H34/75, Acc +7, CSPD +3(+1), CTR: Low, Com 33/34, Chg 71, +2 Block Close Range) {6/15 Attacks Blocked} [1S 3D]
]- --
]- --
[]* Tough Plank (L7 Shd, H33/55, HP 72/72, Nrm 34|Prc 23|Ele 0|Shd 0, all Res +1) [1R 3D]
{}* Vitasuit (L7 Arm, H33/55) [1R 3D] | * Base Helm (L7 Hlm, H33/55) [1R 3D]
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
6690 Crowns - - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - 3 Simple Orbs of Alchemy -
Nrm 63|Prc 34|Ele 34|Shd 34
Fire 0(+1)|Freeze 0(+1)|Shock 0(+1)|Poison 0(+1)|Stun 0(+1)|Curse 0(+1)|Sleep 0(+1)|Doom 0(+1)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
"Sephiroth" (Health: 200/200) [Saucce]
A-9 | B-2 | R-7
]-* Bog Repeater [UV: Damage Med] (L5 Shd Gun, H53/55, Acc +7, ROF 9(+1), CTR: Low, x.5 initial Reload, x1.5 standard Reload, Clip: 3 x 22, Chg 9 x 22, Good chance of Minor Poison) {6/10 Full Clip Hits} [1S]
]-* Aerodynamic Combat Spatula (L5 Nrm Swd, H52/55, Acc +7, CSPD +6, CTR: Low, Com 25/25/25/25, Chg 60 (10 + Acc (19)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {11/20 Status Effects}
]- --
]- --
[]* Tough Plank (L5 Shd, H52/55, HP 72/72, Nrm 30|Prc 20|Ele 0|Shd 0)
{}* Vitasuit (L5 Arm, H52/55)| * Base Helm (L5 Hlm, H52/55)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
4110 Crowns - - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - 6 Simple Orbs of Alchemy -
Nrm 55|Prc 30|Ele 30|Shd 30
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
PAD-103 "Mute" (Health: 200/200) [Magmaul-Ace]
A-8 | B-5 | R-5
]-* Apprentice Orb (L5 Ele Bomb, H53/55, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 30 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [2S]
]-* Blast Charge (L5 Nrm Bomb, H52/55, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 27 (up to 5), Chg 50 (up to 11)) {3/15 Charge Attacks} [5D]
]- --
]- --
[]* Tough Plank (L5 Shd, H52/55, HP 72/72, Nrm 35|Prc 20|Ele 0|Shd 0) [3D]
{}* Vitasuit (L5 Arm, H52/55) [3D] | * Base Helm (L5 Hlm, H52/55) [3D]
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Periodic Block of Elements (Makes 1 small vial every 3 turns usable by the owner of the Block, can hold up to 1 vial)
4110 Crowns - - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - 6 Simple Orbs of Alchemy -
Nrm 63|Prc 35|Ele 35|Shd 35
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
903:99ASSASSIN (Health: 200/200) [Herozenzero]
A-7 | B-4 | R-7
]-* Sharpened Lumberdirk (L5 Pc/El Swd, H53/55, Acc +6 (+1), CSPD 8(+1), CTR: Low, Com 15/15/15/23, Chg 32 (8%: Backstab x5 damage) {4/20 Supereffective Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]-* Bog Repeater (L5 Shd Gun, H52/55, Acc +7(+1), ROF 9(+1), CTR: Low, x.5 initial Reload, x1.5 standard Reload, Clip: 3 x 21, Chg 9 x 21, Good chance of Minor Poison) {2/10 Full Clip Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]- --
]- --
[]* Tough Plank (L5 Shd, H52/55, HP 72/72, Nrm 30|Prc 20|Ele 0|Shd 0)
{}* Vitasuit (L5 Armor, H52/55)| * Base Helm (L5 Hlm, H52/55)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
4110 Crowns - - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - 6 Simple Orbs of Alchemy -
Nrm 55|Prc 30|Ele 30|Shd 30
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
M4g1k (Health: 200/200) [Snakey-One]
A-8 | B-2 | R-8
]-* Apprentistick (L1 Ele Gun, H 0/15, Acc +7, ROF 3, Clip 2 x 35, Chg 50, 35% Knockdown) {0/400 Finisher Points (Gain 65 per Knockdown)}
]-* Apprentice Orb (L1 Ele Bomb, H0/15, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5, CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 30 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn}
]- --
]- --
[]* Tough Plank (L1 Shd, H0/15, HP 72/72, Nrm 30|Prc 20|Ele 0|Shd 0)
{}* Vitasuit (L1 Armor, H0/15)| * Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune (Hearty Marks 1 Enemy, increasing their acc by +1 but adding 2nd heart drop chance, for 3 turns)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
4110 Crowns - - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - 6 Simple Orbs of Alchemy -
Nrm 55|Prc 30|Ele 30|Shd 30
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Total Crowns Earned: 11077
-Prologue: 636
-Chapter 1: 10441
-Chapter 2: 0
1 Curse Vial [0*]
2 Doom Vial [0*]
1 Freeze Vial [0*]
1 Health Capsule (+60 HP) [0*]
4 Mecha Turret Kits [0*]
2 Poison Vial [0*]
2 Reconaissignals [0*]
1 Remedy Capsule [0*]
5 Shock Vials [0*]
1 Stun Vial [0*]
6 * Beast Scales
14 * Ripped-Up Wanted Posters
12 * Emptied Clips
43 * Gel Drops
16 * Brimstone
15 * Scrap Metal
25 * Grave Soil
12 * Spark Plugs
11 * Cheap Gunpowder
11 * Sharp Fangs
13 * Rock Chips
1 ** Blast Core
2 ** Owlite Feather
-Key Items-
Kilowatt Oil (The remains of a lesser Quicksilver Tyrant. This sample was acquired from the remains of Don Electrocuto.)
Old Cipher (An old drive containing some kind of complicated deciphering program; the letters "H.E.Z." are embossed on the drive. It doesn't seem to be compatible with anything you've got on you.)
HEZ Audio Log I (An old Gremlin-made Audio Log found in the Viskouza base in the Torchbellow Ruins. Click the link to see what it said.)
-Unused Gear-
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L9 Nrm Gun, H11/50, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {--/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
]-Cloudy Orb (L9 Nrm Bomb, H31/50, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po), Chg 32 (up to 10, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [6D 2S]
]-Static Flash (L10 Nrm Bmb, H MAX, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 16 (up to 2), Chg 28 (up to 7, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {0/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
[]Proto Non-Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 12/12, Nrm 5|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]Plank (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 35/35, Nrm 22|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D1]
[]Proto Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 25/25, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
[]Proto Shield (L8 Shd, H11/45, HP 32/32, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, +0.5 All Resistances) [D1 H6 R1]
[]Proto Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 21/27, Nrm 30|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
{}Ex-Motocross Plate Mail (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn + 1, Slp - 1, ASD -1) [D1]
{}Rusty Brigandine (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Kevlar Knock-Off (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
{}Cruddy Cuirass (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Asbestos Armor (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Fir -1)
{}Badly Battered Brigandine (L10 Arm, HMax) [D1]
{}Base Mail (L1 Arm, H0/15)
/\Iron Plate Bucket (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn +1, Slp - 1 ASD -1) [D1]
/\Old Mecha-Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25) [D1]
/\Compute-O-Vision (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Shk - 1)
/\* Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
/\Man With A Moon (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D1]
/\* Warm Hat (L8 Arm, H5/85) [6D 2R]
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Knight Bracer (Can take incoming hits for allies below 10% HP, cannot evade hits taken for allies)
10 Sparks of Life
-Known Recipes-
* {Heavy Hatchet, Kat Claw, Metal Fists, SmallCalibur, Tempered Dueling Sword, Weighted Anchor, Weighted Frying Pan, Apprentistick, Heightened Plasmator, Overclocked Light Scope, Pummel Gun, Six-Shooter, Super Arm Arm, Apprentice Orb, Asteroid Bomb Mk II, Lil' Gelato, Shiny Shards, Bolted Non-Shield, Bone Shield, Tough Plank, Base Mail, Hefty Plate Armor, Vitasuit, Base Helm, Hefty Plate Helm, Vitacap, Warm Hat, Bomber Gauntlets, Bucket Dimension, Default Coil, Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution, Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Periodic Block of Elements, Risk Vs. Reload, Rocket Boots, Knight Bracer}
"Let's just hope that the Thaargan doesn't have a looted gun hound of their own." KV-103 grimaced, "As for this man in the audio, how can we know if he is still alive? This audio log is very old after all... but regardless, he must have been of great importance if he had command over something as great as a gun hound..."
(@DOC, I think whyna and some other people have left the RP for a while now, I was just wondering if we should put them into hiatus or auto equip them your self. I was wondering if I can get more than one machinaut under my command for more strategy. For those of you who are waiting, you can check out my fan-fic for the machinaut universe, Machinaut: steel butterfly chronicle for more back stories involving the KV-103 twins.)
@Midnight: I'll pay for half the cost of the Plate armor and helm, you and Spirals-Ore seem to both be buying the non-shield recipe split that cost as well.
Shopping cart
Plate Mail(splitting cost w/ Midnight-Dj): 100 cr
Plate Helm(splitting cost w/ Midnight-Dj): 100 cr
Luminite shield or Support shield? Hmm....: 200 cr
Wallbreaker: 200 cr
Autogun: 200 cr
Cannon Puppy: 200 cr
Simple Orbs: 6 packs of 3: 6,000 cr
-7,000 cr
((@DoctorSpacebar: So are the gunning shields a no-go then? Or will they be branches from a non-shield?))
(( Renewed shopping list :
<[ D-07 Shopping Cart ]>
- 21 orb of alchemy : 7000 Cr
- Spliting with midnight Non-sheild recipe : 100 Cr
- Cannon puppy recipe 200 Cr
- Katscratch : 200 Cr
- Ray shamshir recipe : 200 Cr
- Featherbow : 200 Cr
- Wolver mask : 200 Cr
- Wolver suit : 200 Cr
Total : 8300 Cr
<[ End Of Shopping ]>
'Ditto' quickly crafted all. the recipe he bought...
(( Nicknames :
Nickname rayshamshir to 'Slash' and apply the UV ticket to it
Nickname katscratch to 'Scratch'
Nickname Cannon pup to 'A.I.M'
Nickname featherbow to 'Snipe' ))
" I guess thats all for tier 2..."
D-07, after equiping its gear, turn to mendilex
"This armor is giving me some weird feeling, its like i am in need in a PvP match... anyway, so whats our next objective ? Do we chase after the gremlin or acquire some gunhounds ?" The machinaut asks for further mission.
"Always glad to share gold with fellow machinauts," KV-103 retained a portion of the crowns and brought the recipes together with Mark30 and D-07, "Those who stand at my side are my brothers."
-Split recipe for non-shield (D-07): 100 Cr
-Plate helm recipe (Mark 30): 100 Cr
-Plate mail recipe (Mark 30): 100 Cr
-Snarl of Cerberus recipe: 200 Cr
-Flourish recipe: 200 Cr
-5X3 2* orbs: 5000 Cr
Total: 5800Cr
Other action: put the L9 simplistic six-shooter into KV-103's 4th weapon slot, I have feeling that a chasm defense-like battle is coming and some ranged attack can come useful..
((Good lord, Hero. Did you forget your Machinaut name already? I thought it was 903, not 909.))