Ignem: "When are we going to get to the surprise?"
Me: "In like 8492 more pages, Ignem."
Ignem: "But...that doesn't make any sen-"
Me: "Oh, I know what doesn't make sense...the terrible fusion of SHODAN and Wheatley doing all sorts of SCIENCE due to being bored of being code and then somehow botching that up so badly it created a whole new character."
Ignem: "...WHAT."
Johanson: "It's true. It is nice to see you've picked up the pace on the art, though - after all, who else could do a portrait of myself that wel-"
Ignem: "You almost made me attack myself and send a nonsense intermission laced with complete nonsense and red herrings!"
Me: "There goes the fourth wall." *sigh* "Again."
Ignem: "Besides, why do you have the Necronomicon? What are you going to do with it!? IS IT APOCREAN IN NATURE?!"
Johanson: "It's a bootleg. You see, the actual article does not exist and is a work of fiction, but replications exist. This bootleg was translated from the original language it was written in into another language, and then another, and then another..."
Me: "How many times was it even translated?"
Johanson: "You'd know the answer already."
Me: "Wait. Lemme look at the script again."
Me: "TRANSLATED 8492 TIMES?!?!?"
Ignem: "What is it with you and the 8492nd number? Does it exist to begin with?"
Johanson: "It would be better to say that the 8492nd does not exist."
Me: "Okay, but why though? What was past me thinking? Was I drinking furniture polish when I came up with this?"
Johanson: "...truly an enigma for the ages."
Me: "Let's never speak of this again."
(Soon enough, I shall unveil the secrets of for_its_eyes_only.rar. The revelations within will be damning and finally answer the question of who created Ignem and why. Needless to say, you will question my state of mind after all is said and done.)
(( Unfortunately, after a 12 hour drive home I'm too tired to get the next post up tonight. I'll see you all tomorrow!))