Both of my attempts at FCC so far have ended with me dying on the bridge. I'd heard it was kinda like ICMF, but in ICMF you don't fight and dodge at the same time, just one or the other.
Post your biggest fails here.

@ nocturnal don't seventy five percent kids lie their age?! I bet u lied too I got plenty of friends who lie their age.

probably me wasting 30000 crowns just now on 2 uv rolls ... i got low beast and then on the same sword low on fiend

Biggest fail ever?
I spent over 3,000 CE on a Danger Room fight with four other guys.
Kept hitting "Revive All" so we could win-- all of our stuff was either 0 or 1 star and we were FAR out of our element. We were all practically brand new to the game.
Over 3,000 Energy on this fight.
Three thouuuusand.
Of my energy.
$10 of my RL dollars gone in an instant.
....But we won.

I bought a Royal Jelly Band thinking i could go sell it at the AH for good crowns!
Only to forget about the binding/unbinding issue... lol
Now I'm stuck with the band until i get 4000CE somehow and i dont even have a trinket slot...
I solo'ed the Roarmulus Twins with my 4-star gears without any revives nor health capsules.
When I did this with a party, the party leader gives me an approval to do the switches at the boss fight. However, when I was doing the switches, another person was toggling the switches. The run was not going so great, but we made it past phase 2 without spending CE on revives.
At phase 3, when the twins start blasting lasers on both ends, the other person flips the switch to save himself from the laser. The three of us who were originally safe suddenly became roasted ducks. Shortly after, he died... from too much excitement of having the switch to himself, it must have been...
I shield bumped a blast cube and ended up killing the rest of my party. -_-
I was doing a run on FSC and got to the 5th phase when ... my internet disconnected. There goes another attempt at Vanaduke. Btw that was my 6th try at trying to actually beat him :( CURSE YOU GAME!

@ asorto blame your Internet connection not the game.

will be if I don't accept the proceeds from my Med CTR Haze Bomb in a month and the mail gets deleted.
It was an old PvP match in beta, I got cursed, didn't notice, kept attacking -> death.

Some if these are meh fails. @shcwha Sell it to a vendor.

Er whoever it was. That IS A HUGE fail though schwa

FSC Throne room. 5th stage - Vana stuck in bottom left - we dead in bottom right
Admittedly I spent too much reviving
All dead -
ME - Ok I'm going to revive one of you, make sure to rev at least 1 more.
Them - Ok
Me - Rev'd cheapest
Him - Stands up , grabs a vial, runs into fire, dies
Me - Rage quit

Lollololollol. I can help you kill him. You get there invite me. Duo only. No need for me to Rez.

That would be awesome since my only 3 tries ended in epic fail.
I really hate FSC right now.

K. I don't know if I'll be on much this week since I'm out of town but I'll try.

Would be really easy if you went with party of 4, they all drop vutspods and pills. If not I may have to Rez.
I was in a party with a few others in FSC I had joined late but the others had spent 5 hours JUST getting to vanaduke, we then went on to get vanaduke to his final stage after spending almost 4k ce on revives only to wipe for a final time and give up after spending over 4k ce on the run for nothing. (picture:

Who is that with the bristling buckler, shadowtech and magic set? You guys did fail. Lol. If you want you can join in with trills and I. You 2 get there I help easy kill.

My Fails -_-
1. Got killed by a jelly's spike while the jelly was dead
2. Wasting over 2000CE on a Vanaduke run that we failed on
3. Got killed by a mini jelly & a mender
4. Got killed by my teammate's Flamberge (no joke, and it wasn't by him hitting an explosive crate)
5. Joining to help my guildmates, and they're all saved when I get there
6. Bidding on a recepie at the auction house, and about 5 hours later another guildmate just buys the same recepie from Basil. (not to mention it was cheaper than Basil's cost.)

@ Msm007100, Yep that's me, unfortunately, well don't blame me, it WAS my 2nd time fighting him
Edit: I was wearing the magic set as my costume armor, shadow driver was the only gun I had, and all the rest of my stuff was 4 star :P
Accidentally equipped 4* as costume helm and armor over 0* for one of my first T3 runs
Didn't realize what the problem was until D20
Gave the party a good laugh
I tryed to kill a Mecha Knight during ten minutes -.-
Everyone was starring at me but no one told me It was actually an ally.
Died from a T1, healing gremlin "tenderfoot mender." It used ember bolt on me half across the arena.

Bullet... Did u invite terkasoff? I love it when that happens lol.

The first time i played spiral knights I used up all my energy on the crash site level. If your wondering how its because my keyboard broke down and i was stuck in one place. I left to tell my parents only to find my baby cousin spamming the revive button. LFMF and never let your baby cousin near the game.
I keep pressing join when I want to click tell when I want to interact with a friend. What's worse is that I was almost done the depth.

I bought a hot edge from a vendor coz i thot u could upgrade it to fang of vog -.-
I've had some pretty bad fails...
-I had a Calibur and my new Magnus. I switch my calibur to my new Snarble barb to try out in Moorcroft manor. I go to the lift before I realize that both my weapons are piercing. FML when I find out all my opponents in the next stage are all constructs...
-My Tempered calibur has a UV VS beast medium. I had it and my Magnus. Both level 6. Fought in Wolver's Den, the shock version. Critical health all the way and died once.
-Fought the roarmulus twins stages. Our team got stuck because we couldn't hit any switches. There were no switches to hit.
Enemy fail:
- I watched as a mecha Knight that tried to attack me ended up killing the gunpuppy I was attacking.
-I ran around some mecha knights and they all killed each other.
-A Trojan in an arena killed all it's allies when It powered up.

slapped to death by a mender gremlin before they patched in the "will do no harm"

Slapped? Lol. I'm sure that Gremlin was jut trying to shake hands with-
"Hey! What's this gremlin doing in my house? And why are you slapping me?"

I was SUPER tired. A party member went AFK. While waiting, and all of us at a block or less of health, not thinking - I shot the health box on the other side of the party button gate.... Doh! Yep, the hearts disappeared just as the AFK returned... I excused myself from the group after dropping what little beanies I had. So, Never Ever play tired!

I bound and unbound a heart pendant twice before I realized the cost was CE not CR
Also I always always get my ass kicked in the wolver action room where three waves spawn. No matter what tier I'm on or what gear I'm using
Hah, one time I was doing vana with a few friends and everyone was waiting for me to get on the party button, but when i went to get on the button I lagged into the fire tiles and not only that but i couldn't move away from them because of the intro text box thingy was blocking my screen and restricting any movement (yeah, I died). The END :3

*A lot of Oilers
*Only a magnum and FIRE alchelmer
* PewPew burning lichens

my biggest fail.. was to get a radiant pulsar after seeing how good my polaris was -_-"

In IMF, I was having a bad lag spike. I got shocked and couldn't move off a shock pad. After my party cleared the mobs, they proceeded to come get me. ((I play with Z X and Mouse the most)) I wait for the shock pad to be clear and accept my revive, but accidentally hit the windows key (which I haven't unbinded because last I knew there was no fix for windows 7 and I've been to lazy to check if I can unbind it). As I accidentally tab out of the game, I can see the shock pad starting to flicker. I try as fast as I can to re-tab, but the game starts being testy. After fighting with the SK window, I get it back up to find myself dead again.
My party was face palming and I blamed the lag. :D
When I was still newbie and my boyfriend played, we were doing our 2nd (?) Snarby run. Just me and him. Let's just say it was typical n00bishness from me. I would try and attack Snarby, ring the bell at the wrong time. Wipe-a-thon 2000!

My biggest fail was probably my first (and so far, only) Jelly King run. We had a full group and someone had told me that I'd be OK since all my equipment was 3* stuff. Well,
I had to be revived by everyone else at least 4 times (after all my Mist energy was gone), then I used the 300 CE I was saving for crafting to revive myself so the rest of the team wouldn't have to. And, of course, it was only the first part; they had another level to go before fighting the Jelly King. OMFG. D:
Thankfully, I defeated all the mini jellies I came across, so they weren't my cause(s) of death. ^^;
P.S. I KNEW that jellies are evil! I KNEW IT! I knew it the first time I saw them on T1 and I thought of living jell-o! -_-
I sent countless bug reports because my Wolver gear was only giving +1 health instead of +2 before I realized a few days later its because of the Tier scaling. Embarrassment ensued.
I lagged into the spikes and died. Then when I got revived, I pressed the wrong keys and ran straight back into the spikes...