11/15/11 "What would your first reaction be should the world end tomorrow?"
Heck, I'll do everything I want to do today.
probably spending my lifetime saving on CE just take the journey to the core
I'll go meet everyone who I've acquainted in my life and tell them I love them.
then get home and play SK :D
later cries because I never won the question of the day :(
11/15/11 "What would your first reaction be should the world end tomorrow?"
Sounds very familiar, do you not think so too, Harold Camping and Mayans? I would say "The world was supposed to end three days ago!" http://hotword.dictionary.com/numerology/ Sleep. It's pretty late anyway, 10:13 PM actually, even though tomorrow there would be no school because the world would end, but eh. Then I wouldn't get my CE from the question of the day, and will never know if I would receive it if it were true. I'm tired and I'm not leaving this world completely tuckered out. Good night!