Cause he has a Vanaduke Mc Donalds hidden in his palace when ever knights are not around he feasts on Mc Rib!
Question of the day! (win ce) (Closed until further notice)
because he wants to be fat! DONT QUESTION!!!!!!!! :P
"11/21/11 Why is Vanaduke so fat?"
•Because he eats snipes.
•Because he eats the knights energy revives.
•You know when the Zombies and Slag Guards disappear randomly? He ate them.
•He eats children.
•Vanaduke eats his lunch (AKA Three Rings) when trying to fix his roof.
•Boswick. I *THINK* Boswick feeds Vanaduke.
11/21/11 Why is Vanaduke so fat
He failed all the Wii fit games
Question 11/21/11
How did Lord Vanaduke get so fat?
I believe that Lord Vanaduke got so fat because he's to big to fit in the elevators to go to the the gym or travel anywhere else (I mean, how fit would you be if you could never leave your bedroom). Or maybe he's lonely, sad, or bored and eats too much as comfort. Or maybe he isn't fat but is just pumped full of steroids. Or maybe eating is his hobby. Or maybe, if he's really undead, he eats and eats lots of food because he doesn't realize why he can't taste it or why it isn't digested (it just sits there in his decaying corpse). Or maybe he Can taste food so eats more than he would if he was alive since he now can ignore any health benefits/risks. Or maybe he's just a big, lazy, rich, snob who doesn't get enough exercise. Or (once again, if he's undead) maybe he was real fat and lazy when he was alive, thinking in the back of his mind that he could always get back into shape later when he died and became undead retaining his previous physique and cannot change it.
Previous Winners 11/21/11
New question 11/22/11
Not gonna whine, but your question is similar to my answer of 11/17/11
What keeps you playing Spiral Knights?
"Question 11/17/11
What would your question of the day be? (Best answer(s) will be tomorrows question!)
What is the reason you play Spiral Knight over other games?"
and you said "Other questions may get used (if I use your question you will be auto rewarded as if you won.)"
The game reminds me a lot of other games that I love dearly (Yogurting, Survival Project, Dragonica, etc)
+ I love how there is no level to differentiate new players from veteran (well the equipments will)
++ The graphic is just too good to miss
> It isn't a leftclick-autoattack type of game which is kinda boring. This game takes skill in coordination, locating yourself away from harm, outsmarting the enemy with better positioning.
>> It's F2P (but with the rising price of CE I might have to rethink this again.)
There are more that I can't think of now* will edit this later <<>>
EDIT : Thank you very much, Kuger.
What keeps you playing Spiral Knights?
It is Fun and you cn meet a lo of nice poeple in the game and you need teamwork to survive
Posted on 11/22/11
I get to answer questions for ce. And trying to get get 5* star loadout!!!!!!
The fun combat and the style. also i used to play a long time ago (with my older brother) but i stopped playing some time after he stopped playing, and i started playing again when a friend of mine started, also because of the free tf2 hat, now i am back playing and having a lot of fun. (the tf2 spiral sallet is the coolest free hat in tf2)
Oops, my IGN is Bigfootm, that's my alt name stuck in the Crash Site. XD
"11/21/11 What Keeps you Playing Spiral Knights?"
•Boswick's Bush
•Boswick's Bush's Bush
•OOO Staff
•New Content
•It's a fun game.
so i can break my mouse from continuous mashing
so my cpu gets fried from over usage
so the after image of sk will be imprinted on the screen
so my internet cable gets remolded from my furious re plugging
so i can knock the freaking daylights out of myself
so i can live through the day without my daily dose of crack jk!
so i can blame BOSWICK!!!!
IGN: Theblindsaint ("T")
i play spiral because it is very fun also i think that i am ADDICTED TO IT
Well, there's something to it that's very different from most FPS's. I think it's that it requires you to think more, but I'm not 100% sure about it. Might even be the diversity of the clockworks and the high milestones to reach, or maybe the instant obligatory bond between knights as they venture into the clockworks. All in all, it's something you won't normally find in FPS's.
What keeps you playing Spiral Knights?
1. The great OOO staff(many people just can't appreciate all the hard work they have done for us)
2. It's fun
3. I meet new people everyday that are very awesome(such as bigfootm, rangerwill, emerlite, pshycodestroyer, etc.)
4. It's cool
5. The skills needed to be able to get better.
6. The unique background story about the Skylark and all that other stuff
7. It's different then most MMO games
8. My cool guild and friends
9. PvP is fun
And last of all...
I CAN'T WAIT TILL THEY OPEN THE CORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why i play you ask?
Well here is my answer: because its fun and mostly(not anymore) free. Also because i am currently taking a looooooooooong vacation from my other games, which playing every single day gets a bit boring.
What keeps you playing Spiral Knights?
If I stop playing SK, a bomb virus that Vanaduke has implemented in my computer will blow me up. He want's me to fight him and die becuase I said he eats his boogers (you know it's true, Vanny.).
And I'm also tied to this chair, so I'm forced to use the computer and play SK.
What keeps you playing Spiral Knights?
The great community, the fun boss fights and stratums, and the fun graphics which pwn all those uber-realistic FPS's like CoD.
What keeps you playing Spiral Knights?
Mainly the fact that I haven't collected 5* gear yet but I'm not sure what I would do once that is done,Probably raid the shadow lairs and then I don't know.
Hopefully the team gives us something to keep us playing after that.
Afroken signing out!
EDIT: I guess the graphics are pretty fun too!
Previous Winners 11/22/11
Sinistermackz (Question Used Today)
New question 11/23/11
Question 11/23/11
On the many pictures of Cradle, You can see a Moon that has been shattered. What do you think happened to shatter the moon?
Boswick farted so loudly, it broke the moon... even though it is physically impossible for sound to travel through space. He still somehow managed it.
(Lol, my first Boswick joke...)
"11/23/11 On the many picutres of Cradle, you can see a Moon that has shattered. What do you think happened to shatter the moon?"
Boswick looked at the moon when trying to find Eurydice and Nick while playing Hide and Seek. The moon screamed, broke, and looked away. That's why there is no man on the moon. Also, somebody decided to moon the moon during a Solar and/or Lunar eclipse and broke the moon. Also, it's because 42.
Thanks Kuger!
IGN Bigfootm
@ Za-Ck
this guy deserves the win XD
The creator of Clockwork was in need of minerals to complete Clockwork's construction and the nearest and largest source of said minerals is Cradle's moon. According to my theory (totally original idea LOL), He and his minions somehow managed to build (a) rocket(s) and flew to the moon to harvest minerals then flew back to cradle and dismantle their rocket(s) because every single piece of metal is needed to construct Clockwork. Somehow, that caused the moon to lose its balance, hence the moon began to crack and shattered eventually*
Well that's my theory :P
I never actually noticed the shattered moon LOL
I had to google the picture to see it* >>>> Just now that I saw it on the top right of this page too <<<<
The Skylark hit it when we crashed on cradle!
id say it was a gremlin experiment that failed , but since all of them do.......
gremlin space flight control:blast off!
gremlin space flight control: damn! not that way!
attemp 2:
Gremlin space flight control: ok guys, youre the first gremlins on the moon! what does it feel like?
Gremlin astronaut: its truly a marve..hmm? whats that? put the gremlin insignia on the moon? how, Bob? controlled explosions? lemme push the button!
Gremlin space flight control:hear that, chaps? the moon's just like home!
Simple. They accidentally reversed the polarity of the Skylark's warp drive one too many times!
Simple. Due to the fact Cradle is rapidly losing Crystal Energy, it's therefore losing its Gravity force, which kept the moon in tact. Without Cradle's gravity, the moon will simply break up into the asteroids that made it up. Even before knights came to Cradle, this moon had valleys all around it like scars, each one going deeper than the Grand Canyon. This means that if we stop using Crystal Energy and find a way to coagulate Mist Energy, we will get an in-tact moon!
/!\ BLING /!\ BLING /!\ BLING /!\
/!\ BLING /!\ BLING /!\ BLING /!\
moon? what moon? that was the factory Boswick used to try and create clones of himself to take over the world with, but the factory could not withstand the chaos of multiple Boswicks running amuck and self destructed
just posting to ask a question, could you send the ce to the IGN when an IGN is mentioned?
IGN: Theblindsaint
ps: did i start a chain reaction with my Boswick question?
Note regarding IGN: Unfortunately I will not deal to supplied In-Game-Names, and prizes will only be sent to the name you replied with. I do this to prevent a player from answering on behalf of other people, or supplying names who may not have entered at all as I do not want any confusion when the mails go out.
When the big axis/stick thing was being driven through cradle, it hit the moon, so the moon exploded.
Why the moon is cracked?
Because Vanaduke sat on it.
My name [Bigfootm] isn't in there anymore, but Chrono-Chaos is. Check my buying threads, KaD thread, ask a Master Swordsman thread, etc. :P Now can you mail it to Bigfootm? :o
If not, I can see why, but thanks anyway.
Question 11/23/11
On the many pictures of Cradle, You can see a Moon that has been shattered. What do you think happened to shatter the moon?
why is the moon shattered? It was because of the (failed) gremilin experiment to build a roarmulus on the moon.
something's not right
he missed 11/23/11's winners :(
U ok, bro?
Previous Winners 11/23/11
Happy Thanksgiving 11/24/11!
Post what you're thankful for!
I apologize for taking this long to update, Life gets chaotic, I'm only human.
New IGN policy. Check main post for detail.
"11/24/11 Post what your thankful for!"
Firstly, Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
As for the question:
My Family.
The World
Kuger's CE. :3
Everything in general.
Thank your family, and everyone. Have a nice day everybody!
i am thankful for:
a home
a place to sleep
mmo games i play
and ce which i need to get past my 3*block *rage*
Post what your thankful for!
1. Kuger's generosity :)
2. Kngster's newbie giveaway (in the New Recruit section) I really had a good start because of him :)
3. Some anonymous from 4chan that posted a picture of SK. Without him, I wouldn't even know about SK, let alone play it now :)
4. My family. I have one of the warmest families in the world and I'm thankful for that :)
5. Friends :)
6. The many great people who changed the world into a better place to live in :) (someone like Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, the one(s) who invented the fire and wheel)
There are more that I can't think of yet :/
What am I thankful for?
Making just enough money from Jelly King runs to buy CE. Phew.
In all honesty I'm grateful for living in a developed country with clean water. Keeping things simple.
Post what your thankful for!
My family.
An education.
My friends.
My legos.
My food.
My house.
Kuger's generosity in giving away CE for free.
My computer.
A Thanksgiving break.
And everything else that's sugar and spice and everything nice in this world.
Post what your thankful for!
My family
My neighbors
My friends
Spiral Knights
The fact that your giving out CE
The question of the day
And blaming Boswick
Post what your thankful for!
1. My very awesome family. (and yes, that also includes my bro Lordofnecromancers though he can be quite annoying sometimes. :P)
2. My eduacation.
3. Shelter/food/water.
4. My very awesome friends.
5. SK
6. OOO staff.
7. Boswick
8. Boswick's Bush.
9. My house.
10. Someone to blame, AKA Boswick. :P
11. Genorous people (Like you and some others)
12. My very awesome SK friends (Thanks Bigfootm, Rangerwill, Emerlite, and Psychodestroyer. You made my day! XD)
13. My holiday breaks (It's always nice to have a break from the stress of school.)
14. My country.
15. The soldiers who are out fighting war for us.
16. The dead soldiers who gave their life for our country.
17. My computer. (or else i would not be playing SK and posting here :))
18. My knowledge.
19. The people who made a difference. (Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, etc.
And last of all...
20. MY LIFE!!!
As a Thanksgiving treat, EVERYONE who posted this evening wins! You will all receive a small amount of CE as I am thankful to have you guys support my silly question of the day :p
Previous Winners 11/24/11
Chrono-chaos (Bigfootm)
There will be a new question but it will not be posted until later this evening...
Dear Kuger.
Just want you to know I love you. Thank you so much for being an awesome person. :)
"Why is Vanaduke so fat?"
He's fat because he trolls knights and we all know a troll is fat. (Fat is clickable =p)