"if you could visit one point in time of your OWN life, Only to see, not to change, What would it be?" My answer is, i would go to my first Birthday.
Question of the day! (win ce) (Closed until further notice)
Oh, I'd like to see this from somebody else's view:
Ok so, my friend and I were jacking around and we went to a river next to our school, which led to a lake guarded by a large barbed fence, I told him he was chicken, because he didn't want to go onto the land behind the fence, I wanted to explore so I went over the fence, it hurt, because of teh barbed wire on teh top, so I went ninja and carefully evaded teh barbs. I eventually got on the other side, then he started cursing at me to get back on the side he was on, a reluctantly agreed, but I couldn't get over, idk why, but I couldn't. So The barbed fence went, all the way across the width of the river that fed into the lake, teh fence never went over the fence, only the source of the river.
So I saw a bend in the fence and carfully made my way toward the other side, it was scary cause I was skeptic that there was crocidiles in the lake, so I told my friend to if there was any ripples in the lake water. So I kept inching my way toward, the end of the width of the river. Now the river was a good maybe... roughly 10 yards accross. So at one point my friend told me he saw a ripple, so I got scared. So, I started inching faster hoping that the croc, if it was there, wouldn't get me. Then, I slipped, luckly, I had a jacket which held me, like, I wasn't hanging onto anything! So I was hanging by my jacket, not i had no idea how long it would hold me so I got a hold of the fence and inched my way again to land. I eventually go to the other side. I tried to get over on that side, but there was a rusty metal pole there, that made things difficult. So looked to see if tehre was any weakness in the fence, I eventually found one, it was like somebody cut it and then twisted the matal to keep it in place, my friend helped me get it undone, and I was on the other side, so I was free. Probably one of the most stupedest thing I had ever done. BUT, it was worth the exileration!
PS: Forgive my typos >_<
i would view days long past, full of naivety and innocence, where friends were made as often as dinner was set. i may not be that much further along, only 18, but so much has happened that i miss the days where i could smile without a care in the world, not smile like that socially awkward person in the back of class who doesnt know how to respond, for this is what i have become. it would be a reluctant visit, once i were to view it, im not sure right now if i would have a moment of bliss, noticing the fun i had, or if i would scold myself for not noticing all the wrongs i completely overlooked as a child.
Question 04/06/12
If you could visit one point in time of your OWN life, Only to see, not to change, What would it be?
oooh, oooh, i know, I KNOW!!!!!!
there's this herb called "sekentut" which literally means "fart". When you crush the leaves, it gives off a smell not unlike a fart. SEERUSLY, it smells like fart.
so, one day, I crushed its leaves and slipped it in my friend's PANTS. It was so hilarious. The whole class reeked of fart. My friend got scolded by the teacher. XD
that was one moment i'd pay to see again...
Previous Winners 4/6/12
New question 4/7/12
(winners will be awarded in the morning, im tired)
"If you could kick any one player from the game for only 10 minutes, who would it be and why?"
Hm, I'm not sure really. ._.
Yeah, gimme a great power and I'll have no idea how to use it.
Waitasec, I know!
"If you could kick any player from the game for ten minutes, who would it be and why?"
It would most definitely be Pow*6. I would like time, even ten minutes for that matter, to just relax......and relax i would....
"If you could kick any player from the game for ten minutes, who would it be and why?"
I would kick the next scammer i see scamming somebody.
I have no idea, Artist took my idea :3 So, I would ban Artist, say my answer as pow, and I would be content :P (Artist, I do not mean this personally, I just want that answer :3)
Well i realy dont know about this one, i realy have not had a bad experience in the game and also i dont want to make anyone mad because of my answer. :P
sry dont mean to take up space not answering..but i just wanted to tell Isekuube that i am Very hurt. And that I wont ever talk to Isekuube ever again. How do u like that JERK.
(Just kidding)
"If you could kick any one player from the game for only 10 minutes, who would it be and why?"
I don't care if someone already picked him (sorry artist). I would kick powpowpowpow++.... Man, his butt will hurt LIKE HELL once I'm done with him....
OH, You mean IN-GAME. Sorry bout that.
Seriously, there's nobody else I'd kick other than pow++(except maybe a random block of cheese floating in space, but who would want to kick that?).
Why I'd kick him, you ask? That's because he's a troll that's ruining everyone's fun time on spiral knights (whether in-game or not).
I hate him.
id kick kuger... thats what u get for screwin up the qotd so much...
what? its only 10 minutes :P
I'd kick myself.
I'm spending too much time on this game, and I need to do somethings more important.. :P
"If you could kick any player from the game for ten minutes, who would it be and why?"
...what would be the most annoying player of all...
...Hmm, how about Darkfire Vanaduke? Then UFSC would be (somewhat) of a breez- wait, Vanaduke's not a player? Dang it.
i would have to kick treaman for that unholy post of kicking kuger from this game, it may be ten minutes but i think he deserves it for his rude remark.
here hold this
*gives treaman a live nitronome*
treaman: thanks i really could use thi......hey why are you running?
*nitronome blows up severely inguring treaman and knocking him unconcious*
Can... Can I kick the Mist Usage Cost for 10 Minutes? XP
But seriously, I have yet to encounter a single person in game who has really got on my nerves, and thankfully I haven't had any encounters with Pow.
*Shifty eyes*
- Zero
I dont realy want to say who i would want to kick off, i dont want to make anyone Sad or Angery.
i would kick...idk. Can someone start jerking off so i can answer this question? :D
If you could kick any player from the game for ten minutes, who would it be and why?
I would kick GM Hyperion. Everytime I see him, he's sleeping on the job in Haven. >:D
Previous Winners 4/7/12
New question 4/8/12
"If a random suspiciously pink player suddenly head rammed you, what would your reaction be?"
First, I would think "How do you head ram someone, anyway? o.0"
Then, I would yell "Pink! Destroy!"
I think you know what would happen then.
Very well, I'll tell you.
I'd make a fool of myself.
Question 04/08/12
If a random suspiciously pink player suddenly head rammed you, What would your reaction be?
I was walking around feeling very tired and I stumbled around every so often (no i'm not drunk). I decided to fall asleep so I can at least gain some energy. All of the sudden, a very strange pink player head rammed me! I yelled at the player but he responded something I couldn't understand.
"Scrabble Scrabble Scrab" he said with a very strange jellish tone. I knew something was up, he looked like something I met in the clockworks the other day. I was very disturbed by his jellish features. Of course, he was a mutated jelly knight! Yikes, that must be painful. So I decided to build a translator. I asked him some questions like how did this happen, or how can you fix this situation. All of his answers said something like this: He attempted the Ice Queen with some friends, but suddenly, a pile of goo from the ceiling fell into his mouth. He started choking out the goo, but then his body turned pink even though the goo was lightish white blue. His body was corrupted by the goo because it never digested goo before. So the body transformed itself to adapt to this thing. It can be reverseable with the crown of the Ice Queen. I was shocked because I can't battle the Ice Queen, I don't have the right requirements. He suggested to battle the Rabid Snarbolax first. Well that run was freaky. So now we can battle the Ice Queen. Hurray! I slashed through polar jellies with my Gran Faust. I almost got spiked again. Finally, we were at the lift to the final showdown. I couldn't wait to battle the Ice Queen. So much tension was building up inside of me. I was ready for battle and then the Queen arrives. Aaaah, I almost forgot about the pink player! He was not with me! I realized he's frozen behind me O_O. I forgot, since all the jellies froze in here, so did his body since of course it was from pink jelly. I started to charge at the Ice Queen very hard. And then she died automaticly. Whoa, 13,400,222 damage. I beat the Ice Queen somehow.... but I reached for the crown and placed it on the player's head. His body transformed back into what a knight should be. We talked as we go up in the lift. Finally, I learned that his name was Felix. I guess we became best friends after that. But before I could finally rest, this time, a green player that was very hairy ran into me. Oh not again!
Suspicious pink player...
I would start shouting at them and say (censored). I would then take out a knife and start stabbing uncontrollably. I would yell, " Justice has been SERVED!"
Suspicious pink player...
I would start shouting at them and say (censored). I would then take out a knife and start stabbing uncontrollably. I would yell, " Justice has been SERVED!"
EDIT: oops..didnt mean to double post. :P
"You aren't... planning to make me into cupcakes... are you?"
[.][.] *Meep*
- Zero
If a random suspiciously pink player suddenly head rammed you, What would your reaction be?
I would be very mad because you stained my brand new 3 UVed Skolver Coat with your cupcakey head!!! Throw you into the outer galaxies and send you back to Earth. Now I look like a girl.
"If a random suspiciously pink player suddenly head rammed you, what would your reaction be?"
"I know that's you, Kuger."
i would yell STARFIRE you get back here this instant u see starfires from my guild and he/she wears complete pink
"If a random suspiciously pink player suddenly head rammed you, what would your reaction be?"
"Is that Pinkblobkirby? Oh wait, it's just Kuger...but now my Perfect Mask of Seerus is no longer perfect because you got frosting all over it D:<"
"If a random suspiciously pink player suddenly head rammed you, what would your reaction be?"
Assuming I don't die from the head-based injury just dealt to me, I would ignore it. If continued head-ramming persists, I would head ram said pink player back, eventually evolving into a head-ram war that brings head trauma not only to myself and that insensitive, immoral, instigative pinky; but also to any unfortunate passer-bys that happen to be there or others who thought it be playful to join in, eventually lowering the general IQ of all of cradle to the point where the devs have to ravage the game and rig it with ridiculous tutorial systems, taking away the fun and losing most of its players, ultimately resulting in the total destruction of SK.
TL;DR Don't head ram me :]
If a random suspiciously pink player suddenly head rammed you, What would your reaction be?
- Whatcha doin' bro, getting friking PINK ICING ALL OVER MY SKOLVER COAT! I'm gonna look so stupid while playing LD now!
"If a random suspiciously pink player suddenly head rammed you, what would your reaction be?"
hey you come back i want to tell you a part of my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!
Open up your eyes and SEE! There aren't any players with pink as their personal color...
It's a knight in a Love Puppy costume!
And what do you do with Love Puppies?
Well, you hug them of course! */e hugs Love Puppy knight*
Yup, I'm not going to teach him a lesson for not looking at where he's going or...
Wait, this one doesn't drop hearts for me?
*/e epic rage punch* "Take off that horrible disguise, and watch where you're going!"
If a random suspiciously pink player suddenly head rammed you, What would your reaction be?
I would facepalm. It appears the GM's decided to add the my-little-pony monster class to the game.
Previous winners 4/8/12
New question 4/9/12
If question of the day suddenly ended one day, how would you react?
(The brave part of me):
Don't worry Kuger! I'll take over and do the rest. You can leave everything to me! ;)
(The cowardly part of me):
Let's not talk about this, it would only make so many people feel sad... NOOO!! PLEASE DON'T GO!!! ><
(The goody part of me):
I would continue this question of the day, and I'll work hard to give out more and more CE AND crown rewards every single day! :3
(The evil part of me):
MWAH HA HA I would start another question of the day!! Except that I won't give any CE rewards to the winners and I'll make it super hard so no one can answer a single word and they'll cry and cry MWAH HA HA HA!!! >XD
(The alert part of me):
How sad, I'm so sorry. After all, it's the most sought-after post in the Treasure Vault, reaching more than two thousand posts with almost 200 questions (one of them is held as a live trivia in-game), all within a year. It would take another year or so for another knight to accomplish this spectacular feat. Although the CE reward isn't a lot, many knights try their best to get the prize and earn a little fame. But if you end this post, it is very likely that another player continues your effort as suggested before when you told everyone you were momentarily stopping the post. <:)
(The dreamy, blurry part of me):
...Huh? Who's Kuger? Never heard of that name before. And uh... how does other people know what is the daily question? Well I don't know, but I think you should post it alongside the announcement of the winners so that I can see it :S
(The serious part of me):
No, don't you dare! If so, I'll tear you apart! >:O
(The crazy part of me):
La la la la I don't care, as long as I have fun on the forums I'll just play around and even post a few nonsense replies la la la la trololololoool... :P
Summed outcome:
Mixed feelings :/
Question ended, reaction
I would look up to the sky. Then I would turn back down and look into the spiral knights homepage. I would click on forums and check what the questionis today. Then I would realize; it isnt there. I would pick up chairs and throw them across the room and smack people in the face with plates. I would go crazy and I would have to go to jail for 3 days. Once im out, I go on the computer. I see Question of the day is still there. Then I notice; It was april fools day. The. Question. Wasn't. There.
Question 04/09/12
If question of the day suddenly ended one day, how would you react
(Don't Worry! I'd never close this thread! It's just a question)
I was walking onto my computer and checking the forums. Then I clicked into the Question Of The Day. I was shocked by the fact that it is down! "Noooooooo!" I shouted. This is like the end of the world! I am mad at Kuger at the moment. I walked angerly to the TV and slammed on the power button. Soon a commercial appeared. It went like this (scripted out).
Host: Are you freaking out of a topic? Well follow the Freak Out System or (FOS) and you will get over it. Are you ready? Great! Lets get started. The first step is to scream about the topic you are freaking out of. Scream to the heavens in agony about the topic. The second step is to calm yourself down, if you don't you will not get over it. Calming down can at least soothe some of the problems. The third step is to think positively about the problem. Maybe some solutions, or even a plan that will make you happy. The fourth step is to forget it by doing an activity you enjoy. This will help reduce the stress about the problem you are freaking out of. Finally, wait til the problem resolves. When it does, you will be glad you followed the FOS or Freak Out System routine! Just remember, if you ever freak out again, simply follow these 5 steps and your problem will be resolved. Results may vary as people have different problems each day. WARNING: FOLLOW ALL STEPS CORRECTLY OR YOU WILL ENDURE PHYISCIAL AND MENTAL CHANGES. There are reports of more violent behaviour. More sorrow behaviour. Weight suddenly dropped. Scrawny muscles. And serious health problems like a stroke. If you ever had these synthoms, call 234-I-NEED-MEDICAL-HELP-NOW. This will immediately help stop those synthoms.
I was soo glad, but I was scaried of not following the steps correctly! Oh no, now im freaking out about failing to follow the steps! I was screaming at the heavens in agony. Then I calmed myself down, next I thought of the fact that now I don't have to do this again. Next, I played outside. Finally the problem was resolved. Oh my gosh, I did it! I did the same for the question of the day an it worked. Thanks commer......... All of the sudden my mouth was sealed shut! My eyes started expanding. My toes started bursting out blood. Oh no, I did something wrong. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....
*plop* I died.
If question of the day suddenly ended one day, how would you react?
I would go on a killing spree.
it ended for me 3 months ago.... im being serious right now
i lost a lot of my interest in qotd when the end of the month things stopped happening
"If question of the day suddenly ended one day, how would you react?"
*logs on to Spiral Knights*
/find Kuger
/drag her to the Arcade
/throw her down from D0 to D29
/yell Give us the question of the day back D:<
But then I didn't win the question of the day that much anyways...but I still want a chance at free CE >:(
I would freak out (like spam the OP freak out) because its the largest thread and is sooooo awesome!!
i would go riot and slaughter inocent people and have a sign saying bring back question of the day or the world will explode in fire,shock,ice, and stun
Idk, I think my life would slowly ebb away into oblivion...
(Oh, hey Kuger, did you ever award the 4/6/12 winners?)\
(EDIT: LOL I started the 45th page! Hooray!)
When I was 2, my mom read Good Night Gorilla every night and make really funny facial expressions and sounds. My mom told me I shoulda seen my own expressions. Those old days... :)