"If question of the day suddenly ended one day,how would you react?"
First i would THROW THE CHEESE AT YOU!!!!. Second i would send my spy chicken minions to haunt you for all eternity!!!. Third i would make a video game that you can punch and kick Kuger all you want!!. I am finsihed
Question 04/09/12
If question of the day suddenly ended one day, how would you react
First I would celebrate, because I swear I never win these days, but then I would realize that I COULD NEVER WIN IF YOU LEFT!!! 0=!
I would fisrt pay my whole bank accout just to get CE, and then I would give away compensation gifts to all the poor, dying knights that lost their only source of fun. Then I would have an idea! lets go start another one and use the remaining CE to give... Oh... I already gave it all away.
The story would end with me, having used all my money, living in a cardboard box on the streets of Chicago, going by the name of Jimmy the dude in the box, and then eventually selling my beloved spiral knights account to some video game gold farmer because I was out of money. Then I would use the money to buy some cigars.
I lose my money, turn into a hobo and sell my spiral knights account.