I wouldn't mind with my triple lightning resistant max armor I wouldn't feel any thing however the person I was walking with would be fried because the bolt was resisted so it bounced off
Question of the day! (win ce) (Closed until further notice)

I would gain the shock status effect. After having multiple seizures with damage blocked magically by my shield, I would come to my senses. I start running around spreading my shock to everyone and thing around me, killing them without realizing it. I grab a remedy pill(drugs) inside my arsenal and pop it into my nonexistent mouth. Then, I would choke on it and have random bars come out of me as I take damage from a choking status. Eventually, it will wear off and I take a pill to restore my health. I start walking away victoriously until I trip on a rock and gain a fire status. With me wearing full Valkyrie armor, I die instantly and be dead happily ever after. THE END :>

Previous Winners 5/6/12
New question 5/7/12

"If a time machine travels through time, What would happen if the time machine crashed or stalled in mid jump?"
The answer to this can get quite complicated, I'm sure. Assuming time travel involves a fold in the space-time continuum, a mid-jump crash or stall would probably have two major possibilities. The first is that you end up in a different time than you intended. The second is that you end up teleporting somewhere else in the universe. One way I imagine it is this - time is like a road, and space is like a car that travels along that road at a constant rate. In order for "time travel" to happen, the road of time would have to wrinkle. Say the road of time was like a strip of paper. Fold the strip in half. Then fold each half in the opposite direction of the original fold, so that you end up with something like this (lines are the strip of paper, dots are placeholders):
_ _ _...._ _ _
Now, you can basically run your finger along the top part of your strip of paper, and you've essentially skipped over the entire middle segment. This is one way to think about time travel. If you were to stop mid-jump, you'd simply end up somewhere in that middle segment - you'd end up at a different time.
That's oversimplifying it, though. In that example, you would have to move the entirety of space over the road of time to achieve time travel. A time machine in the conventional sense would not be able to do this. Instead, the time machine is an object that exists within space, and only the time machine will travel through time - the rest of space will stay the same.
So now we have to think about this quite differently. Imagine the time machine is a car traveling on the road of space. You can pick up your time machine and put it somewhere else along the road of space. In other words, you could move your time machine to a different location. No big deal.
However, in order to move your time machine, you're going to spend some time - you can't just magically teleport your time machine across the world. So now we've brought a new dimension into our model - imagine that your time machine lies on a two dimensional coordinate system involving time and space. We can represent this system in a standard Cartesian form (the x-y grid you used in math class), like so (again dots are just placeholders, but the O represents your time machine).
|---------------> time
Here, your time machine exists at a certain location, at a certain time. While it may seem that you could just make a vertical fold in the space-time plane and move your time machine in a similar manner to the previous example, there's a catch - at some point (0, 0), space and time both came into existence. We call this point the Big Bang. This means that space and time are connected in such a way that you cannot change one without changing the other. We call this connection of space and time the space-time continuum. Here is where it gets extremely complicated.
Imagine that the location of your time machine in space is represented by some location along your index finger. The location of your machine in time is represented by some location along your thumb. In order to find where these two locations intersect, resulting in the existence of your time machine in the space-time continuum, imagine that there is a handkerchief connected to your hand, and your time machine is a small bead on that handkerchief. One edge of the handkerchief is connected along your index finger. An adjacent edge is connected along your thumb. If you stretch your thumb away from your index finger, you end up with an essentially flat surface upon which the bead can lie. Now you want that bead to travel through time without changing location. Chances are, you're not going to simply remove a portion of your thumb so that the bead can travel across a wrinkle in the handkerchief like in the first example. Instead, you're forced to move your thumb closer to your index finger in order to create a wrinkle. However when you do this, you don't just make a single wrinkle like in the first example. You end up with a bunch of different wrinkles, and these wrinkles aren't exactly straight. They bend both space and time. If the bead travels across a couple of these wrinkles and you stretch out your hand again, you might find that the bead has only traveled somewhere along the time axis. Good for you, you've just traveled through time without changing your spatial position. However if you stop mid-jump, you might end up in a different time and space.
I hope that makes sense. I just pulled all of that out of my butt - I'm no physicist.

Fsck, answered the wrong question.
If a time machine travels through time, What would happen if the time machine crashed or stalled in mid jump?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
You wouldn't stop, you wouldn't go. You wouldn't be where you wanted, you wouldn't be somewhere else.
You wouldn't ANYTHING.
Because all that would happen is nothing.
And nothing else.

IF my time machine stopped mid-way I'd be stuck in a time warp that would be a combination of past present and future events while taking those events from various places, dimensions, planets, and galaxy's. It would happen like this since with you messing with time travel you would be altering future or past events thus creating a new dimension because of your interference, you see alternate dimensions are always being created because of our choices, what if a leaf fell at a different time, or maybe I didn't spend money on CE. And maybe time travel is just a way of accessing other dimensions since even the most outlandish things can happen since nothing is impossible so maybe alternate dimensions have already existed since the dawn of time? And that ends my weird lecture. I hope you know that this just came off the top of my head and is just random stuff I just make up.

"If a time machine travels through time, What would happen if the time machine crashed or stalled in mid jump?"
Isn't the answer obvious? How many times has my son-in-law's great grandson repeatedly reinforced the fact, that every time quanta hyperbole is characterized by a looping parabole, which when intersected by a time dimensional plane, will lead to me being present in multiple instances of the same time and vice versa? This leads to a paradox which when explained by chaos theory leads to the plausible assumption that our minds though connected at the same time in different instances of time, will succumb to the rapid influx of information from different dimensions, which will in turn toast it, or pop almost all of the vessels and capillaries present in our cerebrum. And this sir, I tell you, will tarnish my newly crafted brand new Vog Cub Cap with sploshes of a colour which I will not fancy upon it; and I will have to discard it and go back to being 4* again. Annnnd again work up another 800CE to get to my first(second) 5*helm. This sir, is highly unacceptable to me, and I put forward a heartfelt request of rechecking and running trial runs on your time machines before you get me to sit in them again. Good day, sir. Never again.

"If a time machine travels through time, What would happen if the time machine crashed or stalled in mid jump?"
I would die in the time machine's travel portal and run out of breath.... Sooner or later be buried in the Blades of the Fallen mission 3-2, meeting squires of another generation...

If a time machine travels through time, What would happen if the time machine crashed or stalled in mid jump?
*big wind hits everything
I have earned super powers dealing with time travel!
Now off to get that cookie a Zamboni and Pegazuz stole from me.
IF it did, it would end up frozen in a time sphere or possibly end up in the timeline it currently traveled through. The chances are slim for another timeline to be existing from the crash due to the appearance of the time machine on different places which could split the timeline into two new, the one which is not changed and another one which is. Of course one of these is obvious to happen. \('-')/

according to my scientific expertise i would tell you that if this happened you would be there for all eternity and never die how ever your molecular structure will change so if the time machine changes the time period you will die from timemacineglacosis

Um....I would think that the time machine would explode. I would explode too if I was in it. But if a Wasn't I would feel bad for those who have lost their lives in the explosion. I would go to the Vietnam War Memorial and carve their names into a stone next to it. I might cry and I would tell the family im sorry.
Sorry family.

If a time machine travels through time, What would happen if the time machine crashed or stalled in mid jump?
It couldn't crash, because it's going through time and space. Time and space are not solid, therefore not crashintoble. Therefore, this question is an impossible one.
It it stalled, then I suppose it would fall to the ground, seeing how it 'jumped.'

Previous Winners 5/7/12
New question 5/8/12

Question 05/08/12
If I designed a new currency, what would the coins look like?
The coins would look like small metal discs with moderate amounts of shine, an intricate but totally awesome and aesthetically pleasing background design making the coins difficult to counterfeit, a small text stating the name of the currency on one side and a fat number on the other indicating its worth. Oh and one more thing I almost forgot that is vitally important though I don't know why: a picture of some random guy's face that no one knows squished somewhere on there. Yes it is kind of strange having a bunch of these creepy faces staring at our.. legs all day but that's just how things work.

If you designed a new currency, what would the coins look like?
1:I wouldn't have crowns I would have time like in the movie 'In time'.
2: If I didnt have a choice, I would have a hypno coin which is a spiral on a metallic blue circle of Aluminium.
3:Or energy orbs stored in circles of diamond and steel, they would have a rounded area where you could see the energy glowing.

"If you designed a new currency, what would the coins look like?"

If you designed a new currency, What would the coins look like?
I still need to win presidency.
Easy win style:
Campaigns: Abyssal-Flamberge vs. [Random Player]
Me offers currency of which per coin worth 3k crowns.
Random Player offers nothing.
My Votes: 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Random Player's Votes: 0
What it really looks like:
Campaigns: Abyssal-Flamberge vs. [Random Player]
Me offers currency of which per coin worth 3k crowns.
Random Player offers nothing.
My Votes: 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Random Player's Votes: 0
Previous President Objects: I saw what you did there!
Taken away by police.
Now for those coins...
Now I will make the 3k cr worth coins. But officer gets the inside info of my cheating! Picture of coins and my face: Problem, officer?

If you designed a new currency, what would the coins look like?
We would have coins with various random pictures on them. Not famous people. Just random things. Like this.

They should be like Sonic game's Rings...
It would be cool!

I know the answer.
The coins would be copper with a little picture of a submarine on it.
The dollar bills would be called Pochos and they would have a picture of Ash Ketchup from pokemon on em.
The coins would be worth 9c, 32c, 45c, 87c, and 93c.
The bills would be worth 1$, 4$, 12$, 56$, 101$.
That is my currency.
ME: hey mom what is currency...
MOM: Son currency is money like dallor bills and coins.
ME: whats a dallor bill.
MOM: Dallor bils are the green peices of paper i keep telling you not to eat...
ME: oh... WELL if i had to design a new sala.. i mean currency i would make it easyer to digest.. OH! and have pictures of bacon bits on it.
ME: hey mom whats a coin again?
MOM: coins are those small shiny peices of mettal i keep telling you to stop shoving up your
ME: oh.. ok ... well if i had to design i new dild... i mean coin i would make them BIGGER.
ps. and yes i know it doesnt answer the question that was asked but i thought this would get some laughs

"If you designed a new currency, what would the coins look like?"
Turtle shells!
But on no condition could they be ACTUAL turtle shells. Those turtles and tortoises need HOMES.

i only have 2 ideas:
idea No 1: http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=806&q...
idea No 2: http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=806&q...

If you designed a new currency, What would the coins look like?
Oo! I know! I would have 5 different sized and colored coins! The smallest coin would be the color brown and made of pure BRONZE. The 2nd smallest would have a brown border of bronze but the center would be silver! The 3rd smallest would be made of pure SILVER! The 4th smallest coin would have a golden boder but a silver center! And the biggest coin would be PURE GOLD! I would call them Crowns, and they would have insignas of crowns inscribed on each side so they look the same (which would make heads-or-tails rather difficult. :/) and they would be worth 1, 5, 10, 25, and 50 points of money (AKA CROWNS) respectively! You could get them from killing monsters and destroying water hydranst and lamps and torches and furniture and mailboxes and bushes and plant shrubs and buckets of nuts and bolts and giant green boxes and giant red boxes and a lottery wheel that randomly apperas whenever you use elevators and the what not. This idea is so origional, isn't it? :D I made it up all by myself! I need to copyright it before anyone steals this idea and - O WAT
If I designed a new currency, the coins would represent all of those in the Hall of Heroes.
Mainly because, they don't get enough credit.

i would make
*drum roll please*
The one...
The only...

Previous Winners 5/8/12
New question 5/9/12

What would happen if I met Nick IRL?
I'd pummel him mercilessly with questions like "Why not make the expansion mission a usable item key thingy so it could be tradable on the main server?" and "I know you saw Tersakaff's thread, what are you planning to do about it?" and "Did you sell your soul to the SEGA demons?" and "Will Steam hire men in black suits to stare at you angrily if you make the expansion mission tradable on the regular client?" and "Did you forget about Kongregate?" and "How much do you pay Njthug?" and "Will you make a 5* Spur?" and "Will you rebalance the Flourish's bastard children?" and "What happens if I insult you?" and "Do you like your grahams with milk?" and "Do you mix your softdrinks with each other?" and "Did you just give the forum avatars so you could be an impostocube?" and "Why did you choose Drupal, it never gets any new features ever?" and "Do you have ants in your chocolate?"

What would happen if you were to meet Nick in real life?
I'd take a picture of me with him, then kill him, because all Impostocubes are guaranteed to drop a Gold Crown, if anything.

"What would happen if you were to meet Nick in real life?"
I think the first thing I would do is check to see if he had a mustache whose awesomeness was even remotely close to that of an Impostocube's. Everything after that would just be awkward conversation, I suppose.

What would happen if you were to meet Nick in real life?
(Nick is the lead designer behind spiral knights)
Get his autograph.

What would happen if you were to meet Nick in real life?
I'd ask him about his job, what he does, anything planned for the future (related to SK and OOO of course), and maybe ask for an internship. :P

I would persuade Nick to make a helmet with my face on it....

What would happen if you met nick in real life?
Well I would walk right by him cause I would think he was jiggley and would have a dapper combo

"what would happen if you met nick in real life?"
we would sit down at a coffee shop, and we would begin discussing the theory of the new Mr.partishifishcut particle, then decide whether or not the jiggly boggles would be worth consulting, to fix the stain on Nick's mustache. by then coffee will have ran out, so we launch a mission to mars, beause they have coffee underground on mars, using a box of delicous industrial-grade fries for suits. and a cup o' ramen capsule. once we are on mars, we will realize we need to drill down into the planet for the coffea arabicus plant, so we will mount a second mission. for this one we will construct a catapult built to throw the heavy weapons guy so he can eat his way through to the plant, by telling him it is a sandvich. once we have collected the pods from the coffea arabicus plant, we will scan every corner and mouse hole of the internet until we find a jelly coffee recipe. once we have, we will need to drive to the hospital because we could not find adequate jelly, so Nick decided to use some of himself. but, because of the horrible traffic, we will be forced to take the detour over to bartell drugs, and buy about 40 boxes of over the counter tylenol. by then it will have been too late, and Nick will have died because of a simple mix up between the leroy jenkins compendium, and the shmorgasborganic theory, which is why I do not ever intend to meet Nick, because that would result in his death. Good day to you sir!

"What would happen if you met nick in real life?"
Don't know maybe ask him for infinite cr nad ce hmmmmm.... no it's not creative ( Kuger asked creative answers ).
Maybe ask him his autograph ........ no no Abyssal-Flamberge alredy answered.
Kill him Nooo don't even thing about it Spiral Knights would close.
Hmmmm......... I can't think one answer : /
Ohhh come on !
I would just say hello and then continue walking !
well first of all if i met nick in real life i probably would not know who he is unless i ask him therfore i would most likely just say hi and keep walking down the street.
BUT if i did know who he was i would respectfully ask him if i could speak to him about the game. i would ask why the hel the ce price is through the roof and posibly ask if he might be able to add grenades to the game. also i would talk to him about any new games he might be designing. and i might even try to give him a few ideas like a game about a square, squishy alien race that crash landed on a mysterious planet covered in strange robots trying to kill you. we might also discus making a new wepon in the game this wepon would have 6*s and there would be only 5 in existance. he would object and probably not do it. if he doesnt i would go to his house and kill his famiy and force him to give me one of the wepons hold him hostage after he is done programing and call sega and three rings and tell them if he ever wants nick back give me gm status on spiral knights and an unlimited suply of ce.
That my friends is what i would do if i met nick in real life.

Darnit...Lordzen stole MY idea.
I wouldn't know who the heck he is and I would most likely ignore him.

If i could meet Nick in real life i would...
Ask him for his account,unlimited ce and crowns,everything in the whole game and for his bank account so i could rob him and transfer the money to my bank account :S
Beat him up(pummel him up) unless he has bodyguards i would pummel his bodyguards first than ask him random questions about SK like Why you are only allowed to join somebody in a party while they're doing a expansions mission you would need to buy the Expansions back to join them,How much would OCH cost if it was buyable with CE,and why can't you host a contest that three lucky winners will win the following Prizes Winner #1 Would Win Unlimited Crowns And Ce For Life.Winner # 2 Would Win 50,000,000 Crowns And Unlimited Ce.Winner # 3 Would Win 10,000,000 Crowns,7,000 CE and a Grey Owlite Shield.:S
Now Lorzen is just being harsh. I would ask him about other games too But why would you wanna kill/capture his family and hold Nick Hostage?xD Spiral Knights would just close.Who would be the new Game Master to take over the place of Nick and become the Dev? meh Lorzen you stole my idea about the 6* Weapons i would ask Nick that the 6* Weapons all cause 3,000,000 Million Crowns because they do Maximum Damage for anything for Shadow Weapons they would do maximum Normal And Shadow Damage Elemental would do maximum Normal And Maximum Elemental Damage and piercing would do max normal and max piercing Damage.6* Armor Helms and Shield would do the exact same thing.

i know this is question is old.
But if a Time Machine could travel through time what would happen if it crashed or stalled in mid jump?
You would be stuck there forever therfore you would be stuck in that time forever if it crashed in a certain time.The Simples Of Time Travel are explained:"One cannot damage history, because history cannot be changed. I went back in time to steal this because history says it disappeared, and history says it disappeared because I went back to steal it. Past, present, future; it's all written in stone, my dear."
"How Long Is Forever?"
Through Applied Phlebotinum, Functional Magic, or some other means, our heroes travel back to the past. In the past, they wind up being responsible for the very events that underpin their own "present." This creates a chicken-and-egg scenario, in which the looping sequence of events has no clear beginning. The result of breaking the zeroth law of Time Travel: do not cause the event you went back to prevent.
This is also the basic premise of how Time Travel would work, according to Albert Einstein. Simply put, even if it were possible to travel back in time, you would not be able to change any events in the past, because they've already happened. No matter what your intentions, everything that you did would only fulfill the past. The only thing that would change is your perception of the events. (Hm, this somehow explains Hitler's Time Travel Exemption Act.)
This is sometimes referred to as a "time loop" paradox, particularly when a character, object, or piece of information was never originally created, but exists solely because of its own existence. Also known as a "bootstrap paradox," from the classic Heinlein short story, By His Bootstraps. It's also called an "ontological paradox" on The Other Wiki. The classic hypothetical example is to jump into the future, steal some wondrous gadget, come back to the original time, grab the patent on that gadget and start mass-producing them immediately. Eventually, they become so ubiquitous or so common that you, ten, twenty years younger, show up

Question 05/09/12
What would happen if you were to meet Nick in real life?
(Nick is the lead designer behind spiral knights)
So you're saying that I will meet Nick, because you said 'were to,' which means you will, but you haven't yet. So you're asking what I'd do to prepare.
Nothing. This question is impossible to answer because...
You said that 'Nick is the lead designer behind spiral knights,' which means that he is behind Spiral Knights, which is not possible becasue SPiral Knights is a computer game set on a 2D computer screen, and it's not really real (as in a real solid thing) so he can't be behind it.
Unless 'spiral knights' was a person, but you didn't capitilize the S and K, so it can't be.
And he's the 'lead designer.' What kind of guy has a job designing pencil lead (lead, as in the element on the Periodic Table)? I don't think that that's a real job...
/e loves making silly answers irrelevant to the real Question of the Day due to Kuger's wierd grammer mistakes.
guys how can i steal your ideas if i put them up first?
and also what i said is a compleat work of fiction
... We all know nick is actualy a jelly and he plays as a human.
Ps. I couldent spel crektly iff yoo paied me too.
LOL arkate were you high when you wrote that? Its hilarious great imagination dude/dudet.
/think god damnit i cant friken spel evn wen im thincing

i would eventually end up trying the shadow lairs over and over. and/or sell it all in front of the AH for a rediculious amount.

pal, you have no idea how much I have in my little head, I have to use 10 pound heavy artillery cannons just to keep it from dripping, keeping it all contained is more complex than the Table theorem