I would grow an army of snipes, then use their cuteness to trick everyone and then I order them to attack and subdue all of haven's occupants. I then storm in take over and claim a fortune by robbing the AH! If only I could actually have an army of small round helicopter birds.......
Question of the day! (win ce) (Closed until further notice)

If you had the option to grow an army, How would you use it?
I would grow a pack of flesh-eating wolvers and use them to say: Maybe they want to play catch... They would subdue the knights with catch using snipes and while their busy, I would take all the knight's gear and once I have taken all, I WILL TELL THE WOLVERS TO EAT THE KNIGHTS!!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

If you had the option to grow an army, How would you use it?
I would grow
1:My own Kugers and duplicate Qotd 4 million times and ask them to make me winner every 5 times and also toggle the Kuger's braind and adjust the niceness knob to the MAX!
2:A smiley face army and make them create money and give it to charities and be really jolly to everyone.
3:Nice Ice monsters to refreeze the Antartic glaciers.
4:Ozone layer repairer.(gives it all in the name.)
Here are my answers hope you like them.:)

Previous Winners 5/2/12
New question 5/3/12

I know exactly where my wepon stash is it is where my wepon stash is how obvious now the exact location is unknown but I think the snipes stole them cause I was to small to carry them all

"If your knight is so small... Where do they keep all of your weapons?"
Cloud computing is the future!

"If your knight is so small... Where do they keep all of your weapons?"
I have a portal on my shield on the inside. I keep my weapons on the inside of the portal and the weapons are safe because I used the gun from Portal to create my place to have the weapons! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Question 05/03/12
If your knight is so small... Where do they keep all of your weapons?
In your inventory.. where else? :p Why do you think those small knights manage to bear those huge minerals?
Answer is mineral body building! lifting minerals is what we do!

Question 05/03/12
If your knight is so small... Where do they keep all of your weapons?
Don't you know? Knights has a dimensional storage pouch on their belt. No matter how many things you put in there, it never fills up! It's an endless void! Although this may prove to be very annoying when trying to fish a weapon out... You wouldn't be able to find it.
*wolvers suddenly pop out of the ground*
Knight: LOL! I can take all of you on with my Dark Thorn Blade!
*fishes around in pouch for sword*
Knight: Um... cmon... almost got it...
*Wolvers stare at Knight for several seconds trying to find sword, then attack*
Knight: SCREAM!!!
*several minutes later*
Multilated Knight: Gah... stupid endless void pouch...

When not in use, weapons automatically transform into a compact little molecule, stored somewhere on the back of your shield, ready to suddenly transform to full size once needed.
"Hey! Where'd he pull that gun from?!"

I keep all my weapons in an inter dimensional portal that I open with one word. I also use it to store victims, food, Crowns, CE, snipes, Gm's, Users, and tortodrones.

Previous Winners 5/3/12
New question 5/4/12

Because why shoot through enemies with steel bullets when I can shock, freeze, torch, and just slice? If we used machine guns it wouldn't be FUN. And besides I get a kick out of it when I freeze everything in sight with my shivermist, or just decimate everything with a nitrome. Besides machine guns don't give off pretty lights when it kills your enemies.

If we had a machine gun, it would malfunction.
If it malfunctioned, it would blow up my great grandmother who is currently
having tea in the corner of my bedroom with Batman.
If it blew up my great grandmother, Batman would be all like " Oh my gosh, what do I do?"
"I never signed up for this . . . I quit."
If Batman were to quit, it would be up to Robin to save the world but he would use his
power to go on a vacation on the top of a pink alligator and then be eaten.
If Robin were eaten, giant rabid bananas would rule the earth and make human pudding
and we would have to genetically mutate monkeys to eat all of the giant rabid bananas resulting
in people being all like "Oh my gosh there's a giant mutated monkey in my shower."
So that is why we don't use machine guns.

If knight technology is so good, why don't we all just use machine guns?
Mac.s are for noobs.
High tech is for noobs.
When you get all high tech, you can only go so high. From there, you gotta go DOWN!!! 2 73H L0\/\/ 73CH!!!
PH34R 73H L0\/\/73CHI\I355! PH34R \/\/17H GR8 PHEAR!!!!!
To strike fear into our enemies, we must do things the HARD way! If we use our advanced tech to create weapons of mass deestruction, who will they fear? Our TOOLS!
We must make them fear US! They will LEARN that there is NO WAY they can defy our WRATH.
C0I\/I3 47 I\/I3H BR4H!!!!

Beacuse we already have a portable achine gun, Autogun, sillies. And Happyapathy's snipe, remember?

If knight technology is so good, why don't we all just use machine guns?
Simple, really.
If you thought of it like this:
Machine Gun Recipe:
-(random mats)
1000 cr 10 ce
It would suck and Autoguns would have the upper hand.
Next theory.
Human resources are used to make the machine gun, eg. Iron and Lead.
/reads book in Moorcroft Manor Library and drones off....

because you know we think machine gun is high tech but since low tech is the new high tech and high is the new low people think it higher tech to use all the swords guns and stuff

If knight technology is so good, why don't we all just use machine guns?
just so you know, knight technology isn't at ALL good, It's actually pretty bad. Have you ever seen any WASHING MACHINES in haven? That's why we're all so very stinky. I'd stay away from any old players if I were you. Imagine someone running through the clockworks almost every day and doesn't bathe. no wonder snipes run away form us. Now that I think of it, does the knights have any NOSES at all? high tech? psshhh. someone should Invent noses for the knights. I think that The stink actually bothers the monsters in the clockworks. So THATS why they're attacking us......
OK, back to the question. why don't we all just use machine guns? According to a scientific experiment a while ago that I saw on TV, the machine gun actually misses much more than a normal rifle. So, the more accurate question would be "why don't we all just use SHOTGUNS" shotguns can blow the face off someone in the hands of an experienced gunner.
In conclusion, biomechanical brains aren't a very good idea.

Previous Winners 5/4/12
New question 5/5/12

So what happened at that party? I forgot..
I dunno, too much drinking I guess, them ecto-drops can get nasty after a few thousand...
Waitaminit, what party?
Come to think of it, who are you?

So what happened at that party? I forgot...
My 3 Modes of Fun
Happy Fun Mode:
It was the party you set up for QotD being the largest thread possible!
Cmon Srsly Mode:
/walks woozily. /holds beer up. /says: Hey, why are there two of your... TV...?
Sherlock Homes Mode:
It was a sharp night, when I, Abyssal Flamberge a.k.a. Sherlock Holmes, when to this party. Opens light in suspect room. Screams heard:
I turn it off and turn it on again...
The same noises are heard. I see the person in front of me... It's... It's KUGER!
Kuger: So what happened at that party? I forgot...
Me: Where were you the night before?!
Kuger: The party. What happened?
Me: Someone stole... the DIP.
I inject the sleeping vial... I leave her in the suspect room.
Then I saw a truly horrific sight: THE TRUTH.
There my face was facing the mirror full of mustard and ketchup dip.
I get my handcuffs and turn in myself to the condiment police.

So what happened at that party? I forgot...
Well Santa Claus had abit too much and threw up in the pool, so we decided to vote the toothfairy toclean it up because he was in the bathroom.
Unfortunately Jack Frost(Party pooper) spiked your vodka and you were unconscious. Luckily Santa called some elves to imprison him in some boiling chamber and guess what Father Time slowed down time for everyone else except for the party people(excluding you because you were asleep, so you weren't partying) and thats why you feel extra refreshed.

So what happened at that party? I forgot...
Oh duuudeee.... the party was raaad braaaahhhh.... BEER!!! *hic* I think I'm shtill *hic* a bitsh drunk from all the *hic* beer. There wash *hic* a clown or something..... How are yoush shober?? *hic* I sthink you're *hic* drunk, duuuuudeee... The schandelier *hic* was flyingsh *hic* and *obnoxious burp* oh godsh I'm full... I sthink the bottlesh we're floathing... *hic* then.. there was a *hic* guyshhhh wit some applesh or shumtin *hic* and there wash shandwichesh.... soooooooo manyyy *hic* shandwichesh..... I feelsh *hic* shleepy now *hic* I shthink *hic* I wanna shleep on thish floor *hic* now...... *blacks out*

What happened at that party?
I was sitting on my beanbag chair leaning on my Zamboni and drinking my malt beer while everyone danced to "It's My Life" by Bon Jovi(the band, not the guy). I think there was a fistfight and a TV playing Spongebob YTPs and Rainbow Tylenol fad responses. Then EVIL PATRIXXX entered the room accompanied by EVIL SONIXXX and tried to kill everyone. Before the two of them could advance towards the crowd I ran them over with the Zamboni and tossed their frozen bodies out the window before EVIL PATRIXXX could use his MIND **** BALL OF MAS DISTRUCTUIN. Then I popped open some malt beer and handed it around to everyone and sang Good Charlotte's "The Click". Strobe lights went everywhere.

I haven't answered one of these in awhile. Here goes nothing:
Isn't it obvious what happened at the party?
We all went over to the punch table to get some drinks. We filled our glasses with punch and started drinking. Except for you Kuger. We all drank except for you. The butler had actually put methane, heroine, and a dash of poison. We got addicted. We drank and drank till we dropped dead. Kuger, you were upset that you weren't part of the crowd.
So you downed a whole jug of that punch. When you died, I decided I had to do something. I CE revived and revived all of you too. We beat up the butler. We ran out and were in Haven now. But you really don't remember all that? It was a WILD ride.
And you missed it.

"So what happened at that party? I forgot..."
...what party?
Go ask someone else.
Wait, that party?
.....oh, you meant that party.
In that case, what I said before.

Well you see..... we had an awesome party which involved copious amounts of Part rocking, zebra's, Chiroc, energy drinks, ME, CE, crowns, Gm's, and of course SNIPES
So while all of you were getting drunk I came in swindled you all out your CE and crowns then you all took some weird pill, and you all knocked out and went on an insane journey to find psycho who somehow got kidnapped by the mob, which seriously sounds like another storyline which take place after an insane party. Hope that filled you in Kuger. Oh also you lent me power over the QOTD and your guild while you were......not yourself.

So what happened at that party? I forgot..
Nothing. There was no party.

So what happened at that party? I forgot...
The party started at exactly 8:00 PM. At 8:45 you opened all your presents.
At 9:10 the cake and ice cream was served to all of the guests and from then on to
1:00 AM, we played games and what not . . . basically your average birthday party.
Oh . . . except for the part where the aliens game, crashing their ship into your car, blowing up
the pizza man, and burning down your house and then putting our time in a loop so you had to
live through it all over and over again for 68 years until you finally escaped, killed all the aliens,
and flew their ship so fast it transported you back to the end of the party, 68 years ago, where
you slept, knocked out on the couch, until now.
Then you woke up at 7:00 PM, realized it was all a dream, and started to prepare for the party
only to find your dream come true . . .
(I could go on for a while but I'll go ahead and stop here xD ).

"So what happened at that party? I forgot..."
Come on, man. I depend on you to tell me how the parties go. I'm always too busy playing Spiral Knights! If you don't tell me what happened at that party, how do you expect me to tell you? Seerusly...

party there was no party
All right why are you talking about that highly classified party we went to
You do know that you were told never to bring it up and the party was
for the latest game called tiddlywinks we played it all night
Now I whip out my toxicology testing device hmmmmm sir you are at 300% I suggest you lay down take a nap and relax and don't say a word to any one

"So what happened at that party? I forgot..."
Drank too much frost gel and took an Optimus Prime to the knee.
At that party, we had been minding our own business with the Strangers and Snipes. But then, we got ambushed by a swarm of monsters that somehow got from the Clockworks up into Haven! There's only on reason for why you would forget that moment... A Lumber smacked you across the face so hard we needed to revive you! Although, since there we're so many knights... those monsters weren't a problem.

At the party there were SK knights wearing Snarbo costumes and fought with the Vog cubs..

well first you, me and a few others (mrattique, mrtofeeq, taketh, weld, archweld) went to the super uber jelly party.
then weld got drunk off the fruit punch and started to rant about cheese
which caused archweld to smack him which startled the jellies whom started to kill eachother
which then caused you to be carried away on top of a jelly mob
whil i tried to get to you while having to kill Jk and eat ice cream
which all ended with me, you (kuger), archweld, and weld to wind up in the hospital
what happened to mrtofeeq and mrattique? they are still partying for their lives while Beta squad gos in to rescue them.

we went and saw some dudes in 0* armor and gave them 4k crowns for being cool

Previous Winners 5/5/12
New question 5/6/12

I'd feel "shocked"! Get it? Get it? :D

"And that's what happened at the party last night, Kuger." I tell you. You nod tired and thoughtlessly and you stand up to go back to bed. I roll my eyes and go out side, I smell the fresh, humid air. I'm going to have to hurry back before the storm starts, I think. I stretch and break into a run, wanting not to get struck by lightning. Well, too bad for me! Cause *ZAP* I just got struck by lightning! The pain overwhelms me and I pass out, I awake in the hospital with you at my bedside and you ask me, "What was your reaction when you got struck by lightning?" I open my mouth to say something, but instead I turn over in my bed. You sigh, mark something off your clipboard and walk away. I notice today I haven't been the only one stricken by lightning, I see Windsickle, Weld, Psychodestroyer, and lots more QotD participants in hospital beds around me, and you going to each and every one of them getting their opinion on their reaction when they were struck by lightning.
TL;DR I'd get annoyed by Kuger for setting this particular question up.

"What would your reaction be if you got struck by lightning?"
"Darn greavers."
Oh, in real life?
I'd have no reaction.
...but I'd be dead!
What do you mean, I wouldn't?
Very well then.
My reaction would be....

What would my reaction be if I got struck by lightning?
"Who's that winged-helmet superhero above me and why on Earth is he holding a hammer?"
*lightning strikes*
Dying thought: Should've eqipped... *cough* mercurial... mail...

What your reaction be if you got got struck by lightning?
I would start to sing Thunderstruck from AC/DC!
IGN: Praeses

What would your reaction be if you got struck by lightning?
Well it would go like this:
I would be walking whenever I found a lightning flower. (Get it? Like Fire Flower?)
I try to eat Lightning Flower and successfully swallow it.
I fail at summoning lightning and blow myself up.
"Ouch, Nintendo did not think that one through."
What would your reaction be if you got struck by lightning?
Wouldn't I be dead? Even if I am a knight, I don't think we can handle THAT much power in such a fast amount of time.

"What would your reaction be if you got struck by lightning?"
Well, to start, it would begin what Lightning struck me with.
If he was holding a Final Flourish, then I'd probably be dead, because I'm weak to piercing.
If he was holding a Wrench Wand, I'd hold up my indestructable ironmight shield and laugh.
If he struck me with his bare hands, I'd strike lightning back.
And finally, if he struck me with a Gran Faust, I'd grab it, wrench it from his grasp, and proceed to whack him upside the head with it.
Unfortunately, none of these scenarios are very likely, because I doubt the knight known as "Lightning" gets on SK anymore, much less to play Lockdown. Oh well, at least he won't be striking me anytime soon.

If I got hit by lighting I would check if I got superpowers from it. If so I'd create mass havoc all around haven and the clockworks.
"If you had the option to grow an army, How would you use it?"
I would first find the greatest chefs in the world. Pay them to create many cookies shaped as numerous Spiral Knights and use that army to do my bidding. Examples are: Scratching my back, Eating them, Playing video games with me, and to be friends (of course, who wouldn't want a delectable treat to be your best friend!)
They would be nice and hug all the people in the world. The End.