I vote for A! You can never have too much fun with death and destruction!
Choose Your Adventure, Pick Your Path! [Rise of the Legion] - Completed

A receives the most votes!
I regret to say, that among the two choices, you picked the worst.
Don't worry, this isn't the death trap yet. I admit it was partially my fault, so instead of ending it abruptly, there will be a really, really tragic situation ahead. Prepare yourselves...
(Because you missed the better ending, everyone only receives 1 point instead of 2.)

Apperently the obvious answers seems to be the best.
But thanks for just making it a tragic situation, not a dead end :D

"Alright, get ready everyone," Vaelyn says, sliding out her fencing swords, "there are lives at stake right now."
Without further ado, you keep away all your belongings are move on to the left turning with the group. Terrin, along with the other Guardians, moves up to the front of the group, cautiously threading on with his raised shield. The rest of the squad members encompass the group from the sides and the back, doing their best to protect the defenceless Geo Knights. That reminds you how many times the Geo Knights have to rely on others in order to stay out of danger. What if you are left alone one day, without anyone to escort you home or to fight your way through?
"... and we're here right now. Is this the void zone you're talking about?" Vaelyn asks with a somewhat puzzled look on her face. The map shows that the troops are right at the edge of the dark spot. Coincidently, even the torch stands ahead are not lighted up.
You nod your head in response, trying to look as confident as possible in front of the lieutenant. Surely, this sort of situation will trouble anyone's mind, regardless of one's experience. One of the most common cases are reported in the Shadow Lair, where the knights' map readings are interrupted and jammed by the Swarm. No one would believe it if a Swarm really does appear behind the darkness ahead.
"I see... As a leader, I'm not one who takes risks easily, but we have to act fast. We shall move now." Vaelyn orders again with full determination.
"Excuse me, lieutenant." Terrin bows before her, "but I assume our situation here shouldn't be taken lightly. I suggest we take it slowly; perhaps we can send in our Recons to scout the area. They will report to you once they are done."
"Excellent, we shall send them in now and wait for their news."
"Very well then. And, aside from that, I wish to accompany them." The other Guardian knights turn to look at Terrin, and you can imagine their eyes popping out of their helmets quizzically. However, true enough, everyone can tell that Terrin is being extremely serious.
"But why, my soldier? You might get yourself into deep trouble!" Vaelyn seems amazed at his request too.
"The danger ahead is too unpredictable. Just in case if the Recons encounter something beyond control, I'll be there to stop it. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."
Vaelyn contemplates the Guardian carefully, her eyes squinting ever so slightly, probably in admiration. "OK then, bring them along with you." She sweeps her glance towards the Recons, "You're on your own now, comrades. Good luck., you'll need it."
Terrin and the Recons perform a dutiful salute before they start moving. You catch a glance of Terrin saluting you briskly again, but soon he disappears into the darkness, right before you can say goodbye.
[Continued at next chapter]

Moments passed, like the sluggishly slow Clockworks ticking away outside the fortress. The troops have decided to sit down and simply take it easy until the Recons emerge from the void area. Lieutenant Vaelyn grew impatient over time, and right now she's been pacing around far off, trying hard not to show her nervousness to everyone here. You tried scanning the area ahead again and again, but with no results whatsoever. Looks like Terrin and the Recons are indeed on their own.
The dreadful silence is suddenly interrupted by a distant crash, shaking the very floor and the books on the shelf. It wasn't loud, but it felt strong to you.
"What's that?" Vaelyn glances over at the squad.
"It came from that direction..." One of the squad members says, pointing towards the darkness, where the Recons were last seen.
"This is bad... I hope they're alright, with the Guardian with them. We should wait, no one enters the void zone until I say so." Vaelyn continues her pacing, with her right hand grasping on one of her swords tightly. Uneasiness begins to creep upon everyone's mind, and some starts mumble to another fearfully.
Soon after, you hear a faint sound of footsteps. One by one, all of the troops arise to stare into the darkness, hoping that someone would come out and break the news.
You try hard to look past the dark passage, and all you can see are four little figures running towards you with their flashlight on. You remember there are indeed four Recons entering the passage, but the Guardian is nowhere in sight. As soon as they escape out of there, they throw themselves onto the ground exhaustedly, gasping hard for air.
Before anyone has the chance to spit out a question, one of the Recons point out a finger to the passage. "The Guardian... he... he is no more."
Instantly, your heart sinks like stone. Without any hesitation, everyone in the squad charges into the darkness, turning on their flashlights with trembling fingers. You don't even care about the danger ahead right now, all you can think of is to get to Terrin immediately.
The Recon who has been leading the way stretches out his hand to halt the squadron. One beam of light hits something shiny on the floor, and it's unmistakable. It's a full metallic armor set so huge you can probably fit in two knights into it without them fighting for space. The helmet, resembling the symbol of the knights, belonged to a Guardian.
Terrin is down. He is no more.
You can't help but to lean against the gigantic armor, shedding your tears onto the glistening surface. The whole body is so rigid and cold as stone. Even the shield has stopped glowing blue. This had happened exactly to the missing knights before too.
You lift your head up to stare deeper into the passage. What could have done this to him? Could the culprit be out there?
"I'm sorry..." Lieutenant Vaelyn's voice seems slightly muffled, "Abort mission, I repeat, abort mission... we must leave this place. Everybody out, now."
A. Run ahead deeper into the passage. The culprit must be close.
B. Follow Vaelyn's orders. There's no use being emotional now.

B! Abadon mission, I repeat abadon mission!

Abort the mission. No need to find the culprit because you cant even wield a sword tho. Just a Geo Knight

It seems like this thing we're facing is affecting Guardians the most...maybe a Geo Knight could find something they would be unable to.
I'm not opposed to leaving, but I'll go with A currently.

Find the culprit later, stretch this story longer so we all get more points :)

Whoever you are...

Overthinking this too much.
If we had a valiance, I would choose A...
We're getting punished for this, aren't we?
B it is then. FRICK.

It's just Fleet-Miss-Gun being weird again.

I was going undercover!

Geo-knights can't protect themselves. But I want to know. A will be it

Aha! The Ghostmane Stalker has been found! Now, return back to the gremlin chatter!

Since I'm detected.............
/realize I'm a hipster.
/kills all knights
/accidentally killed by a twacker
/becomes an undead

Meanwhile, I'm pretty busy for a brief period, so the next chapter will be delayed for about a couple of days or so, but it might come sooner.
But before that, let's wait for more votes to come in and resolve that tie...

Thank you for being the tie breaker... hope there will be no other votes than this...
Avenge Terrin!
Every time I think of Terrin, all I could think of is Chicken Terriyaki....

Well, if i was a guardian, i would choose A. Besides, i would be carrying my trusty Khrovohood, a weapon that can push Trojans in the game, so i wouldn't worry that much about it, but if i was a well-trained Geo-Knight, i would choose B, because you never know if they need a good Geo-Knight.

Do you know how ridiculous is A? It just took out a freaking Guardian.
We don't do combat.
What are you guys thinking?!
Do you know how many missions involve the rescue of Geo Knights?!

Yes! Stable agrees with Vinnydime on how silly the A option is.

The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate...
Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope...
Yet arcana is the means by which all is revealed...
Beyond the Beaten Path lies the absolute end... It matters not who you are, Death awaits you...
-Nyx Avatar

So many posts at once today. I don't what to say...
Right now, I have no idea how to continue this. I'm being honest with you, I can't just do it.

Just do what you always do: Surprise us!
Try writing down lists of possibilities, give yourself few options and consider which one you think the best. I hope you can solve your dilemma! We'll be here to wait for you... Even if it takes an eternity...

Do you plan to make the Geo Knight died?

The reason i choose A was because Trojans have crystal weakpoints on their backs. We are a geo knight. And NOTHING can stop a geo knight from getting to crystals. Fact.

I think you guys chose the wrong option........thats why Snow cant continue it.....

Please Snow continue this!
Apperently we will get the bad ending.

Filled with utter sadness at the loss of the Guardian, you ignore Vaelyn's words and go deeper towards the centre of the fortress. Something is in there, and you can sense it.
You try to catch your breath from running too far. In total darkness, you can't even see your own fingers stretched out before you. You search for a flashlight hiding in the fold of your uniform and flick the switch on.
It instantly gives off a bright beam of light, and the first thing you see in front of you is a horrific snout of a Trojan statue.
You walk back a few steps away from it, and suddenly you bump into something hard. Another Trojan statue.
You hold the flashlight tighter and sweep the light beam around. You realise there is a dozen of stone statues built in a circle, and you're standing right at the centre of it. All the statues seem to look down towards the centre too, as if they're staring down beneath you.
You try to look directly below yourself at the floor. But at the first glance, you feel a sharp pull directly at your heart. Then it tugs at your head, and your fingers become numb with coldness. Your eyes become unresponsive as the darkness encompasses you...
Before you are nothing but a lifeless body, you hear an ominous voice piercing right through your soul.
"You are no longer living, but I shall live forever. But for now, for both of us, this shall not be...
The Dead End."

Sorry for the delay. Apparently, we've reached an end here, but probably not what we wanted.
I've been avoiding this thread, for it breaks a part of my heart whenever I imagine myself ending a story with so much undone. However, it's inevitable, and I just have to do it.
Still, there's no use crying over spilled milk. The story will be ended right there and then. I really didn't mean to ruin it for you guys, and I apologise if it isn't what you've been expecting. Playing with fire does has its own risks.
Thank you all for participating! I want to especially thank Kanoka, Infernus-Dragneel, Vinnydime, Fleet-Miss-Gun and Shotjeer, for they are the latecomers who stayed right till the end. Also, thank you Isis for returning, and I hope you can continue to enjoy this series.
Thank you once again for voting for this thread for Isis's fanfic contest. I really do owe you a favor for that (in which I returned by giving away points x3).
We'll meet again next time! Adventure on!

That was a load of fun! Even though it was a dead end for this story... There will always be something else in the box!
Great job as always for keeping us all entertained Snow! Hope more of this will start coming!
/e adds Gina and Kevier to the "Possible Foods" book

Haha, thanks a bunch :3
Frankly speaking, almost 60% of this story, including its hidden secrets, has yet to be uncovered. That's one of the reasons why I feel bad for ending it right there. Still, I'm glad you enjoyed it as well as I did!
Just hope the whole of Haven won't be doomed by overwhelming Trojan armies after our hero is gone :(
I'll clarify about this fact a bit more, without disclosing any spoilers: The Swarm does exist, and indeed, so far the knights have experienced a jam in their scanners during their expedition in the Swarm. They are aware of this, but there are a lot of reasons why a radar can be jammed, not just the presence of a Swarm (e.g. deflection of radio waves, hijacking the scanner). In this case, even the Geo Knights cannot confirm the exact reason. So you will have to judge the risk by yourselves, according to the uncertainty of the situation.
I'll be more careful in the future, thanks for pointing it out for me :)