Shoot. Double post.
Machinauts: Far Side of Cradle - A stat-based RP
"The Machine Spirit is with in every machinauts, young lady," KV-103 replied to Nalki, "It is like souls, only it is inside of a machine, without it, we will be just another regular mech knight incapable of making its own decisions."
Seeing D-07 is down, KV-103 sighed, "Machinauts these days forsake armor for mobility, and look what happens... get back on your feet, Ditto, your service to the torchbellow clan is not over."
[Revives D-07 with a spark of life, use plate armor kids, they save lives.]
--Commercial Time--
Fallen King: "Father, does the machine spirit truly exist?"
Gerallax: "Hey, according to you and some of the theists out there, as long as you believe in something, it exists."
Fallen King: "But still, sometimes when I am about to fall to damage, I can hear a strange whisper inside my AI that tells me to go on, it is a strange feeling, it is as if another soul dwells inside of my armor... I couldn't be sure if those whispers were just my imagination..."
Gerallax: "Well, there was a theory running around T.I.E. (Torchbellow Institute of Engineering) a few years back about self aware nano machines a few years back... it is said that before the great unification war ten thousand years ago, we Gremlins were at a golden age of technology, nano machines, AIs and even space exploration were within our grasp."
Fallen King: "That is kind of hard to believe... I knew there was a time when we were better off, but this is something straight out of a Vog awful fan-fiction..."
Gerallax: "Yeah, believe it or not, the great purge happened when our race reached the peak of technological advancement, we became arrogant and started waging war between clans. And this is when Lord Tinkinzar first appeared, he was said to be guiding us in the shadow in the millenniums leading up to the unification war, he first conquered the seven major clans and formed the great colony and then he set out a crusade across the clockworks to unite the other clans, of course, some of them were wiped out after resisting his dominion. Although we were saved from the edge of extinction by all out civil war, Tinkinzar's tyranny ultimately led to the lost of many valuable ancient technologies. Like the AI nano machines for example."
Fallen King: "Like the same thing that makes up my AI?"
Gerallax: "Yes, but only far more advanced, your AI was only designed to emulate the machines of the old. so the theory goes that some of the AI nano machines before the unification war were scattered across the clockwork and many of them are still functioning till this day, although this is only a theory but it is said that these nano machines are responsible for the clockwork's random stratum shifts and its strange ability to sustain multiple ecosystems across the many faces of cradle. And we can call this phenomenon, the machine spirit."
Fallen King: "Maybe next time I should give a prayer to a toaster, maybe then it will stop giving you and professor Naoka burnt toasts..."
Gerallax: "Don't jinx it unit two..."
((Looks like another delay due to unexpected plans. Sorry about this, guys- I'll try to keep with my schedule more often.))
((@Midnight-Dj: Hold that last thought. I just thought of an arc revolving around the sinister Cult of the Blazing Toaster.
Only joking. I'm not that crazy! Anyway, Spark revives are right out, unfortunately. However, Health Revives are alive and well, and Oroseira told me via Steam that he'd happily health-revive D-07.
@Nanonizer: Nano2Nano has joined the party! You can pick a Standard Attack (happens on your turn, less damage but having more Reflexes can increase it) or Charge Attack (happens a turn later, less Reflex-dependent) with either of your weapons. I also started you off with Rocket Boots so you can choose a Jump Attack (Jump up the first turn, attack the next with extra damage, Reflexes increases its power) as well.
Your bio is near the bottom of the post below BETA's bio, hit Ctrl-F and type in [Nanonizer] to find it.
The weird enemies are because... long story. Mardrux (a high-ranking Devilite and the main bad guy of this current story arc) is running an MMORPG that creates a "Cyber Zone" where the MMORPG affects reality, and is using the Cyber Zone to, without the players' knowledge, do bad things. The Machinauts are here to help the Geonids (gem creatures found on Depth 6) by reclaiming something Mardrux took: a piece of their Heartstone, which Mardrux is trying to use to brainwash the Geonids. There's a little more to it but that's the basic gist of it all.
tl;dr version: Mardrux is a bad guy, get the shiny crystal back.))
Turn Roll: Who cares?
Mute keeps on holding his charge.
LV-909 revives D-07!
Matikclocker X begins charging his Calibur!
Recurve lays a Bear Trap.
Turn Summary
PvP bots!
(Shields regenerated: D-07's)
"Oh! Interesting... Whoa, looks like we just got another guy."
Nano2Nano appears! "So that's where he went! The guy's kinda tough to keep track of." This new Machinaut must have snuck in and followed your trail. Hopefully Nano2Nano will know the mission. If not... well, he'll probably just follow you and aim pointy objects at bad guys until he does, so that works too.
More Cyber Zone menaces appear! And there's not much strategy to them... Okay, wait, that's ridiculous. They openly admit to being PvP bots, and they're almost entirely identical! Why are they not banned? Conspiracy or no conspiracy, that's just unprofessional. Unless... Could it be...?
At any rate, you'd better hurry, because those bots are more than willing to gang up on you and attack with their giant hammers. Fire at will!
WARRIOR POINT REWARDS (At any time, you may trade 1 Warrior Point for any of the following!)
1 WP <--> 800 Crowns
1 WP <--> 400 Crowns, 100 Heat
1 WP <--> 200 Heat
2 PENDING SYSTEM UPGRADES FOR: Mark30-Longshot, SEE-4, Sephiroth, E-304
For each upgrade, choose one of:
+1 Accuracy (Helps you land hits and increases "Critical Hit" effects like those on the Spat-o-War)
+1 Blocking (Helps you block and evade attacks)
+1 Reflexes (Can increase your attack count and decreases enemies' attack count, used to determine turn order)
-Victory Conditions-
=Defeat all of the Bots! (Last Wave)
-[Reward: ** Trinket Recipe] pending from previous match
-Pending Effects-
Mute: Charge w/ Meteotillery (Bomber Gauntlet Boost x 2)
Mark: Charge w/ Autogun
Matikclocker X: Charge w/ Calibur
-Buffs and Debuffs-
CYBER ZONE: Everyone!
Recurve: Bear Trap active
Lava Lakes (30% - (Reflexes * 3)% chance to take a Strong Fire Damage tick, chance doubled for Bots)
Loot on Victory
(11 "Players")
(Rolling for Iciclos later)
-Ally Rows-
KV-103: 0
DSN-001: 0
Mark: 1
-Cannon Puppy: W
LV-909: 1
D-07: 0
-A.I.M.: 3
SEE-4: 1
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
Sephiroth: 3
Mute: 3
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
903:99: 0
Matikclocker: 0
Nano2Nano: 3
KV-103: 68/68 (Nm 100)
DSN-001: 550/550 (Nm 220|Spcl 110)
Mark: 400/400 (Nm 300|Sh 50| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
LV-909: 400/400 (Nm 300| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
D-07: 26/50 (Nm 100)
SEE-4: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Sephiroth: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Mute: 400/400 (Nm 300| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
ASSASSIN: 50/50 (Nm 100)
E-304: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Matikclocker: 185/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
BETA: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
-Totally Not Bots, Wave 3 of 3 (ENEMY, CYBER ZONE)-
MELEE_BOT_1 [A12|B0|R0] Health 1500/1500 | 200 Nrm | 0 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 2
{Maul ("HAMMER"): 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 250/250 Nrm | Nigh-effortless Bot: +3 to Turn Order}
MELEE_BOT_2 [A12|B0|R0] Health 1500/1500 | 200 Nrm | 0 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 2
{Maul ("HAMMER"): 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 250/250 Nrm | Nigh-effortless Bot: +3 to Turn Order}
MELEE_BOT_3 [A12|B0|R0] Health 1500/1500 | 200 Nrm | 0 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 2
{Maul ("HAMMER"): 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 250/250 Nrm | Nigh-effortless Bot: +3 to Turn Order}
MELEE_BOT_4 [A12|B0|R0] Health 1500/1500 | 200 Nrm | 0 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 2
{Maul ("HAMMER"): 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 250/250 Nrm | Nigh-effortless Bot: +3 to Turn Order}
MELEE_BOT_5 [A12|B0|R0] Health 1500/1500 | 200 Nrm | 0 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 2
{Maul ("HAMMER"): 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 250/250 Nrm | Nigh-effortless Bot: +3 to Turn Order}
MELEE_BOT_6 [A12|B0|R0] Health 1500/1500 | 200 Nrm | 0 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 2
{Maul ("HAMMER"): 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 250/250 Nrm | Nigh-effortless Bot: +3 to Turn Order}
MELEE_BOT_7 [A12|B0|R0] Health 1500/1500 | 200 Nrm | 0 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 2
{Maul ("HAMMER"): 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 250/250 Nrm | Nigh-effortless Bot: +3 to Turn Order}
MELEE_BOT_8 [A12|B0|R0] Health 1500/1500 | 200 Nrm | 0 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 2
{Maul ("HAMMER"): 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 250/250 Nrm | Nigh-effortless Bot: +3 to Turn Order}
-Hunting Party (ALLY, CYBER ZONE)-
Recurve [A-6|B-3|R-6] Health 850/1000 | 200 Nrm | 200 Prc | 800 Ele | 0 Shd | Row 3
{Recurve Longbow ("Delivers Strong Points"): Charge Attack, 8 ACC, 400 Prc (Overcharge: 800 Prc) | Power Arrows: Can add a status effect (Fire, Freeze, Shock or Poison) to her arrows for free, this makes the arrows deal split Elemental damage | Bear Trap: Lays a bear trap, Bear Trap attacks people who attack Recurve until it lands a hit (320 Nrm)}
-Player Allies-
Cannon Puppy (Mark30-Longshot) [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
A.I.M. (D-07 "Ditto") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Surge Mail Polyp (SEE-4) [A6|B2|R8(+2) (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Weighty Heave: 2 ROF, 190 Nrm, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun, Back Row penalty enabled | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown}
Lightbulb (PAD-103 "Mute") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
-Player Team-
KV-103 'Fallen King' (Health: 1875/2400) [Midnight-Dj]
A-8 | B-9 | R-3 (ASD: 0)
]-* Weighted Anchor [UV: FMB Low] (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 3(+4), CTR: Med, Com 43/225Nm/44/225Nm, Chg 24/25/27/29+580 (30%: +1 Target, 15%: +2 Targets)) {0/15 Shields Damaged} [D7 E2]
]-** Snarl of Cerberus [UV: CTR High] (L8 Nm/Sh Swd, H 86/160, Acc +7(+2), CSPD 5(+4), CTR: V. High, Com 228/225Nrm/228/225Nrm/264 (base 190/190/220), Chg 854+580Nrm (Base 610)) {17/25 Sword Hits} [5D 2E]
]-** Flourish (L8 Prc Swd, H H 86/160, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 7(+4), Com 175/225Nrm/175/225Nrm/201 (Base 146/146/176), Chg 336+336+378+580Nrm (Base 240+240+270)) {2/15 Attacks Evaded} [5D 2E]
[]** Non-Shield (L8 Shd, H H 87/160, HP 68 (Base 50), Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H7]
{}** Plate Armor (L8 Arm, H 87/160) [M2] | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L8 Hlm, H 87/160) [M2]
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
19080 Crowns - 12 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - - [ KO Meter: |||||||||||||||||||| ]
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
DSN-001 (Health 1600/1600) [Sonosuke]
A-7 | B-6 | R-7
]-** Monster Buster [UV: FMB Low] (L5 Nrm Gun, H 77/100, Acc +7(+1), ROF 7(+1), Clip 4 x 124(Base 115), Chg 669(Base 577) (60%: Overkill picks new)) {20/20 Hits with 2+ bullets: Capcom's Revenge (1004 damage, party's Gun ASI/CTR Low for 3 turns) Ready!} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Meteotillery (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Acc +7(+1), ArmSpd 5(+1), QAt 270 (up to 4) (base 250), Chg 399 (up to 11) (base 344), no Back Row penalty) {25/25 Second+ Enemy Hits: Block Out The Sun (499 Nrm to all enemies, Good Chance of Mod Stun, Ally Shields to Full HP with 5% Overheal) Ready!} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Iron Knuckles (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Com 140/151/270 (base 130/140/250), Chg 564 (base 486) (Good chance of Mod Stun), can still Block while Charging) {5/15 full combos} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Energy Saber (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +6, CSPD 6, Com 167/178/200/211 (base 155/165/185/195), Chg 778 (base 671), On Charge: Copies status variant, saber has Fair Chance of Mod (Status) on attacks for 3 turns) [D2 E1 S1]
[]** Defender (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 550 (base 500), Nrm 220 (b. 200) | P/E/S 110 (b. 100)) [D2 H2]
{}** Demo Suit (L5 Arm, 77/100) | ** Desperado Hat (L5 Arm, 77/100)
<>** Default Coil Mk II (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +3 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
5578 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 150|Ele 150|Shd 0
Fire 1|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI 0 (Gun +1)
CTR Weapon+0 (Bomb +1)
FMB 0 (+1 w/ Super Arm Arm)
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]- {AUTO PROTOCOL: St/W1 - Ch/W2 - D - St/W4 - St/W3 - D - D}
Mark30-Longshot (Health: 2100/2400) [Colray]
A-10 | B-5 | R-3 (ASD -2)
]-** Wallbreaker [UV: Charge Med] (L5 Nrm Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, ROF 2, CTR: Med, Clip 1 x 341, Chg 549 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {5/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage}
]-** Autogun (L4 Nrm Gun, H 7/80, Acc +4, ROF 2, Clip 2 x (6x85), Chg 15x91, Blocking -2 while in use) {12/30 Overkill Bullets}
]-** Cannon Puppy (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (230 HP), Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF) {2/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Cutter [ASI: Medium] (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 9, Com: 104(26)/112(28)/120(30)/128(32)/136(34) (Blur Strike pierces defense), Chg 178/190/202/214/226) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
[]** Support Shield [Shadow DEF: Low] (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, Shd 50, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Plate Armor (L5 Arm, H 77/100) | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L5 Hlm, H 77/100)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
9459 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
ASI -2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]- {AUTO PROTOCOL: Ch/W1 - (Ch/W2 or (if Sword +: Ch/W4))
'Cobalt' [Hexlash]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
LV-909 'Ignem' (Health: 725/1600) [Oroseira]
A-6 | B-8 | R-6
]-** Overclocked Light Scope (L5 Ele Gun, H 57/100, Acc +7, ROF 10, Clip 10 x 74, Chg 486) {16/20 Hits with 5+ Bullets}
]-** Katscratch (L5 Shd Swd, H 57/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5, Com 165/165/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {1/5 Shields Broken}
]-** Flourish (L5 Prc Swd, H 57/100, Acc +6, CSPD 7, Com 146/146/176, Chg 240+240+270) {6/15 Attacks Evaded}
]-** Featherbow (L5 Prc Gun, H 57/100, Acc +8, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {316/5000 Overkill Damage}
[]** Support Shield (L5 Shd, H 57/100, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L5 Armor, H 57/100)| ** Desperado Hat (L5 Hlm, H 57/100)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
10267 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 2|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI Gun +2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend]-
D-07 'Ditto' (Health: 725/1600) [Spirals-Ore]
A-7 | B-1 | R-12
]-** Cannon Puppy “A.I.M.” [UV: Damage Low] (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (+78 Heat = 268 HP), Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF) {0/40 Turns Active} (HP 190/190) [H]
]-** Ray Shamshir “Slash" [ASI Very High] (L5 Ele Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 6(+5), Cmb: 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/190, Chg: 506 & 580Nrm (Charge has no back row penalty)) {20/20 Attacks beyond first combo: Cut Down (285 Ele, -1 Reload Time/Combo Delay) ready!} [S1]
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L5 Shd Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+5), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {3/5 Shields Broken} [S1]
]-** Featherbow “Snipe” (L5 Prc Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {736/5000 Overkill Damage} [S1]
[]** Non-Shield (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 53 (Base 50), Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
{}** Wolver Coat (L5 Arm, H 77/100) [R1] | ** Wolver Cap (L5 Hlm, H 77/100) [R1]
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>** Default Coil Mk II (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +3 ASI/CTR on next attack)
30385 Crowns - 12 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 2|Freeze 3|Shock 2|Poison 2|Stun 2|Curse 2|Sleep 2|Doom 2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Jump Attack - Defend - Item]-
SEE-4 (Health: 1417/2000) [Eternity-Terminal]
A-9 | B-5 | R-4
]-** Catalyzer [UV: Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 59/120, Acc +7, ROF 5, Clip 3 x 137, CataCharge: 326 Nrm (up to 2), +50% Instacharge, +25% Doublecharge) {0/15 Catalyzer Charges}
]-** Surge Mail Polyp (L6 Nrm Bmb, H 59/120, Charge deploys Surge Mail Polyp (130+5% Mach (230) HP, A6|B2|R6 Turret, Weighty Heave: 190Nrm, 2 ROF, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown) {1/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Doom Watch (L6 Shd Gun, H 59/120, Acc +6, ArmSpd 2, QAt: 234 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor Doom), Chg: 320 (up to 8, Fair Chance of Minor Doom)) {0/5 dodged Doomed enemies}
]-* Super Arm Arm (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ROF 7(+2), CTR: Med, Clip 4 x 25, Chg 65 (60%: Overkill picks new)) {13/20 Hits with 2+ bullets} [5D 2E 2S]
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 59/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit [Doom Resist: Max] (L6 Arm, H 59/120) | ** Demo Helm (L6 Hlm, H 58/120)
<>* Bucket Dimension (Use “Capture” to catch projectiles to expel back at the enemy at a later date)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune (Hearty Marks 1 Enemy, increasing their acc by +1 but adding 2nd heart drop chance, for 3 turns)
8449 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 250|Shd 100
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 6
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]-
K1XK1N9 "Enterthekicks" [Whyna]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
"Sephiroth" (Health: 2050/2200) [Saucce]
A-9 | B-2 | R-7
]-** Mire Crossbow [UV: Damage Med] (L6 Shd Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 9(+1), x.5 initial Reload, CTR: Low, Clip: 3 x 129, Chg 3 x 166, Good chance of Minor Poison, On Charge: Slight chance of Minor Sleep) {0/10 Full Clip Hits}
]-** Spat-O-War (L6 Nrm Swd, H 88/120, Acc +7, CSPD +6, CTR: Low, Com 121/126/136/141, Chg 481 (15 + Acc (24)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {20/20 Status Effects: Crackling Bacon Grease (721 damage, Good Chance of Strong Fire, ally team has +3 Fire Stacking and on all attacks: Slight Chance of Minor Fire for 3 turns) ready!}
]- --
]- --
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
8125 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180 [5% Heart Efficiency | 10% Revive Efficiency]
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
DMG Weapon+0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
PAD-103 "Mute" (Health: 1375/1600) [Magmaul-Ace]
A-8 | B-5 | R-7
]-** Magic Orb (L6 Ele Bomb, H 88/120, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 218 (up to 5, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 256 (up to 13, Good Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {6/10 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [2S]
]-** Meteotillery (L7 Nrm Bmb, H 30/140, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 250 (up to 4), Chg 344 (up to 11), no Back Row penalty) {3/25 Second+ Enemy Hits} [E2 S2]
]-** Doom Watch (L1 Shd Bomb, H 0/20, Acc +6, ArmSpd 2, QAt: 234 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor Doom), Chg: 320 (up to 8, Fair Chance of Minor Doom)) {0/5 dodged Doomed enemies}
]-** Cannon Puppy "Lightbulb" (L1 Nrm Bmb, H 0/20, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (+0 Heat = 190 HP), Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF) {0/40 Turns Active} (HP 190/190)
[]** Support Shield (L1 Shd, H 0/20, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Demo Suit (L6 Arm, H 88/120) [2R] | ** Demo Helm [Pierce Med] (L6 Hlm, H 87/120) [2R]
<>** Power Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (twice each); each Boost increases damage by 30% and targets by 3)
<>** Advanced Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Super Vial/3 turns)
15993 Crowns - 2 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 300|Shd 0
Fire 4|Freeze 4|Shock 6|Poison 4|Stun 4|Curse 4|Sleep 4|Doom 4
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
903:99ASSASSIN (Health: 1330/1600) [Herozenzero]
A-8 | B-4 | R-8
]-** Flourish (L1 Prc Swd, H H 0/20, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 7(+4), Com 146/225Nrm/146/225Nrm/176, Chg 240+240+270+580Nrm) {0/15 Attacks Evaded}
]-** Ray Shamshir “Slash" (L1 Ele Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 6(+4), Cmb: 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/190, Chg: 506 & 580Nrm (Charge has no back row penalty)) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo: Cut Down (285 Ele, -1 Reload Time/Combo Delay) ready!}
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L1 Shd Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+4), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken}
]-** Cutter (L1 Nrm Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 9(+4), Com: 104(26)/112(28)/225Nrm/120(30)/225Nrm/128(32)/136(34) (Blur Strike pierces defense), Chg 178/190/202/214/226/580Nrm) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
[]** Non-Shield (L1 Shd, H 0/20, HP 50, Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
{}** Wolver Coat (L1 Arm, H 0/20) | ** Wolver Cap (L1 Hlm, H 0/20)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
1193 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 0|Freeze 2|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
M4g1k [Snakey-One]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
E-304 (Health: 2200/2200) [Arylide]
A-6 | B-3 | R-9
]-** Redwood Lumberdirk (L6 Pc/El Swd, H 88/120, Acc +6, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Cmb 125/125/125/165, Chg 399 (8%: Backstab x5)) {20/20 Supereffective Hits: Element of Surprise (1197 damage, Party ignores 25% enemy Defense for 3 turns)}
]-** Mire Crossbow (L6 Shd Gun, H 88/120/100, Acc +7, ROF 9, x.5 initial Reload, CTR: Low, Clip: 3 x 118, Chg 3 x 151, Good chance of Minor Poison, On Charge: Slight chance of Minor Sleep) {3/10 Full Clip Hits}
]- --
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180 [5% Heart Efficiency | 10% Revive Efficiency]
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Matikclocker X!
Matikclocker M-OVC-2002 Battle Robot (Health: 1250/1000) [Matikclocker]
A-6(+1) | B-8(+1) | R-6(+1)
]-** Calibur (L7 Nrm Swd, H 118/140, Acc +7, CSPD 5, CTR: Low, Cmb 200/200/250, Chg 510 (30% +1 target, 30% +2 target, 15% extra hit (75% extra hit vs. Turret)) {0/25 Sword Hits}
]-** Cryotech Alchemer (L7 Ele Gun, H 118/140, Acc +7, ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 2 x 127, Chg 275 + 2 splitshots (5% internal split), Good Chance of Moderate Freeze) {2/15 Ricochet/Splitshot Targets}
[]** Defender (L7 Shd, H 118/140, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L7 Arm, H 118/140)| ** Cobalt Helm (L7 Hlm, H 118/140)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
6590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - - KO METER: [|||...............]
Nrm (450)350|Prc (280)180|Ele (280)180|Shd (280)180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
--SPECIAL: Cannot be revived! If destroyed, a new Matikclocker will arrive in 2 turns--
[OVERCLOCK METER: ....] (Gain 1 point after winning a battle, 1 point per extra turn waiting to deploy)
(X MODE requires full meter, adds +1 all stats, MHP/4 Temp HP, 100 to all defenses)
(Can use 1 point to add +1 to Reflex, MHP/8 Temp HP, 100 Normal defense)
BETA-01911 (Health: 1850/2000) [Dreathuxy]
A-5 | B-8 | R-7
]-** Spat-O-War (L6 Nrm Swd, H 88/120, Acc +7, CSPD +6, CTR: Low, Com 121/126/136/141, Chg 481 (15 + Acc (19)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {0/20 Status Effects}
]-** Wallbreaker [UV: Charge Med] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, ROF 2, CTR: Low, Clip 1 x 341, Chg 549 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {0/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage}
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Nano2Nano (Health: 2000/2000) [Nanonizer]
A-7 | B-4 | R-9
]-** Lode Javelin (L6 Nm/Pc Swd, H 88/120, Acc +8, CSPD +3, CTR: Low, Com 185/215, Chg 335/335 instantly) {0/20 individual projectiles dodged}
]-** Cryotech Alchemer (L6 Ele Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 2 x 127, Chg 275 + 2 splitshots (5% internal split), Good Chance of Moderate Freeze) {0/15 Ricochet/Splitshot Targets}
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - - KO METER: [..................]
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Total Crowns Earned: 11077
-Prologue: 636
-Chapter 1: 10441
-Chapter 2: 7783 (+26 WP)
1 Super Fire Vial [**]
2 Doom Vial [0*]
1 Freeze Vial [0*]
1 Health Capsule (+60 HP) [0*]
4 Mecha Turret Kits [0*]
2 Poison Vial [0*]
2 Reconaissignals [0*]
1 Remedy Capsule [0*]
4 Shock Vials [0*]
1 Stun Vial [0*]
6 * Beast Scales
14 * Ripped-Up Wanted Posters
12 * Emptied Clips
38 * Gel Drops
15 * Brimstone
5 * Scrap Metal
23 * Grave Soil
12 * Spark Plugs
11 * Cheap Gunpowder
10 * Sharp Fangs
13 * Rock Chips
8 ** Owlite Feathers
16 ** Forbidden Fruit
16 ** Chitin Frags
8 ** Waste Modules
16 ** Power Cells
2 ** Ammo Boxes
4 ** Swordstones
8 ** Iron Gears
8 ** Fuel Canisters
3 ** Gremlin Gizmos
5 ** Frayed Fabric
4 ** Translocation Residue
3 ** Cooling Cells
9 ** Physics Applicators
10 ** Dead Gold
-Key Items-
Old Cipher (An old drive containing some kind of complicated deciphering program; the letters "H.E.Z." are embossed on the drive. It was used to decipher the Audio Log you found.)
HEZ Audio Log I (An old Gremlin-made Audio Log found in the Viskouza base in the Torchbellow Ruins. Click the link to see what it said.)
-Unused Gear-
]-Cloudy Orb (L9 Nrm Bomb, H31/50, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po), Chg 32 (up to 10, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [6D 2S]
]-Static Flash (L10 Nrm Bmb, H MAX, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 16 (up to 2), Chg 28 (up to 7, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {0/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {0/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
]-* Sharpened Lumberdirk (L5 Pc/El Swd, H53/55, Acc +6 (+1), CSPD 8(+1), CTR: Low, Com 15/15/15/23, Chg 32 (8%: Backstab x5 damage) {4/20 Supereffective Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]-* Bog Repeater (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Kat Claw (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Blast Charge (L5 Nrm Bomb, H52/55, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 27 (up to 5), Chg 50 (up to 11)) {3/15 Charge Attacks} [5D]
]-* Shiny Shards (L10 Pc/El Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 8(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 4x16 shraps, Chg 8x28 shraps, 17% all shards to main target, 64% each shard hits new foe) {0/10 3+ Shraps hit target} [6D 2E 2S]
]-* Lil' Gelato (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+ 80 Heat) (111) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {2/40 Turns Active} [D5 H5] (HP 95/95)
]-* Heavy Hatchet "Best Bud" [UV: v. Gremlin Med] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 2(+2), CTR: Low, Com 44/30/45/30 (15%: +1 target) [52/36/53/36 to Gremlins], Chg 92 (30%: +1 target) [108 to Gremlins]) {0/10 Extra Sword Targets} [D8 E2]
]-* Six-Shooter "2S" (L8 Nrm Gun, H35/85, Acc +6(+1), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 25, Chg 6 x 23 + 43) {4/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E1]
]-Plywood Lumberdirk (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 8(+2), CTR: Med, Com 16/16/16/22, Chg 32 (7%: Backstab x5 damage) {8/20 Supereffective Hits} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Apprentice Orb (L10 Ele Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 27 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 42 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Lil' Gelato [UV: Damage Low] (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+126 Heat) (155) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x28 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {11/40 Turns Active} [H9 D1]
]-** Pulsar [Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7(+2), ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 3x127 (up to 3), Chg: 255 (up to 5)) {--/15 triple-target shots} [2E]
]-** Featherbow (L6 Prc Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage}
]-** Monster Buster (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 7, CTR: Low, Clip 4x115, Chg 577 (60% chance to carry Overkill)) {9/20 Hits with 2+ Bullets}
[]Proto Non-Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 12/12, Nrm 5|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]Plank (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 35/35, Nrm 22|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D1]
[]Proto Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 25/25, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
[]Proto Shield (L8 Shd, H11/45, HP 32/32, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, +0.5 All Resistances) [D1 H6 R1]
[]Proto Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 21/27, Nrm 30|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]** Owlite Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 450/450 Nrm 150|Prc 0|Ele 400|Shd 0 (Resistance: 2 vs. All)) [2R]
[]** Support Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}Ex-Motocross Plate Mail (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn + 1, Slp - 1, ASD -1) [D1]
{}Rusty Brigandine (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Kevlar Knock-Off (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
{}Cruddy Cuirass (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Asbestos Armor (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Fir -1)
{}Badly Battered Brigandine (L10 Arm, HMax) [D1]
{}Base Mail (L1 Arm, H0/15)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L6 Armor, H 88/120)
/\Iron Plate Bucket (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn +1, Slp - 1 ASD -1) [D1]
/\Old Mecha-Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25) [D1]
/\Compute-O-Vision (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Shk - 1)
/\* Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
/\Man With A Moon (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D1]
/\* Warm Hat (L8 Arm, H5/85) [6D 2R]
/\** Desperado Hat (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Knight Bracer (Can take incoming hits for allies below 10% HP, cannot evade hits taken for allies)
<>* Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Vial/3 turns)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
14 Sparks of Life
-Known Recipes-
* {Heavy Hatchet, Kat Claw, Metal Fists, SmallCalibur, Tempered Dueling Sword, Weighted Anchor, Weighted Frying Pan, Apprentistick, Heightened Plasmator, Overclocked Light Scope, Pummel Gun, Six-Shooter, Super Arm Arm, Apprentice Orb, Asteroid Bomb Mk II, Lil' Gelato, Lil' Wiz, Shiny Shards, Bolted Non-Shield, Bone Shield, Tough Plank, Base Mail, Hefty Plate Armor, Vitasuit, Base Helm, Hefty Plate Helm, Vitacap, Warm Hat, Bomber Gauntlets, Bucket Dimension, Default Coil, Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution, Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Periodic Block of Elements, Risk Vs. Reload, Rocket Boots, Knight Bracer}
** {Calibur, Cutter, Energy Saber, Flourish, Iron Knuckles, Katscratch, Ray Shamshir, Snarl of Cerberus, Spat-O-War, Autogun, Catalyzer, Featherbow, Mire Crossbow, Monster Buster, Pulsar, Wallbreaker, Cannon Puppy, Doom Watch, Magic Orb, Meteotillery, Surge Mail Polyp, Demo Suit, Desperado Jacket, Medisuit, Plate Armor, Wolver Coat, Cobalt Helm, Demo Helm, Desperado Hat, Plate Helm, Wolver Cap, Defender, Non-Shield, Owlite Shield, Support Shield, Advanced Periodic Block of Elements, Default Coil Mk II, Power Gauntlets, Title-Seeker Belt, True Knight Bracer}
(( If you guys are wondering where I am, I am currently out of town. Posting will be difficult unless I found a wifi-spot ))
"Thank you, I will be more carefull next time!" D-07 turned to the party.
(Unleash Finisher at... Well they are all the same, so up to you)
"A new Machinaut? Here? In the cyber zone?" KV-103 mused, "This is a machine god's miracle!"
[Charge flourish]
"Not a miracle, Miracle King, but our team is being stronger! Look at Nano2Nano, sneaky but armored."
Matikclocker X turned towards Nano2Nano.
"Welcome to our party. I am Matikclocker M-OVC-2002 Battle Robot X, shortly Matikclocker X. I have a very VERY hot head and I like to shoot like crazy. What you got?"
Matikclocker X looked at a weapons of Nano2Nano, trinkets and armor.
"Oh man! We have the same weapons! Except swords. I have Calibur, you have...what? Lode Javelin?! I've seen this weapon for the first time... I need to study about this thing...Hey, piercing weapon? Cool! Well, that amount of Reflexes will keep you away from lava like my friend D-07 Ditto. I hope you get well with him."
Then Clocker contacted Click Driver.
/CD: Well, what's wrong?
/Clocker: *facepalm* New Machinaut joined us. He followed us.
/Clocker: Shut up, he is no traitor, he is *ahem* training.
/CD: Ok. See you later.
(Matikclocker X FIRES CHARGE at MELEE_BOT_5)
((That was a joke for Zelda fans because Darknuts are often confused with Iron Knuckles and vice versa, despite the fact neither have appeared in a game with each other and having different trademark weapons (Iron Knuckles: Axes, Darknuts: Swords)))
>There are things you shouldn't just say out loud.
*Forget it, they're relatively new fighters in our team.*
[Monster Buster Standard: Surprise me]
Nano2Nano turns to Matikclocker X as soon as he heard someone screaming to him through comlink.
"You should calm down that driver, nanotech cannot focus on *ahem* artillery attack."
Nano2Nano transformed into artillery and prepared the Lode Javelin.
"Steady, steady, steady, ready, prepare..."
(Charge Lode Javelin on Meleebot number 3)
((Looks like it'll be one more delay.
I've noticed I've been delaying every other day; again, I apologize. This last one should be the end of the delays (barring any vacations) until the beginning of the school year; once the school year starts I may have difficulty getting a post in on Mondays and Wednesedays.
The post will be up tomorrow.))
((@Sono: Noted))
Turn Roll: 2,3,3,3,3,3,2,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,3,3,1,1,3,2,1,1
Bot 1: 3 + 2 = 5
Bot 2: 3 + 3 = 6
Bot 3: 3 + 3 = 6 (62/100)
Bot 4: 3 + 3 = 6
Bot 5: 3 + 3 = 6
Bot 6: 3 + 3 = 6
Bot 7: 3 + 2 = 5 (8/100)
Bot 8: 3 + 1 = 4
Recurve: 6 + 1 = 7
KV-103: 3 + 2 = 5 (9/100)
DSN-001: 7 + 1 = 8
Mark: 3 + 2 + 1 CTR = 6 (60/100)
LV-909: 6 + 3 = 9
D-07: 12 + 1 = 13
SEE-4: 4 + 3 = 7
Sephiroth: 7 + 3 = 10
Mute: 7 + 1 + 3 CTR = 11
ASSASSIN: 8 + 1 = 9
E-304: 9 + 3 = 12
Matikclocker X: 7 + 2 = 9 (75/100)
BETA: 7 + 1 = 8
Nano2Nano: 9 + 1 = 10
Requiem of Chaos fades.
D-07 does not simply fall into lava.
D-07 unleashes his Ray Shamshir's full power! Cut Down!
KrrrrZHEEEEEENG! MELEE_BOT_1 took 235 damage!
The party's Combo Delay and Reload Time decreased by 1!
E-304 avoids the lava.
E-304: Standard w/ Lumberdirk -> MELEE_BOT_1
8 swings, 6 hits! No Backstab. 680 damage.
Mute avoids the lava. (From here on, if you don't see them getting hit by lava, assume they weren't hit by lava)
Mute: Fire Charge w/ Meteotillery -> MELEE_BOT_1
All targets except MELEE_BOT_2 took 500 damage!
Sephiroth: Standard w/ Spat-o-War -> MELEE_BOT_1
7 swings, 6 hits! 481 damage! Down!
Nano2Nano: Charge w/ Lode Javelin -> MELEE_BOT_3
Roll: 31. No Instacharge.
LV-909: Standard w/ Flourish -> MELEE_BOT_6
6 swings, 6 hits! 936 damage.
ASSASSIN: Standard w/ Flourish -> MELEE_BOT_2
9 Swings, 7 hits! 1621 damage! Down! (In retrospect, having no danger avoidance was not a good idea)
Matikclocker X: Fire Charge w/ Calibur -> MELEE_BOT_5
No extra targets/hits...
1 hit! 460 damage.
DSN-001: Standard w/ Monster Buster -> MELEE_BOT_6
8 shots, 8 hits! 592 damage. Down!
Overkill carried! MELEE_BOT_5 took 542 damage. Down! (YEEEEES)
Overkill carried! Missed! (But it would have been like one point of damage anyway)
BETA: Standard w/ Wallbreaker -> MELEE_BOT_4
2 shots, 2 hits! 582 damage.
Recurve: Charge w/ Bow
Recurve pulls back her bow!
SEE-4: Standard w/ Catalyzer -> MELEE_BOT_4
5 shots, 5 hits! 435 damage. Down!
2 swings, 2 hits! 200 damage.
Mark: Fire Charge w/ Autogun -> MELEE_BOT_8
13 hits! 533 damage.
KV-103: Charge w/ Flourish -> MELEE_BOT_7
Roll: 35. No Instacharge.
1 swing, 1 hit! 175 damage.
MELEE_BOT_8 blunders into Lava!
MELEE_BOT_8: HAMMER -> Recurve
MELEE_BOT_8 is hit by the Bear Trap! 270 damage.
Turn Summary
The Melee Bots take a ton of damage!
The survivors swing mostly ineffectually at the Machinaut team.
(Shields regenerated: D-07's, Matikclocker's)
"Yeah! YEAH!" Nalki cheers as the Melee Bot gets taken down by her trap.
Well, they weren't so tough after all. That's what they get, the vultures.
But... why are they not banned in the first place? Is this another of Mardrux's machinations, or is it just lazy moderation?
((Those bots were surprisingly ineffective. Last time I ever take anything with 0 Block | 0 Reflex seriously.))
WARRIOR POINT REWARDS (At any time, you may trade 1 Warrior Point for any of the following!)
1 WP <--> 800 Crowns
1 WP <--> 400 Crowns, 100 Heat
1 WP <--> 200 Heat
2 PENDING SYSTEM UPGRADES FOR: Mark30-Longshot, SEE-4, Sephiroth, E-304
For each upgrade, choose one of:
+1 Accuracy (Helps you land hits and increases "Critical Hit" effects like those on the Spat-o-War)
+1 Blocking (Helps you block and evade attacks)
+1 Reflexes (Can increase your attack count and decreases enemies' attack count, used to determine turn order)
-Victory Conditions-
=Defeat all of the Bots! (Last Wave)
-[Reward: ** Trinket Recipe] pending from previous match
-Pending Effects-
Recurve: Bear Trap active!
Recurve: Charge w/ Bow
Nano2Nano: Charge w/ Lode Javelin -> MELEE_BOT_3
KV-103: Charge w/ Flourish -> MELEE_BOT_7
-Buffs and Debuffs-
CYBER ZONE: Everyone!
Recurve: Bear Trap active
Lava Lakes (30% - (Reflexes * 3)% chance to take a Strong Fire Damage tick, chance doubled for Bots)
Loot on Victory
(11 "Players")
(Rolling for Iciclos later)
-Ally Rows-
KV-103: 0
DSN-001: 0
Mark: 1
-Cannon Puppy: W
LV-909: 1
D-07: 0
-A.I.M.: 3
SEE-4: 1
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
Sephiroth: 3
Mute: 3
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
903:99: 0
Matikclocker: 0
Nano2Nano: 3
KV-103: 68/68 (Nm 100)
DSN-001: 550/550 (Nm 220|Spcl 110)
Mark: 400/400 (Nm 300|Sh 50| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
LV-909: 400/400 (Nm 300| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
D-07: 39/50 (Nm 100)
SEE-4: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Sephiroth: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Mute: 400/400 (Nm 300| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
ASSASSIN: 50/50 (Nm 100)
E-304: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Matikclocker: 310/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
BETA: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
-Totally Not Bots, Wave 3 of 3 (ENEMY, CYBER ZONE)-
MELEE_BOT_1 pwned! (-396)
MELEE_BOT_2 pwned! (-121)
MELEE_BOT_3 [A12|B0|R0] Health 1000/1500 | 200 Nrm | 0 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 2
{Maul ("HAMMER"): 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 250/250 Nrm | Nigh-effortless Bot: +3 to Turn Order}
MELEE_BOT_4 pwned! (-17)
MELEE_BOT_5 pwned! (-2)
MELEE_BOT_6 pwned! (-528)
MELEE_BOT_7 [A12|B0|R0] Health 1000/1500 | 200 Nrm | 0 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 2
{Maul ("HAMMER"): 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 250/250 Nrm | Nigh-effortless Bot: +3 to Turn Order}
MELEE_BOT_8 pwned! (-103)
-Hunting Party (ALLY, CYBER ZONE)-
Recurve [A-6|B-3|R-6] Health 850/1000 | 200 Nrm | 200 Prc | 800 Ele | 0 Shd | Row 3
{Recurve Longbow ("Delivers Strong Points"): Charge Attack, 8 ACC, 400 Prc (Overcharge: 800 Prc) | Power Arrows: Can add a status effect (Fire, Freeze, Shock or Poison) to her arrows for free, this makes the arrows deal split Elemental damage | Bear Trap: Lays a bear trap, Bear Trap attacks people who attack Recurve until it lands a hit (320 Nrm)}
-Player Allies-
Cannon Puppy (Mark30-Longshot) [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
A.I.M. (D-07 "Ditto") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Surge Mail Polyp (SEE-4) [A6|B2|R8(+2) (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Weighty Heave: 2 ROF, 190 Nrm, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun, Back Row penalty enabled | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown}
Lightbulb (PAD-103 "Mute") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
-Player Team-
KV-103 'Fallen King' (Health: 1875/2400) [Midnight-Dj]
A-8 | B-9 | R-3 (ASD: 0)
]-* Weighted Anchor [UV: FMB Low] (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 3(+4), CTR: Med, Com 43/225Nm/44/225Nm, Chg 24/25/27/29+580 (30%: +1 Target, 15%: +2 Targets)) {0/15 Shields Damaged} [D7 E2]
]-** Snarl of Cerberus [UV: CTR High] (L8 Nm/Sh Swd, H 86/160, Acc +7(+2), CSPD 5(+4), CTR: V. High, Com 228/225Nrm/228/225Nrm/264 (base 190/190/220), Chg 854+580Nrm (Base 610)) {17/25 Sword Hits} [5D 2E]
]-** Flourish (L8 Prc Swd, H H 86/160, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 7(+4), Com 175/225Nrm/175/225Nrm/201 (Base 146/146/176), Chg 336+336+378+580Nrm (Base 240+240+270)) {2/15 Attacks Evaded} [5D 2E]
[]** Non-Shield (L8 Shd, H H 87/160, HP 68 (Base 50), Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H7]
{}** Plate Armor (L8 Arm, H 87/160) [M2] | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L8 Hlm, H 87/160) [M2]
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
19080 Crowns - 12 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - - [ KO Meter: |||||||||||||||||||| ]
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
DSN-001 (Health 1600/1600) [Sonosuke]
A-7 | B-6 | R-7
]-** Monster Buster [UV: FMB Low] (L5 Nrm Gun, H 77/100, Acc +7(+1), ROF 7(+1), Clip 4 x 124(Base 115), Chg 669(Base 577) (60%: Overkill picks new)) {20/20 Hits with 2+ bullets: Capcom's Revenge (1004 damage, party's Gun ASI/CTR Low for 3 turns) Ready!} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Meteotillery (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Acc +7(+1), ArmSpd 5(+1), QAt 270 (up to 4) (base 250), Chg 399 (up to 11) (base 344), no Back Row penalty) {25/25 Second+ Enemy Hits: Block Out The Sun (499 Nrm to all enemies, Good Chance of Mod Stun, Ally Shields to Full HP with 5% Overheal) Ready!} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Iron Knuckles (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Com 140/151/270 (base 130/140/250), Chg 564 (base 486) (Good chance of Mod Stun), can still Block while Charging) {5/15 full combos} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Energy Saber (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +6, CSPD 6, Com 167/178/200/211 (base 155/165/185/195), Chg 778 (base 671), On Charge: Copies status variant, saber has Fair Chance of Mod (Status) on attacks for 3 turns) [D2 E1 S1]
[]** Defender (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 550 (base 500), Nrm 220 (b. 200) | P/E/S 110 (b. 100)) [D2 H2]
{}** Demo Suit (L5 Arm, 77/100) | ** Desperado Hat (L5 Arm, 77/100)
<>** Default Coil Mk II (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +3 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
5578 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 150|Ele 150|Shd 0
Fire 1|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI 0 (Gun +1)
CTR Weapon+0 (Bomb +1)
FMB 0 (+1 w/ Super Arm Arm)
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]- {AUTO PROTOCOL: St/W1 - Ch/W2 - D - St/W4 - St/W3 - D - D}
Mark30-Longshot (Health: 1900/2400) [Colray]
A-10 | B-5 | R-3 (ASD -2)
]-** Wallbreaker [UV: Charge Med] (L5 Nrm Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, ROF 2, CTR: Med, Clip 1 x 341, Chg 549 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {5/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage}
]-** Autogun (L4 Nrm Gun, H 7/80, Acc +4, ROF 2, Clip 2 x (6x85), Chg 15x91, Blocking -2 while in use) {12/30 Overkill Bullets}
]-** Cannon Puppy (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (230 HP), Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF) {2/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Cutter [ASI: Medium] (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 9, Com: 104(26)/112(28)/120(30)/128(32)/136(34) (Blur Strike pierces defense), Chg 178/190/202/214/226) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
[]** Support Shield [Shadow DEF: Low] (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, Shd 50, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Plate Armor (L5 Arm, H 77/100) | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L5 Hlm, H 77/100)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
9459 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
ASI -2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]- {AUTO PROTOCOL: Ch/W1 - (Ch/W2 or (if Sword +: Ch/W4))
'Cobalt' [Hexlash]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
LV-909 'Ignem' (Health: 725/1600) [Oroseira]
A-6 | B-8 | R-6
]-** Overclocked Light Scope (L5 Ele Gun, H 57/100, Acc +7, ROF 10, Clip 10 x 74, Chg 486) {16/20 Hits with 5+ Bullets}
]-** Katscratch (L5 Shd Swd, H 57/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5, Com 165/165/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {1/5 Shields Broken}
]-** Flourish (L5 Prc Swd, H 57/100, Acc +6, CSPD 7, Com 146/146/176, Chg 240+240+270) {6/15 Attacks Evaded}
]-** Featherbow (L5 Prc Gun, H 57/100, Acc +8, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {316/5000 Overkill Damage}
[]** Support Shield (L5 Shd, H 57/100, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L5 Armor, H 57/100)| ** Desperado Hat (L5 Hlm, H 57/100)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
10267 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 2|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI Gun +2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend]-
D-07 'Ditto' (Health: 725/1600) [Spirals-Ore]
A-7 | B-1 | R-12
]-** Cannon Puppy “A.I.M.” [UV: Damage Low] (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (+78 Heat = 268 HP), Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF) {0/40 Turns Active} (HP 190/190) [H]
]-** Ray Shamshir “Slash" [ASI Very High] (L5 Ele Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 6(+5), Cmb: 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/190, Chg: 506 & 580Nrm (Charge has no back row penalty)) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo} [S1]
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L5 Shd Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+5), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken} [S1]
]-** Featherbow “Snipe” (L5 Prc Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage} [S1]
[]** Non-Shield (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 53 (Base 50), Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
{}** Wolver Coat (L5 Arm, H 77/100) [R1] | ** Wolver Cap (L5 Hlm, H 77/100) [R1]
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>** Default Coil Mk II (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +3 ASI/CTR on next attack)
30385 Crowns - 12 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 2|Freeze 3|Shock 2|Poison 2|Stun 2|Curse 2|Sleep 2|Doom 2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Jump Attack - Defend - Item]-
SEE-4 (Health: 1242/2000) [Eternity-Terminal]
A-9 | B-5 | R-4
]-** Catalyzer [UV: Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 59/120, Acc +7, ROF 5, Clip 3 x 137, CataCharge: 326 Nrm (up to 2), +50% Instacharge, +25% Doublecharge) {0/15 Catalyzer Charges}
]-** Surge Mail Polyp (L6 Nrm Bmb, H 59/120, Charge deploys Surge Mail Polyp (130+5% Mach (230) HP, A6|B2|R6 Turret, Weighty Heave: 190Nrm, 2 ROF, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown) {1/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Doom Watch (L6 Shd Gun, H 59/120, Acc +6, ArmSpd 2, QAt: 234 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor Doom), Chg: 320 (up to 8, Fair Chance of Minor Doom)) {0/5 dodged Doomed enemies}
]-* Super Arm Arm (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ROF 7(+2), CTR: Med, Clip 4 x 25, Chg 65 (60%: Overkill picks new)) {13/20 Hits with 2+ bullets} [5D 2E 2S]
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 59/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit [Doom Resist: Max] (L6 Arm, H 59/120) | ** Demo Helm (L6 Hlm, H 58/120)
<>* Bucket Dimension (Use “Capture” to catch projectiles to expel back at the enemy at a later date)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune (Hearty Marks 1 Enemy, increasing their acc by +1 but adding 2nd heart drop chance, for 3 turns)
8449 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 250|Shd 100
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 6
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]-
K1XK1N9 "Enterthekicks" [Whyna]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
"Sephiroth" (Health: 2050/2200) [Saucce]
A-9 | B-2 | R-7
]-** Mire Crossbow [UV: Damage Med] (L6 Shd Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 9(+1), x.5 initial Reload, CTR: Low, Clip: 3 x 129, Chg 3 x 166, Good chance of Minor Poison, On Charge: Slight chance of Minor Sleep) {0/10 Full Clip Hits}
]-** Spat-O-War (L6 Nrm Swd, H 88/120, Acc +7, CSPD +6, CTR: Low, Com 121/126/136/141, Chg 481 (15 + Acc (24)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {20/20 Status Effects: Crackling Bacon Grease (721 damage, Good Chance of Strong Fire, ally team has +3 Fire Stacking and on all attacks: Slight Chance of Minor Fire for 3 turns) ready!}
]- --
]- --
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
8125 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180 [5% Heart Efficiency | 10% Revive Efficiency]
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
DMG Weapon+0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
PAD-103 "Mute" (Health: 1375/1600) [Magmaul-Ace]
A-8 | B-5 | R-7
]-** Magic Orb (L6 Ele Bomb, H 88/120, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 218 (up to 5, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 256 (up to 13, Good Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {6/10 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [2S]
]-** Meteotillery (L7 Nrm Bmb, H 30/140, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 250 (up to 4), Chg 344 (up to 11), no Back Row penalty) {9/25 Second+ Enemy Hits} [E2 S2]
]-** Doom Watch (L1 Shd Bomb, H 0/20, Acc +6, ArmSpd 2, QAt: 234 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor Doom), Chg: 320 (up to 8, Fair Chance of Minor Doom)) {0/5 dodged Doomed enemies}
]-** Cannon Puppy "Lightbulb" (L1 Nrm Bmb, H 0/20, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (+0 Heat = 190 HP), Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF) {0/40 Turns Active} (HP 190/190)
[]** Support Shield (L1 Shd, H 0/20, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Demo Suit (L6 Arm, H 88/120) [2R] | ** Demo Helm [Pierce Med] (L6 Hlm, H 87/120) [2R]
<>** Power Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (twice each); each Boost increases damage by 30% and targets by 3)
<>** Advanced Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Super Vial/3 turns)
15993 Crowns - 2 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 300|Shd 0
Fire 4|Freeze 4|Shock 6|Poison 4|Stun 4|Curse 4|Sleep 4|Doom 4
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
903:99ASSASSIN (Health: 1330/1600) [Herozenzero]
A-8 | B-4 | R-8
]-** Flourish (L1 Prc Swd, H H 0/20, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 7(+4), Com 146/225Nrm/146/225Nrm/176, Chg 240+240+270+580Nrm) {0/15 Attacks Evaded}
]-** Ray Shamshir “Slash" (L1 Ele Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 6(+4), Cmb: 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/190, Chg: 506 & 580Nrm (Charge has no back row penalty)) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo: Cut Down (285 Ele, -1 Reload Time/Combo Delay) ready!}
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L1 Shd Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+4), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken}
]-** Cutter (L1 Nrm Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 9(+4), Com: 104(26)/112(28)/225Nrm/120(30)/225Nrm/128(32)/136(34) (Blur Strike pierces defense), Chg 178/190/202/214/226/580Nrm) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
[]** Non-Shield (L1 Shd, H 0/20, HP 50, Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
{}** Wolver Coat (L1 Arm, H 0/20) | ** Wolver Cap (L1 Hlm, H 0/20)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
1193 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 0|Freeze 2|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
M4g1k [Snakey-One]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
E-304 (Health: 2200/2200) [Arylide]
A-6 | B-3 | R-9
]-** Redwood Lumberdirk (L6 Pc/El Swd, H 88/120, Acc +6, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Cmb 125/125/125/165, Chg 399 (8%: Backstab x5)) {20/20 Supereffective Hits: Element of Surprise (1197 damage, Party ignores 25% enemy Defense for 3 turns)}
]-** Mire Crossbow (L6 Shd Gun, H 88/120/100, Acc +7, ROF 9, x.5 initial Reload, CTR: Low, Clip: 3 x 118, Chg 3 x 151, Good chance of Minor Poison, On Charge: Slight chance of Minor Sleep) {3/10 Full Clip Hits}
]- --
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180 [5% Heart Efficiency | 10% Revive Efficiency]
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Matikclocker X!
Matikclocker M-OVC-2002 Battle Robot (Health: 1250/1000) [Matikclocker]
A-6(+1) | B-8(+1) | R-6(+1)
]-** Calibur (L7 Nrm Swd, H 118/140, Acc +7, CSPD 5, CTR: Low, Cmb 200/200/250, Chg 510 (30% +1 target, 30% +2 target, 15% extra hit (75% extra hit vs. Turret)) {0/25 Sword Hits}
]-** Cryotech Alchemer (L7 Ele Gun, H 118/140, Acc +7, ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 2 x 127, Chg 275 + 2 splitshots (5% internal split), Good Chance of Moderate Freeze) {2/15 Ricochet/Splitshot Targets}
[]** Defender (L7 Shd, H 118/140, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L7 Arm, H 118/140)| ** Cobalt Helm (L7 Hlm, H 118/140)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
6590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - - KO METER: [|||...............]
Nrm (450)350|Prc (280)180|Ele (280)180|Shd (280)180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
--SPECIAL: Cannot be revived! If destroyed, a new Matikclocker will arrive in 2 turns--
[OVERCLOCK METER: ....] (Gain 1 point after winning a battle, 1 point per extra turn waiting to deploy)
(X MODE requires full meter, adds +1 all stats, MHP/4 Temp HP, 100 to all defenses)
(Can use 1 point to add +1 to Reflex, MHP/8 Temp HP, 100 Normal defense)
BETA-01911 (Health: 1850/2000) [Dreathuxy]
A-5 | B-8 | R-7
]-** Spat-O-War (L6 Nrm Swd, H 88/120, Acc +7, CSPD +6, CTR: Low, Com 121/126/136/141, Chg 481 (15 + Acc (19)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {0/20 Status Effects}
]-** Wallbreaker [UV: Charge Med] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, ROF 2, CTR: Low, Clip 1 x 341, Chg 549 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {0/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage}
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Nano2Nano (Health: 2000/2000) [Nanonizer]
A-7 | B-4 | R-9
]-** Lode Javelin (L6 Nm/Pc Swd, H 88/120, Acc +8, CSPD +3, CTR: Low, Com 185/215, Chg 335/335 instantly) {0/20 individual projectiles dodged}
]-** Cryotech Alchemer (L6 Ele Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 2 x 127, Chg 275 + 2 splitshots (5% internal split), Good Chance of Moderate Freeze) {0/15 Ricochet/Splitshot Targets}
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - - KO METER: [..................]
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Total Crowns Earned: 11077
-Prologue: 636
-Chapter 1: 10441
-Chapter 2: 7783 (+26 WP)
1 Super Fire Vial [**]
2 Doom Vial [0*]
1 Freeze Vial [0*]
1 Health Capsule (+60 HP) [0*]
4 Mecha Turret Kits [0*]
2 Poison Vial [0*]
2 Reconaissignals [0*]
1 Remedy Capsule [0*]
4 Shock Vials [0*]
1 Stun Vial [0*]
6 * Beast Scales
14 * Ripped-Up Wanted Posters
12 * Emptied Clips
38 * Gel Drops
15 * Brimstone
5 * Scrap Metal
23 * Grave Soil
12 * Spark Plugs
11 * Cheap Gunpowder
10 * Sharp Fangs
13 * Rock Chips
8 ** Owlite Feathers
16 ** Forbidden Fruit
16 ** Chitin Frags
8 ** Waste Modules
16 ** Power Cells
2 ** Ammo Boxes
4 ** Swordstones
8 ** Iron Gears
8 ** Fuel Canisters
3 ** Gremlin Gizmos
5 ** Frayed Fabric
4 ** Translocation Residue
3 ** Cooling Cells
9 ** Physics Applicators
10 ** Dead Gold
-Key Items-
Old Cipher (An old drive containing some kind of complicated deciphering program; the letters "H.E.Z." are embossed on the drive. It was used to decipher the Audio Log you found.)
HEZ Audio Log I (An old Gremlin-made Audio Log found in the Viskouza base in the Torchbellow Ruins. Click the link to see what it said.)
-Unused Gear-
]-Cloudy Orb (L9 Nrm Bomb, H31/50, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po), Chg 32 (up to 10, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [6D 2S]
]-Static Flash (L10 Nrm Bmb, H MAX, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 16 (up to 2), Chg 28 (up to 7, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {0/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {0/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
]-* Sharpened Lumberdirk (L5 Pc/El Swd, H53/55, Acc +6 (+1), CSPD 8(+1), CTR: Low, Com 15/15/15/23, Chg 32 (8%: Backstab x5 damage) {4/20 Supereffective Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]-* Bog Repeater (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Kat Claw (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Blast Charge (L5 Nrm Bomb, H52/55, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 27 (up to 5), Chg 50 (up to 11)) {3/15 Charge Attacks} [5D]
]-* Shiny Shards (L10 Pc/El Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 8(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 4x16 shraps, Chg 8x28 shraps, 17% all shards to main target, 64% each shard hits new foe) {0/10 3+ Shraps hit target} [6D 2E 2S]
]-* Lil' Gelato (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+ 80 Heat) (111) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {2/40 Turns Active} [D5 H5] (HP 95/95)
]-* Heavy Hatchet "Best Bud" [UV: v. Gremlin Med] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 2(+2), CTR: Low, Com 44/30/45/30 (15%: +1 target) [52/36/53/36 to Gremlins], Chg 92 (30%: +1 target) [108 to Gremlins]) {0/10 Extra Sword Targets} [D8 E2]
]-* Six-Shooter "2S" (L8 Nrm Gun, H35/85, Acc +6(+1), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 25, Chg 6 x 23 + 43) {4/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E1]
]-Plywood Lumberdirk (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 8(+2), CTR: Med, Com 16/16/16/22, Chg 32 (7%: Backstab x5 damage) {8/20 Supereffective Hits} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Apprentice Orb (L10 Ele Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 27 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 42 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Lil' Gelato [UV: Damage Low] (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+126 Heat) (155) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x28 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {11/40 Turns Active} [H9 D1]
]-** Pulsar [Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7(+2), ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 3x127 (up to 3), Chg: 255 (up to 5)) {--/15 triple-target shots} [2E]
]-** Featherbow (L6 Prc Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage}
]-** Monster Buster (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 7, CTR: Low, Clip 4x115, Chg 577 (60% chance to carry Overkill)) {9/20 Hits with 2+ Bullets}
[]Proto Non-Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 12/12, Nrm 5|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]Plank (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 35/35, Nrm 22|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D1]
[]Proto Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 25/25, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
[]Proto Shield (L8 Shd, H11/45, HP 32/32, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, +0.5 All Resistances) [D1 H6 R1]
[]Proto Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 21/27, Nrm 30|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]** Owlite Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 450/450 Nrm 150|Prc 0|Ele 400|Shd 0 (Resistance: 2 vs. All)) [2R]
[]** Support Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}Ex-Motocross Plate Mail (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn + 1, Slp - 1, ASD -1) [D1]
{}Rusty Brigandine (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Kevlar Knock-Off (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
{}Cruddy Cuirass (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Asbestos Armor (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Fir -1)
{}Badly Battered Brigandine (L10 Arm, HMax) [D1]
{}Base Mail (L1 Arm, H0/15)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L6 Armor, H 88/120)
/\Iron Plate Bucket (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn +1, Slp - 1 ASD -1) [D1]
/\Old Mecha-Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25) [D1]
/\Compute-O-Vision (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Shk - 1)
/\* Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
/\Man With A Moon (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D1]
/\* Warm Hat (L8 Arm, H5/85) [6D 2R]
/\** Desperado Hat (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Knight Bracer (Can take incoming hits for allies below 10% HP, cannot evade hits taken for allies)
<>* Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Vial/3 turns)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
14 Sparks of Life
-Known Recipes-
* {Heavy Hatchet, Kat Claw, Metal Fists, SmallCalibur, Tempered Dueling Sword, Weighted Anchor, Weighted Frying Pan, Apprentistick, Heightened Plasmator, Overclocked Light Scope, Pummel Gun, Six-Shooter, Super Arm Arm, Apprentice Orb, Asteroid Bomb Mk II, Lil' Gelato, Lil' Wiz, Shiny Shards, Bolted Non-Shield, Bone Shield, Tough Plank, Base Mail, Hefty Plate Armor, Vitasuit, Base Helm, Hefty Plate Helm, Vitacap, Warm Hat, Bomber Gauntlets, Bucket Dimension, Default Coil, Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution, Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Periodic Block of Elements, Risk Vs. Reload, Rocket Boots, Knight Bracer}
** {Calibur, Cutter, Energy Saber, Flourish, Iron Knuckles, Katscratch, Ray Shamshir, Snarl of Cerberus, Spat-O-War, Autogun, Catalyzer, Featherbow, Mire Crossbow, Monster Buster, Pulsar, Wallbreaker, Cannon Puppy, Doom Watch, Magic Orb, Meteotillery, Surge Mail Polyp, Demo Suit, Desperado Jacket, Medisuit, Plate Armor, Wolver Coat, Cobalt Helm, Demo Helm, Desperado Hat, Plate Helm, Wolver Cap, Defender, Non-Shield, Owlite Shield, Support Shield, Advanced Periodic Block of Elements, Default Coil Mk II, Power Gauntlets, Title-Seeker Belt, True Knight Bracer}
((I did say surprise me, and I am surely surprised that I down two bots in one attack.
I just realized I have two finishers on standby. Don't wanna waste them on anything unworthy of meteor showers or kamehame hadoukens though.
Also, waiting for you at NKoRP))
[Meteotillery Charge: Bot7]
"Shoot. One little hit dealing little amount of damage. This would bring SHAME to OVC Industries. Ech..."
Matikclocker looked around. (He always looks around when he does something bringing shame)
"Well, let's see how the new one will do the job."
After a while Click Driver started screaming to him. Again.
/Clocker: Stop please or I will dissolve your graphic chip.
///CD: Seriously?
/Clocker: Yes, I will rip off your processor when I will return.
///CD: Eh...
(Cryotech Alchemer standard attack on... well, Doctorspacebar will choose.)
"Ugh... these enemies are but rabbles..." KV-103 lamented as his enemies fall to the ground before he could even land a hit, "Surly Madrux can offer a decent challenge than this..."
(hold the charge for the next battle, we are pretty much done here anyways.)
"Permission to launch Speartillery? (Spear Artillery)" said Nanonizer.
"GRANTED!" said some unknown voice in his head. Nanonizer's unknown voice determines various actions.
"Ready, Steady, LAUNCH!"
[ A new mail has been received
A.I.M would you mind helping me open that mail up?
[ Sure thing
The mail contained a detailed blueprint of somesort of a weapon and a sheild. Curious upon the mysterious weapon D-07 downloaded the schematic, and re-made it in 3D. It revealed a feiry weapon of some sort, and it glowed in crimson flame. "I'll make sure i craft that later on.." It mumbled to itself.
[ Focus on the battle! on your 11 !
( Standart slash to... they are all still the same... )
Weapon suggestion :
1. 2* Ray shamshir > 3* Molten Blade
A flaming saber made by polishing and refining raw crimsonite, and infuse it with toxoil liquid. This weapon is the perfect combination for swordsmen and pyromaniacs. Ok, despite all the cool stuff up there it is still used as metal cutters this day.
2. 3* Molten blade > 4* Inferno edge
A direct upgrade from the molten blade, it is able to reach 120 celcius with ease. The weapon is made based from a legend of a weapon.. That weapon was made by a gremlin clan, which brings them to their own downfall..
3. 4*'Inferno edge > 5* Korona Saber
A legendary weapon made by a genius inventor. This blade is powered by nuclear fusion itself, when used unproperly it could cause a massive explosion. However this weapon was stolen by the devilites kind, which used it to destroy the Lightmane clan. The blueprints of this 'monster' was sealed somewhere, and will be made again when the time comes...
4. 3* Status sheild
Altought almost provides zero protection againts damages, this sheild has a really good protection againts the status effects, making it one of the most tricky to use specialized sheild.
((@D-07: Considering it. Fire swords are always fun, though the Brandish will be able to be made into its usual Fireburst variant.))
Turn Roll: 1,3,3,3,2,3,1,3,3,3,1,1,1,3,1,3
Bot 3: 3 + 1 = 4
Bot 7: 3 + 3 = 6
Recurve: 6 + 3 = 9
KV-103: 3 + 3 + 1 CTR = 7
DSN-001: 7 + 2 = 9
Mark: 3 + 3 = 6
LV-909: 6 + 1 = 7
D-07: 12 + 3 = 15
SEE-4: 4 + 3 = 7
Sephiroth: 7 + 3 = 10
Mute: 7 + 1 = 8
ASSASSIN: 8 + 1 = 9
E-304: 9 + 1 = 10
Matikclocker X: 7 + 3 = 10
BETA: 7 + 1 = 8
Nano2Nano: 9 + 3 + 1 CTR = 13
D-07 does not simply fall into lava.
D-07: Standard w/ Ray Shamshir -> MELEE_BOT_8
12 swings, 8 hits! 1609 damage. (Cut Down is very good. That would've been 10 hits otherwise.)
Nano2Nano: Fire Charge w/ Lode Javelin -> MELEE_BOT_3
2 hits! 670 damage. Down!
Sephiroth: Standard w/ Spat-o-War
7 swings, 7 hits! 1 FLIP! 678 damage. Down! (I'd say these were great rolls, but when the enemy has 0 blocking...)
Turn Summary
D-07 attacks, Nano throws his javelin, Sephiroth cleans up, and that's a wrap.
"YES! YEEEES! No mere bot can defeat the mighty Machinauts!" Recurve turns toward the team, and Nalki's voice once again says, "What was that reviving move you did?"
You've dispatched all of the bots! It's doubtful you'll find too many more. Perhaps you should try to let Nalki know what's going on...
WARRIOR POINT REWARDS (At any time, you may trade 1 Warrior Point for any of the following!)
1 WP <--> 800 Crowns
1 WP <--> 400 Crowns, 100 Heat
1 WP <--> 200 Heat
2 PENDING SYSTEM UPGRADES FOR: Mark30-Longshot, SEE-4, Sephiroth, E-304
For each upgrade, choose one of:
+1 Accuracy (Helps you land hits and increases "Critical Hit" effects like those on the Spat-o-War)
+1 Blocking (Helps you block and evade attacks)
+1 Reflexes (Can increase your attack count and decreases enemies' attack count, used to determine turn order)
-Victory Conditions-
=Defeat all of the Bots! (Last Wave)
-[Reward: ** Trinket Recipe] pending from previous match
-Pending Effects-
Recurve: Bear Trap active!
Recurve: Charge w/ Bow
Nano2Nano: Charge w/ Lode Javelin -> MELEE_BOT_3
KV-103: Charge w/ Flourish -> MELEE_BOT_7
-Buffs and Debuffs-
CYBER ZONE: Everyone!
Recurve: Bear Trap active
Lava Lakes (30% - (Reflexes * 3)% chance to take a Strong Fire Damage tick, chance doubled for Bots)
Loot on Victory
(19 "Players")
(Rolling for Iciclos later)
-Ally Rows-
KV-103: 0
DSN-001: 0
Mark: 1
-Cannon Puppy: W
LV-909: 1
D-07: 0
-A.I.M.: 3
SEE-4: 1
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
Sephiroth: 3
Mute: 3
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
903:99: 0
Matikclocker: 0
Nano2Nano: 3
KV-103: 68/68 (Nm 100)
DSN-001: 550/550 (Nm 220|Spcl 110)
Mark: 400/400 (Nm 300|Sh 50| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
LV-909: 400/400 (Nm 300| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
D-07: 39/50 (Nm 100)
SEE-4: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Sephiroth: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Mute: 400/400 (Nm 300| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
ASSASSIN: 50/50 (Nm 100)
E-304: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Matikclocker: 310/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
BETA: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
-Totally Not Bots, Wave 3 of 3 (OWNED)-
MELEE_BOT_1 pwned! (-396)
MELEE_BOT_2 pwned! (-121)
MELEE_BOT_3 pwned! (-348)
MELEE_BOT_4 pwned! (-17)
MELEE_BOT_5 pwned! (-2)
MELEE_BOT_6 pwned! (-528)
MELEE_BOT_7 pwned! (-609)
MELEE_BOT_8 pwned! (-103)
-Hunting Party (ALLY, CYBER ZONE)-
Recurve [A-6|B-3|R-6] Health 850/1000 | 200 Nrm | 200 Prc | 800 Ele | 0 Shd | Row 3
{Recurve Longbow ("Delivers Strong Points"): Charge Attack, 8 ACC, 400 Prc (Overcharge: 800 Prc) | Power Arrows: Can add a status effect (Fire, Freeze, Shock or Poison) to her arrows for free, this makes the arrows deal split Elemental damage | Bear Trap: Lays a bear trap, Bear Trap attacks people who attack Recurve until it lands a hit (320 Nrm)}
-Player Allies-
Cannon Puppy (Mark30-Longshot) [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
A.I.M. (D-07 "Ditto") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Surge Mail Polyp (SEE-4) [A6|B2|R8(+2) (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Weighty Heave: 2 ROF, 190 Nrm, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun, Back Row penalty enabled | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown}
Lightbulb (PAD-103 "Mute") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
-Player Team-
KV-103 'Fallen King' (Health: 1875/2400) [Midnight-Dj]
A-8 | B-9 | R-3 (ASD: 0)
]-* Weighted Anchor [UV: FMB Low] (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 3(+4), CTR: Med, Com 43/225Nm/44/225Nm, Chg 24/25/27/29+580 (30%: +1 Target, 15%: +2 Targets)) {0/15 Shields Damaged} [D7 E2]
]-** Snarl of Cerberus [UV: CTR High] (L8 Nm/Sh Swd, H 86/160, Acc +7(+2), CSPD 5(+4), CTR: V. High, Com 228/225Nrm/228/225Nrm/264 (base 190/190/220), Chg 854+580Nrm (Base 610)) {17/25 Sword Hits} [5D 2E]
]-** Flourish (L8 Prc Swd, H H 86/160, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 7(+4), Com 175/225Nrm/175/225Nrm/201 (Base 146/146/176), Chg 336+336+378+580Nrm (Base 240+240+270)) {2/15 Attacks Evaded} [5D 2E]
[]** Non-Shield (L8 Shd, H H 87/160, HP 68 (Base 50), Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H7]
{}** Plate Armor (L8 Arm, H 87/160) [M2] | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L8 Hlm, H 87/160) [M2]
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
19080 Crowns - 12 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - - [ KO Meter: |||||||||||||||||||| ]
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
DSN-001 (Health 1600/1600) [Sonosuke]
A-7 | B-6 | R-7
]-** Monster Buster [UV: FMB Low] (L5 Nrm Gun, H 77/100, Acc +7(+1), ROF 7(+1), Clip 4 x 124(Base 115), Chg 669(Base 577) (60%: Overkill picks new)) {20/20 Hits with 2+ bullets: Capcom's Revenge (1004 damage, party's Gun ASI/CTR Low for 3 turns) Ready!} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Meteotillery (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Acc +7(+1), ArmSpd 5(+1), QAt 270 (up to 4) (base 250), Chg 399 (up to 11) (base 344), no Back Row penalty) {25/25 Second+ Enemy Hits: Block Out The Sun (499 Nrm to all enemies, Good Chance of Mod Stun, Ally Shields to Full HP with 5% Overheal) Ready!} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Iron Knuckles (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Com 140/151/270 (base 130/140/250), Chg 564 (base 486) (Good chance of Mod Stun), can still Block while Charging) {5/15 full combos} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Energy Saber (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +6, CSPD 6, Com 167/178/200/211 (base 155/165/185/195), Chg 778 (base 671), On Charge: Copies status variant, saber has Fair Chance of Mod (Status) on attacks for 3 turns) [D2 E1 S1]
[]** Defender (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 550 (base 500), Nrm 220 (b. 200) | P/E/S 110 (b. 100)) [D2 H2]
{}** Demo Suit (L5 Arm, 77/100) | ** Desperado Hat (L5 Arm, 77/100)
<>** Default Coil Mk II (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +3 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
5578 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 150|Ele 150|Shd 0
Fire 1|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI 0 (Gun +1)
CTR Weapon+0 (Bomb +1)
FMB 0 (+1 w/ Super Arm Arm)
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]- {AUTO PROTOCOL: St/W1 - Ch/W2 - D - St/W4 - St/W3 - D - D}
Mark30-Longshot (Health: 1900/2400) [Colray]
A-10 | B-5 | R-3 (ASD -2)
]-** Wallbreaker [UV: Charge Med] (L5 Nrm Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, ROF 2, CTR: Med, Clip 1 x 341, Chg 549 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {5/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage}
]-** Autogun (L4 Nrm Gun, H 7/80, Acc +4, ROF 2, Clip 2 x (6x85), Chg 15x91, Blocking -2 while in use) {12/30 Overkill Bullets}
]-** Cannon Puppy (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (230 HP), Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF) {2/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Cutter [ASI: Medium] (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 9, Com: 104(26)/112(28)/120(30)/128(32)/136(34) (Blur Strike pierces defense), Chg 178/190/202/214/226) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
[]** Support Shield [Shadow DEF: Low] (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, Shd 50, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Plate Armor (L5 Arm, H 77/100) | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L5 Hlm, H 77/100)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
9459 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
ASI -2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]- {AUTO PROTOCOL: Ch/W1 - (Ch/W2 or (if Sword +: Ch/W4))
'Cobalt' [Hexlash]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
LV-909 'Ignem' (Health: 725/1600) [Oroseira]
A-6 | B-8 | R-6
]-** Overclocked Light Scope (L5 Ele Gun, H 57/100, Acc +7, ROF 10, Clip 10 x 74, Chg 486) {16/20 Hits with 5+ Bullets}
]-** Katscratch (L5 Shd Swd, H 57/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5, Com 165/165/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {1/5 Shields Broken}
]-** Flourish (L5 Prc Swd, H 57/100, Acc +6, CSPD 7, Com 146/146/176, Chg 240+240+270) {6/15 Attacks Evaded}
]-** Featherbow (L5 Prc Gun, H 57/100, Acc +8, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {316/5000 Overkill Damage}
[]** Support Shield (L5 Shd, H 57/100, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L5 Armor, H 57/100)| ** Desperado Hat (L5 Hlm, H 57/100)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
10267 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 2|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI Gun +2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend]-
D-07 'Ditto' (Health: 725/1600) [Spirals-Ore]
A-7 | B-1 | R-12
]-** Cannon Puppy “A.I.M.” [UV: Damage Low] (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (+78 Heat = 268 HP), Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF) {0/40 Turns Active} (HP 190/190) [H]
]-** Ray Shamshir “Slash" [ASI Very High] (L5 Ele Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 6(+5), Cmb: 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/190, Chg: 506 & 580Nrm (Charge has no back row penalty)) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo} [S1]
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L5 Shd Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+5), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken} [S1]
]-** Featherbow “Snipe” (L5 Prc Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage} [S1]
[]** Non-Shield (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 53 (Base 50), Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
{}** Wolver Coat (L5 Arm, H 77/100) [R1] | ** Wolver Cap (L5 Hlm, H 77/100) [R1]
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>** Default Coil Mk II (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +3 ASI/CTR on next attack)
30385 Crowns - 12 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 2|Freeze 3|Shock 2|Poison 2|Stun 2|Curse 2|Sleep 2|Doom 2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Jump Attack - Defend - Item]-
SEE-4 (Health: 1242/2000) [Eternity-Terminal]
A-9 | B-5 | R-4
]-** Catalyzer [UV: Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 59/120, Acc +7, ROF 5, Clip 3 x 137, CataCharge: 326 Nrm (up to 2), +50% Instacharge, +25% Doublecharge) {0/15 Catalyzer Charges}
]-** Surge Mail Polyp (L6 Nrm Bmb, H 59/120, Charge deploys Surge Mail Polyp (130+5% Mach (230) HP, A6|B2|R6 Turret, Weighty Heave: 190Nrm, 2 ROF, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown) {1/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Doom Watch (L6 Shd Gun, H 59/120, Acc +6, ArmSpd 2, QAt: 234 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor Doom), Chg: 320 (up to 8, Fair Chance of Minor Doom)) {0/5 dodged Doomed enemies}
]-* Super Arm Arm (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ROF 7(+2), CTR: Med, Clip 4 x 25, Chg 65 (60%: Overkill picks new)) {13/20 Hits with 2+ bullets} [5D 2E 2S]
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 59/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit [Doom Resist: Max] (L6 Arm, H 59/120) | ** Demo Helm (L6 Hlm, H 58/120)
<>* Bucket Dimension (Use “Capture” to catch projectiles to expel back at the enemy at a later date)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune (Hearty Marks 1 Enemy, increasing their acc by +1 but adding 2nd heart drop chance, for 3 turns)
8449 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 250|Shd 100
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 6
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]-
K1XK1N9 "Enterthekicks" [Whyna]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
"Sephiroth" (Health: 2050/2200) [Saucce]
A-9 | B-2 | R-7
]-** Mire Crossbow [UV: Damage Med] (L6 Shd Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 9(+1), x.5 initial Reload, CTR: Low, Clip: 3 x 129, Chg 3 x 166, Good chance of Minor Poison, On Charge: Slight chance of Minor Sleep) {0/10 Full Clip Hits}
]-** Spat-O-War (L6 Nrm Swd, H 88/120, Acc +7, CSPD +6, CTR: Low, Com 121/126/136/141, Chg 481 (15 + Acc (24)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {20/20 Status Effects: Crackling Bacon Grease (721 damage, Good Chance of Strong Fire, ally team has +3 Fire Stacking and on all attacks: Slight Chance of Minor Fire for 3 turns) ready!}
]- --
]- --
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
8125 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180 [5% Heart Efficiency | 10% Revive Efficiency]
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
DMG Weapon+0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
PAD-103 "Mute" (Health: 1375/1600) [Magmaul-Ace]
A-8 | B-5 | R-7
]-** Magic Orb (L6 Ele Bomb, H 88/120, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 218 (up to 5, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 256 (up to 13, Good Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {6/10 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [2S]
]-** Meteotillery (L7 Nrm Bmb, H 30/140, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 250 (up to 4), Chg 344 (up to 11), no Back Row penalty) {9/25 Second+ Enemy Hits} [E2 S2]
]-** Doom Watch (L1 Shd Bomb, H 0/20, Acc +6, ArmSpd 2, QAt: 234 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor Doom), Chg: 320 (up to 8, Fair Chance of Minor Doom)) {0/5 dodged Doomed enemies}
]-** Cannon Puppy "Lightbulb" (L1 Nrm Bmb, H 0/20, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (+0 Heat = 190 HP), Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF) {0/40 Turns Active} (HP 190/190)
[]** Support Shield (L1 Shd, H 0/20, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Demo Suit (L6 Arm, H 88/120) [2R] | ** Demo Helm [Pierce Med] (L6 Hlm, H 87/120) [2R]
<>** Power Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (twice each); each Boost increases damage by 30% and targets by 3)
<>** Advanced Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Super Vial/3 turns)
15993 Crowns - 2 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 300|Shd 0
Fire 4|Freeze 4|Shock 6|Poison 4|Stun 4|Curse 4|Sleep 4|Doom 4
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
903:99ASSASSIN (Health: 1330/1600) [Herozenzero]
A-8 | B-4 | R-8
]-** Flourish (L1 Prc Swd, H H 0/20, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 7(+4), Com 146/225Nrm/146/225Nrm/176, Chg 240+240+270+580Nrm) {0/15 Attacks Evaded}
]-** Ray Shamshir “Slash" (L1 Ele Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 6(+4), Cmb: 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/190, Chg: 506 & 580Nrm (Charge has no back row penalty)) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo: Cut Down (285 Ele, -1 Reload Time/Combo Delay) ready!}
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L1 Shd Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+4), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken}
]-** Cutter (L1 Nrm Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 9(+4), Com: 104(26)/112(28)/225Nrm/120(30)/225Nrm/128(32)/136(34) (Blur Strike pierces defense), Chg 178/190/202/214/226/580Nrm) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
[]** Non-Shield (L1 Shd, H 0/20, HP 50, Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
{}** Wolver Coat (L1 Arm, H 0/20) | ** Wolver Cap (L1 Hlm, H 0/20)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
1193 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 0|Freeze 2|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
M4g1k [Snakey-One]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
E-304 (Health: 2200/2200) [Arylide]
A-6 | B-3 | R-9
]-** Redwood Lumberdirk (L6 Pc/El Swd, H 88/120, Acc +6, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Cmb 125/125/125/165, Chg 399 (8%: Backstab x5)) {20/20 Supereffective Hits: Element of Surprise (1197 damage, Party ignores 25% enemy Defense for 3 turns)}
]-** Mire Crossbow (L6 Shd Gun, H 88/120/100, Acc +7, ROF 9, x.5 initial Reload, CTR: Low, Clip: 3 x 118, Chg 3 x 151, Good chance of Minor Poison, On Charge: Slight chance of Minor Sleep) {3/10 Full Clip Hits}
]- --
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180 [5% Heart Efficiency | 10% Revive Efficiency]
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Matikclocker X!
Matikclocker M-OVC-2002 Battle Robot (Health: 1250/1000) [Matikclocker]
A-6(+1) | B-8(+1) | R-6(+1)
]-** Calibur (L7 Nrm Swd, H 118/140, Acc +7, CSPD 5, CTR: Low, Cmb 200/200/250, Chg 510 (30% +1 target, 30% +2 target, 15% extra hit (75% extra hit vs. Turret)) {0/25 Sword Hits}
]-** Cryotech Alchemer (L7 Ele Gun, H 118/140, Acc +7, ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 2 x 127, Chg 275 + 2 splitshots (5% internal split), Good Chance of Moderate Freeze) {2/15 Ricochet/Splitshot Targets}
[]** Defender (L7 Shd, H 118/140, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L7 Arm, H 118/140)| ** Cobalt Helm (L7 Hlm, H 118/140)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
6590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - - KO METER: [|||...............]
Nrm (450)350|Prc (280)180|Ele (280)180|Shd (280)180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
--SPECIAL: Cannot be revived! If destroyed, a new Matikclocker will arrive in 2 turns--
[OVERCLOCK METER: ....] (Gain 1 point after winning a battle, 1 point per extra turn waiting to deploy)
(X MODE requires full meter, adds +1 all stats, MHP/4 Temp HP, 100 to all defenses)
(Can use 1 point to add +1 to Reflex, MHP/8 Temp HP, 100 Normal defense)
BETA-01911 (Health: 1850/2000) [Dreathuxy]
A-5 | B-8 | R-7
]-** Spat-O-War (L6 Nrm Swd, H 88/120, Acc +7, CSPD +6, CTR: Low, Com 121/126/136/141, Chg 481 (15 + Acc (19)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {0/20 Status Effects}
]-** Wallbreaker [UV: Charge Med] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, ROF 2, CTR: Low, Clip 1 x 341, Chg 549 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {0/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage}
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Nano2Nano (Health: 2000/2000) [Nanonizer]
A-7 | B-4 | R-9
]-** Lode Javelin (L6 Nm/Pc Swd, H 88/120, Acc +8, CSPD +3, CTR: Low, Com 185/215, Chg 335/335 instantly) {0/20 individual projectiles dodged}
]-** Cryotech Alchemer (L6 Ele Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 2 x 127, Chg 275 + 2 splitshots (5% internal split), Good Chance of Moderate Freeze) {0/15 Ricochet/Splitshot Targets}
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - - KO METER: [..................]
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Total Crowns Earned: 11077
-Prologue: 636
-Chapter 1: 10441
-Chapter 2: 7783 (+26 WP)
1 Super Fire Vial [**]
2 Doom Vial [0*]
1 Freeze Vial [0*]
1 Health Capsule (+60 HP) [0*]
4 Mecha Turret Kits [0*]
2 Poison Vial [0*]
2 Reconaissignals [0*]
1 Remedy Capsule [0*]
4 Shock Vials [0*]
1 Stun Vial [0*]
6 * Beast Scales
14 * Ripped-Up Wanted Posters
12 * Emptied Clips
38 * Gel Drops
15 * Brimstone
5 * Scrap Metal
23 * Grave Soil
12 * Spark Plugs
11 * Cheap Gunpowder
10 * Sharp Fangs
13 * Rock Chips
8 ** Owlite Feathers
16 ** Forbidden Fruit
16 ** Chitin Frags
8 ** Waste Modules
16 ** Power Cells
2 ** Ammo Boxes
4 ** Swordstones
8 ** Iron Gears
8 ** Fuel Canisters
3 ** Gremlin Gizmos
5 ** Frayed Fabric
4 ** Translocation Residue
3 ** Cooling Cells
9 ** Physics Applicators
10 ** Dead Gold
-Key Items-
Old Cipher (An old drive containing some kind of complicated deciphering program; the letters "H.E.Z." are embossed on the drive. It was used to decipher the Audio Log you found.)
HEZ Audio Log I (An old Gremlin-made Audio Log found in the Viskouza base in the Torchbellow Ruins. Click the link to see what it said.)
-Unused Gear-
]-Cloudy Orb (L9 Nrm Bomb, H31/50, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po), Chg 32 (up to 10, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [6D 2S]
]-Static Flash (L10 Nrm Bmb, H MAX, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 16 (up to 2), Chg 28 (up to 7, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {0/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {0/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
]-* Sharpened Lumberdirk (L5 Pc/El Swd, H53/55, Acc +6 (+1), CSPD 8(+1), CTR: Low, Com 15/15/15/23, Chg 32 (8%: Backstab x5 damage) {4/20 Supereffective Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]-* Bog Repeater (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Kat Claw (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Blast Charge (L5 Nrm Bomb, H52/55, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 27 (up to 5), Chg 50 (up to 11)) {3/15 Charge Attacks} [5D]
]-* Shiny Shards (L10 Pc/El Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 8(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 4x16 shraps, Chg 8x28 shraps, 17% all shards to main target, 64% each shard hits new foe) {0/10 3+ Shraps hit target} [6D 2E 2S]
]-* Lil' Gelato (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+ 80 Heat) (111) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {2/40 Turns Active} [D5 H5] (HP 95/95)
]-* Heavy Hatchet "Best Bud" [UV: v. Gremlin Med] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 2(+2), CTR: Low, Com 44/30/45/30 (15%: +1 target) [52/36/53/36 to Gremlins], Chg 92 (30%: +1 target) [108 to Gremlins]) {0/10 Extra Sword Targets} [D8 E2]
]-* Six-Shooter "2S" (L8 Nrm Gun, H35/85, Acc +6(+1), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 25, Chg 6 x 23 + 43) {4/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E1]
]-Plywood Lumberdirk (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 8(+2), CTR: Med, Com 16/16/16/22, Chg 32 (7%: Backstab x5 damage) {8/20 Supereffective Hits} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Apprentice Orb (L10 Ele Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 27 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 42 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Lil' Gelato [UV: Damage Low] (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+126 Heat) (155) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x28 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {11/40 Turns Active} [H9 D1]
]-** Pulsar [Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7(+2), ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 3x127 (up to 3), Chg: 255 (up to 5)) {--/15 triple-target shots} [2E]
]-** Featherbow (L6 Prc Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage}
]-** Monster Buster (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 7, CTR: Low, Clip 4x115, Chg 577 (60% chance to carry Overkill)) {9/20 Hits with 2+ Bullets}
[]Proto Non-Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 12/12, Nrm 5|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]Plank (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 35/35, Nrm 22|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D1]
[]Proto Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 25/25, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
[]Proto Shield (L8 Shd, H11/45, HP 32/32, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, +0.5 All Resistances) [D1 H6 R1]
[]Proto Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 21/27, Nrm 30|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]** Owlite Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 450/450 Nrm 150|Prc 0|Ele 400|Shd 0 (Resistance: 2 vs. All)) [2R]
[]** Support Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}Ex-Motocross Plate Mail (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn + 1, Slp - 1, ASD -1) [D1]
{}Rusty Brigandine (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Kevlar Knock-Off (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
{}Cruddy Cuirass (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Asbestos Armor (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Fir -1)
{}Badly Battered Brigandine (L10 Arm, HMax) [D1]
{}Base Mail (L1 Arm, H0/15)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L6 Armor, H 88/120)
/\Iron Plate Bucket (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn +1, Slp - 1 ASD -1) [D1]
/\Old Mecha-Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25) [D1]
/\Compute-O-Vision (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Shk - 1)
/\* Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
/\Man With A Moon (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D1]
/\* Warm Hat (L8 Arm, H5/85) [6D 2R]
/\** Desperado Hat (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Knight Bracer (Can take incoming hits for allies below 10% HP, cannot evade hits taken for allies)
<>* Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Vial/3 turns)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
14 Sparks of Life
-Known Recipes-
* {Heavy Hatchet, Kat Claw, Metal Fists, SmallCalibur, Tempered Dueling Sword, Weighted Anchor, Weighted Frying Pan, Apprentistick, Heightened Plasmator, Overclocked Light Scope, Pummel Gun, Six-Shooter, Super Arm Arm, Apprentice Orb, Asteroid Bomb Mk II, Lil' Gelato, Lil' Wiz, Shiny Shards, Bolted Non-Shield, Bone Shield, Tough Plank, Base Mail, Hefty Plate Armor, Vitasuit, Base Helm, Hefty Plate Helm, Vitacap, Warm Hat, Bomber Gauntlets, Bucket Dimension, Default Coil, Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution, Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Periodic Block of Elements, Risk Vs. Reload, Rocket Boots, Knight Bracer}
** {Calibur, Cutter, Energy Saber, Flourish, Iron Knuckles, Katscratch, Ray Shamshir, Snarl of Cerberus, Spat-O-War, Autogun, Catalyzer, Featherbow, Mire Crossbow, Monster Buster, Pulsar, Wallbreaker, Cannon Puppy, Doom Watch, Magic Orb, Meteotillery, Surge Mail Polyp, Demo Suit, Desperado Jacket, Medisuit, Plate Armor, Wolver Coat, Cobalt Helm, Demo Helm, Desperado Hat, Plate Helm, Wolver Cap, Defender, Non-Shield, Owlite Shield, Support Shield, Advanced Periodic Block of Elements, Default Coil Mk II, Power Gauntlets, Title-Seeker Belt, True Knight Bracer}
"Now that we have times, Young madame," KV-103 briefed Nalki's Avatar, "Shesh... it doesn't look anything like you in real life... anyway... We ran into some Geonids on our way here and it seems Madrux's minions stole a shard of their precious heirloom, or rather, a shard of their life force. The fiend boss is either using it to wipe out their race or to control them, no matter his true goal, it couldn't be good for us. We promised the Geonids that we will reclaim the shard from Madrux's hand, your assistance will be much appreciated, it is time we wipe this black stain off the face of the clockwork."
"That was what's known as a Health Share revive," Faidra began. "We honestly had no need to use it before, so I was worried-"
"Wait, everyone hold up." Maydra cut off another possible drabble of knowledge. "King, I've been reading the chat logs and I've noticed every instance you used 'Mardrux' was replaced with 'Mordred'."
"Really?" Faidra tested it out. "Mardrux, Mardrux, Mardrux."
"They're all coming out 'Mordred' in the chat. Weird." She pulled out their Saber and hovered it above the ground. "Why don't we try and carve it into somewhere so Mistress Nalki can understand us?"
"Beginner effort. I downed one robot because I had lots of Reflexes." said Nano2Nano.
Nano2Nano thought, "Maybe if I will try to say "Mordred" then it will turn to "Mardrux". I don't know, but we can try to do it."
((I'll give it a few more days before the next fight.))
"Huh... You're trying to say something, but it comes out as Mordred? How do you even censor voice chat? Heck, some jerk was shouting swear words over the chat in a public area and got banned for it. And how do you talk to Gem Golems? I heard they didn't talk. Also, the admins wiped all the instances of them in here."
"So. I never heard about the quest where Mordred and the Dark Legion try to steal something's life force. Is it new? And how are you using a health revive in Path of the Warrior? And how would you carve something into something? Is there an emote for that? Wait, no there's not... unless... are you in the game world?"
Ah ha! Now you're getting somewhere. Path of the Warrior isn't well-made enough to support a full range of actions! "And if you are, how?"
"Ok miss nalki slow down with the questioning. We are indeed advanced robot, but we- I at least- Can't process so much information all at once." D-07 tried to calm down nalki. "How we got here is also unknown to us.." Ditto sheated his shamshir "The first time we got stuck in this mess is when we are fighting Mardux, and he trapped us in this.. 'Cyber Zone'".
"Some of the players did mention us using cheat weapons... That made me doubt this weapons we use is even in this fake world"
"Hold on," Maydra began muttering to herself as she started carving words into the ground.
Mordred = Mardrux
Gem Golem = Geonid
Dark Legion = Fiends
"Yes, we're in the... game world." Faidra explained while Maydra controlled the body. "However, it's a bit more complicated than that. I guess a simple explanation would be that we were transformed into code and sent to this virtual world."
((Can you fill in any more filtered words by Mardrux for us, Doc?))
Matikclocker flipped his Cryotech Alchemer as DSN-001 showed the Mardrux Filtered words,
"Don't forget about Ice Dragon!"
Ice Dragon = Iciclos
"Hmm... and the "Path of the Warrior" huh?"
Matikclocker flipped and equipped his Calibur.
"I will go on a lookout tower. If there is no tower then send the Armor Recon. Saying Armor Recon i mean Nano2Nano."
"Since health revives aren't supported, we could use it to our advantage." said Clocker before going on a tower.
"Summarizing, Ms. Nalki, this *points to carvings* Mordred is actualy a *points again* Dark Legionare that seized control of this game you're playing from the original development team. We've descovered that the developers are from the Torchbellow Clan, in fact.
This game seems able to fuse real space with cyberspace, and the *points* Mordred has been using that feature so other players, maybe even you if you've been playing this for long enough, can execute his schemes around sectors of the Clockworks without realizing. His Devil-IT team can code real objects and people to look like hostile mobs or treasure, and in their innocence the players end up killing and pillaging those things.
He's now turned his ambicions towards either enslaving or wiping out the *points again* Gem Golems."
((At this point, it won't really matter.))
"Wait, what?" Recurve stares at the words you managed to carve into the virtual rock. "Why would they... And why would they keep you from saying... Oh." Nalki then realizes the implications of the "Gem Golems" being "wiped from the instance". "They didn't! Have we been tricked this long? But nobody could have... I almost had effective gemhunting gear. I almost ended up..."
"All right." Nalki lets out a sigh. "I'll do what I can to get past the censors and let everyone know about this. In the meantime... wait, hold on, I've got the wiki open. You're in... their fortress, right? There's something in-game. It's an unused area with weird, unused mobs that are named after... keys. Keys for locks. Everyone thinks it's just the devs' little joke for noclip hacks. But if they're named after keys..." Recurve has an "afk" symbol above her head. "Just need to remember where it's at! Hang on a few seconds while I get the map up."
"You best be hurry, Young madame," KV-103 said, having no idea what Mute just talked about, "The entire Geonid race will perish if we fail."
"Okay... ah ha. Here we go. If we head east from here..."
Then... something ominous appears on the horizon. How many bots... ten, twenty, thirty... there are far too many for you to fight! How'd they organize this?! ...No, this must be Mardrux's work!
"That's way too many bots!" Nalki shouts. "They must be onto us. You said you could switch to a different zone, so I'll homewarp back. Try to get a hundred yards to the east!"
With that, Nalki begins using Home Warp. In the meantime, to escape the bots, you can easily switch into the Devil-IT fortress. With ease, your party finds an empty hallway...
...what is this place? All around you are rooms, each with a Mecha Knight of some sort inside. None of them are reacting, though; each is sitting at four to eight computers, each has a wire plugged into its CPU and has had its weapons removed by force, and all of them are droning, "ALL HAIL THE MULTIBOX..."
The Multibox? What? You quickly spy a machine with wires leading from each room. Wait, is this 'cult of the Multibox' responsible for the incoming swarm of bots?
The CPU cables and computer wires all lead to a massive, cube-shaped Battlepod. A mechanical voice booms (through use of cleverly placed loudspeakers and ridiculous volume amplifiers), "LORD MARDRUX HAS JUDGED YOU UNWORTHY. THE MULTIBOX SHALL CLAIM YOU!"
The Multibox attacks! Perhaps the key to victory lies in the Mecha Knight drones it's assimilated...
WARRIOR POINT REWARDS (At any time, you may trade 1 Warrior Point for any of the following!)
1 WP <--> 800 Crowns
1 WP <--> 400 Crowns, 100 Heat
1 WP <--> 200 Heat
2 PENDING SYSTEM UPGRADES FOR: Mark30-Longshot, SEE-4, Sephiroth, E-304
For each upgrade, choose one of:
+1 Accuracy (Helps you land hits and increases "Critical Hit" effects like those on the Spat-o-War)
+1 Blocking (Helps you block and evade attacks)
+1 Reflexes (Can increase your attack count and decreases enemies' attack count, used to determine turn order)
-Victory Conditions-
=Destroy the Multibox!
-Destroy the Arms of the Multibox (Reward: ** Trinket Recipe) [0/4 destroyed]
-Do not kill any Mecha Knights (Reward: ** Trinket Recipe)
-[Reward: ** Trinket Recipe] pending from previous match
-Pending Effects-
-Buffs and Debuffs-
REAL ZONE: Everyone
CYBER ZONE: Are you crazy?! There's bots everywhere!
Loot on Victory
(19 "Players")
(Rolling for Iciclos later)
-Ally Rows-
KV-103: 0
DSN-001: 0
Mark: 1
-Cannon Puppy: W
LV-909: 1
D-07: 0
-A.I.M.: 3
SEE-4: 1
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
Sephiroth: 3
Mute: 3
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
903:99: 0
Matikclocker: 0
Nano2Nano: 3
KV-103: 68/68 (Nm 100)
DSN-001: 550/550 (Nm 220|Spcl 110)
Mark: 400/400 (Nm 300|Sh 50| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
LV-909: 400/400 (Nm 300| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
D-07: 39/50 (Nm 100)
SEE-4: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Sephiroth: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Mute: 400/400 (Nm 300| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
ASSASSIN: 50/50 (Nm 100)
E-304: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Matikclocker: 310/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
BETA: 500/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
MINI-BOSS: Core of the Multibox
12000/12000 HP
Row 2
A - 6 | B - 10 | R - 4
100 Nrm | 4000 Prc | 4000 Ele | 4000 Shd | Immune to: All Status Effects
))) Barrier Bash (8 ACC, 500 damage of whatever type the Core is weak to)
))) Greater Data Crush (12 ACC, 100 Shd, On hit: Attack again with +100 attack power and -2 ACC until the attack misses)
[]<->[] Barrier Change: At the end of every turn, Core of the Multibox becomes nigh-invulnerable except against a random damage type; watch his defenses!
[X] Safe Mode: At 10% HP, the Core's Blocking is doubled at the expense of its Accuracy and Reflexes
Left Arm of the Multibox A
2000/2000 HP
Row 0
A - 0 | B - 4 | R - 0
200 Nrm | 200 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd
))) Electric Feedback (When attacked, counterattacks with a Fair Chance of Moderate Shock)
))) SelfDestruct (When attacked, a 3-turn timer begins counting down; if it counts down, the Left Arm is destroyed, but the Mecha Knight drones join the enemy side)
<> Direct Override Enabled (Destroy it to free Mecha Knight drones!)
Left Arm of the Multibox B
1500/1500 HP
Row 3
A - 0 | B - 4 | R - 0
200 Nrm | 200 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd
))) Electric Feedback (When attacked, counterattacks with a Fair Chance of Moderate Shock)
))) SelfDestruct (When attacked, a 3-turn timer begins counting down; if it counts down, the Left Arm is destroyed, but the Mecha Knight drones join the enemy side)
<> Direct Override Enabled (Destroy it to free Mecha Knight drones!)
Right Arm of the Multibox A
2000/2000 HP
Row 0
A - 0 | B - 4 | R - 0
200 Nrm | 200 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd
))) Electric Feedback (When attacked, counterattacks with a Fair Chance of Moderate Shock)
))) SelfDestruct (When attacked, a 3-turn timer begins counting down; if it counts down, the Left Arm is destroyed, but the Mecha Knight drones join the enemy side)
<> Direct Override Enabled (Destroy it to free Mecha Knight drones!)
Right Arm of the Multibox B
1500/1500 HP
Row 3
A - 0 | B - 4 | R - 0
200 Nrm | 200 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd
))) Electric Feedback (When attacked, counterattacks with a Fair Chance of Moderate Shock)
))) SelfDestruct (When attacked, a 3-turn timer begins counting down; if it counts down, the Left Arm is destroyed, but the Mecha Knight drones join the enemy side)
<> Direct Override Enabled (Destroy it to free Mecha Knight drones!)
-Player Allies-
Cannon Puppy (Mark30-Longshot) [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
A.I.M. (D-07 "Ditto") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Surge Mail Polyp (SEE-4) [A6|B2|R8(+2) (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Weighty Heave: 2 ROF, 190 Nrm, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun, Back Row penalty enabled | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown}
Lightbulb (PAD-103 "Mute") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
-Player Team-
KV-103 'Fallen King' (Health: 1875/2400) [Midnight-Dj]
A-8 | B-9 | R-3 (ASD: 0)
]-* Weighted Anchor [UV: FMB Low] (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 3(+4), CTR: Med, Com 43/225Nm/44/225Nm, Chg 24/25/27/29+580 (30%: +1 Target, 15%: +2 Targets)) {0/15 Shields Damaged} [D7 E2]
]-** Snarl of Cerberus [UV: CTR High] (L8 Nm/Sh Swd, H 86/160, Acc +7(+2), CSPD 5(+4), CTR: V. High, Com 228/225Nrm/228/225Nrm/264 (base 190/190/220), Chg 854+580Nrm (Base 610)) {17/25 Sword Hits} [5D 2E]
]-** Flourish (L8 Prc Swd, H H 86/160, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 7(+4), Com 175/225Nrm/175/225Nrm/201 (Base 146/146/176), Chg 336+336+378+580Nrm (Base 240+240+270)) {2/15 Attacks Evaded} [5D 2E]
[]** Non-Shield (L8 Shd, H H 87/160, HP 68 (Base 50), Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H7]
{}** Plate Armor (L8 Arm, H 87/160) [M2] | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L8 Hlm, H 87/160) [M2]
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
19080 Crowns - 12 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - - [ KO Meter: |||||||||||||||||||| ]
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
DSN-001 (Health 1600/1600) [Sonosuke]
A-7 | B-6 | R-7
]-** Monster Buster [UV: FMB Low] (L5 Nrm Gun, H 77/100, Acc +7(+1), ROF 7(+1), Clip 4 x 124(Base 115), Chg 669(Base 577) (60%: Overkill picks new)) {20/20 Hits with 2+ bullets: Capcom's Revenge (1004 damage, party's Gun ASI/CTR Low for 3 turns) Ready!} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Meteotillery (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Acc +7(+1), ArmSpd 5(+1), QAt 270 (up to 4) (base 250), Chg 399 (up to 11) (base 344), no Back Row penalty) {25/25 Second+ Enemy Hits: Block Out The Sun (499 Nrm to all enemies, Good Chance of Mod Stun, Ally Shields to Full HP with 5% Overheal) Ready!} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Iron Knuckles (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Com 140/151/270 (base 130/140/250), Chg 564 (base 486) (Good chance of Mod Stun), can still Block while Charging) {5/15 full combos} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Energy Saber (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +6, CSPD 6, Com 167/178/200/211 (base 155/165/185/195), Chg 778 (base 671), On Charge: Copies status variant, saber has Fair Chance of Mod (Status) on attacks for 3 turns) [D2 E1 S1]
[]** Defender (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 550 (base 500), Nrm 220 (b. 200) | P/E/S 110 (b. 100)) [D2 H2]
{}** Demo Suit (L5 Arm, 77/100) | ** Desperado Hat (L5 Arm, 77/100)
<>** Default Coil Mk II (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +3 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
5578 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 150|Ele 150|Shd 0
Fire 1|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI 0 (Gun +1)
CTR Weapon+0 (Bomb +1)
FMB 0 (+1 w/ Super Arm Arm)
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]- {AUTO PROTOCOL: St/W1 - Ch/W2 - D - St/W4 - St/W3 - D - D}
Mark30-Longshot (Health: 1900/2400) [Colray]
A-10 | B-5 | R-3 (ASD -2)
]-** Wallbreaker [UV: Charge Med] (L5 Nrm Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, ROF 2, CTR: Med, Clip 1 x 341, Chg 549 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {5/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage}
]-** Autogun (L4 Nrm Gun, H 7/80, Acc +4, ROF 2, Clip 2 x (6x85), Chg 15x91, Blocking -2 while in use) {12/30 Overkill Bullets}
]-** Cannon Puppy (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (230 HP), Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF) {2/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Cutter [ASI: Medium] (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 9, Com: 104(26)/112(28)/120(30)/128(32)/136(34) (Blur Strike pierces defense), Chg 178/190/202/214/226) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
[]** Support Shield [Shadow DEF: Low] (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, Shd 50, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Plate Armor (L5 Arm, H 77/100) | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L5 Hlm, H 77/100)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
9459 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
ASI -2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]- {AUTO PROTOCOL: Ch/W1 - (Ch/W2 or (if Sword +: Ch/W4))
'Cobalt' [Hexlash]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
LV-909 'Ignem' (Health: 725/1600) [Oroseira]
A-6 | B-8 | R-6
]-** Overclocked Light Scope (L5 Ele Gun, H 57/100, Acc +7, ROF 10, Clip 10 x 74, Chg 486) {16/20 Hits with 5+ Bullets}
]-** Katscratch (L5 Shd Swd, H 57/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5, Com 165/165/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {1/5 Shields Broken}
]-** Flourish (L5 Prc Swd, H 57/100, Acc +6, CSPD 7, Com 146/146/176, Chg 240+240+270) {6/15 Attacks Evaded}
]-** Featherbow (L5 Prc Gun, H 57/100, Acc +8, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {316/5000 Overkill Damage}
[]** Support Shield (L5 Shd, H 57/100, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L5 Armor, H 57/100)| ** Desperado Hat (L5 Hlm, H 57/100)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
10267 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 2|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI Gun +2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend]-
D-07 'Ditto' (Health: 725/1600) [Spirals-Ore]
A-7 | B-1 | R-12
]-** Cannon Puppy “A.I.M.” [UV: Damage Low] (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (+78 Heat = 268 HP), Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF) {0/40 Turns Active} (HP 190/190) [H]
]-** Ray Shamshir “Slash" [ASI Very High] (L5 Ele Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 6(+5), Cmb: 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/190, Chg: 506 & 580Nrm (Charge has no back row penalty)) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo} [S1]
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L5 Shd Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+5), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken} [S1]
]-** Featherbow “Snipe” (L5 Prc Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage} [S1]
[]** Non-Shield (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 53 (Base 50), Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
{}** Wolver Coat (L5 Arm, H 77/100) [R1] | ** Wolver Cap (L5 Hlm, H 77/100) [R1]
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>** Default Coil Mk II (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +3 ASI/CTR on next attack)
30385 Crowns - 12 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 2|Freeze 3|Shock 2|Poison 2|Stun 2|Curse 2|Sleep 2|Doom 2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Jump Attack - Defend - Item]-
SEE-4 (Health: 1242/2000) [Eternity-Terminal]
A-9 | B-5 | R-4
]-** Catalyzer [UV: Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 59/120, Acc +7, ROF 5, Clip 3 x 137, CataCharge: 326 Nrm (up to 2), +50% Instacharge, +25% Doublecharge) {0/15 Catalyzer Charges}
]-** Surge Mail Polyp (L6 Nrm Bmb, H 59/120, Charge deploys Surge Mail Polyp (130+5% Mach (230) HP, A6|B2|R6 Turret, Weighty Heave: 190Nrm, 2 ROF, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown) {1/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Doom Watch (L6 Shd Gun, H 59/120, Acc +6, ArmSpd 2, QAt: 234 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor Doom), Chg: 320 (up to 8, Fair Chance of Minor Doom)) {0/5 dodged Doomed enemies}
]-* Super Arm Arm (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ROF 7(+2), CTR: Med, Clip 4 x 25, Chg 65 (60%: Overkill picks new)) {13/20 Hits with 2+ bullets} [5D 2E 2S]
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 59/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit [Doom Resist: Max] (L6 Arm, H 59/120) | ** Demo Helm (L6 Hlm, H 58/120)
<>* Bucket Dimension (Use “Capture” to catch projectiles to expel back at the enemy at a later date)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune (Hearty Marks 1 Enemy, increasing their acc by +1 but adding 2nd heart drop chance, for 3 turns)
8449 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 250|Shd 100
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 6
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]-
K1XK1N9 "Enterthekicks" [Whyna]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
"Sephiroth" (Health: 2050/2200) [Saucce]
A-9 | B-2 | R-7
]-** Mire Crossbow [UV: Damage Med] (L6 Shd Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 9(+1), x.5 initial Reload, CTR: Low, Clip: 3 x 129, Chg 3 x 166, Good chance of Minor Poison, On Charge: Slight chance of Minor Sleep) {0/10 Full Clip Hits}
]-** Spat-O-War (L6 Nrm Swd, H 88/120, Acc +7, CSPD +6, CTR: Low, Com 121/126/136/141, Chg 481 (15 + Acc (24)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {20/20 Status Effects: Crackling Bacon Grease (721 damage, Good Chance of Strong Fire, ally team has +3 Fire Stacking and on all attacks: Slight Chance of Minor Fire for 3 turns) ready!}
]- --
]- --
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
8125 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180 [5% Heart Efficiency | 10% Revive Efficiency]
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
DMG Weapon+0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
PAD-103 "Mute" (Health: 1375/1600) [Magmaul-Ace]
A-8 | B-5 | R-7
]-** Magic Orb (L6 Ele Bomb, H 88/120, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 218 (up to 5, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 256 (up to 13, Good Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {6/10 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [2S]
]-** Meteotillery (L7 Nrm Bmb, H 30/140, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 250 (up to 4), Chg 344 (up to 11), no Back Row penalty) {9/25 Second+ Enemy Hits} [E2 S2]
]-** Doom Watch (L1 Shd Bomb, H 0/20, Acc +6, ArmSpd 2, QAt: 234 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor Doom), Chg: 320 (up to 8, Fair Chance of Minor Doom)) {0/5 dodged Doomed enemies}
]-** Cannon Puppy "Lightbulb" (L1 Nrm Bmb, H 0/20, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (+0 Heat = 190 HP), Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF) {0/40 Turns Active} (HP 190/190)
[]** Support Shield (L1 Shd, H 0/20, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Demo Suit (L6 Arm, H 88/120) [2R] | ** Demo Helm [Pierce Med] (L6 Hlm, H 87/120) [2R]
<>** Power Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (twice each); each Boost increases damage by 30% and targets by 3)
<>** Advanced Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Super Vial/3 turns)
15993 Crowns - 2 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 300|Shd 0
Fire 4|Freeze 4|Shock 6|Poison 4|Stun 4|Curse 4|Sleep 4|Doom 4
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
903:99ASSASSIN (Health: 1330/1600) [Herozenzero]
A-8 | B-4 | R-8
]-** Flourish (L1 Prc Swd, H H 0/20, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 7(+4), Com 146/225Nrm/146/225Nrm/176, Chg 240+240+270+580Nrm) {0/15 Attacks Evaded}
]-** Ray Shamshir “Slash" (L1 Ele Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 6(+4), Cmb: 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/190, Chg: 506 & 580Nrm (Charge has no back row penalty)) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo: Cut Down (285 Ele, -1 Reload Time/Combo Delay) ready!}
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L1 Shd Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+4), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken}
]-** Cutter (L1 Nrm Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 9(+4), Com: 104(26)/112(28)/225Nrm/120(30)/225Nrm/128(32)/136(34) (Blur Strike pierces defense), Chg 178/190/202/214/226/580Nrm) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
[]** Non-Shield (L1 Shd, H 0/20, HP 50, Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
{}** Wolver Coat (L1 Arm, H 0/20) | ** Wolver Cap (L1 Hlm, H 0/20)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
1193 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 0|Freeze 2|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
M4g1k [Snakey-One]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
E-304 (Health: 2200/2200) [Arylide]
A-6 | B-3 | R-9
]-** Redwood Lumberdirk (L6 Pc/El Swd, H 88/120, Acc +6, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Cmb 125/125/125/165, Chg 399 (8%: Backstab x5)) {20/20 Supereffective Hits: Element of Surprise (1197 damage, Party ignores 25% enemy Defense for 3 turns)}
]-** Mire Crossbow (L6 Shd Gun, H 88/120/100, Acc +7, ROF 9, x.5 initial Reload, CTR: Low, Clip: 3 x 118, Chg 3 x 151, Good chance of Minor Poison, On Charge: Slight chance of Minor Sleep) {3/10 Full Clip Hits}
]- --
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180 [5% Heart Efficiency | 10% Revive Efficiency]
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Matikclocker X!
Matikclocker M-OVC-2002 Battle Robot (Health: 1250/1000) [Matikclocker]
A-6(+1) | B-8(+1) | R-6(+1)
]-** Calibur (L7 Nrm Swd, H 118/140, Acc +7, CSPD 5, CTR: Low, Cmb 200/200/250, Chg 510 (30% +1 target, 30% +2 target, 15% extra hit (75% extra hit vs. Turret)) {0/25 Sword Hits}
]-** Cryotech Alchemer (L7 Ele Gun, H 118/140, Acc +7, ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 2 x 127, Chg 275 + 2 splitshots (5% internal split), Good Chance of Moderate Freeze) {2/15 Ricochet/Splitshot Targets}
[]** Defender (L7 Shd, H 118/140, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L7 Arm, H 118/140)| ** Cobalt Helm (L7 Hlm, H 118/140)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
6590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - - KO METER: [|||...............]
Nrm (450)350|Prc (280)180|Ele (280)180|Shd (280)180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
--SPECIAL: Cannot be revived! If destroyed, a new Matikclocker will arrive in 2 turns--
[OVERCLOCK METER: ....] (Gain 1 point after winning a battle, 1 point per extra turn waiting to deploy)
(X MODE requires full meter, adds +1 all stats, MHP/4 Temp HP, 100 to all defenses)
(Can use 1 point to add +1 to Reflex, MHP/8 Temp HP, 100 Normal defense)
BETA-01911 (Health: 1850/2000) [Dreathuxy]
A-5 | B-8 | R-7
]-** Spat-O-War (L6 Nrm Swd, H 88/120, Acc +7, CSPD +6, CTR: Low, Com 121/126/136/141, Chg 481 (15 + Acc (19)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {0/20 Status Effects}
]-** Wallbreaker [UV: Charge Med] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, ROF 2, CTR: Low, Clip 1 x 341, Chg 549 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {0/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage}
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Nano2Nano (Health: 2000/2000) [Nanonizer]
A-7 | B-4 | R-9
]-** Lode Javelin (L6 Nm/Pc Swd, H 88/120, Acc +8, CSPD +3, CTR: Low, Com 185/215, Chg 335/335 instantly) {0/20 individual projectiles dodged}
]-** Cryotech Alchemer (L6 Ele Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 2 x 127, Chg 275 + 2 splitshots (5% internal split), Good Chance of Moderate Freeze) {0/15 Ricochet/Splitshot Targets}
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - - KO METER: [..................]
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Total Crowns Earned: 11077
-Prologue: 636
-Chapter 1: 10441
-Chapter 2: 7783 (+26 WP)
1 Super Fire Vial [**]
2 Doom Vial [0*]
1 Freeze Vial [0*]
1 Health Capsule (+60 HP) [0*]
4 Mecha Turret Kits [0*]
2 Poison Vial [0*]
2 Reconaissignals [0*]
1 Remedy Capsule [0*]
4 Shock Vials [0*]
1 Stun Vial [0*]
6 * Beast Scales
14 * Ripped-Up Wanted Posters
12 * Emptied Clips
38 * Gel Drops
15 * Brimstone
5 * Scrap Metal
23 * Grave Soil
12 * Spark Plugs
11 * Cheap Gunpowder
10 * Sharp Fangs
13 * Rock Chips
8 ** Owlite Feathers
16 ** Forbidden Fruit
16 ** Chitin Frags
8 ** Waste Modules
16 ** Power Cells
2 ** Ammo Boxes
4 ** Swordstones
8 ** Iron Gears
8 ** Fuel Canisters
3 ** Gremlin Gizmos
5 ** Frayed Fabric
4 ** Translocation Residue
3 ** Cooling Cells
9 ** Physics Applicators
10 ** Dead Gold
-Key Items-
Old Cipher (An old drive containing some kind of complicated deciphering program; the letters "H.E.Z." are embossed on the drive. It was used to decipher the Audio Log you found.)
HEZ Audio Log I (An old Gremlin-made Audio Log found in the Viskouza base in the Torchbellow Ruins. Click the link to see what it said.)
-Unused Gear-
]-Cloudy Orb (L9 Nrm Bomb, H31/50, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po), Chg 32 (up to 10, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [6D 2S]
]-Static Flash (L10 Nrm Bmb, H MAX, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 16 (up to 2), Chg 28 (up to 7, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {0/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {0/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
]-* Sharpened Lumberdirk (L5 Pc/El Swd, H53/55, Acc +6 (+1), CSPD 8(+1), CTR: Low, Com 15/15/15/23, Chg 32 (8%: Backstab x5 damage) {4/20 Supereffective Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]-* Bog Repeater (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Kat Claw (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Blast Charge (L5 Nrm Bomb, H52/55, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 27 (up to 5), Chg 50 (up to 11)) {3/15 Charge Attacks} [5D]
]-* Shiny Shards (L10 Pc/El Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 8(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 4x16 shraps, Chg 8x28 shraps, 17% all shards to main target, 64% each shard hits new foe) {0/10 3+ Shraps hit target} [6D 2E 2S]
]-* Lil' Gelato (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+ 80 Heat) (111) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {2/40 Turns Active} [D5 H5] (HP 95/95)
]-* Heavy Hatchet "Best Bud" [UV: v. Gremlin Med] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 2(+2), CTR: Low, Com 44/30/45/30 (15%: +1 target) [52/36/53/36 to Gremlins], Chg 92 (30%: +1 target) [108 to Gremlins]) {0/10 Extra Sword Targets} [D8 E2]
]-* Six-Shooter "2S" (L8 Nrm Gun, H35/85, Acc +6(+1), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 25, Chg 6 x 23 + 43) {4/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E1]
]-Plywood Lumberdirk (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 8(+2), CTR: Med, Com 16/16/16/22, Chg 32 (7%: Backstab x5 damage) {8/20 Supereffective Hits} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Apprentice Orb (L10 Ele Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 27 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 42 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Lil' Gelato [UV: Damage Low] (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+126 Heat) (155) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x28 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {11/40 Turns Active} [H9 D1]
]-** Pulsar [Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7(+2), ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 3x127 (up to 3), Chg: 255 (up to 5)) {--/15 triple-target shots} [2E]
]-** Featherbow (L6 Prc Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage}
]-** Monster Buster (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 7, CTR: Low, Clip 4x115, Chg 577 (60% chance to carry Overkill)) {9/20 Hits with 2+ Bullets}
[]Proto Non-Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 12/12, Nrm 5|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]Plank (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 35/35, Nrm 22|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D1]
[]Proto Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 25/25, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
[]Proto Shield (L8 Shd, H11/45, HP 32/32, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, +0.5 All Resistances) [D1 H6 R1]
[]Proto Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 21/27, Nrm 30|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]** Owlite Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 450/450 Nrm 150|Prc 0|Ele 400|Shd 0 (Resistance: 2 vs. All)) [2R]
[]** Support Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}Ex-Motocross Plate Mail (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn + 1, Slp - 1, ASD -1) [D1]
{}Rusty Brigandine (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Kevlar Knock-Off (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
{}Cruddy Cuirass (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Asbestos Armor (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Fir -1)
{}Badly Battered Brigandine (L10 Arm, HMax) [D1]
{}Base Mail (L1 Arm, H0/15)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L6 Armor, H 88/120)
/\Iron Plate Bucket (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn +1, Slp - 1 ASD -1) [D1]
/\Old Mecha-Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25) [D1]
/\Compute-O-Vision (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Shk - 1)
/\* Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
/\Man With A Moon (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D1]
/\* Warm Hat (L8 Arm, H5/85) [6D 2R]
/\** Desperado Hat (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Knight Bracer (Can take incoming hits for allies below 10% HP, cannot evade hits taken for allies)
<>* Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Vial/3 turns)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
14 Sparks of Life
-Known Recipes-
* {Heavy Hatchet, Kat Claw, Metal Fists, SmallCalibur, Tempered Dueling Sword, Weighted Anchor, Weighted Frying Pan, Apprentistick, Heightened Plasmator, Overclocked Light Scope, Pummel Gun, Six-Shooter, Super Arm Arm, Apprentice Orb, Asteroid Bomb Mk II, Lil' Gelato, Lil' Wiz, Shiny Shards, Bolted Non-Shield, Bone Shield, Tough Plank, Base Mail, Hefty Plate Armor, Vitasuit, Base Helm, Hefty Plate Helm, Vitacap, Warm Hat, Bomber Gauntlets, Bucket Dimension, Default Coil, Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution, Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Periodic Block of Elements, Risk Vs. Reload, Rocket Boots, Knight Bracer}
** {Calibur, Cutter, Energy Saber, Flourish, Iron Knuckles, Katscratch, Ray Shamshir, Snarl of Cerberus, Spat-O-War, Autogun, Catalyzer, Featherbow, Mire Crossbow, Monster Buster, Pulsar, Wallbreaker, Cannon Puppy, Doom Watch, Magic Orb, Meteotillery, Surge Mail Polyp, Demo Suit, Desperado Jacket, Medisuit, Plate Armor, Wolver Coat, Cobalt Helm, Demo Helm, Desperado Hat, Plate Helm, Wolver Cap, Defender, Non-Shield, Owlite Shield, Support Shield, Advanced Periodic Block of Elements, Default Coil Mk II, Power Gauntlets, Title-Seeker Belt, True Knight Bracer}
"Abominable AI! My soul belongs to the machine god, I would suffer a thousand death before I yield to the likes of you!"
[Charge weighted Anchor, all my other weapons are useless against the core]
--Commercial time--
Fallen King: "Does anyone know why the Snarl of Cerberus has shadow damage? Because I clearly remembered this sword to be doing normal damage."
DJ: "I think doc took the term Cerberus too literally if you know what I mean."
Fallen King: "Cerberus is the guardian of hell, hell is dark and evil in nature, I get it."
DJ: "Oh and I also found a picture of your all so loving machine god, here have a look."
Fallen King: "WHAT IS THAT HERESY?!"
((Doc, is one of those trinket recipes the Burst Module?))
"Take out the arms as fast as possible," Faidra primed his Meteotillery. "It seems we'll need all the help we can get."
[Block out the Sun Finisher: Multibox Left B]
"We are overwhelmed by the robots of the Multibox! We need to destroy Multibox very fast or we are doomed! (Not me, I can respawn)"
(Charge Calibur/Fire Charge at Left Multibox Arm A)
As 903 revovers from the system update, he notices that he is in a fight! Taking notice of the fail safe countdown to release enemies, he charges his weapon.
(Charge flourish)
((Sorry I was away for a while, I was moving and the internet hadn't been set up))
((Unfortunately I will be unable to post tonight due to extenuating circumstances. I'm sorry about this, and I'll be able to post tomorrow.))
"What is this minecraft?!"
( Default.. Sry i can't post long today )
"[]<->[] Barrier Change: At the end of every turn, Core of the Multibox becomes nigh-invulnerable except against a random damage type; watch his defenses!"
I lifted Barrier Change almost directly from the Final Fantasy series, except that the result is easily visible and the move doesn't interrupt the Core's attacks. Keep an eye on his defenses. Also, you really shouldn't bother with the Weighted Anchor.
By the way, check his defenses every turn- or just look at the end of the Turn Summary to see what the Core's current weakness is.
@Sono: Probably. Thanks for the reminder))
Turn Roll: 1,2,1,1,1,2,3,2,2,3
Multibox: 4 + 1 = 5 (85/100)
KV-103: 3 + 2 = 5 (46/100)
DSN-001: 7 + 1 CTR = 8
Mark: 3 + 1 = 4
SEE-4: 4 + 1 = 5 (100/100)
Sephiroth: 7 + 2 = 9
Mute: 5 + 3 = 8
ASSASSIN: 8 + 2 = 10
Matikclocker X: 7 + 2 = 9
BETA: 7 + 3 = 10
LV-909 Defaults.
LV-909 gains 1 BP! (I COULD have them auto-attack the core with their first weapon, but that'd just be mean. On a side note, split damage will be about half as effective as full damage.)
D-07 Defaults.
D-07 gains 1 BP!
E-304 Defaults.
E-304 gains 1 BP!
ASSASSIN: Charge w/ Flourish
Roll: 23. No Instacharge.
Sephiroth: Standard w/ Spat-o-War -> Multibox Core
4 swings, 2 hits! 227 damage.
BETA: Standard w/ Spat-o-War -> Multibox Core
4 swings, 2 hits! 2 FLIPS! 504 damage. Multibox Core is immune to Stun! (How's it flip a Battlepod? Probably something to do with mist energy vectors)
Matikclocker X: Charge w/ Calibur -> Left Arm A
Roll: 27. No Instacharge.
DSN-001 unleashes his Meteotillery's full power! Block out the Sun!
Multibox Core took 474 damage.
Left Arm A took 449 damage.
Left Arm B took 449 damage.
Right Arm A took 449 damage.
Right Arm B took 449 damage.
Ally Shields were repaired and Overhealed!
Finishing Moves can't be counterattacked by Electric Feedback!
All Arms' Self Destruct Timers are at 3!
Mute: Standard w/ Meteotillery -> Multibox Core
2 bombs! Also targeted: Left Arm B (x1), Right Arm A (x1)
-> Multibox Core: 2 hits! 450 damage.
-> Left Arm B: Hit! 200 damage.
-> Right Arm A: Hit! 200 damage.
SEE-4: Standard w/ Catalyzer -> Multibox Core
3 shots, 2 hits! 224 damage.
Multibox Core: Barrier Bash -> DSN-001
Hit! 425 damage.
KV-103: Charge w/ Weighted Anchor -> Multibox Core
3 hits! 557 damage. (555 of that was your Non-Shield's additional attack.)
Mark: Charge w/ Wallbreaker -> Multibox Core
Roll for Instacharge: 66. No Instacharge.
Barrier Change raised Multibox Core's Normal Defense to its limit!
Barrier Change weakend Multibox Core's Elemental Defense!
--Turn Summary--
Multibox Core takes some damage; its arms begin their self-destruction sequence after being pounded by a hail of meteors!
In response, Multibox Core attacks DSN-001 with Barrier Bash!
Barrier Change! Multibox Core is now weak to Elemental damage and nigh-invulnerable to everything else!
"IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIGHT ME. I AM SUPERIOR TO ALL THAT IS." The Multibox prepares to back up its blatant blaspheming with another fierce blast of energy. "A MOUNTAIN OF YOUR FALLEN WILL SURROUND ME REGARDLESS OF YOUR ACTIONS."
The Multibox's arms have begun self-destruct sequences in response to DSN-001's attack! Meanwhile, its Barrier Change Module has shifted its defenses. Some Machinauts may be unable to deal meaningful damage to the Core right now; perhaps it is best to aim for another target?
WARRIOR POINT REWARDS (At any time, you may trade 1 Warrior Point for any of the following!)
1 WP <--> 800 Crowns
1 WP <--> 400 Crowns, 100 Heat
1 WP <--> 200 Heat
2 PENDING SYSTEM UPGRADES FOR: Mark30-Longshot, SEE-4, Sephiroth, E-304
For each upgrade, choose one of:
+1 Accuracy (Helps you land hits and increases "Critical Hit" effects like those on the Spat-o-War)
+1 Blocking (Helps you block and evade attacks)
+1 Reflexes (Can increase your attack count and decreases enemies' attack count, used to determine turn order)
-Victory Conditions-
=Destroy the Multibox!
-Destroy the Arms of the Multibox (Reward: ** Trinket Recipe) [0/4 destroyed]
-Do not kill any Mecha Knights (Reward: ** Trinket Recipe)
-[Reward: ** Trinket Recipe] pending from previous match
-Pending Effects-
D-07: 1 BP (+3 ASI/CTR ea.)
E-304: 1 BP (+2 ASI/CTR ea.)
ASSASSIN: Charge w/ Flourish
Matikclocker X: Charge w/ Calibur -> Left Arm A
Left Arm A Self Destruct Timer: 3 turns
Left Arm B Self Destruct Timer: 3 turns
Right Arm A Self Destruct Timer: 3 turns
Right Arm B Self Destruct Timer: 3 turns
-Buffs and Debuffs-
REAL ZONE: Everyone
CYBER ZONE: Are you crazy?! There's bots everywhere!
Loot on Victory
(19 "Players")
(Rolling for Iciclos later)
-Ally Rows-
KV-103: 0
DSN-001: 0
Mark: 1
-Cannon Puppy: W
LV-909: 1
D-07: 0
-A.I.M.: 3
SEE-4: 1
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
Sephiroth: 3
Mute: 3
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
903:99: 0
Matikclocker: 0
Nano2Nano: 3
KV-103: 72/68 (Nm 100)
DSN-001: 578/550 (Nm 220|Spcl 110)
Mark: 420/400 (Nm 300|Sh 50| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
LV-909: 420/400 (Nm 300| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
D-07: 53/50 (Nm 100)
SEE-4: 525/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Sephiroth: 525/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Mute: 420/400 (Nm 300| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
ASSASSIN: 53/50 (Nm 100)
E-304: 525/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Matikclocker: 525/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
BETA: 525/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
MINI-BOSS: Core of the Multibox
9476/12000 HP
Row 2
A - 6 | B - 10 | R - 4
4000 Nrm | 4000 Prc | 100 Ele | 4000 Shd | Immune to: All Status Effects
))) Barrier Bash (8 ACC, 500 damage of whatever type the Core is weak to)
))) Greater Data Crush (12 ACC, 100 Shd, On hit: Attack again with +100 attack power and -2 ACC until the attack misses)
[]<->[] Barrier Change: At the end of every turn, Core of the Multibox becomes nigh-invulnerable except against a random damage type; watch his defenses!
[X] Safe Mode: At 10% HP, the Core's Blocking is doubled at the expense of its Accuracy and Reflexes
Left Arm of the Multibox A
1551/2000 HP
Row 0
A - 0 | B - 4 | R - 0
200 Nrm | 200 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd
))) Electric Feedback (When attacked, counterattacks with a Fair Chance of Moderate Shock)
))) SelfDestruct (When attacked, a 3-turn timer begins counting down; if it counts down, the Left Arm is destroyed, but the Mecha Knight drones join the enemy side)
<> Direct Override Enabled (Destroy it to free Mecha Knight drones!)
Left Arm of the Multibox B
851/1500 HP
Row 3
A - 0 | B - 4 | R - 0
200 Nrm | 200 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd
))) Electric Feedback (When attacked, counterattacks with a Fair Chance of Moderate Shock)
))) SelfDestruct (When attacked, a 3-turn timer begins counting down; if it counts down, the Left Arm is destroyed, but the Mecha Knight drones join the enemy side)
<> Direct Override Enabled (Destroy it to free Mecha Knight drones!)
Right Arm of the Multibox A
1351/2000 HP
Row 0
A - 0 | B - 4 | R - 0
200 Nrm | 200 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd
))) Electric Feedback (When attacked, counterattacks with a Fair Chance of Moderate Shock)
))) SelfDestruct (When attacked, a 3-turn timer begins counting down; if it counts down, the Left Arm is destroyed, but the Mecha Knight drones join the enemy side)
<> Direct Override Enabled (Destroy it to free Mecha Knight drones!)
Right Arm of the Multibox B
1051/1500 HP
Row 3
A - 0 | B - 4 | R - 0
200 Nrm | 200 Prc | 200 Ele | 200 Shd
))) Electric Feedback (When attacked, counterattacks with a Fair Chance of Moderate Shock)
))) SelfDestruct (When attacked, a 3-turn timer begins counting down; if it counts down, the Left Arm is destroyed, but the Mecha Knight drones join the enemy side)
<> Direct Override Enabled (Destroy it to free Mecha Knight drones!)
-Player Allies-
Cannon Puppy (Mark30-Longshot) [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
A.I.M. (D-07 "Ditto") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Surge Mail Polyp (SEE-4) [A6|B2|R8(+2) (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Weighty Heave: 2 ROF, 190 Nrm, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun, Back Row penalty enabled | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown}
Lightbulb (PAD-103 "Mute") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
-Player Team-
KV-103 'Fallen King' (Health: 1875/2400) [Midnight-Dj]
A-8 | B-9 | R-3 (ASD: 0)
]-* Weighted Anchor [UV: FMB Low] (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 3(+4), CTR: Med, Com 43/225Nm/44/225Nm, Chg 24/25/27/29+580 (30%: +1 Target, 15%: +2 Targets)) {0/15 Shields Damaged} [D7 E2]
]-** Snarl of Cerberus [UV: CTR High] (L8 Nm/Sh Swd, H 86/160, Acc +7(+2), CSPD 5(+4), CTR: V. High, Com 228/225Nrm/228/225Nrm/264 (base 190/190/220), Chg 854+580Nrm (Base 610)) {17/25 Sword Hits} [5D 2E]
]-** Flourish (L8 Prc Swd, H H 86/160, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 7(+4), Com 175/225Nrm/175/225Nrm/201 (Base 146/146/176), Chg 336+336+378+580Nrm (Base 240+240+270)) {2/15 Attacks Evaded} [5D 2E]
[]** Non-Shield (L8 Shd, H H 87/160, HP 68 (Base 50), Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H7]
{}** Plate Armor (L8 Arm, H 87/160) [M2] | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L8 Hlm, H 87/160) [M2]
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
19080 Crowns - 12 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - - [ KO Meter: |||||||||||||||||||| ]
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
DSN-001 (Health 1175/1600) [Sonosuke]
A-7 | B-6 | R-7
]-** Monster Buster [UV: FMB Low] (L5 Nrm Gun, H 77/100, Acc +7(+1), ROF 7(+1), Clip 4 x 124(Base 115), Chg 669(Base 577) (60%: Overkill picks new)) {20/20 Hits with 2+ bullets: Capcom's Revenge (1004 damage, party's Gun ASI/CTR Low for 3 turns) Ready!} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Meteotillery (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Acc +7(+1), ArmSpd 5(+1), QAt 270 (up to 4) (base 250), Chg 399 (up to 11) (base 344), no Back Row penalty) {25/25 Second+ Enemy Hits: Block Out The Sun (499 Nrm to all enemies, Good Chance of Mod Stun, Ally Shields to Full HP with 5% Overheal) Ready!} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Iron Knuckles (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Com 140/151/270 (base 130/140/250), Chg 564 (base 486) (Good chance of Mod Stun), can still Block while Charging) {5/15 full combos} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Energy Saber (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +6, CSPD 6, Com 167/178/200/211 (base 155/165/185/195), Chg 778 (base 671), On Charge: Copies status variant, saber has Fair Chance of Mod (Status) on attacks for 3 turns) [D2 E1 S1]
[]** Defender (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 550 (base 500), Nrm 220 (b. 200) | P/E/S 110 (b. 100)) [D2 H2]
{}** Demo Suit (L5 Arm, 77/100) | ** Desperado Hat (L5 Arm, 77/100)
<>** Default Coil Mk II (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +3 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
5578 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 150|Ele 150|Shd 0
Fire 1|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI 0 (Gun +1)
CTR Weapon+0 (Bomb +1)
FMB 0 (+1 w/ Super Arm Arm)
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]- {AUTO PROTOCOL: St/W1 - Ch/W2 - D - St/W4 - St/W3 - D - D}
Mark30-Longshot (Health: 1900/2400) [Colray]
A-10 | B-5 | R-3 (ASD -2)
]-** Wallbreaker [UV: Charge Med] (L5 Nrm Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, ROF 2, CTR: Med, Clip 1 x 341, Chg 549 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {5/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage}
]-** Autogun (L4 Nrm Gun, H 7/80, Acc +4, ROF 2, Clip 2 x (6x85), Chg 15x91, Blocking -2 while in use) {12/30 Overkill Bullets}
]-** Cannon Puppy (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (230 HP), Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF) {2/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Cutter [ASI: Medium] (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 9, Com: 104(26)/112(28)/120(30)/128(32)/136(34) (Blur Strike pierces defense), Chg 178/190/202/214/226) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
[]** Support Shield [Shadow DEF: Low] (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, Shd 50, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Plate Armor (L5 Arm, H 77/100) | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L5 Hlm, H 77/100)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
9459 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
ASI -2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]- {AUTO PROTOCOL: Ch/W1 - (Ch/W2 or (if Sword +: Ch/W4))
'Cobalt' [Hexlash]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
LV-909 'Ignem' (Health: 725/1600) [Oroseira]
A-6 | B-8 | R-6
]-** Overclocked Light Scope (L5 Ele Gun, H 57/100, Acc +7, ROF 10, Clip 10 x 74, Chg 486) {16/20 Hits with 5+ Bullets}
]-** Katscratch (L5 Shd Swd, H 57/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5, Com 165/165/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {1/5 Shields Broken}
]-** Flourish (L5 Prc Swd, H 57/100, Acc +6, CSPD 7, Com 146/146/176, Chg 240+240+270) {6/15 Attacks Evaded}
]-** Featherbow (L5 Prc Gun, H 57/100, Acc +8, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {316/5000 Overkill Damage}
[]** Support Shield (L5 Shd, H 57/100, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L5 Armor, H 57/100)| ** Desperado Hat (L5 Hlm, H 57/100)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
10267 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 2|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI Gun +2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend]-
D-07 'Ditto' (Health: 725/1600) [Spirals-Ore]
A-7 | B-1 | R-12
]-** Cannon Puppy “A.I.M.” [UV: Damage Low] (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (+78 Heat = 268 HP), Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF) {0/40 Turns Active} (HP 190/190) [H]
]-** Ray Shamshir “Slash" [ASI Very High] (L5 Ele Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 6(+5), Cmb: 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/190, Chg: 506 & 580Nrm (Charge has no back row penalty)) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo} [S1]
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L5 Shd Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+5), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken} [S1]
]-** Featherbow “Snipe” (L5 Prc Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage} [S1]
[]** Non-Shield (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 53 (Base 50), Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
{}** Wolver Coat (L5 Arm, H 77/100) [R1] | ** Wolver Cap (L5 Hlm, H 77/100) [R1]
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>** Default Coil Mk II (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +3 ASI/CTR on next attack)
30385 Crowns - 12 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 2|Freeze 3|Shock 2|Poison 2|Stun 2|Curse 2|Sleep 2|Doom 2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Jump Attack - Defend - Item]-
SEE-4 (Health: 1242/2000) [Eternity-Terminal]
A-9 | B-5 | R-4
]-** Catalyzer [UV: Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 59/120, Acc +7, ROF 5, Clip 3 x 137, CataCharge: 326 Nrm (up to 2), +50% Instacharge, +25% Doublecharge) {0/15 Catalyzer Charges}
]-** Surge Mail Polyp (L6 Nrm Bmb, H 59/120, Charge deploys Surge Mail Polyp (130+5% Mach (230) HP, A6|B2|R6 Turret, Weighty Heave: 190Nrm, 2 ROF, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown) {1/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Doom Watch (L6 Shd Gun, H 59/120, Acc +6, ArmSpd 2, QAt: 234 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor Doom), Chg: 320 (up to 8, Fair Chance of Minor Doom)) {0/5 dodged Doomed enemies}
]-* Super Arm Arm (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ROF 7(+2), CTR: Med, Clip 4 x 25, Chg 65 (60%: Overkill picks new)) {13/20 Hits with 2+ bullets} [5D 2E 2S]
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 59/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit [Doom Resist: Max] (L6 Arm, H 59/120) | ** Demo Helm (L6 Hlm, H 58/120)
<>* Bucket Dimension (Use “Capture” to catch projectiles to expel back at the enemy at a later date)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune (Hearty Marks 1 Enemy, increasing their acc by +1 but adding 2nd heart drop chance, for 3 turns)
8449 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 250|Shd 100
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 6
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]-
K1XK1N9 "Enterthekicks" [Whyna]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
"Sephiroth" (Health: 2050/2200) [Saucce]
A-9 | B-2 | R-7
]-** Mire Crossbow [UV: Damage Med] (L6 Shd Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 9(+1), x.5 initial Reload, CTR: Low, Clip: 3 x 129, Chg 3 x 166, Good chance of Minor Poison, On Charge: Slight chance of Minor Sleep) {0/10 Full Clip Hits}
]-** Spat-O-War (L6 Nrm Swd, H 88/120, Acc +7, CSPD +6, CTR: Low, Com 121/126/136/141, Chg 481 (15 + Acc (24)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {20/20 Status Effects: Crackling Bacon Grease (721 damage, Good Chance of Strong Fire, ally team has +3 Fire Stacking and on all attacks: Slight Chance of Minor Fire for 3 turns) ready!}
]- --
]- --
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
8125 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180 [5% Heart Efficiency | 10% Revive Efficiency]
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
DMG Weapon+0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
PAD-103 "Mute" (Health: 1375/1600) [Magmaul-Ace]
A-8 | B-5 | R-7
]-** Magic Orb (L6 Ele Bomb, H 88/120, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 218 (up to 5, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 256 (up to 13, Good Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {6/10 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [2S]
]-** Meteotillery (L7 Nrm Bmb, H 30/140, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 250 (up to 4), Chg 344 (up to 11), no Back Row penalty) {9/25 Second+ Enemy Hits} [E2 S2]
]-** Doom Watch (L1 Shd Bomb, H 0/20, Acc +6, ArmSpd 2, QAt: 234 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor Doom), Chg: 320 (up to 8, Fair Chance of Minor Doom)) {0/5 dodged Doomed enemies}
]-** Cannon Puppy "Lightbulb" (L1 Nrm Bmb, H 0/20, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (+0 Heat = 190 HP), Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF) {0/40 Turns Active} (HP 190/190)
[]** Support Shield (L1 Shd, H 0/20, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Demo Suit (L6 Arm, H 88/120) [2R] | ** Demo Helm [Pierce Med] (L6 Hlm, H 87/120) [2R]
<>** Power Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (twice each); each Boost increases damage by 30% and targets by 3)
<>** Advanced Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Super Vial/3 turns)
15993 Crowns - 2 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 300|Shd 0
Fire 4|Freeze 4|Shock 6|Poison 4|Stun 4|Curse 4|Sleep 4|Doom 4
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
903:99ASSASSIN (Health: 1330/1600) [Herozenzero]
A-8 | B-4 | R-8
]-** Flourish (L1 Prc Swd, H H 0/20, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 7(+4), Com 146/225Nrm/146/225Nrm/176, Chg 240+240+270+580Nrm) {0/15 Attacks Evaded}
]-** Ray Shamshir “Slash" (L1 Ele Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 6(+4), Cmb: 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/190, Chg: 506 & 580Nrm (Charge has no back row penalty)) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo: Cut Down (285 Ele, -1 Reload Time/Combo Delay) ready!}
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L1 Shd Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+4), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken}
]-** Cutter (L1 Nrm Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 9(+4), Com: 104(26)/112(28)/225Nrm/120(30)/225Nrm/128(32)/136(34) (Blur Strike pierces defense), Chg 178/190/202/214/226/580Nrm) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
[]** Non-Shield (L1 Shd, H 0/20, HP 50, Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
{}** Wolver Coat (L1 Arm, H 0/20) | ** Wolver Cap (L1 Hlm, H 0/20)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
1193 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 0|Freeze 2|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
M4g1k [Snakey-One]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
E-304 (Health: 2200/2200) [Arylide]
A-6 | B-3 | R-9
]-** Redwood Lumberdirk (L6 Pc/El Swd, H 88/120, Acc +6, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Cmb 125/125/125/165, Chg 399 (8%: Backstab x5)) {20/20 Supereffective Hits: Element of Surprise (1197 damage, Party ignores 25% enemy Defense for 3 turns)}
]-** Mire Crossbow (L6 Shd Gun, H 88/120/100, Acc +7, ROF 9, x.5 initial Reload, CTR: Low, Clip: 3 x 118, Chg 3 x 151, Good chance of Minor Poison, On Charge: Slight chance of Minor Sleep) {3/10 Full Clip Hits}
]- --
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180 [5% Heart Efficiency | 10% Revive Efficiency]
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Matikclocker X!
Matikclocker M-OVC-2002 Battle Robot (Health: 1250/1000) [Matikclocker]
A-6(+1) | B-8(+1) | R-6(+1)
]-** Calibur (L7 Nrm Swd, H 118/140, Acc +7, CSPD 5, CTR: Low, Cmb 200/200/250, Chg 510 (30% +1 target, 30% +2 target, 15% extra hit (75% extra hit vs. Turret)) {0/25 Sword Hits}
]-** Cryotech Alchemer (L7 Ele Gun, H 118/140, Acc +7, ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 2 x 127, Chg 275 + 2 splitshots (5% internal split), Good Chance of Moderate Freeze) {2/15 Ricochet/Splitshot Targets}
[]** Defender (L7 Shd, H 118/140, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L7 Arm, H 118/140)| ** Cobalt Helm (L7 Hlm, H 118/140)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
6590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - - KO METER: [|||...............]
Nrm (450)350|Prc (280)180|Ele (280)180|Shd (280)180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
--SPECIAL: Cannot be revived! If destroyed, a new Matikclocker will arrive in 2 turns--
[OVERCLOCK METER: ....] (Gain 1 point after winning a battle, 1 point per extra turn waiting to deploy)
(X MODE requires full meter, adds +1 all stats, MHP/4 Temp HP, 100 to all defenses)
(Can use 1 point to add +1 to Reflex, MHP/8 Temp HP, 100 Normal defense)
BETA-01911 (Health: 1850/2000) [Dreathuxy]
A-5 | B-8 | R-7
]-** Spat-O-War (L6 Nrm Swd, H 88/120, Acc +7, CSPD +6, CTR: Low, Com 121/126/136/141, Chg 481 (15 + Acc (19)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {0/20 Status Effects}
]-** Wallbreaker [UV: Charge Med] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, ROF 2, CTR: Low, Clip 1 x 341, Chg 549 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {0/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage}
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Nano2Nano (Health: 2000/2000) [Nanonizer]
A-7 | B-4 | R-9
]-** Lode Javelin (L6 Nm/Pc Swd, H 88/120, Acc +8, CSPD +3, CTR: Low, Com 185/215, Chg 335/335 instantly) {0/20 individual projectiles dodged}
]-** Cryotech Alchemer (L6 Ele Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 2 x 127, Chg 275 + 2 splitshots (5% internal split), Good Chance of Moderate Freeze) {0/15 Ricochet/Splitshot Targets}
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - - KO METER: [..................]
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Total Crowns Earned: 11077
-Prologue: 636
-Chapter 1: 10441
-Chapter 2: 7783 (+26 WP)
1 Super Fire Vial [**]
2 Doom Vial [0*]
1 Freeze Vial [0*]
1 Health Capsule (+60 HP) [0*]
4 Mecha Turret Kits [0*]
2 Poison Vial [0*]
2 Reconaissignals [0*]
1 Remedy Capsule [0*]
4 Shock Vials [0*]
1 Stun Vial [0*]
6 * Beast Scales
14 * Ripped-Up Wanted Posters
12 * Emptied Clips
38 * Gel Drops
15 * Brimstone
5 * Scrap Metal
23 * Grave Soil
12 * Spark Plugs
11 * Cheap Gunpowder
10 * Sharp Fangs
13 * Rock Chips
8 ** Owlite Feathers
16 ** Forbidden Fruit
16 ** Chitin Frags
8 ** Waste Modules
16 ** Power Cells
2 ** Ammo Boxes
4 ** Swordstones
8 ** Iron Gears
8 ** Fuel Canisters
3 ** Gremlin Gizmos
5 ** Frayed Fabric
4 ** Translocation Residue
3 ** Cooling Cells
9 ** Physics Applicators
10 ** Dead Gold
-Key Items-
Old Cipher (An old drive containing some kind of complicated deciphering program; the letters "H.E.Z." are embossed on the drive. It was used to decipher the Audio Log you found.)
HEZ Audio Log I (An old Gremlin-made Audio Log found in the Viskouza base in the Torchbellow Ruins. Click the link to see what it said.)
-Unused Gear-
]-Cloudy Orb (L9 Nrm Bomb, H31/50, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po), Chg 32 (up to 10, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [6D 2S]
]-Static Flash (L10 Nrm Bmb, H MAX, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 16 (up to 2), Chg 28 (up to 7, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {0/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {0/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
]-* Sharpened Lumberdirk (L5 Pc/El Swd, H53/55, Acc +6 (+1), CSPD 8(+1), CTR: Low, Com 15/15/15/23, Chg 32 (8%: Backstab x5 damage) {4/20 Supereffective Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]-* Bog Repeater (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Kat Claw (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Blast Charge (L5 Nrm Bomb, H52/55, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 27 (up to 5), Chg 50 (up to 11)) {3/15 Charge Attacks} [5D]
]-* Shiny Shards (L10 Pc/El Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 8(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 4x16 shraps, Chg 8x28 shraps, 17% all shards to main target, 64% each shard hits new foe) {0/10 3+ Shraps hit target} [6D 2E 2S]
]-* Lil' Gelato (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+ 80 Heat) (111) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {2/40 Turns Active} [D5 H5] (HP 95/95)
]-* Heavy Hatchet "Best Bud" [UV: v. Gremlin Med] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 2(+2), CTR: Low, Com 44/30/45/30 (15%: +1 target) [52/36/53/36 to Gremlins], Chg 92 (30%: +1 target) [108 to Gremlins]) {0/10 Extra Sword Targets} [D8 E2]
]-* Six-Shooter "2S" (L8 Nrm Gun, H35/85, Acc +6(+1), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 25, Chg 6 x 23 + 43) {4/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E1]
]-Plywood Lumberdirk (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 8(+2), CTR: Med, Com 16/16/16/22, Chg 32 (7%: Backstab x5 damage) {8/20 Supereffective Hits} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Apprentice Orb (L10 Ele Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 27 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 42 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Lil' Gelato [UV: Damage Low] (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+126 Heat) (155) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x28 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {11/40 Turns Active} [H9 D1]
]-** Pulsar [Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7(+2), ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 3x127 (up to 3), Chg: 255 (up to 5)) {--/15 triple-target shots} [2E]
]-** Featherbow (L6 Prc Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage}
]-** Monster Buster (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 7, CTR: Low, Clip 4x115, Chg 577 (60% chance to carry Overkill)) {9/20 Hits with 2+ Bullets}
[]Proto Non-Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 12/12, Nrm 5|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]Plank (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 35/35, Nrm 22|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D1]
[]Proto Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 25/25, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
[]Proto Shield (L8 Shd, H11/45, HP 32/32, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, +0.5 All Resistances) [D1 H6 R1]
[]Proto Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 21/27, Nrm 30|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]** Owlite Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 450/450 Nrm 150|Prc 0|Ele 400|Shd 0 (Resistance: 2 vs. All)) [2R]
[]** Support Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}Ex-Motocross Plate Mail (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn + 1, Slp - 1, ASD -1) [D1]
{}Rusty Brigandine (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Kevlar Knock-Off (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
{}Cruddy Cuirass (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Asbestos Armor (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Fir -1)
{}Badly Battered Brigandine (L10 Arm, HMax) [D1]
{}Base Mail (L1 Arm, H0/15)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L6 Armor, H 88/120)
/\Iron Plate Bucket (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn +1, Slp - 1 ASD -1) [D1]
/\Old Mecha-Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25) [D1]
/\Compute-O-Vision (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Shk - 1)
/\* Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
/\Man With A Moon (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D1]
/\* Warm Hat (L8 Arm, H5/85) [6D 2R]
/\** Desperado Hat (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Knight Bracer (Can take incoming hits for allies below 10% HP, cannot evade hits taken for allies)
<>* Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Vial/3 turns)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
14 Sparks of Life
-Known Recipes-
* {Heavy Hatchet, Kat Claw, Metal Fists, SmallCalibur, Tempered Dueling Sword, Weighted Anchor, Weighted Frying Pan, Apprentistick, Heightened Plasmator, Overclocked Light Scope, Pummel Gun, Six-Shooter, Super Arm Arm, Apprentice Orb, Asteroid Bomb Mk II, Lil' Gelato, Lil' Wiz, Shiny Shards, Bolted Non-Shield, Bone Shield, Tough Plank, Base Mail, Hefty Plate Armor, Vitasuit, Base Helm, Hefty Plate Helm, Vitacap, Warm Hat, Bomber Gauntlets, Bucket Dimension, Default Coil, Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution, Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Periodic Block of Elements, Risk Vs. Reload, Rocket Boots, Knight Bracer}
** {Calibur, Cutter, Energy Saber, Flourish, Iron Knuckles, Katscratch, Ray Shamshir, Snarl of Cerberus, Spat-O-War, Autogun, Catalyzer, Featherbow, Mire Crossbow, Monster Buster, Pulsar, Wallbreaker, Cannon Puppy, Doom Watch, Magic Orb, Meteotillery, Surge Mail Polyp, Demo Suit, Desperado Jacket, Medisuit, Plate Armor, Wolver Coat, Cobalt Helm, Demo Helm, Desperado Hat, Plate Helm, Wolver Cap, Defender, Non-Shield, Owlite Shield, Support Shield, Advanced Periodic Block of Elements, Default Coil Mk II, Power Gauntlets, Title-Seeker Belt, True Knight Bracer}
"Damn it!" KV-103 withdraw its weighted anchor, "This is not my day! Machinauts! Use elemental attacks! I will wait until the core becomes weak to shadow!"
[Charge Snarl of Cerberus - hold the instan charge if core's shd defence is 4000]
"Guys! The arms are self-destructing! Focus fire on it one by one!!" D-07 leaped into the air
( Rocket shamshir to left arm of multibox A!)
((It's kind of bad that we can't change who the not-here characters target, I'd like those Mecha Knight allies and that extra trinket recipe))
[Monster Buster Standard: Multibox Arm LeftA
Recommend: Split attacks on arms]
"Destroy them before we will be overwhelmed!"
(Fire charge)
"I will take care of the core!"
(Set a protocol... ((Applies only to this battle))
When Multibox core is weak to elemental fire Cryotech Alchemer Standard.
If weak to piercing fire Lode Javelin Standard
If weak to shadow charge Lode Javelin
If weak to normal fire Lode Javelin Charge.
Attack only Multibox core.)
((Unleash charge on Right Arm A))
(The only thing I won't attack is the box)
((It will soon be apparent that I have been playing Final Fantasy IV.
Mostly because I just told you that after posting a paraphrase of FF4!Cid. FF4 Cid is awesome.
By the way, Mecha Knight allies that are destroyed by the enemy do not lock you out of the optional objective; only destroying enemy-aligned Mecha Knights will cost you the optional.))
Recommendations received!
Turn Roll: 2,1,1,2,1,3,3,1,1,3,3,3,3,1
Multibox: 4 + 2 = 6 (37/100)
KV-103: 3 + 1 = 4
DSN-001: 7 + 1 = 8
Mark: 3 + 2 + 3 CTR = 8
LV-909: 6 + 1 + 2 ASI = 9
D-07: 12 + 3 = 15
SEE-4: 4 + 3 = 7
Sephiroth: 7 + 1 = 8
Mute: 5 + 1 = 6 (96/100)
ASSASSIN: 8 + 3 + 1 CTR = 12
E-304: 9 + 3 + 2 ASI = 14
Matikclocker X: 7 + 3 = 10
BETA: 7 + 3 = 10
Nano2Nano: 9 + 1 + 2 ASI = 12 (I forgot about you last round and would have had you default, so here you go)
D-07: Jump w/ Ray Shamshir -> Left Arm A
D-07 leaps into the air!
E-304: Standard w/ Lumberdirk -> Left Arm A
8 swings, 4 hits! 340 damage.
Electric Backlash resisted!
ASSASSIN: Fire Charge w/ Flourish -> Right Arm A
4 hits! 1130 damage.
Electric Backlash! ASSASSIN was Shocked!
Nano2Nano: Standard w/ Cryotech Alchemer -> Multibox Core
4 shots, 3 hits! 306 damage.
Matikclocker X: Charge w/ Calibur -> Left Arm A
Roll: 27. No Instacharge.
2 swings -> Left Arm A: 2 hits! 920 damage.
2 swings -> Core: 2 hits! 2 damage.
2 swings -> Right Arm B: 2 hits! 920 damage. (Every part of the Multibox is immobile and thus counts as a turret, meaning you're far more likely to land a double hit. Also, you got awesome rolls.)
Electric Backlash (Left Arm A) resisted!
Electric Backlash! (Right Arm B) Matikclocker X was Shocked!
BETA: Standard w/ Spat-o-War -> Right Arm A!
5 swings, 3 hits! 2 FLIPS! 500 damage. Down!
"Multibox detected. Delete! Delete!" Some of the freed Mecha Knights immediately run to your side!
LV-909: Standard w/ Light Scope -> Multibox Core
10 shots, 4 hits! 196 damage.
DSN-001: Standard w/ Monster Buster -> Left Arm A
6 shots, 5 hits! 370 damage. Down!
Overkill wasn't carried.
"Target opposes all entities' directives. Terminate immediately!" Some of the freed Mecha Knights immediately run to your side!
Mark: Fire Charge w/ Wallbreaker -> Left Arm B
Hit! 499 damage.
Electric Backlash resisted!
Sephiroth: Standard w/ Spat-O-War -> Left Arm B
5 swings, 3 hits! 1 FLIP! 379 damage. Down!
"Eliminate the Multibox immediately!" Some of the freed Mecha Knights immediately run to your side!
SEE-4: Standard w/ Catalyzer -> Right Arm B
3 shots, 3 hits! 261 damage. Down!
"Prevent further assimilation procedures! Fire! Fire!" Some of the freed Mecha Knights immediately run to your side!
Mute: Standard w/ Magic Orb -> Multibox Core
2 -> Multibox Core: Miss!
Multibox Core: Barrier Bash -> KV-103
KV-103: Charge w/ Snarl of Cerberus -> Multibox Core
Instacharge held! (You actually would've gotten another. That's some crazy rolls right there.)
Barrier Change raised Multibox Core's Elemental Defense to its limit!
Barrier Change weakened Multibox Core's Shadow Defense!
--Turn Summary--
Multibox Core takes a little damage and loses its arms!
In a typical display of cult leader tantrum-throwing, the Multibox swings and misses at KV-103!
Barrier Change! Multibox Core is now weak to Shadow damage and nigh-invulnerable to everything else!
The fiendish Battlepod continues its stock angry cult leader tirade, but it is lost on the sixteen Mecha Knights that are immediately able to fight enter, aiming a few well-placed shots at some loudspeakers so the Multibox can't continue using the "booming voice" effect. They've got a variety of markings identifying their original creators, which run the gamut from the Torchbellow to clans as distant as the Sandlasher and the Ghostmane, and even a few of Emberlighter make. One's even an Isoran model! Despite this, their AIs have all identified a common enemy in the Multibox.
Are they, too, capable of some sentience? Who knows? Now is probably not the time to ask. The Mecha Knight Drones are forming units based around similar abilities, and they seem to have found some stock weapons of varying damage types.
The Multibox Core's now weak to Shadow Damage.
WARRIOR POINT REWARDS (At any time, you may trade 1 Warrior Point for any of the following!)
1 WP <--> 800 Crowns
1 WP <--> 400 Crowns, 100 Heat
1 WP <--> 200 Heat
2 PENDING SYSTEM UPGRADES FOR: Mark30-Longshot, SEE-4, Sephiroth, E-304
For each upgrade, choose one of:
+1 Accuracy (Helps you land hits and increases "Critical Hit" effects like those on the Spat-o-War)
+1 Blocking (Helps you block and evade attacks)
+1 Reflexes (Can increase your attack count and decreases enemies' attack count, used to determine turn order)
-Victory Conditions-
=Destroy the Multibox!
-Destroy the Arms of the Multibox (Reward: ** Trinket Recipe) [0/4 destroyed]
-Do not kill any Mecha Knights (Reward: ** Trinket Recipe)
-[Reward: ** Trinket Recipe] pending from previous match
-Pending Effects-
D-07: 1 BP (+3 ASI/CTR ea.)
D-07: Jump w/ Ray Shamshir -> Left Arm A
-Buffs and Debuffs-
REAL ZONE: Everyone
CYBER ZONE: Are you crazy?! There's bots everywhere!
ASSASSIN: Moderate Shock (3 turns remain)
Matikclocker X: Moderate Shock (3 turns remain)
Loot on Victory
(19 "Players")
(Rolling for Iciclos later)
-Ally Rows-
KV-103: 0
DSN-001: 0
Mark: 1
-Cannon Puppy: W
LV-909: 1
D-07: 0
-A.I.M.: 3
SEE-4: 1
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
Sephiroth: 3
Mute: 3
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
903:99: 0
Matikclocker: 0
Nano2Nano: 3
KV-103: 72/68 (Nm 100)
DSN-001: 578/550 (Nm 220|Spcl 110)
Mark: 420/400 (Nm 300|Sh 50| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
LV-909: 420/400 (Nm 300| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
D-07: 53/50 (Nm 100)
SEE-4: 525/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Sephiroth: 525/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Mute: 420/400 (Nm 300| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
ASSASSIN: 53/50 (Nm 100)
E-304: 525/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Matikclocker: 525/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
BETA: 525/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
-Mecha Knight Drones (ALLY)-
Liberated Mecha Knight Swordfighter A [A6|B7|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Standard Sword: 7 ACC, 6 CSPD, 170/170/190 Nrm | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Swordfighter B [A6|B7|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Standard Sword: 7 ACC, 6 CSPD, 170/170/190 Nrm | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Swordfighter C [A6|B7|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Standard Sword: 7 ACC, 6 CSPD, 170/170/190 Nrm | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Swordfighter D [A6|B7|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Standard Sword: 7 ACC, 6 CSPD, 170/170/190 Nrm | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Phalanx A [A8|B7|R3] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 1
{Pike: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 200/200 Prc, ignores 1 row of Blocking | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Phalanx B [A8|B7|R3] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 1
{Pike: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 200/200 Prc, ignores 1 row of Blocking | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Phalanx C [A8|B7|R3] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 1
{Pike: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 200/200 Prc, ignores 1 row of Blocking | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Phalanx D [A8|B7|R3] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 1
{Pike: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 200/200 Prc, ignores 1 row of Blocking | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Blaster A [A9|B4|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 3
{Prismagun: 7 ACC, 6 ROF, 4x100 Ele | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Blaster B [A9|B4|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 3
{Prismagun: 7 ACC, 6 ROF, 4x100 Ele | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Blaster C [A9|B4|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 3
{Prismagun: 7 ACC, 6 ROF, 4x100 Ele | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Blaster D [A9|B4|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 3
{Prismagun: 7 ACC, 6 ROF, 4x100 Ele | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Bruiser A [A6|B4|R8] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Bone Axe: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 210/210 Shd | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Bruiser B [A6|B4|R8] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Bone Axe: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 210/210 Shd | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Bruiser C [A6|B4|R8] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Bone Axe: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 210/210 Shd | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Bruiser D [A6|B4|R8] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Bone Axe: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 210/210 Shd | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
MINI-BOSS: Core of the Multibox
8974/12000 HP
Row 2
A - 6 | B - 10 | R - 4
4000 Nrm | 4000 Prc | 100 Ele | 4000 Shd | Immune to: All Status Effects
))) Barrier Bash (8 ACC, 500 damage of whatever type the Core is weak to)
))) Greater Data Crush (12 ACC, 100 Shd, On hit: Attack again with +100 attack power and -2 ACC until the attack misses)
[]<->[] Barrier Change: At the end of every turn, Core of the Multibox becomes nigh-invulnerable except against a random damage type; watch his defenses!
[X] Safe Mode: At 10% HP, the Core's Blocking is doubled at the expense of its Accuracy and Reflexes
Left Arm of the Multibox A down! (-79)
Left Arm of the Multibox B down! (-27)
Right Arm of the Multibox A down! (-279)
Right Arm of the Multibox B down! (-130)
-Player Allies-
Cannon Puppy (Mark30-Longshot) [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
A.I.M. (D-07 "Ditto") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Surge Mail Polyp (SEE-4) [A6|B2|R8(+2) (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Weighty Heave: 2 ROF, 190 Nrm, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun, Back Row penalty enabled | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown}
Lightbulb (PAD-103 "Mute") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
-Player Team-
KV-103 'Fallen King' (Health: 1875/2400) [Midnight-Dj]
A-8 | B-9 | R-3 (ASD: 0)
]-* Weighted Anchor [UV: FMB Low] (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 3(+4), CTR: Med, Com 43/225Nm/44/225Nm, Chg 24/25/27/29+580 (30%: +1 Target, 15%: +2 Targets)) {0/15 Shields Damaged} [D7 E2]
]-** Snarl of Cerberus [UV: CTR High] (L8 Nm/Sh Swd, H 86/160, Acc +7(+2), CSPD 5(+4), CTR: V. High, Com 228/225Nrm/228/225Nrm/264 (base 190/190/220), Chg 854+580Nrm (Base 610)) {17/25 Sword Hits} [5D 2E]
]-** Flourish (L8 Prc Swd, H H 86/160, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 7(+4), Com 175/225Nrm/175/225Nrm/201 (Base 146/146/176), Chg 336+336+378+580Nrm (Base 240+240+270)) {2/15 Attacks Evaded} [5D 2E]
[]** Non-Shield (L8 Shd, H H 87/160, HP 68 (Base 50), Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H7]
{}** Plate Armor (L8 Arm, H 87/160) [M2] | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L8 Hlm, H 87/160) [M2]
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
19080 Crowns - 12 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - - [ KO Meter: |||||||||||||||||||| ]
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
DSN-001 (Health 1175/1600) [Sonosuke]
A-7 | B-6 | R-7
]-** Monster Buster [UV: FMB Low] (L5 Nrm Gun, H 77/100, Acc +7(+1), ROF 7(+1), Clip 4 x 124(Base 115), Chg 669(Base 577) (60%: Overkill picks new)) {0/20 Hits with 2+ bullets} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Meteotillery (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Acc +7(+1), ArmSpd 5(+1), QAt 270 (up to 4) (base 250), Chg 399 (up to 11) (base 344), no Back Row penalty) {0/25 Second+ Enemy Hits} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Iron Knuckles (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Com 140/151/270 (base 130/140/250), Chg 564 (base 486) (Good chance of Mod Stun), can still Block while Charging) {0/15 full combos} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Energy Saber (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +6, CSPD 6, Com 167/178/200/211 (base 155/165/185/195), Chg 778 (base 671), On Charge: Copies status variant, saber has Fair Chance of Mod (Status) on attacks for 3 turns) [D2 E1 S1]
[]** Defender (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 550 (base 500), Nrm 220 (b. 200) | P/E/S 110 (b. 100)) [D2 H2]
{}** Demo Suit (L5 Arm, 77/100) | ** Desperado Hat (L5 Arm, 77/100)
<>** Default Coil Mk II (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +3 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
5578 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 150|Ele 150|Shd 0
Fire 1|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI 0 (Gun +1)
CTR Weapon+0 (Bomb +1)
FMB 0 (+1 w/ Super Arm Arm)
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]- {AUTO PROTOCOL: St/W1 - Ch/W2 - D - St/W4 - St/W3 - D - D}
Mark30-Longshot (Health: 1900/2400) [Colray]
A-10 | B-5 | R-3 (ASD -2)
]-** Wallbreaker [UV: Charge Med] (L5 Nrm Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, ROF 2, CTR: Med, Clip 1 x 341, Chg 549 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {5/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage}
]-** Autogun (L4 Nrm Gun, H 7/80, Acc +4, ROF 2, Clip 2 x (6x85), Chg 15x91, Blocking -2 while in use) {12/30 Overkill Bullets}
]-** Cannon Puppy (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (230 HP), Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF) {2/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Cutter [ASI: Medium] (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 9, Com: 104(26)/112(28)/120(30)/128(32)/136(34) (Blur Strike pierces defense), Chg 178/190/202/214/226) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
[]** Support Shield [Shadow DEF: Low] (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, Shd 50, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Plate Armor (L5 Arm, H 77/100) | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L5 Hlm, H 77/100)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
9459 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
ASI -2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]- {AUTO PROTOCOL: Ch/W1 - (Ch/W2 or (if Sword +: Ch/W4))
'Cobalt' [Hexlash]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
LV-909 'Ignem' (Health: 725/1600) [Oroseira]
A-6 | B-8 | R-6
]-** Overclocked Light Scope (L5 Ele Gun, H 57/100, Acc +7, ROF 10, Clip 10 x 74, Chg 486) {16/20 Hits with 5+ Bullets}
]-** Katscratch (L5 Shd Swd, H 57/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5, Com 165/165/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {1/5 Shields Broken}
]-** Flourish (L5 Prc Swd, H 57/100, Acc +6, CSPD 7, Com 146/146/176, Chg 240+240+270) {6/15 Attacks Evaded}
]-** Featherbow (L5 Prc Gun, H 57/100, Acc +8, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {316/5000 Overkill Damage}
[]** Support Shield (L5 Shd, H 57/100, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L5 Armor, H 57/100)| ** Desperado Hat (L5 Hlm, H 57/100)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
10267 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 2|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI Gun +2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend]-
D-07 'Ditto' (Health: 725/1600) [Spirals-Ore]
A-7 | B-1 | R-12
]-** Cannon Puppy “A.I.M.” [UV: Damage Low] (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (+78 Heat = 268 HP), Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF) {0/40 Turns Active} (HP 190/190) [H]
]-** Ray Shamshir “Slash" [ASI Very High] (L5 Ele Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 6(+5), Cmb: 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/190, Chg: 506 & 580Nrm (Charge has no back row penalty)) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo} [S1]
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L5 Shd Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+5), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken} [S1]
]-** Featherbow “Snipe” (L5 Prc Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage} [S1]
[]** Non-Shield (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 53 (Base 50), Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
{}** Wolver Coat (L5 Arm, H 77/100) [R1] | ** Wolver Cap (L5 Hlm, H 77/100) [R1]
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>** Default Coil Mk II (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +3 ASI/CTR on next attack)
30385 Crowns - 12 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 2|Freeze 3|Shock 2|Poison 2|Stun 2|Curse 2|Sleep 2|Doom 2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Jump Attack - Defend - Item]-
SEE-4 (Health: 1242/2000) [Eternity-Terminal]
A-9 | B-5 | R-4
]-** Catalyzer [UV: Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 59/120, Acc +7, ROF 5, Clip 3 x 137, CataCharge: 326 Nrm (up to 2), +50% Instacharge, +25% Doublecharge) {0/15 Catalyzer Charges}
]-** Surge Mail Polyp (L6 Nrm Bmb, H 59/120, Charge deploys Surge Mail Polyp (130+5% Mach (230) HP, A6|B2|R6 Turret, Weighty Heave: 190Nrm, 2 ROF, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown) {1/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Doom Watch (L6 Shd Gun, H 59/120, Acc +6, ArmSpd 2, QAt: 234 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor Doom), Chg: 320 (up to 8, Fair Chance of Minor Doom)) {0/5 dodged Doomed enemies}
]-* Super Arm Arm (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ROF 7(+2), CTR: Med, Clip 4 x 25, Chg 65 (60%: Overkill picks new)) {13/20 Hits with 2+ bullets} [5D 2E 2S]
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 59/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit [Doom Resist: Max] (L6 Arm, H 59/120) | ** Demo Helm (L6 Hlm, H 58/120)
<>* Bucket Dimension (Use “Capture” to catch projectiles to expel back at the enemy at a later date)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune (Hearty Marks 1 Enemy, increasing their acc by +1 but adding 2nd heart drop chance, for 3 turns)
8449 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 250|Shd 100
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 6
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]-
K1XK1N9 "Enterthekicks" [Whyna]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
"Sephiroth" (Health: 2050/2200) [Saucce]
A-9 | B-2 | R-7
]-** Mire Crossbow [UV: Damage Med] (L6 Shd Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 9(+1), x.5 initial Reload, CTR: Low, Clip: 3 x 129, Chg 3 x 166, Good chance of Minor Poison, On Charge: Slight chance of Minor Sleep) {0/10 Full Clip Hits}
]-** Spat-O-War (L6 Nrm Swd, H 88/120, Acc +7, CSPD +6, CTR: Low, Com 121/126/136/141, Chg 481 (15 + Acc (24)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {20/20 Status Effects: Crackling Bacon Grease (721 damage, Good Chance of Strong Fire, ally team has +3 Fire Stacking and on all attacks: Slight Chance of Minor Fire for 3 turns) ready!}
]- --
]- --
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
8125 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180 [5% Heart Efficiency | 10% Revive Efficiency]
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
DMG Weapon+0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
PAD-103 "Mute" (Health: 1375/1600) [Magmaul-Ace]
A-8 | B-5 | R-7
]-** Magic Orb (L6 Ele Bomb, H 88/120, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 218 (up to 5, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 256 (up to 13, Good Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {6/10 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [2S]
]-** Meteotillery (L7 Nrm Bmb, H 30/140, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 250 (up to 4), Chg 344 (up to 11), no Back Row penalty) {9/25 Second+ Enemy Hits} [E2 S2]
]-** Doom Watch (L1 Shd Bomb, H 0/20, Acc +6, ArmSpd 2, QAt: 234 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor Doom), Chg: 320 (up to 8, Fair Chance of Minor Doom)) {0/5 dodged Doomed enemies}
]-** Cannon Puppy "Lightbulb" (L1 Nrm Bmb, H 0/20, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (+0 Heat = 190 HP), Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF) {0/40 Turns Active} (HP 190/190)
[]** Support Shield (L1 Shd, H 0/20, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Demo Suit (L6 Arm, H 88/120) [2R] | ** Demo Helm [Pierce Med] (L6 Hlm, H 87/120) [2R]
<>** Power Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (twice each); each Boost increases damage by 30% and targets by 3)
<>** Advanced Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Super Vial/3 turns)
15993 Crowns - 2 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 300|Shd 0
Fire 4|Freeze 4|Shock 6|Poison 4|Stun 4|Curse 4|Sleep 4|Doom 4
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
903:99ASSASSIN (Health: 1330/1600) [Herozenzero]
A-8 | B-4 | R-8
]-** Flourish (L1 Prc Swd, H H 0/20, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 7(+4), Com 146/225Nrm/146/225Nrm/176, Chg 240+240+270+580Nrm) {0/15 Attacks Evaded}
]-** Ray Shamshir “Slash" (L1 Ele Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 6(+4), Cmb: 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/190, Chg: 506 & 580Nrm (Charge has no back row penalty)) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo: Cut Down (285 Ele, -1 Reload Time/Combo Delay) ready!}
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L1 Shd Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+4), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken}
]-** Cutter (L1 Nrm Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 9(+4), Com: 104(26)/112(28)/225Nrm/120(30)/225Nrm/128(32)/136(34) (Blur Strike pierces defense), Chg 178/190/202/214/226/580Nrm) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
[]** Non-Shield (L1 Shd, H 0/20, HP 50, Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
{}** Wolver Coat (L1 Arm, H 0/20) | ** Wolver Cap (L1 Hlm, H 0/20)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
1193 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 0|Freeze 2|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
M4g1k [Snakey-One]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
E-304 (Health: 2200/2200) [Arylide]
A-6 | B-3 | R-9
]-** Redwood Lumberdirk (L6 Pc/El Swd, H 88/120, Acc +6, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Cmb 125/125/125/165, Chg 399 (8%: Backstab x5)) {20/20 Supereffective Hits: Element of Surprise (1197 damage, Party ignores 25% enemy Defense for 3 turns)}
]-** Mire Crossbow (L6 Shd Gun, H 88/120/100, Acc +7, ROF 9, x.5 initial Reload, CTR: Low, Clip: 3 x 118, Chg 3 x 151, Good chance of Minor Poison, On Charge: Slight chance of Minor Sleep) {3/10 Full Clip Hits}
]- --
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180 [5% Heart Efficiency | 10% Revive Efficiency]
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Matikclocker X!
Matikclocker M-OVC-2002 Battle Robot (Health: 1250/1000) [Matikclocker]
A-6(+1) | B-8(+1) | R-6(+1)
]-** Calibur (L7 Nrm Swd, H 118/140, Acc +7, CSPD 5, CTR: Low, Cmb 200/200/250, Chg 510 (30% +1 target, 30% +2 target, 15% extra hit (75% extra hit vs. Turret)) {6/25 Sword Hits}
]-** Cryotech Alchemer (L7 Ele Gun, H 118/140, Acc +7, ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 2 x 127, Chg 275 + 2 splitshots (5% internal split), Good Chance of Moderate Freeze) {2/15 Ricochet/Splitshot Targets}
[]** Defender (L7 Shd, H 118/140, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L7 Arm, H 118/140)| ** Cobalt Helm (L7 Hlm, H 118/140)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
6590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - - KO METER: [|||||||...........]
Nrm (450)350|Prc (280)180|Ele (280)180|Shd (280)180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
--SPECIAL: Cannot be revived! If destroyed, a new Matikclocker will arrive in 2 turns--
[OVERCLOCK METER: ....] (Gain 1 point after winning a battle, 1 point per extra turn waiting to deploy)
(X MODE requires full meter, adds +1 all stats, MHP/4 Temp HP, 100 to all defenses)
(Can use 1 point to add +1 to Reflex, MHP/8 Temp HP, 100 Normal defense)
BETA-01911 (Health: 1850/2000) [Dreathuxy]
A-5 | B-8 | R-7
]-** Spat-O-War (L6 Nrm Swd, H 88/120, Acc +7, CSPD +6, CTR: Low, Com 121/126/136/141, Chg 481 (15 + Acc (19)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {0/20 Status Effects}
]-** Wallbreaker [UV: Charge Med] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, ROF 2, CTR: Low, Clip 1 x 341, Chg 549 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {0/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage}
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Nano2Nano (Health: 2000/2000) [Nanonizer]
A-7 | B-4 | R-9
]-** Lode Javelin (L6 Nm/Pc Swd, H 88/120, Acc +8, CSPD +3, CTR: Low, Com 185/215, Chg 335/335 instantly) {0/20 individual projectiles dodged}
]-** Cryotech Alchemer (L6 Ele Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 2 x 127, Chg 275 + 2 splitshots (5% internal split), Good Chance of Moderate Freeze) {0/15 Ricochet/Splitshot Targets}
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - - KO METER: [..................]
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Total Crowns Earned: 11077
-Prologue: 636
-Chapter 1: 10441
-Chapter 2: 7783 (+26 WP)
1 Super Fire Vial [**]
2 Doom Vial [0*]
1 Freeze Vial [0*]
1 Health Capsule (+60 HP) [0*]
4 Mecha Turret Kits [0*]
2 Poison Vial [0*]
2 Reconaissignals [0*]
1 Remedy Capsule [0*]
4 Shock Vials [0*]
1 Stun Vial [0*]
6 * Beast Scales
14 * Ripped-Up Wanted Posters
12 * Emptied Clips
38 * Gel Drops
15 * Brimstone
5 * Scrap Metal
23 * Grave Soil
12 * Spark Plugs
11 * Cheap Gunpowder
10 * Sharp Fangs
13 * Rock Chips
8 ** Owlite Feathers
16 ** Forbidden Fruit
16 ** Chitin Frags
8 ** Waste Modules
16 ** Power Cells
2 ** Ammo Boxes
4 ** Swordstones
8 ** Iron Gears
8 ** Fuel Canisters
3 ** Gremlin Gizmos
5 ** Frayed Fabric
4 ** Translocation Residue
3 ** Cooling Cells
9 ** Physics Applicators
10 ** Dead Gold
-Key Items-
Old Cipher (An old drive containing some kind of complicated deciphering program; the letters "H.E.Z." are embossed on the drive. It was used to decipher the Audio Log you found.)
HEZ Audio Log I (An old Gremlin-made Audio Log found in the Viskouza base in the Torchbellow Ruins. Click the link to see what it said.)
-Unused Gear-
]-Cloudy Orb (L9 Nrm Bomb, H31/50, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po), Chg 32 (up to 10, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [6D 2S]
]-Static Flash (L10 Nrm Bmb, H MAX, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 16 (up to 2), Chg 28 (up to 7, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {0/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {0/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
]-* Sharpened Lumberdirk (L5 Pc/El Swd, H53/55, Acc +6 (+1), CSPD 8(+1), CTR: Low, Com 15/15/15/23, Chg 32 (8%: Backstab x5 damage) {4/20 Supereffective Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]-* Bog Repeater (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Kat Claw (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Blast Charge (L5 Nrm Bomb, H52/55, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 27 (up to 5), Chg 50 (up to 11)) {3/15 Charge Attacks} [5D]
]-* Shiny Shards (L10 Pc/El Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 8(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 4x16 shraps, Chg 8x28 shraps, 17% all shards to main target, 64% each shard hits new foe) {0/10 3+ Shraps hit target} [6D 2E 2S]
]-* Lil' Gelato (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+ 80 Heat) (111) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {2/40 Turns Active} [D5 H5] (HP 95/95)
]-* Heavy Hatchet "Best Bud" [UV: v. Gremlin Med] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 2(+2), CTR: Low, Com 44/30/45/30 (15%: +1 target) [52/36/53/36 to Gremlins], Chg 92 (30%: +1 target) [108 to Gremlins]) {0/10 Extra Sword Targets} [D8 E2]
]-* Six-Shooter "2S" (L8 Nrm Gun, H35/85, Acc +6(+1), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 25, Chg 6 x 23 + 43) {4/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E1]
]-Plywood Lumberdirk (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 8(+2), CTR: Med, Com 16/16/16/22, Chg 32 (7%: Backstab x5 damage) {8/20 Supereffective Hits} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Apprentice Orb (L10 Ele Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 27 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 42 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Lil' Gelato [UV: Damage Low] (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+126 Heat) (155) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x28 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {11/40 Turns Active} [H9 D1]
]-** Pulsar [Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7(+2), ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 3x127 (up to 3), Chg: 255 (up to 5)) {--/15 triple-target shots} [2E]
]-** Featherbow (L6 Prc Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage}
]-** Monster Buster (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 7, CTR: Low, Clip 4x115, Chg 577 (60% chance to carry Overkill)) {9/20 Hits with 2+ Bullets}
[]Proto Non-Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 12/12, Nrm 5|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]Plank (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 35/35, Nrm 22|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D1]
[]Proto Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 25/25, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
[]Proto Shield (L8 Shd, H11/45, HP 32/32, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, +0.5 All Resistances) [D1 H6 R1]
[]Proto Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 21/27, Nrm 30|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]** Owlite Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 450/450 Nrm 150|Prc 0|Ele 400|Shd 0 (Resistance: 2 vs. All)) [2R]
[]** Support Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}Ex-Motocross Plate Mail (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn + 1, Slp - 1, ASD -1) [D1]
{}Rusty Brigandine (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Kevlar Knock-Off (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
{}Cruddy Cuirass (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Asbestos Armor (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Fir -1)
{}Badly Battered Brigandine (L10 Arm, HMax) [D1]
{}Base Mail (L1 Arm, H0/15)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L6 Armor, H 88/120)
/\Iron Plate Bucket (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn +1, Slp - 1 ASD -1) [D1]
/\Old Mecha-Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25) [D1]
/\Compute-O-Vision (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Shk - 1)
/\* Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
/\Man With A Moon (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D1]
/\* Warm Hat (L8 Arm, H5/85) [6D 2R]
/\** Desperado Hat (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Knight Bracer (Can take incoming hits for allies below 10% HP, cannot evade hits taken for allies)
<>* Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Vial/3 turns)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
14 Sparks of Life
-Known Recipes-
* {Heavy Hatchet, Kat Claw, Metal Fists, SmallCalibur, Tempered Dueling Sword, Weighted Anchor, Weighted Frying Pan, Apprentistick, Heightened Plasmator, Overclocked Light Scope, Pummel Gun, Six-Shooter, Super Arm Arm, Apprentice Orb, Asteroid Bomb Mk II, Lil' Gelato, Lil' Wiz, Shiny Shards, Bolted Non-Shield, Bone Shield, Tough Plank, Base Mail, Hefty Plate Armor, Vitasuit, Base Helm, Hefty Plate Helm, Vitacap, Warm Hat, Bomber Gauntlets, Bucket Dimension, Default Coil, Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution, Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Periodic Block of Elements, Risk Vs. Reload, Rocket Boots, Knight Bracer}
** {Calibur, Cutter, Energy Saber, Flourish, Iron Knuckles, Katscratch, Ray Shamshir, Snarl of Cerberus, Spat-O-War, Autogun, Catalyzer, Featherbow, Mire Crossbow, Monster Buster, Pulsar, Wallbreaker, Cannon Puppy, Doom Watch, Magic Orb, Meteotillery, Surge Mail Polyp, Demo Suit, Desperado Jacket, Medisuit, Plate Armor, Wolver Coat, Cobalt Helm, Demo Helm, Desperado Hat, Plate Helm, Wolver Cap, Defender, Non-Shield, Owlite Shield, Support Shield, Advanced Periodic Block of Elements, Default Coil Mk II, Power Gauntlets, Title-Seeker Belt, True Knight Bracer}
(@Doc, the turn summary says that the barrier is now weak to shd damage, but multi box core's shd defense is still 4000, is it a bug?)
[Unleash snarl of Cerberus on Multi box core]
((And the Destroy All Arms quest still has 0/4 despite all the arms being destroyed
And DSN-001's entry is almost entirely bold, and Capcom's Revenge is now missing even though I haven't used it yet))
[Capcom's Revenge: Multibox Core
if it is unavailable, then
Iron Knuckles Charge: Multibox Core]
((I didn't have the Default Coil))
Nano2Nano saw as Matikclocker X got shocked.
"I am ANGRY!" said Nano2Nano and his eyes turn red.
(Next in protocol...
Charge Lode Javelin/Cryotech Alchemer (I will charge them in turns, now Lode Javelin))
((Also no Mecha Knight is on enemy side, so following the objective protocol the "Do not destroy any Mecha Knights" objective is complete. And I don't see the Calibur/Alchemer Finisher points change. I hit enemies with Calibur charges and finisher charge has no change. Unless Standard attacks count))
Multibox arms massacred. Now ep, ep, ep, ep, ep, ep, ep, ep, ep, ep, ep, ep, ep.
"Aaaaaaaawwww shOOoot! I got ep, ep-ed! SooooooOooOOOOOmebody hELP! me!"
(Item: Remedy Capsule)
As 903 come up with a taunt, he realizes that the Multibox has no data channels which to transmit them on. He resolves to add on a speaker module to make it easier.
(Use Katscratch on the Multibox)
((In order from the top:
@KV-103: I screwed up and forgot to change it.
@DSN-001: I screwed up and forgot to change the objective and one of the "strong" tags. All finisher counters deplete when a Finishing Move is fired, it's been this way from the beginning.
@Matikclocker X: I screwed up and forgot to change it.
@Nano2Nano: I screwed up and forgot.
Thank you. Sorry about all that.))
Turn Roll: 2,1,3,2,2,3,1,3,3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1,3
Multibox: 4 + 2 = 6 (22/100)
Mecha Bruisers: 8 + 2 = 10
KV-103: 3 + 3 + 1 CTR = 7
DSN-001: 7 + 1 = 8
Mark: 3 + 3 = 6 (43/100)
LV-909: 6 + 3 = 9
D-07: 12 + 3 = 15
SEE-4: 4 + 2 = 6 (8/100)
Sephiroth: 7 + 2 = 9
Mute: 5 + 2 = 7
ASSASSIN: 8 + 1 = 9
E-304: 9 + 1 = 10
Matikclocker X: 7 + 1 = 8
Nano2Nano: 9 + 3 = 12
"Barrier flaw: Weakness to Shadow Damage. Initiate respective protocols."
Most of the Mecha Knights Defend.
BETA defends.
D-07: Finish Jump w/ Ray Shamshir -> Core
17 swings' equivalent. Miss!
Nano2Nano: Charge w/ Lode Javelin -> Multibox Core
Instacharge disabled!
The Mecha Bruisers attack the core!
No Malfunctions, 16 total swings, 7 hits! 1295 damage.
E-304: Standard w/ Crossbow -> Core
6 shots, Missed!
LV-909: Standard w/ Katscratch -> Core
4 swings, 1 hit! 170 damage.
Sephiroth: Standard w/ Crossbow -> Core
3 shots, 2 hits! 208 damage.
Shock resisted!
ASSASSIN: Standard w/ Katscratch -> Core
8 swings, 6 hits! 504 damage. (3 of the attacks were from the Non-Shield, and as such were completely absorbed by the Core's defense.)
DSN-001: Charge w/ Iron Knuckles -> Core
Instacharge disabled!
Shock resisted!
Matikclocker X uses a Remedy Capsule!
Matikclocker X is no longer shocked.
KV-103: Fire Charge w/ Snarl of Cerberus
2 hits! 830 damage. (Another Non-Shield Scratch Damage Attack was present here, but that couldn't be helped really)
Mute: Standard w/ Doom Watch -> Multibox Core
1 -> Multibox Core: Hit! 209 damage.
Mark: Charge w/ Autogun -> Multibox Core
Instacharge disabled.
Multibox Core: Greater Data Crush -> Mute
Hit (x4)! 1000 damage.
SEE-4: Standard w/ Doom Watch -> Multibox Core
1 -> Multibox Core: Hit! 209 damage.
Barrier Change raised Multibox Core's Shadow Defense to its limit!
Barrier Change weakened Multibox Core's Normal Defense!
--Turn Summary--
With no arms to protect it, the Multibox Core takes heavy damage!
The Multibox Core retaliates by blasting Mute with a nasty Data Crush attack!
Barrier Change! Multibox Core is now weak to Normal damage and nigh-invulnerable to everything else!
Contrary to this blatant lie, the Multibox is weakening. A token amount of Fiends are rushing in to try and stop you, but the recovering Mecha Knights are making short work of them. The Cyber Zone has fewer bots running around, but a quick glance shows there are still a whole lot; does the Multibox have wireless "arms"? If so, it'd be best to destroy the core while you can- especially considering it can use Greater Data Crush!
The Multibox Core's now weak to Normal Damage.
WARRIOR POINT REWARDS (At any time, you may trade 1 Warrior Point for any of the following!)
1 WP <--> 800 Crowns
1 WP <--> 400 Crowns, 100 Heat
1 WP <--> 200 Heat
2 PENDING SYSTEM UPGRADES FOR: Mark30-Longshot, SEE-4, Sephiroth, E-304
For each upgrade, choose one of:
+1 Accuracy (Helps you land hits and increases "Critical Hit" effects like those on the Spat-o-War)
+1 Blocking (Helps you block and evade attacks)
+1 Reflexes (Can increase your attack count and decreases enemies' attack count, used to determine turn order)
-Victory Conditions-
=Destroy the Multibox!
-Destroy the Arms of the Multibox (Reward: ** Trinket Recipe) COMPLETE! [4/4 destroyed]
-Do not kill any Mecha Knights (Reward: ** Trinket Recipe) COMPLETE! [No Mecha Knights were assimilated, so none could be killed]
-[Reward: ** Trinket Recipe] pending from previous match
-Pending Effects-
DSN-001: Charge w/ Iron Knuckles -> Core
Nano2Nano: Charge w/ Lode Javelin -> Multibox Core
-Buffs and Debuffs-
REAL ZONE: Everyone
CYBER ZONE: Are you crazy?! There's bots everywhere!
ASSASSIN: Moderate Shock (2 turns remain, 60%/30%)
Loot on Victory
(19 "Players")
(Rolling for Iciclos later)
-Ally Rows-
KV-103: 0
DSN-001: 0
Mark: 1
-Cannon Puppy: W
LV-909: 1
D-07: 0
-A.I.M.: 3
SEE-4: 1
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
Sephiroth: 3
Mute: 3
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
903:99: 0
Matikclocker: 0
Nano2Nano: 3
KV-103: 72/68 (Nm 100)
DSN-001: 578/550 (Nm 220|Spcl 110)
Mark: 420/400 (Nm 300|Sh 50| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
LV-909: 420/400 (Nm 300| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
D-07: 53/50 (Nm 100)
SEE-4: 525/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Sephiroth: 525/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Mute: 420/400 (Nm 300| [Fi/Po/St/Sl 8])
ASSASSIN: 53/50 (Nm 100)
E-304: 525/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
Matikclocker: 525/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
BETA: 525/500 (Nm 200|Spcl 100)
-Mecha Knight Drones (ALLY)-
Liberated Mecha Knight Swordfighter A [A6|B7|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Standard Sword: 7 ACC, 6 CSPD, 170/170/190 Nrm | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Swordfighter B [A6|B7|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Standard Sword: 7 ACC, 6 CSPD, 170/170/190 Nrm | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Swordfighter C [A6|B7|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Standard Sword: 7 ACC, 6 CSPD, 170/170/190 Nrm | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Swordfighter D [A6|B7|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Standard Sword: 7 ACC, 6 CSPD, 170/170/190 Nrm | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Phalanx A [A8|B7|R3] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 1
{Pike: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 200/200 Prc, ignores 1 row of Blocking | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Phalanx B [A8|B7|R3] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 1
{Pike: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 200/200 Prc, ignores 1 row of Blocking | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Phalanx C [A8|B7|R3] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 1
{Pike: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 200/200 Prc, ignores 1 row of Blocking | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Phalanx D [A8|B7|R3] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 1
{Pike: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 200/200 Prc, ignores 1 row of Blocking | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Blaster A [A9|B4|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 3
{Prismagun: 7 ACC, 6 ROF, 4x100 Ele | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Blaster B [A9|B4|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 3
{Prismagun: 7 ACC, 6 ROF, 4x100 Ele | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Blaster C [A9|B4|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 3
{Prismagun: 7 ACC, 6 ROF, 4x100 Ele | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Blaster D [A9|B4|R5] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 3
{Prismagun: 7 ACC, 6 ROF, 4x100 Ele | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Bruiser A [A6|B4|R8] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Bone Axe: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 210/210 Shd | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Bruiser B [A6|B4|R8] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Bone Axe: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 210/210 Shd | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Bruiser C [A6|B4|R8] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Bone Axe: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 210/210 Shd | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
Liberated Mecha Knight Bruiser D [A6|B4|R8] Health 800/800 | Mecha Knight Shield (250/250HP|200All) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd | Row 0
{Bone Axe: 7 ACC, 4 CSPD, 210/210 Shd | Malfunction: 10% chance to skip a turn, 50% chance for a Fair Chance of Minor Shock to a random enemy target}
MINI-BOSS: Core of the Multibox
5549/12000 HP
Row 2
A - 6 | B - 10 | R - 4
100 Nrm | 4000 Prc | 4000 Ele | 4000 Shd | Immune to: All Status Effects
))) Barrier Bash (8 ACC, 500 damage of whatever type the Core is weak to)
))) Greater Data Crush (12 ACC, 100 Shd, On hit: Attack again with +100 attack power and -2 ACC until the attack misses)
[]<->[] Barrier Change: At the end of every turn, Core of the Multibox becomes nigh-invulnerable except against a random damage type; watch his defenses!
[X] Safe Mode: At 10% HP, the Core's Blocking is doubled at the expense of its Accuracy and Reflexes
Left Arm of the Multibox A down! (-79)
Left Arm of the Multibox B down! (-27)
Right Arm of the Multibox A down! (-279)
Right Arm of the Multibox B down! (-130)
-Player Allies-
Cannon Puppy (Mark30-Longshot) [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
A.I.M. (D-07 "Ditto") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Surge Mail Polyp (SEE-4) [A6|B2|R8(+2) (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Weighty Heave: 2 ROF, 190 Nrm, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun, Back Row penalty enabled | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown}
Lightbulb (PAD-103 "Mute") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
-Player Team-
KV-103 'Fallen King' (Health: 1875/2400) [Midnight-Dj]
A-8 | B-9 | R-3 (ASD: 0)
]-* Weighted Anchor [UV: FMB Low] (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 3(+4), CTR: Med, Com 43/225Nm/44/225Nm, Chg 24/25/27/29+580 (30%: +1 Target, 15%: +2 Targets)) {0/15 Shields Damaged} [D7 E2]
]-** Snarl of Cerberus [UV: CTR High] (L8 Nm/Sh Swd, H 86/160, Acc +7(+2), CSPD 5(+4), CTR: V. High, Com 228/225Nrm/228/225Nrm/264 (base 190/190/220), Chg 854+580Nrm (Base 610)) {19/25 Sword Hits} [5D 2E]
]-** Flourish (L8 Prc Swd, H H 86/160, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 7(+4), Com 175/225Nrm/175/225Nrm/201 (Base 146/146/176), Chg 336+336+378+580Nrm (Base 240+240+270)) {3/15 Attacks Evaded} [5D 2E]
[]** Non-Shield (L8 Shd, H H 87/160, HP 68 (Base 50), Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H7]
{}** Plate Armor (L8 Arm, H 87/160) [M2] | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L8 Hlm, H 87/160) [M2]
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
19080 Crowns - 12 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - - [ KO Meter: |||||||||||||||||||| ]
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
DSN-001 (Health 1175/1600) [Sonosuke]
A-7 | B-6 | R-7
]-** Monster Buster [UV: FMB Low] (L5 Nrm Gun, H 77/100, Acc +7(+1), ROF 7(+1), Clip 4 x 124(Base 115), Chg 669(Base 577) (60%: Overkill picks new)) {0/20 Hits with 2+ bullets} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Meteotillery (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Acc +7(+1), ArmSpd 5(+1), QAt 270 (up to 4) (base 250), Chg 399 (up to 11) (base 344), no Back Row penalty) {4/25 Second+ Enemy Hits} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Iron Knuckles (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Com 140/151/270 (base 130/140/250), Chg 564 (base 486) (Good chance of Mod Stun), can still Block while Charging) {0/15 full combos} [D2 E1 S1]
]-** Energy Saber (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +6, CSPD 6, Com 167/178/200/211 (base 155/165/185/195), Chg 778 (base 671), On Charge: Copies status variant, saber has Fair Chance of Mod (Status) on attacks for 3 turns) [D2 E1 S1]
[]** Defender (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 550 (base 500), Nrm 220 (b. 200) | P/E/S 110 (b. 100)) [D2 H2]
{}** Demo Suit (L5 Arm, 77/100) | ** Desperado Hat (L5 Arm, 77/100)
<>** Default Coil Mk II (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +3 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
5578 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 150|Ele 150|Shd 0
Fire 1|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI 0 (Gun +1)
CTR Weapon+0 (Bomb +1)
FMB 0 (+1 w/ Super Arm Arm)
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]- {AUTO PROTOCOL: St/W1 - Ch/W2 - D - St/W4 - St/W3 - D - D}
Mark30-Longshot (Health: 1900/2400) [Colray]
A-10 | B-5 | R-3 (ASD -2)
]-** Wallbreaker [UV: Charge Med] (L5 Nrm Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, ROF 2, CTR: Med, Clip 1 x 341, Chg 549 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {5/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage}
]-** Autogun (L4 Nrm Gun, H 7/80, Acc +4, ROF 2, Clip 2 x (6x85), Chg 15x91, Blocking -2 while in use) {12/30 Overkill Bullets}
]-** Cannon Puppy (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (230 HP), Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF) {2/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Cutter [ASI: Medium] (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 9, Com: 104(26)/112(28)/120(30)/128(32)/136(34) (Blur Strike pierces defense), Chg 178/190/202/214/226) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
[]** Support Shield [Shadow DEF: Low] (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, Shd 50, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Plate Armor (L5 Arm, H 77/100) | ** Hefty Plate Helm (L5 Hlm, H 77/100)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
9459 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 600|Prc 400|Ele 200|Shd 200
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun +16|Curse 0|Sleep -8|Doom 0
ASI -2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]- {AUTO PROTOCOL: Ch/W1 - (Ch/W2 or (if Sword +: Ch/W4))
'Cobalt' [Hexlash]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
LV-909 'Ignem' (Health: 725/1600) [Oroseira]
A-6 | B-8 | R-6
]-** Overclocked Light Scope (L5 Ele Gun, H 57/100, Acc +7, ROF 10, Clip 10 x 74, Chg 486) {16/20 Hits with 5+ Bullets}
]-** Katscratch (L5 Shd Swd, H 57/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5, Com 165/165/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {1/5 Shields Broken}
]-** Flourish (L5 Prc Swd, H 57/100, Acc +6, CSPD 7, Com 146/146/176, Chg 240+240+270) {6/15 Attacks Evaded}
]-** Featherbow (L5 Prc Gun, H 57/100, Acc +8, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {316/5000 Overkill Damage}
[]** Support Shield (L5 Shd, H 57/100, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L5 Armor, H 57/100)| ** Desperado Hat (L5 Hlm, H 57/100)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
10267 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 2|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI Gun +2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend]-
D-07 'Ditto' (Health: 725/1600) [Spirals-Ore]
A-7 | B-1 | R-12
]-** Cannon Puppy “A.I.M.” [UV: Damage Low] (L5 Nrm Bmb, H 77/100, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (+78 Heat = 268 HP), Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF) {0/40 Turns Active} (HP 190/190) [H]
]-** Ray Shamshir “Slash" [ASI Very High] (L5 Ele Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 6(+5), Cmb: 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/190, Chg: 506 & 580Nrm (Charge has no back row penalty)) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo} [S1]
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L5 Shd Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+5), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken} [S1]
]-** Featherbow “Snipe” (L5 Prc Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage} [S1]
[]** Non-Shield (L5 Shd, H 77/100, HP 53 (Base 50), Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
{}** Wolver Coat (L5 Arm, H 77/100) [R1] | ** Wolver Cap (L5 Hlm, H 77/100) [R1]
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>** Default Coil Mk II (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +3 ASI/CTR on next attack)
30385 Crowns - 12 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 2|Freeze 3|Shock 2|Poison 2|Stun 2|Curse 2|Sleep 2|Doom 2
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Jump Attack - Defend - Item]-
SEE-4 (Health: 1242/2000) [Eternity-Terminal]
A-9 | B-5 | R-4
]-** Catalyzer [UV: Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 59/120, Acc +7, ROF 5, Clip 3 x 137, CataCharge: 326 Nrm (up to 2), +50% Instacharge, +25% Doublecharge) {0/15 Catalyzer Charges}
]-** Surge Mail Polyp (L6 Nrm Bmb, H 59/120, Charge deploys Surge Mail Polyp (130+5% Mach (230) HP, A6|B2|R6 Turret, Weighty Heave: 190Nrm, 2 ROF, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown) {1/40 Turns Active} (HP 230/230)
]-** Doom Watch (L6 Shd Gun, H 59/120, Acc +6, ArmSpd 2, QAt: 234 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor Doom), Chg: 320 (up to 8, Fair Chance of Minor Doom)) {0/5 dodged Doomed enemies}
]-* Super Arm Arm (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ROF 7(+2), CTR: Med, Clip 4 x 25, Chg 65 (60%: Overkill picks new)) {13/20 Hits with 2+ bullets} [5D 2E 2S]
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 59/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit [Doom Resist: Max] (L6 Arm, H 59/120) | ** Demo Helm (L6 Hlm, H 58/120)
<>* Bucket Dimension (Use “Capture” to catch projectiles to expel back at the enemy at a later date)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune (Hearty Marks 1 Enemy, increasing their acc by +1 but adding 2nd heart drop chance, for 3 turns)
8449 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 250|Shd 100
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 1|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 6
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Default - Item]-
K1XK1N9 "Enterthekicks" [Whyna]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
"Sephiroth" (Health: 2050/2200) [Saucce]
A-9 | B-2 | R-7
]-** Mire Crossbow [UV: Damage Med] (L6 Shd Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 9(+1), x.5 initial Reload, CTR: Low, Clip: 3 x 129, Chg 3 x 166, Good chance of Minor Poison, On Charge: Slight chance of Minor Sleep) {0/10 Full Clip Hits}
]-** Spat-O-War (L6 Nrm Swd, H 88/120, Acc +7, CSPD +6, CTR: Low, Com 121/126/136/141, Chg 481 (15 + Acc (24)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {20/20 Status Effects: Crackling Bacon Grease (721 damage, Good Chance of Strong Fire, ally team has +3 Fire Stacking and on all attacks: Slight Chance of Minor Fire for 3 turns) ready!}
]- --
]- --
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
8125 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 1 - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180 [5% Heart Efficiency | 10% Revive Efficiency]
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
DMG Weapon+0
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
PAD-103 "Mute" (Health: 375/1600) [Magmaul-Ace]
A-8 | B-5 | R-7
]-** Magic Orb (L6 Ele Bomb, H 88/120, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 218 (up to 5, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 256 (up to 13, Good Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {6/10 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [2S]
]-** Meteotillery (L7 Nrm Bmb, H 30/140, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 250 (up to 4), Chg 344 (up to 11), no Back Row penalty) {9/25 Second+ Enemy Hits} [E2 S2]
]-** Doom Watch (L1 Shd Bomb, H 0/20, Acc +6, ArmSpd 2, QAt: 234 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor Doom), Chg: 320 (up to 8, Fair Chance of Minor Doom)) {0/5 dodged Doomed enemies}
]-** Cannon Puppy "Lightbulb" (L1 Nrm Bmb, H 0/20, Charge deploys Cannon Puppy (A8/B0/R6 Turret, 110+5% Machinaut HP (+0 Heat = 190 HP), Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF) {0/40 Turns Active} (HP 190/190)
[]** Support Shield (L1 Shd, H 0/20, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}** Demo Suit (L6 Arm, H 88/120) [2R] | ** Demo Helm [Pierce Med] (L6 Hlm, H 87/120) [2R]
<>** Power Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (twice each); each Boost increases damage by 30% and targets by 3)
<>** Advanced Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Super Vial/3 turns)
15993 Crowns - 2 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 300|Prc 100|Ele 300|Shd 0
Fire 4|Freeze 4|Shock 6|Poison 4|Stun 4|Curse 4|Sleep 4|Doom 4
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
903:99ASSASSIN (Health: 1330/1600) [Herozenzero]
A-8 | B-4 | R-8
]-** Flourish (L1 Prc Swd, H H 0/20, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 7(+4), Com 146/225Nrm/146/225Nrm/176, Chg 240+240+270+580Nrm) {0/15 Attacks Evaded}
]-** Ray Shamshir “Slash" (L1 Ele Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 6(+4), Cmb: 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/190, Chg: 506 & 580Nrm (Charge has no back row penalty)) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo: Cut Down (285 Ele, -1 Reload Time/Combo Delay) ready!}
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L1 Shd Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+4), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken}
]-** Cutter (L1 Nrm Swd, H 0/20, Acc +7, CSPD 9(+4), Com: 104(26)/112(28)/225Nrm/120(30)/225Nrm/128(32)/136(34) (Blur Strike pierces defense), Chg 178/190/202/214/226/580Nrm) {0/20 Attacks beyond first combo}
[]** Non-Shield (L1 Shd, H 0/20, HP 50, Nrm 100|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
{}** Wolver Coat (L1 Arm, H 0/20) | ** Wolver Cap (L1 Hlm, H 0/20)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
1193 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - 1 Variant Ticket x 2 - -
Nrm 300|Prc 300|Ele 0|Shd 0
Fire 0|Freeze 2|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
M4g1k [Snakey-One]
Still crafting. Refer to this post to craft your gear and return to the game!
E-304 (Health: 2200/2200) [Arylide]
A-6 | B-3 | R-9
]-** Redwood Lumberdirk (L6 Pc/El Swd, H 88/120, Acc +6, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Cmb 125/125/125/165, Chg 399 (8%: Backstab x5)) {20/20 Supereffective Hits: Element of Surprise (1197 damage, Party ignores 25% enemy Defense for 3 turns)}
]-** Mire Crossbow (L6 Shd Gun, H 88/120/100, Acc +7, ROF 9, x.5 initial Reload, CTR: Low, Clip: 3 x 118, Chg 3 x 151, Good chance of Minor Poison, On Charge: Slight chance of Minor Sleep) {3/10 Full Clip Hits}
]- --
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Medisuit (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180 [5% Heart Efficiency | 10% Revive Efficiency]
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Matikclocker X!
Matikclocker M-OVC-2002 Battle Robot (Health: 1250/1000) [Matikclocker]
A-6(+1) | B-8(+1) | R-6(+1)
]-** Calibur (L7 Nrm Swd, H 118/140, Acc +7, CSPD 5, CTR: Low, Cmb 200/200/250, Chg 510 (30% +1 target, 30% +2 target, 15% extra hit (75% extra hit vs. Turret)) {12/25 Sword Hits}
]-** Cryotech Alchemer (L7 Ele Gun, H 118/140, Acc +7, ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 2 x 127, Chg 275 + 2 splitshots (5% internal split), Good Chance of Moderate Freeze) {2/15 Ricochet/Splitshot Targets}
[]** Defender (L7 Shd, H 118/140, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L7 Arm, H 118/140)| ** Cobalt Helm (L7 Hlm, H 118/140)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
6590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - - KO METER: [|||||||...........]
Nrm (450)350|Prc (280)180|Ele (280)180|Shd (280)180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
--SPECIAL: Cannot be revived! If destroyed, a new Matikclocker will arrive in 2 turns--
[OVERCLOCK METER: ....] (Gain 1 point after winning a battle, 1 point per extra turn waiting to deploy)
(X MODE requires full meter, adds +1 all stats, MHP/4 Temp HP, 100 to all defenses)
(Can use 1 point to add +1 to Reflex, MHP/8 Temp HP, 100 Normal defense)
BETA-01911 (Health: 1850/2000) [Dreathuxy]
A-5 | B-8 | R-7
]-** Spat-O-War (L6 Nrm Swd, H 88/120, Acc +7, CSPD +6, CTR: Low, Com 121/126/136/141, Chg 481 (15 + Acc (19)% Chance to Flip for 2x damage), on Flip: Good Chance of Minor Stun x 3) {0/20 Status Effects}
]-** Wallbreaker [UV: Charge Med] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, ROF 2, CTR: Low, Clip 1 x 341, Chg 549 (20%: Meatshot x1.5 damage)) {0/10 Acc-Based Bonus Damage}
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - -
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Nano2Nano (Health: 2000/2000) [Nanonizer]
A-7 | B-4 | R-9
]-** Lode Javelin (L6 Nm/Pc Swd, H 88/120, Acc +8, CSPD +3, CTR: Low, Com 185/215, Chg 335/335 instantly) {0/20 individual projectiles dodged}
]-** Cryotech Alchemer (L6 Ele Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 2 x 127, Chg 275 + 2 splitshots (5% internal split), Good Chance of Moderate Freeze) {0/15 Ricochet/Splitshot Targets}
[]** Defender (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 500/500, Nrm 200|Prc 100|Ele 100|Shd 100)
{}** Cobalt Armor (L6 Arm, H 88/120)| ** Cobalt Helm (L6 Hlm, H 88/120)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
8590 Crowns - 28 Warrior Points - - - KO METER: [..................]
Nrm 350|Prc 180|Ele 180|Shd 180
Fire 0|Freeze 0|Shock 0|Poison 0|Stun 0|Curse 0|Sleep 0|Doom 0
ASI: Med (Guns)
CTR Weapon+0
-[Standard Attack - Charge Attack - Defend - Item]-
Total Crowns Earned: 11077
-Prologue: 636
-Chapter 1: 10441
-Chapter 2: 7783 (+26 WP)
1 Super Fire Vial [**]
2 Doom Vial [0*]
1 Freeze Vial [0*]
1 Health Capsule (+60 HP) [0*]
4 Mecha Turret Kits [0*]
2 Poison Vial [0*]
2 Reconaissignals [0*]
4 Shock Vials [0*]
1 Stun Vial [0*]
6 * Beast Scales
14 * Ripped-Up Wanted Posters
12 * Emptied Clips
38 * Gel Drops
15 * Brimstone
5 * Scrap Metal
23 * Grave Soil
12 * Spark Plugs
11 * Cheap Gunpowder
10 * Sharp Fangs
13 * Rock Chips
8 ** Owlite Feathers
16 ** Forbidden Fruit
16 ** Chitin Frags
8 ** Waste Modules
16 ** Power Cells
2 ** Ammo Boxes
4 ** Swordstones
8 ** Iron Gears
8 ** Fuel Canisters
3 ** Gremlin Gizmos
5 ** Frayed Fabric
4 ** Translocation Residue
3 ** Cooling Cells
9 ** Physics Applicators
10 ** Dead Gold
-Key Items-
Old Cipher (An old drive containing some kind of complicated deciphering program; the letters "H.E.Z." are embossed on the drive. It was used to decipher the Audio Log you found.)
HEZ Audio Log I (An old Gremlin-made Audio Log found in the Viskouza base in the Torchbellow Ruins. Click the link to see what it said.)
-Unused Gear-
]-Cloudy Orb (L9 Nrm Bomb, H31/50, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po), Chg 32 (up to 10, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [6D 2S]
]-Static Flash (L10 Nrm Bmb, H MAX, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 16 (up to 2), Chg 28 (up to 7, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {0/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {0/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
]-* Sharpened Lumberdirk (L5 Pc/El Swd, H53/55, Acc +6 (+1), CSPD 8(+1), CTR: Low, Com 15/15/15/23, Chg 32 (8%: Backstab x5 damage) {4/20 Supereffective Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]-* Bog Repeater (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Kat Claw (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Blast Charge (L5 Nrm Bomb, H52/55, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 27 (up to 5), Chg 50 (up to 11)) {3/15 Charge Attacks} [5D]
]-* Shiny Shards (L10 Pc/El Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 8(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 4x16 shraps, Chg 8x28 shraps, 17% all shards to main target, 64% each shard hits new foe) {0/10 3+ Shraps hit target} [6D 2E 2S]
]-* Lil' Gelato (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+ 80 Heat) (111) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {2/40 Turns Active} [D5 H5] (HP 95/95)
]-* Heavy Hatchet "Best Bud" [UV: v. Gremlin Med] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 2(+2), CTR: Low, Com 44/30/45/30 (15%: +1 target) [52/36/53/36 to Gremlins], Chg 92 (30%: +1 target) [108 to Gremlins]) {0/10 Extra Sword Targets} [D8 E2]
]-* Six-Shooter "2S" (L8 Nrm Gun, H35/85, Acc +6(+1), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 25, Chg 6 x 23 + 43) {4/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E1]
]-Plywood Lumberdirk (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 8(+2), CTR: Med, Com 16/16/16/22, Chg 32 (7%: Backstab x5 damage) {8/20 Supereffective Hits} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Apprentice Orb (L10 Ele Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 27 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 42 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Lil' Gelato [UV: Damage Low] (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+126 Heat) (155) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x28 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {11/40 Turns Active} [H9 D1]
]-** Pulsar [Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7(+2), ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 3x127 (up to 3), Chg: 255 (up to 5)) {--/15 triple-target shots} [2E]
]-** Featherbow (L6 Prc Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage}
]-** Monster Buster (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 7, CTR: Low, Clip 4x115, Chg 577 (60% chance to carry Overkill)) {9/20 Hits with 2+ Bullets}
[]Proto Non-Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 12/12, Nrm 5|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]Plank (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 35/35, Nrm 22|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D1]
[]Proto Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 25/25, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
[]Proto Shield (L8 Shd, H11/45, HP 32/32, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, +0.5 All Resistances) [D1 H6 R1]
[]Proto Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 21/27, Nrm 30|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]** Owlite Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 450/450 Nrm 150|Prc 0|Ele 400|Shd 0 (Resistance: 2 vs. All)) [2R]
[]** Support Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}Ex-Motocross Plate Mail (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn + 1, Slp - 1, ASD -1) [D1]
{}Rusty Brigandine (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Kevlar Knock-Off (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
{}Cruddy Cuirass (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Asbestos Armor (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Fir -1)
{}Badly Battered Brigandine (L10 Arm, HMax) [D1]
{}Base Mail (L1 Arm, H0/15)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L6 Armor, H 88/120)
/\Iron Plate Bucket (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn +1, Slp - 1 ASD -1) [D1]
/\Old Mecha-Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25) [D1]
/\Compute-O-Vision (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Shk - 1)
/\* Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
/\Man With A Moon (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D1]
/\* Warm Hat (L8 Arm, H5/85) [6D 2R]
/\** Desperado Hat (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Knight Bracer (Can take incoming hits for allies below 10% HP, cannot evade hits taken for allies)
<>* Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Vial/3 turns)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
14 Sparks of Life
-Known Recipes-
* {Heavy Hatchet, Kat Claw, Metal Fists, SmallCalibur, Tempered Dueling Sword, Weighted Anchor, Weighted Frying Pan, Apprentistick, Heightened Plasmator, Overclocked Light Scope, Pummel Gun, Six-Shooter, Super Arm Arm, Apprentice Orb, Asteroid Bomb Mk II, Lil' Gelato, Lil' Wiz, Shiny Shards, Bolted Non-Shield, Bone Shield, Tough Plank, Base Mail, Hefty Plate Armor, Vitasuit, Base Helm, Hefty Plate Helm, Vitacap, Warm Hat, Bomber Gauntlets, Bucket Dimension, Default Coil, Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution, Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Periodic Block of Elements, Risk Vs. Reload, Rocket Boots, Knight Bracer}
** {Calibur, Cutter, Energy Saber, Flourish, Iron Knuckles, Katscratch, Ray Shamshir, Snarl of Cerberus, Spat-O-War, Autogun, Catalyzer, Featherbow, Mire Crossbow, Monster Buster, Pulsar, Wallbreaker, Cannon Puppy, Doom Watch, Magic Orb, Meteotillery, Surge Mail Polyp, Demo Suit, Desperado Jacket, Medisuit, Plate Armor, Wolver Coat, Cobalt Helm, Demo Helm, Desperado Hat, Plate Helm, Wolver Cap, Defender, Non-Shield, Owlite Shield, Support Shield, Advanced Periodic Block of Elements, Default Coil Mk II, Power Gauntlets, Title-Seeker Belt, True Knight Bracer}
"Well, it's going pretty- oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD!"
Matikclocker X saw that Ditto was downed. Matikclocker thought about the Ubercalibur.
"And that's why I hate the Ubercaliburs. Always finishing off our allies.."
Matikclocker X turned towards the party.
"We are having a big problem with D-07! Do something because I don't want to lose my X state!"
Then he turned towards Sephiroth.
"Pretty well, pretty well. Vengeance in the one turn. Nice!"
(Charge Calibur)