I push Trobolta into a giant meat grinder. Then I make hamburgers out of his meat and sell it to people for 10ce each. I use the ce to buy more cookies which I bury under the knight graveyard. Then I pop on my recon cloak and disappear into the distant sunset.
Comes back out of the sewers after a day
urgh .... <:I
A brief shower later and I grave rob Frocus' cookie stash.
I push Trobolta into another meat giant meat grinder. I then incinerate each piece of him, and shoot all the incinerated ashes individually on different rockets to different parts of the galaxy. I take his cookies, and hide them under the sewers *yum!*
Is suddenly next to Venom. "Oh hey, didnt realize you'd look for real me after you pulverized fake me. No matter," Punts Vemon into the sewer water and steals all her cookies whilst i make a run for it.
on the field when i missed. The missed modded arrow (mach 2, instant kill, 9001 knock-back) hits Venom, it sends him flying and the cookie lands near me, it looks very bad so, I shot it. I cook another cookie and gives it to the next poster.
Thanks for the cookie!
*TAKES TROBOLTAS BODY AND INCINERATES IT* And steals another cookie. Imma not a her. *STAB STAB* And to finish your dead body off again.... http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/175/722/IMMA_FIRIN_MA_L...
Miraculously comes back to life but feels pain everywhere. Pulls out a knife that's still stuck in me and stabs Venom in the head. Taking the cookie for my self. All mine again~!
Those a noose around your neck. Chokes the cookie out of you. I bet you never saw that coming. The cookie is mine now.
Unhangs myself and tackles Iamnoone to the ground. Plucks the cookie from him again and runs for it.
Grabs Trobolta's ankles. You aren't getting that far. Fights for the cookie.
After trading tremendous amounts of hits, I come out as the victor and claim the cookie as my prize.
Nukes you and the cookie. Goes and finds Mrs Fields and gets a new one.
Revives from radiation mutation and has actually preserved the cookie like a cockroach.
"Heh, let's see that jerk get this now,"
you get hit in the crotch by a random orange. i laugh.
Stands up as much as possible. Writhing all the while. Still holding onto the preserved cookie.
"Still ..... miiiine"
i hit you in the crotch AGAIN
and take the cookie!
Just lays on Ground Zero, writhing so much and attending to my privates.
i drop an angry squirrel on you and watch as it goes ape rage on you...i laugh as i'm enjoying my cookie....but i'm not done yet! call right now, and i'll drop an anvil on this guy! *picks up phone, and drops anvil on Trobolta*
Removes the anvil and shakily tries to get the cookie from Fallconn.
Grabs A OP VRL and shoots Fallconn AND Iamnoone And I took Iamnoone's cookie and destroyed it. You get Fallconn's.
Still holding that rapidly firing RPG, I shoot you in the eye and take the cookie while you're not looking.
i pickpocket the cookie from Iam and walk away feelin' like a boss.
Forces Fallconn the cookie after he suddenly has an urge to visit the the only surviving and Falcon-Punch impervious restroom and the fee was 1 cookie. Locks Fallconn in the room and make a run for it with the cookie.
so, i calmly leave the restroom, fly over to you grab the cookie, burn you to a crisp and fly away....
Grabs on to your cape Batman. Swings my feet up under you and kicks you in the face. Takes you out of flight. Grabs the cookie while you're still seeing stars and doesn't know what hit you. Runs into a subway station and jumps on a train with the cookie.
Was disguised in trench coat in the empty train and stabs Iamnoone for the cookie. Steals the cookie and walks out the train and station, leaving Iamoone to bleed to death.
Summons jelly minions to drown Trobolta in jelly, then snatches the cookie from Trobolta's flailing hand and rides away on pet Snarbolax
Snarby suffers rabies and bites Blue's arm, making him release the cookie and giving him rabies.
Has molded the jellies into Jelly Armor and takes the cookie for myself again.
Injects antidote to Snarby Rabies, and sets off self destruct on the jellies so that Trobolta is blown to bits. Miraculously, the cookie is unharmed, and Bluejaylai catches it then gets on a Snipe-Copter and flies away
The snipe explodes from Blue's weight, dismembering him in the process. My seemingly dismembered hand catches the cookie before unharmed me rises from the rubble.
I headshot Trobolta and the cookie (by mistake) So, since ATM to noway to cook it, I made a chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and put it in a 5 gallon tub. (try to get me before i eat the ice cream)
Kicks you in the head for shooting the cookies. I don't want ice cream. I want a cookie. On my way to the bakery I see a young child holding one. I walk right up to him and take that cookie out of his hand. I say it's my cookie now and walk away leaving him crying.
Signals Iamnoone that Varm has cookie flavored ice cream.
Bluejaylai is brought back to life by a Dark Ritual, and uses his zombie powers to steal both the icecream and the cookie by eating Iamnoone, Varm, and Trobolta's brains
My brain becomes too powerful for Blue to handle and he subsequently explodes. My brain is reinserted and i take the cookie based products for myself.
I re-spawned, and assassinated Trobolta with a knife. And I took the cookie, and gets a spartan laser.
Stands up still with the knife clearly lodged into my back.
"Awhh man that hurt ....." Pulls it out and stabs Varm's face in.
Steals the cookie back for myself.
You fell to the pit of death, the cookie was on the ground. I took it. (if you want it back, say hit in the hit and miss thread)
Steps on Varm's hand. DON'T TOUCH THAT COOKIE, I yell. Hits Varm in the face with my knee. Pistol whips with the butt of my gun. Shoots Varm's head off. Picks up the cookie and hides it under my coat. Hijacks a near by car and drives away with the cookie.
i bust through the window, slap you senseless with a dead fish, i throw you out the car at 90 miles an hour, i watch as you get hit by a bus, then you are run over by several other cars, i drive away with the feeling content >:D
but me, being quite insane, fire myself from a cannon into your windshield, i take the cookie from your mush, and hide in in Tac Nayn's lair.
Breaks into the lair, passes through all the security and steals the cookie and makes my way out.
Sets off security inside the lair and when your exhausted body comes out, I steal the cookie and run away to a mythical country
Trips you on your journey and grabs the cookie before traveling back to the multiverse.
I'll trade you a chocolate bar for the cookie.
As you hand me the cookie...
PSYCH...swipes the cookie and runs.
Tackles Iamnoone into the ground and pins him down in an awkward position. "Well ... this is odd ..." Plucks the cookie from him as he seem dazed for a moment and I make a run for it too.
I kill trobolta by booming friday into his ear till his ears bleed and his entire body explodes, then i burn the remainders and throw the cookie into the core again were the swarm ( who have taken over the core when i last let them into it ) turns it into a swarm-cookie which kills anyone who steals it.
Buys another cookie from the vending machine.
What? We just buy another for everyone to steal if the last is condemned.
So ... sup ToxiClone?
Punches him out, punches real Toxi out and steals the cookie from him.