Granted I dress up as him and make up horrible games.
I wish I would win frag-fest.
Granted I dress up as him and make up horrible games.
I wish I would win frag-fest.
but you only got 1 ce
i wish for the the next person to wish for a hot dog
Granted. I wish for a hot dog that was made out of Fireherat and after I got it I burnt it on the barbecue.
I wish someone would pee in Gzilla's wheaties.
Granted I do and throw them at you.
I wish someone would eat Iamnoone's cookie, and all of his GC games.
i put lamnooe cookie and gc gameswhatever that is into the trash bin put youi it and throw into lava
i wish i had minecraft for life
You have minecraft for life and spend your entire life doing nothing but playing minecraft. You smell because you never take a shower and lose all your friends because you stink.
Granted but I hit you and another bird with one stone.
I wish Iamnoone wished for something
I wish I could find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
Granted but the leprechaun that owns it beats you up.
I wish that I could know everything.
You know so much your head explodes.
I wish I was good at LD
Granted, but you get banned for kicking to much !@%
I wish I could generate accessories at will.
Granted but you sell them for a much lower price then at AH.
I wish Damastaa didn't look like Fallconn, it's confusing.
then fallcomn chage his pic to you and then everyone beat you up for making that wish.
i wish that i had minecraft for life and the did stuff besides just playing minecraft for life
Granted you went back in time to the beta days and buying in for life for a one time low price, to pay for the servers, but the site failed and you were stuck with a dead site.
I wish I could give Fireherat my for life account that I never use.
Granted but he rejects it and spits in your face.
I wish I didn't wreck that party in 2011
Granted, But since you didn't wreck the party you weren't there and you get hit by a car.
I wish I knew how to make stuff out of wood.
Granted, but you are now stuck in Minecraft.
I wish I could sport.
Granted. You sport the coolest threads ever.
I wish I had a box of chocolates right now.
but the food was poisoned and you died of eating one
i wish the the price for minecraft was $1
but now there are more noobs in minecraft than skilled players because so many people could buy it.
I wish I had a Wii U.
Granted, but there are no games yet.
I wish I was a recurring MLP: FIM character
but he turn evil in 2 days that he killed you.
i wish that i have a 3ds and kingdom hearts dream drop distance
granted, but i steal it because i also want one.
i wish for something nice, shiny, and not bad for my health.
You get a shot in your arm,
I wish people would stop trying to steal my fame.
Granted. Your fame is shame.
I wish I could stay home and play all day.
You can, but no things are logged. Every time you stand up, you must restart everything.
I wish that I was in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, as I am a Brony.
The ponies don't know what a brony is and thus are afraid of them, so they wage all out war on you (of course they won't film it though, so you'll be marked missing.)
I wish for a better computer.
Granted but i blow it up with a Grenade launcher.
I wish that LoN would release a new chapter.
It was the worst chapter ever written.
I wish for 2 days in a row without rain.
but it dont rain for 2 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wish that minecraft made the mod HEROBRINE to go away
They did and now mod HEROBRINE lives with you and rules your home.
I wish summer would never end.
Granted. But you would die of dehydration because of the strong amount of solar radiation and low air humidity. Or other possible climate problems depending on where you live.
i wish i had a real divine avenger.
But you are not worthy enough to wield it, so it would immediately transform to GF.
I wish i would be a plant.
Granted. Flies and lice infest your head and in no time at all they multiple, build large cities and began to have sewer and waste management problems. An all out war erupts and they bomb each others cities. They cause environmental damage and severe planet destruction during the war.
I wish I had a candy bar right now.
A candy bar flies through the air and goes through your eye.
I wish I was rich.
You are rich but riches can be measured in many areas. You my friend have wealth in skittles.
I wish I could either go back in time or move forward in time but not have to be in the present.
and you get no presents at Christmas or your birthday. Oh, and the only way to go forward in time is to hide in an oven until the timer rings. The only way back involves massive, irreversible dismemberment. XD
I wish I knew what to wish for. :(
Granted. You know you must wish for a slow, painful death.
I wish for Tourettes guy to make another video.
granted. he makes a video of you pooping on da couch
I wish for nothing
your dirty life bears fruits of nothing. XD
I wish I liked cashews.
granted. You now like moldy, pokey, acidic cashews. Youeat them for all your meals and snacks. 2 days later, you die
I wish for a bottle of pure rainwater
Granted!!! Your Bottle of Pure Rainwater becomes a Bottle of Pure Air because it has a hole in the bottom of it.
I wish Steam for Linux would come out sooner rather than later.
Granted. The only game it has can cause a very bad virus named somewhat threatening smallpox and kill you.
I wish for sk to lower ce costs by 3000 crowns
Inflation occurs and the GMs decide to lower crown generation by 50% to make up for the low ce price.
I wish the Nyko PlayPad would come out 3 weeks early.
Granted. But they've installed a new Validous defense system.
I wish I was Vanguard already.
Granted but it took so long for already to get here that everyone else got bored of the game and stopped playing. No one was here to notice.
I wish school hadn't started so everyone could still playing here all day.
School was delayed,but since that you have to pay a fee of 1000 crowns each day to play...
l wish i had a microwave fan.
granted. a microwave is now stalking you.
i wish for a fish in a fish bowl with water.
it was replaced by an more evil person.
I wish for Iamnoone to come back.